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Princess Anne's Teeth


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Guest entitled little cunt

The whole family are a bunch of parasitic animal murdering  missfits .The ginger cunt is an imposter , the father is in receipt of millions in tescos carrier bags "donated" by dodgy Arabs .The cunt shits £50 notes.A history of nazi sympathies , animal cruelty and perverted sexual practices, applying mental cruelty to any inner member of the clan  who stands up to them and a complete and total  non understanding of the people they are supposed to represent .Utterly disgusting vile  vermin who should be eradicated one and all.There isn't a decent one in the whole shower of shite .

Apart from that they're OK.

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2 hours ago, Penny Farthing said:

Surely a senior royal with a mouth full of brownish teeth is a matter of national concern .. there are cheap flights to Turkey where the best dentists in the world will give you gob full of pearly whites .. go for it Our Anne you deserve only the best.


My grandfather upon seeing a newspaper photo of the then Queen Mother remarked " All that feckin' money and has a mouth like a burned out fuse box" 

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Guest entitled little cunt
6 minutes ago, colonelkurtz said:


My grandfather upon seeing a newspaper photo of the then Queen Mother remarked " All that feckin' money and has a mouth like a burned out fuse box" 

Fucking hell ,that description is a brilliant example of what can be accomplished with the English language .Brilliant .

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5 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

The whole family are a bunch of parasitic animal murdering  missfits .The ginger cunt is an imposter , the father is in receipt of millions in tescos carrier bags "donated" by dodgy Arabs .The cunt shits £50 notes.A history of nazi sympathies , animal cruelty and perverted sexual practices, applying mental cruelty to any inner member of the clan  who stands up to them and a complete and total  non understanding of the people they are supposed to represent .Utterly disgusting vile  vermin who should be eradicated one and all.There isn't a decent one in the whole shower of shite .

Apart from that they're OK.

Don't you think Anne takes after her mother with her love of horse meat between her legs. It's going down the generations nice to see a bit of continuity in this troubled nation. *

*they do say Britain has "developed" by evolution not revolution. They do say. 👀

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Guest entitled little cunt
2 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

Don't you think Anne takes after her mother with her love of horse meat between her legs. It's going down the generations nice to see a bit of continuity in this troubled nation. *

*they do say Britain has "developed" by evolution not revolution. They do say. 👀

I wonder  if the old bat liked murdering hen harriers like her two adorable nephew cunts .Of course it was all brushed under the carpet by their loyal  servants along with every other "misshap" that fucked up disgusting wanker of a family  have committed and denied . I wonder if  Charlie  is still demanding his shoelaces are ironed, that's how manifestly disgusting they are.2 out of ten in the uk have trouble affording food . 

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13 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

I wonder  if the old bat liked murdering hen harriers like her two adorable nephew cunts .Of course it was all brushed under the carpet by their loyal  servants along with every other "misshap" that fucked up disgusting wanker of a family  have committed and denied . I wonder if  Charlie  is still demanding his shoelaces are ironed, that's how manifestly disgusting they are.2 out of ten in the uk have trouble affording food . 

You will allow somebody to put the toothpaste on his brush? It's a British tradition. Worth preserving for the millions of £ they bring in. 

Do they? I wouldn't denigrate visitors to our shires with that label. But like you said, when you're lying barefaced to Joe and Jill and little Jack day after day ANY fucking tortuous reason will do. 

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13 hours ago, Penny Farthing said:

Surely a senior royal with a mouth full of brownish teeth is a matter of national concern .. there are cheap flights to Turkey where the best dentists in the world will give you gob full of pearly whites .. go for it Our Anne you deserve only the best.


How’s it hanging?

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12 hours ago, colonelkurtz said:


My grandfather upon seeing a newspaper photo of the then Queen Mother remarked " All that feckin' money and has a mouth like a burned out fuse box" 

Yeah but it was a 60 year old full set of natural teeth in a 75 year old mouth. Fucking get real. Most of us without the best private dentistry are lucky to get to retirement with half a dozen teeth left (if we're lucky) to chew our gruel. 

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10 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

Yeah but it was a 60 year old full set of natural teeth in a 75 year old mouth. Fucking get real. Most of us without the best private dentistry are lucky to get to retirement with half a dozen teeth left (if we're lucky) to chew our gruel. 

At least we can be thankful that the Middleton woman won't let herself go like her father in laws sister. The glowing complexion, , the bony arse, the radiant smile that says my shit doesn't stink will, in years to come still be there for all to gaze upon in wonder and provide the Daily Express with eye catching front page fashion advice pictures alongside coverage of Emperor Trumps Mount Rushmore sculpture opening ceremony and accompanying public firing squad and lynching celebrations.

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15 minutes ago, colonelkurtz said:

At least we can be thankful that the Middleton woman won't let herself go like her father in laws sister. The glowing complexion, , the bony arse, the radiant smile that says my shit doesn't stink will, in years to come still be there for all to gaze upon in wonder and provide the Daily Express with eye catching front page fashion advice pictures alongside coverage of Emperor Trumps Mount Rushmore sculpture opening ceremony and accompanying public firing squad and lynching celebrations.

