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Sad cunts who moan about Rosie Jones.


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57 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

There for the grace of God go I.According to half the cunts on this site I'm already there , that Dyslexic  cunt is about the worst trolling tit there is .All power to her .I dont care if she's funny or not .To try to imagine the obstacles she has had to overcome in her life is impossible .Its not by her choice .Some fucked up cunt who  reads some  medieval text and uses it to justify the   murder  of innocents is far more worthy of your hate . Good luck to the girl.Box ticking or not , frankly my dear , I don't give a damn. 

Get off your high fucking horse, elc, you virtue signalling cunt. I am not criticising Rosie for being a spastic, she can't help it. My issue is with the cunt(s) who have encouraged her to become a comedian, which she is clearly not. She might be a great artist, writer or designer but not a comedian. 

Firstly it's hard to understand what the fuck she is on about. It's quite important to be able to understand some comedian that's trying to make you laugh, wouldn't you agree? Secondly, comedy is about timing and when someone is struggling to speak the timing is all over the place. 

I wish her all the best in life, but she is not a comedian and the cunts fawning over her and clapping simply because she is a spastic trying to do something she can't are the real cunts here. 





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Guest entitled little cunt
7 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Get off your high fucking horse, elc, you virtue signalling cunt. I am not criticising Rosie for being a spastic, she can't help it. My issue is with the cunt(s) who have encouraged her to become a comedian, which she is clearly not. She might be a great artist, writer or designer but not a comedian. 

Firstly it's hard to understand what the fuck she is on about. It's quite important to be able to understand some comedian that's trying to make you laugh, wouldn't you agree? Secondly, comedy is about timing and when someone is struggling to speak the timing is all over the place. 

I wish her all the best in life, but she is not a comedian and the cunts fawning over her and clapping simply because she is a spastic trying to do something she can't are the real cunts here. 





Naa, I'd rather her than the bunch of 24 year old middle class polite  university graduates  who pass as comedians in these enlightened times .Radio 4 are especially keen if they have African ancestry and their main comments are centred around how terribly  ignorant the white working classes are .Vladimir Putin could raise more laughs in a  Kiev bomb shelter  than the little  woke cunts thrown at us by the BBC.The pricks have managed to turn Dr.Who into a pantomime for 6 year olds .I get what you're saying .I'm a cunt but not a heartless cunt .

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13 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Get off your high fucking horse, elc, you virtue signalling cunt. I am not criticising Rosie for being a spastic, she can't help it. My issue is with the cunt(s) who have encouraged her to become a comedian, which she is clearly not. She might be a great artist, writer or designer but not a comedian. 

Firstly it's hard to understand what the fuck she is on about. It's quite important to be able to understand some comedian that's trying to make you laugh, wouldn't you agree? Secondly, comedy is about timing and when someone is struggling to speak the timing is all over the place. 

I wish her all the best in life, but she is not a comedian and the cunts fawning over her and clapping simply because she is a spastic trying to do something she can't are the real cunts here. 





Abso-fucking-lutely. You've hit the nail right on the head there. 

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6 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

Naa, I'd rather her than the bunch of 24 year old middle class polite  university graduates  who pass as comedians in these enlightened times .Radio 4 are especially keen if they have African ancestry and their main comments are centred around how terribly  ignorant the white working classes are .Vladimir Putin could raise more laughs in a  Kiev bomb shelter  than the little  woke cunts thrown at us by the BBC.The pricks have managed to turn Dr.Who into a pantomime for 6 year olds .I get what you're saying .I'm a cunt but not a heartless cunt .

In my opinion, men are the best comedians, women, unfortunately are simply not funny... Although I have laughed at Jo Brand (although she clearly has a man gene and looks a bit manly). I agree with you regarding these posh twat comedians who have seemingly taken over, although it could be a sign that Britain has become more middle class over the years, I don't know. 

I haven't ever really found the black, my mum/dad tells me off/talks like this (Carribbean accent) funny and didn't Lenny Henry do it decades ago? Dr Who is simply a product of the BBC's woke agenda. It wouldn't surprise me if dear Rosie was the next Dr Who to be honest, drooling all over the Tardis... I bet you approve then, wouldn't you elc? 

Bake yourself a Nigella Lawson chocolate log and calm down. 

