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Possible Huw Edwards return ?

Guest entitled little cunt

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9 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Well, that's another fat porky you've told...

Indeed you did post "within minutes"...with an ancient device (you left the EXIF data on for the world to see). That you posted other peoples' paperwork was disturbing considering your living arrangements...but enough of me being excessively snobby, churlish and bitchy, back to business...

Ya moaning Mitty, still avoiding the elephants in the room...:rolleyes: 

Stay warm

Up your game ffs. Out of sympathy I’m trying to go as easy as I can on you, but you just keep digging and digging the hole for yourself. I’m honestly hoping for your sake, that ‘your contacts’ 😂 have a quiet word in your shell like and tell you to stop digging while you’ve still got Pen and a couple of the sites other sycophantic ‘usual suspects’ just about still onside.

Stay safe 😘


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10 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

As usual I bow to your superior knowledge about tits. 

You might regret saying that  once you’ve stopped breast feeding and realised that you’ll probably never ever be that up close to a female tit again.

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14 hours ago, King Billy said:

Up your game ffs. Out of sympathy I’m trying to go as easy as I can on you, but you just keep digging and digging the hole for yourself. I’m honestly hoping for your sake, that ‘your contacts’ 😂 have a quiet word in your shell like and tell you to stop digging while you’ve still got Pen and a couple of the sites other sycophantic ‘usual suspects’ just about still onside.

Stay safe 😘


The truth is, Walt - that you've gone into default mode when found out, that is to talk loudly yet say nothing of substance except to pull out of thin air the usual bog-standard insults. You're a man of straw, both materially and intellectually.

"Up your game ffs" indeed, you creepy weirdo.

Stay warm.

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8 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

You're a man of straw, both materially and intellectually.

"Up your game ffs" indeed, you creepy weirdo.

Who’s the straw man now? Deflecting and ignoring the hole you’ve dug for yourself about the 100% provable fact that I happen to have a property in GC. I’ve twice told you that I will happily post more evidence anytime you want. So if and when these imaginary ‘sources’ 😂 of yours politely, but mostly out of sympathy tbh, tell you to go and lie down in a dark room and have a good long chat with yourself, perhaps you might for once in your life listen to and learn something from others who are (like myself) much smarter than you, but (unlike myself) probably take no pleasure in seeing you make a fool of yourself in such a spectacular fashion.

Anyway, stay safe 😘

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2 hours ago, King Billy said:

Who’s the straw man now? Deflecting and ignoring the hole you’ve dug for yourself about the 100% provable fact that I happen to have a property in GC. I’ve twice told you that I will happily post more evidence anytime you want. So if and when these imaginary ‘sources’ 😂 of yours politely, but mostly out of sympathy tbh, tell you to go and lie down in a dark room and have a good long chat with yourself, perhaps you might for once in your life listen to and learn something from others who are (like myself) much smarter than you, but (unlike myself) probably take no pleasure in seeing you make a fool of yourself in such a spectacular fashion.

Anyway, stay safe 😘

I detect a more personal tone to this conversation.  I urge you to desist and withdraw, or else marry Roops and run a boarding house in Seaford within ear shot of Dungeness Nuclear ⚛ 

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15 hours ago, King Billy said:

Who’s the straw man now? Deflecting and ignoring the hole you’ve dug for yourself about the 100% provable fact that I happen to have a property in GC. I’ve twice told you that I will happily post more evidence anytime you want. So if and when these imaginary ‘sources’ 😂 of yours politely, but mostly out of sympathy tbh, tell you to go and lie down in a dark room and have a good long chat with yourself, perhaps you might for once in your life listen to and learn something from others who are (like myself) much smarter than you, but (unlike myself) probably take no pleasure in seeing you make a fool of yourself in such a spectacular fashion.

Anyway, stay safe 😘

Walter, you're becoming hysterical. You haven't provided a one percent provable fact let alone 100%. Your story is riddled with inconsistencies that you consistently refuse to address, but hey don't hold back - give us all the evidence that you keep threatening us with. Whilst you're at it perhaps you could tell us how many days you've spent at your second home since...oh, say from 22/01/2019 or are you going to suffer another attack of selective deafness?

Stay warm.

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