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Possible Huw Edwards return ?

Guest entitled little cunt

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On 03/08/2024 at 11:39, Mrs Roops said:

Your image of a redacted first page of a Spanish Deed of Conveyance doesn't explain why you asserted your imaginary property was 30-40 miles inland from the beach on an island some thirty miles in diameter. The document doesn't prove anything. However, your knee-jerk reaction does highlight your incompetence in anything you touch - you simply can't do anything right. You do realise that you have published a confidential Foreign Identity (card) Number (NIE) together with issue and expiry date? With my contacts I could obtain the card holder's name, occupation and photographic ID. You couldn't make this ineptness up. Oh, hang on - you just did.

No worries KB, I realise your actions were a result of you being a retard bereft of brain rather than malice. I have deleted the image from the forum and gallery.

Stay warm.

Roops, love. You’re up to your old tricks again. You’d originally contested as to whether or not Billy owned an overseas property which he’s sort of proved that he has, (remember his covid foreign travel debate where you got your arse handed to you?) Now that you’ve pretty much lost that argument you are trying to sidetrack the issue by pettily and pedantically highlighting minutiae as a diversionary tactic. You’ve got form for this technique, you’re good at it to be honest. So now you’re questioning whether documentation is actually Billy’s and suggesting he’s a retard for posting it. Then you’re banging on about the diameter of the island which, given your own scandalously poor geographical track record on here is, quite frankly deliciously ironic. Wind your fucking neck in…and while your at it, de-mod me you heavy-handed harridan.

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Fucking hell, it's the first time I've actually bothered to read this topic's intro, having hitherto avoided it for obvious reasons.

This is quite possibly the worst attempt at satire I've seen for some while. I'm glad the stupid prick is dead. It pleases me greatly to envisage the frustration he must be feeling right now, knowing he can't unleash his diarrhoea on one of the net's freest sites with all the current affairs unfolding.

ELC: know I hate you passionately. I hope your head's turned purple with the sheer exasperation you must be feeling from the depths of your scummy pie 'n' mash, beer & spunk-stained 70s TV chair. Kill yourself. 

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19 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

Fucking hell, it's the first time I've actually bothered to read this topic's intro, having hitherto avoided it for obvious reasons.

This is quite possibly the worst attempt at satire I've seen for some while. I'm glad the stupid prick is dead. It pleases me greatly to envisage the frustration he must be feeling right now, knowing he can't unleash his diarrhoea on one of the net's freest sites with all the current affairs unfolding.

ELC: know I hate you passionately. I hope your head's turned purple with the sheer exasperation you must be feeling from the depths of your scummy pie 'n' mash, beer & spunk-stained 70s TV chair. Kill yourself. 

That was intense. 

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3 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Roops, love. You’re up to your old tricks again. You’d originally contested as to whether or not Billy owned an overseas property which he’s sort of proved that he has, (remember his covid foreign travel debate where you got your arse handed to you?) Now that you’ve pretty much lost that argument you are trying to sidetrack the issue by pettily and pedantically highlighting minutiae as a diversionary tactic. You’ve got form for this technique, you’re good at it to be honest. So now you’re questioning whether documentation is actually Billy’s and suggesting he’s a retard for posting it. Then you’re banging on about the diameter of the island which, given your own scandalously poor geographical track record on here is, quite frankly deliciously ironic. Wind your fucking neck in…and while your at it, de-mod me you heavy-handed harridan.

Eh? It might help if you actually read the discourse past and current :rolleyes:

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8 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

You don't have the authority (more so as an anonymous voice on the internet) to grant permission to reveal personal data that doesn't belong to you. In any case, if you’re so unconcerned why redact in the first place? The truth is that you took the trouble to redact but missed out the more pertinent information because you had no idea what an NIE card was despite allegedly possessing a 'Tarjeta de Residencia (NIE)'

Perhaps you might like to look at what time I logged on, read the garbage you’d posted about me and within a matter of minutes was able to post the document you say doesn’t belong to me, but strangely relates precisely to my property at the exact location I previously described. I’m still waiting for ‘your contacts’😂 to get back to you, but if for some reason they aren’t able to give you the information you require (or they don’t exist)🤥I’ll say again that I’m happy to post more clues to keep you up all night and help further your investigations.

Stay triggered 😘

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9 hours ago, scotty said:

Fucksake Bill, I thought you'd screwed the lid down on this particular can of worms. FFS. 😒

Sorry scotty. I gave it my best shot and didn’t reply to any of her shite, or mention her specifically in any other posts but unfortunately she couldn’t behave similarly, so please accept my genuine apology as I really did try. She’s digging herself into a massive fucking hole at the moment and tbh I’m quite enjoying watching the silly bitch’s attempts to pontificate her way out of an argument she realises she fucked up in starting.

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7 hours ago, Wolfie said:

Fucking hell, it's the first time I've actually bothered to read this topic's intro, having hitherto avoided it for obvious reasons.

This is quite possibly the worst attempt at satire I've seen for some while. I'm glad the stupid prick is dead. It pleases me greatly to envisage the frustration he must be feeling right now, knowing he can't unleash his diarrhoea on one of the net's freest sites with all the current affairs unfolding.

