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Joey Barton : Feminist

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20 hours ago, Wolfie said:

There you go again: you've highlighted in bold one extra 'm' in 'commment' – which means you've also just flawlessly executed the precise point I was making about you here:

Perhaps next time, like you, I'll be less spontaneous and fastidiously run everything through spellcheck, so as to not provide you with the only bit of ammo you've seemingly got left. My post above sums you up rather well, don't you think, you incredibly boring, one-dimensional wanker?

Readers will be aware that this effluent is a great example of a contributor who is, by his own admission, letting things wash over his head, and generally conducting himself in a Zen-like manner more usually seen in orange-clad men dotted about on a Tibetan hillside (and no, I don’t mean @King Billy on his holidays).

Any suggestion that this timid invective is actually the work of the Corner’s Ronnie Pickering, charging about the place in his metaphorical Citroen Picasso, picking fights every few hours with anyone he takes a dislike to for holding up a mirror to his own inadequacy, is of course wide of the mark and perhaps open to legal redress.

For the record, these are most definitely the calm and considered writings of a man truly at ease with how life has turned out for him, rather than, as has been so wickedly suggested, the ill-tempered discharge of a middle-aged Cuck who thinks an hour pounding the heavy bag in the garage every morning will keep him hung, virile and relevant. 

I don’t know who I feel sorry for the most; the dogs or the teenagers. 


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4 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Readers will be aware that this effluent is a great example of a contributor who is, by his own admission, letting things wash over his head, and generally conducting himself in a Zen-like manner more usually seen in orange-clad men dotted about on a Tibetan hillside (and no, I don’t mean @King Billy on his holidays).

Any suggestion that this timid invective is actually the work of the Corner’s Ronnie Pickering, charging about the place in his metaphorical Citroen Picasso, picking fights every few hours with anyone he takes a dislike to for holding up a mirror to his own inadequacy, is of course wide of the mark and perhaps open to legal redress.

For the record, these are most definitely the calm and considered writings of a man truly at ease with how life has turned out for him, rather than, as has been so wickedly suggested, the ill-tempered discharge of a middle-aged Cuck who thinks a hour pounding the heavy bag in the garage every morning will keep him hung, virile and relevant. 

I don’t know who I feel sorry for the most; the dogs or the teenagers. 


No skin in the game, enjoying the kerfuffle. But…this is absolutely fucking dreadful. I blame Messrs Vasse & Felix…failing that, Doc…you’ve just made a spectacular cunt of yourself.

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4 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Readers will be aware that this effluent is a great example of a contributor who reports he is definitely letting things wash over his head, and generally conducting himself in a Zen-like manner more usually seen in orange-clad men dotted about on a Tibetan hillside (and no, I don’t mean @King Billy on his holidays). Any suggestion that this timid invective is actually the work of the Corner’s Ronnie Pickering, charging about the place in his metaphorical Citroen Picasso, picking fights every few hours with anyone he takes a dislike to, is of course wide of the mark. These are most definitely the calm and considered writings of a man truly at ease with how life has turned out for him, rather than the ill-tempered discharge of a middle-aged Cuck who thinks a hour pounding the heavy bag in the garage every morning will keep him hung, virile and relevant. 

I don’t know who I feel sorry for the most; the dogs or the teenagers. 


Oh no, another lexical error in bold! Tsk-tsk.

This is precisely the kind of shit you've been doing for the past couple of months. Readers will be aware of exactly what I'm talking about.

Pitiful, Doc, isn't it?

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3 hours ago, Wolfie said:

Oh no, another lexical error in bold! Tsk-tsk.

This is precisely the kind of shit you've been doing for the past couple of months. Readers will be aware of exactly what I'm talking about.

Pitiful, Doc, isn't it?

Which readers are these?

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5 hours ago, Wolfie said:

Oh no, another lexical error in bold! Tsk-tsk.

This is precisely the kind of shit you've been doing for the past couple of months. Readers will be aware of exactly what I'm talking about.

Pitiful, Doc, isn't it?

In a former life, DNR meant “Do Not Resuscitate”. In this case it means Definitely Not Rattled. 

Because he certainly isn’t folks. Absolutely not. 

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12 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Funnily enough, in sampling the recent work of VF, I have similar thoughts. Almost bad enough to flog to Tesco next time they are in town.

Chin chin. 

Some Aussie tart from Adelaide told me, yesterday that only the SW whites were worth a carrot and for rouge it’s Barossa or bust. I disagreed.

Incidentally, while we’re all boring each other with grammar jibes, it’s ’cin cin’.

Edited by Mrs Roops
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27 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

How’d the Christmas trade go this year, Bill? A good December and January in Barbados, perhaps?

December in London ‘flogging dead trees’ (as The Vulcan likes to say), then Christmas and New Year frantically counting the cash and trying (with my limited ability as a ‘thicko’) to work out whether or not I’ve earned enough to possibly survive until next Christmas on the proceeds of my annual three weeks of what to me is extremely hard graft.