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54 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

In my opinion, men are the best comedians, women, unfortunately are simply not funny... Although I have laughed at Jo Brand (although she clearly has a man gene and looks a bit manly). I agree with you regarding these posh twat comedians who have seemingly taken over, although it could be a sign that Britain has become more middle class over the years, I don't know. 

I haven't ever really found the black, my mum/dad tells me off/talks like this (Carribbean accent) funny and didn't Lenny Henry do it decades ago? Dr Who is simply a product of the BBC's woke agenda. It wouldn't surprise me if dear Rosie was the next Dr Who to be honest, drooling all over the Tardis... I bet you approve then, wouldn't you elc? 

Bake yourself a Nigella Lawson chocolate log and calm down. 

Lenny Henry is a cunt, made his name and fortune taking the piss out of Blacks, siding up to whitey and married a cracker. Now he’s a ‘proud’ black man, hypocritical wanker. The only blacks that have ever made me laugh, Richard Pryor, Eddie Murphy and Dave Chappelle

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1 minute ago, Eddie said:

Lenny Henry is a cunt, made his name and fortune taking the piss out of Blacks, siding up to whitey and married a cracker. Now he’s a ‘proud’ black man, hypocritical wanker. The only blacks that have ever made me laugh, Richard Pryor, Eddie Murphy and Dave Chappelle

Yep, he played up to the stereotypes, made his name, got slaughtered later on for not being funny and obviously became bitter. I find his relentless campaigning for more non whites on everything both embarrassing and annoying. Lenny the cunt is also a Sir and CBE, at least the recently dead Benjamin Zephaniah stuck to his principles and refused any established honours. 

I think Dawn French radicalised old Lenny. 

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4 hours ago, Eddie said:

Lenny Henry is a cunt, made his name and fortune taking the piss out of Blacks, siding up to whitey and married a cracker. Now he’s a ‘proud’ black man, hypocritical wanker. The only blacks that have ever made me laugh, Richard Pryor, Eddie Murphy and Dave Chappelle

…and George Floyd, for about 15 minutes.

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4 hours ago, Eddie said:

Lenny Henry is a cunt, made his name and fortune taking the piss out of Blacks, siding up to whitey and married a cracker. Now he’s a ‘proud’ black man, hypocritical wanker. The only blacks that have ever made me laugh, Richard Pryor, Eddie Murphy and Dave Chappelle

Plus the cunt slags off the racist British Empire but accepts an award with those words in it. No doubt he'll say he accepted it because he's black and he wanted to display what black people can aspire to. Frankly I think he's a fucking hypocrite. 

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17 hours ago, Wolfie said:

We're a little over three months away from April Fools Day, you fuckin' obvious Cleveland steamer sodomite.

Wiffles. why can't you listen to reason, you're not a funny man, never have been, never will be, capiche?

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I have just watched and listened to dear Rosie. I did not find her especially amusing but at least she was trying, I did not have any problems understanding what she was saying or the points that she was trying to make, I did not see her dribbling but I have little doubt that most of the cunt who were frothing and foaming were also dribbling. She might be disabled but she is not a cunt.

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21 hours ago, Eddie said:

Lenny Henry is a cunt, made his name and fortune taking the piss out of Blacks, siding up to whitey and married a cracker. Now he’s a ‘proud’ black man, hypocritical wanker. The only blacks that have ever made me laugh, Richard Pryor, Eddie Murphy and Dave Chappelle

Oh I dont know. George Floyd's punchline "I can't breathe' always has me rolling 

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12 hours ago, Penny Farthing said:

I have just watched and listened to dear Rosie. I did not find her especially amusing but at least she was trying, I did not have any problems understanding what she was saying or the points that she was trying to make, I did not see her dribbling but I have little doubt that most of the cunt who were frothing and foaming were also dribbling. She might be disabled but she is not a cunt.

She just sounds like she's trying to dislodge a giant turd to me.

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23 hours ago, Eddie said:

Lenny Henry is a cunt, made his name and fortune taking the piss out of Blacks, siding up to whitey and married a cracker. Now he’s a ‘proud’ black man, hypocritical wanker. The only blacks that have ever made me laugh, Richard Pryor, Eddie Murphy and Dave Chappelle.

Don't forget riding on the back of actual talented comedians with the Red Nose Day shit.

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  • 2 months later...

I see that this mongtard now has her own show, how many cocks did she have to dribble on to achieve that?. I hope when the viewing figures are published some cunt gets fired for pushing their bullshit agenda. About as funny as cancer in your cock

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