However much American shit tv and music is pumped into this country the British average Joe is not so plastic as the average Yank that he will accept a couple of fucking fakes as head of state for very long. An extinction event is coming for the House of Windsor and all the cunts who exercised power in 1066 and still fucking do through our deplorable corrupt system. 

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On 22/12/2023 at 08:47, Penny Farthing said:

Surely a senior royal with a mouth full of brownish teeth is a matter of national concern .. there are cheap flights to Turkey where the best dentists in the world will give you gob full of pearly whites .. go for it Our Anne you deserve only the best.


Was there something in the media about her teeth or was this nomination triggered purely by your innate stupidity? Either way, it’s a pile of shit.

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1 hour ago, Ape™️ said:

Was there something in the media about her teeth or was this nomination triggered purely by your innate stupidity? Either way, it’s a pile of shit.

I wouldn't agree. They say good health starts with the teeth. Slaves used to be graded according to teeth (as well as other things) so it goes with horses and any animal. The fact that these Royal cunts have the best medical care on tap (no queuing up on the phone for a slot just to talk to a fucking receptionist then being told to fuck off) unlimited funding and fringe benefits, a small army of toadies making their lives as comfortable as possible.... Phew! We haven't moved on very much from pre-Revolutionary times ie. 1789.

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2 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

I wouldn't agree. They say good health starts with the teeth. Slaves used to be graded according to teeth (as well as other things) so it goes with horses and any animal. The fact that these Royal cunts have the best medical care on tap (no queuing up on the phone for a slot just to talk to a fucking receptionist then being told to fuck off) unlimited funding and fringe benefits, a small army of toadies making their lives as comfortable as possible.... Phew! We haven't moved on very much from pre-Revolutionary times ie. 1789.

We have all these private "MY DENTIST" shops (I refuse to call them clinics) popping up in every street with all the staff seeming to have either Eastern European or Asian surnames.

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5 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

She once said that all gypsies should be put into camps

You do realise she's of Germanic extraction somewhere in the Royal lineage? 

Makes you wonder what she was actually visualising when she said it.

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41 minutes ago, Penny Farthing said:

We have all these private "MY DENTIST" shops (I refuse to call them clinics) popping up in every street with all the staff seeming to have either Eastern European or Asian surnames.

My dentiste here is Romanian, and Class A. He speaks fluent French, English, and some Kraut. You on the other hand talk fluent bollocks, and couldn't fill a hole in a road.

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10 minutes ago, Witheredscrote said:

My dentiste here is Romanian, and Class A. He speaks fluent French, English, and some Kraut. You on the other hand talk fluent bollocks, and couldn't fill a hole in a road.

TBH people are missing the point .. these "MY" shops are popping up everywhere "My Vape", "My Barber", My Hairdresser", "My Nails" etc . none of them are "Mine" they all belong to the cunts run the shops .. its all "My Arse".

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50 minutes ago, Penny Farthing said:

We have all these private "MY DENTIST" shops (I refuse to call them clinics) popping up in every street with all the staff seeming to have either Eastern European or Asian surnames.

Exactly. Because the government doesn't want to provide "free" (as it used to be) training for our dentists, doctors and nurses, and has deliberately privatised further and higher education in our country along Yankee lines, we have

a. only well off incredibly aspirational families can support their kids through the 8 or 9 years training needed to be a doctor or dentist with a specialism, that equates to over £500,000 of student debt. 

b. Hence much of the recruitment comes from specific social class and ethnic minorities. Asians and white middle class kids feature prominently in this. 

c. Inevitably, working class kids, even those with great aptitude, are discouraged from a career path in medicine. 

d. Because of the state of the medical system in this country (eg general dentistry and services offered) the technical level of dental training and even medical training is ten years BEHIND what is available in Scandinavia and the USA and some parts of the EU. Hence a fully qualified dentist in the UK would find it difficult to find employment in Sweden. The latest modern dental procedures widely available there are not available in the UK. A similar situation applies across all areas of health care. The UK has less MRI scanners per capita than even Poland and fewer doctors and hospital beds per capita than most other EU countries. 

e. When confronted with the pressures of a mean and miserable public health system, a training that is behind what is available abroad and the financial strain of student debt plus all the other costs, it is little surprise they are falling over themselves to offer private care. 

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13 minutes ago, Witheredscrote said:

He couldn't find the hole in his arse, let alone a road. What a drunken slut he is.

I have to stick up for Dec at this point. Even though I fucking hate his guts to the point of blue murder I always have a kind heart especially at this holy time of the year. I saw him yesterday working quite hard to mend a hole in the road the little bastard. I fucking got a good laugh out of looking at it. Especially the crack in his arse when he bent over the dirty cunt. 

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