ELC: know I hate you passionately. I hope your head's turned purple with the sheer exasperation you must be feeling from the depths of your scummy pie 'n' mash, beer & spunk-stained 70s TV chair. Kill yourself. 

He definitely wasn’t strung right for this place, but I quite liked ELC in his own way. I should have created an open corner topic just for him to do his long winded rants with Harold. 
 Good luck ELC, wherever you are. You loony cunt.

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1 hour ago, Eric Cuntman said:

He definitely wasn’t strung right for this place, but I quite liked ELC in his own way. I should have created an open corner topic just for him to do his long winded rants with Harold. 
 Good luck ELC, wherever you are. You loony cunt.

You were in your ‘facilitating period’ you cunt.

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13 hours ago, King Billy said:

Sorry scotty. I gave it my best shot and didn’t reply to any of her shite, or mention her specifically in any other posts but unfortunately she couldn’t behave similarly, so please accept my genuine apology as I really did try. She’s digging herself into a massive fucking hole at the moment and tbh I’m quite enjoying watching the silly bitch’s attempts to pontificate her way out of an argument she realises she fucked up in starting.

Well, that's another fat porky you've told...

13 hours ago, King Billy said:

Perhaps you might like to look at what time I logged on, read the garbage you’d posted about me and within a matter of minutes was able to post the document you say doesn’t belong to me, but strangely relates precisely to my property at the exact location I previously described. I’m still waiting for ‘your contacts’😂 to get back to you, but if for some reason they aren’t able to give you the information you require (or they don’t exist)🤥I’ll say again that I’m happy to post more clues to keep you up all night and help further your investigations.

Stay triggered 😘

Indeed you did post "within minutes"...with an ancient device (you left the EXIF data on for the world to see). That you posted other peoples' paperwork was disturbing considering your living arrangements...but enough of me being excessively snobby, churlish and bitchy, back to business...

Ya moaning Mitty, still avoiding the elephants in the room...:rolleyes: 

Stay warm

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Edwards looks like a man fighting for his life.  We've all had our backs to the wall.  But not many of us with a £300,000 per year BBC pension paid for by the TV Licence.   Ha ha ha.  Our "socialist" Starmer and his "Labour" "cronies support that, no intention of changing it. 

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16 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

He definitely wasn’t strung right for this place, but I quite liked ELC in his own way. I should have created an open corner topic just for him to do his long winded rants with Harold. 
 Good luck ELC, wherever you are. You loony cunt.

Nah, I hope he's dead. The fact he couldn't do satire is beside the point; trying to debate with Mr Idiot was a bit like trying to have a dicussion with a deaf 12 year-old: no links or stats to backup anything he laid claim to... just the same, mundane, one-sided quickfire racist bullshit.

And he was disrepectful, the analogy of which is being invited to someone's house and taking a shit with the door open. When we joined, I recall you getting stuck right into Ape and Decs – the difference being your counterarguments were done with a combination of brawn and brains. 

Unlike you, I'm among the least tolerant of newbies, however, a good metaphoric kick in the bollocks soon reveals whether they have potential. He failed immediately, sinking his teeth into my neck when I gently took the piss. Doing this early on helps to weed out the ELCs of this small corner of cyberspace.

I wouldn't say my comments have toned down since disclosure on Twatter, though I am aware of it and this is reflected in words chosen – unlike ELC, whose deeply bigoted rants were enough to get the site permanently closed, something I've experienced which took less than 24 hours.

So, I'm glad he's dead.   

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2 hours ago, Wolfie said:

Nah, I hope he's dead. The fact he couldn't do satire is beside the point; trying to debate with Mr Idiot was a bit like trying to have a dicussion with a deaf 12 year-old: no links or stats to backup anything he laid claim to... just the same, mundane, one-sided quickfire racist bullshit.

And he was disrepectful, the analogy of which is being invited to someone's house and taking a shit with the door open. When we joined, I recall you getting stuck right into Ape and Decs – the difference being your counterarguments were done with a combination of brawn and brains. 

Unlike you, I'm among the least tolerant of newbies, however, a good metaphoric kick in the bollocks soon reveals whether they have potential. He failed immediately, sinking his teeth into my neck when I gently took the piss. Doing this early on helps to weed out the ELCs of this small corner of cyberspace.

I wouldn't say my comments have toned down since disclosure on Twatter, though I am aware of it and this is reflected in words chosen – unlike ELC, whose deeply bigoted rants were enough to get the site permanently closed, something I've experienced which took less than 24 hours.

So, I'm glad he's dead.   

Never ever use a semicolon on a forum. Never.  

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2 hours ago, Frank said:

Never ever use a semicolon on a forum. Never.  


2 hours ago, Wolfie said:

My apologies; I'm not surprised you're an expert when it comes to colonic uses.

The whole tone of this conversation is beginning to stink.

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20 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

If it doesn't have flights and a tungsten tip Wolfie isn't interested. 

The barrels are made of tungsten. The ‘tip’ is made of medium carbon steel. A tungsten tip would shatter… you’ve gone and fucked this right up.

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13 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

The barrels are made of tungsten. The ‘tip’ is made of medium carbon steel. A tungsten tip would shatter… you’ve gone and fucked this right up.

When I was stationed in Germany Authoritah, our local Hofbräu in Soest was frequented by handmädchen. No actual money changed hands but the mädchen certainly did. 

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