At the moment it’s looking like I’ll just about be able to make it till late November.

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14 hours ago, King Billy said:

December in London ‘flogging dead trees’ (as The Vulcan likes to say), then Christmas and New Year frantically counting the cash and trying (with my limited ability as a ‘thicko’) to work out whether or not I’ve earned enough to possibly survive until next Christmas on the proceeds of my annual three weeks of what to me is extremely hard graft.

At the moment it’s looking like I’ll just about be able to make it till late November.

Good man. And the knocking shop? Inflation biting? Footfall down? Any militancy among the Kiev contingent? Have the Orange Lodge been round with the collection tin? Do keep us posted. 

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9 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Have the Orange Lodge been round with the collection tin? Do keep us posted. 

They’ll get nothing from me if they do Doc. I’ve converted to Islam over the New year and can’t wait for the 72 virgins and permanent boner when I pop my clogs (sorry sandals, I’m still not quite up to speed with the flying carpet bollocks) and ‘head off’ (no pun intended) upstairs for eternity.

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34 minutes ago, King Billy said:

They’ll get nothing from me if they do Doc. I’ve converted to Islam over the New year and can’t wait for the 72 virgins and permanent boner when I pop my clogs (sorry sandals, I’m still not quite up to speed with the flying carpet bollocks) and ‘head off’ (no pun intended) upstairs for eternity.

Can I presume then you’ve amended the wall mural? Surely the big red hand is now just a single finger pointed skywards, and the Union Flag is now black with Arabic scrawl. Big Arlene would look better in a burka, granted. 

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11 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

It’s Qing Qing in the original Mandarin, smartarse. 

And yes, the only SW white I never enjoyed was fucking Jethro. 

Either way up…it ain’t ‘chin chin’ Doc. The Maggie River reds I had were just fine for me to be honest. They did result in me writing off a hire car down there but then I was green and in my salad days…

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On 05/01/2024 at 23:44, Last Cunt Standing said:

but from what I am reading elsewhere, Barton appears to have had some sort of stroke.

Joey Barton's younger brother is called Michael Barton. Michael is 34-years-old but was just 17 when he was sent to prison for his involvement in the killing of Black teenager Anthony Walker in 2005. He was granted parole 17 years later, in September 2023, after seeing his sentence reduced in 2016. @Last Cunt Standing that's who the Barton's are, & you're not. Fuck you.

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1 hour ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Can I presume then you’ve amended the wall mural? Surely the big red hand is now just a single finger pointed skywards, and the Union Flag is now black with Arabic scrawl. Big Arlene would look better in a burka, granted. 

🎶And it’s on 9/11 I like to wear the burka my mother wore🎶

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2 hours ago, Greg said:

Joey Barton's younger brother is called Michael Barton. Michael is 34-years-old but was just 17 when he was sent to prison for his involvement in the killing of Black teenager Anthony Walker in 2005. He was granted parole 17 years later, in September 2023, after seeing his sentence reduced in 2016. @Last Cunt Standing that's who the Barton's are, & you're not. Fuck you.

You what mate?

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On 12/01/2024 at 22:09, Last Cunt Standing said:

Can I presume then you’ve amended the wall mural? Surely the big red hand is now just a single finger pointed skywards, and the Union Flag is now black with Arabic scrawl. Big Arlene would look better in a burka, granted. 

I’m ahead of the curve Doc (as usual). Word on the Shankhill Rd. is that an AI cyborg calling himself Imam Ian al Paisley, with realistic Islamic beard, sandals and a six year old wife will be turning up anyday soon to announce the immediate end of the ‘fire and brimstone’ era and the introduction of ‘Sharia law’ to set the oppressed bible thumping Protestants free.at last.

The Loyalist Club in Rumfort St. has already applied for planning permission to be remodelled in the style of The Kaaba. The Shankhill Butchers will be spinning in their graves if they’re looking down (or up depending which foot one happens to kick with).



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On 12/01/2024 at 23:36, Dyslexic cnut said:

Either way up…it ain’t ‘chin chin’ Doc. The Maggie River reds I had were just fine for me to be honest. They did result in me writing off a hire car down there but then I was green and in my salad days…

Happy new year DC.

Fuck off.

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Guest Basil
On 12/01/2024 at 23:38, Greg said:

Joey Barton's younger brother is called Michael Barton. Michael is 34-years-old but was just 17 when he was sent to prison for his involvement in the killing of Black teenager Anthony Walker in 2005. He was granted parole 17 years later, in September 2023, after seeing his sentence reduced in 2016. @Last Cunt Standing that's who the Barton's are, & you're not. Fuck you.

Ghastly little scrote. Go away, I hear Yemen is nice this time of year.

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