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Tinfoil hat ‘preppers’ and their crazy underground bunkers.

King Billy

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As a proud ‘conspiracy theorist’  I’ve observed the increase over the last few years in people who’ve been ‘prepping’ for some unspecific but imminent emergency or disaster, by constructing secure bunkers and stocking them with provisions in the hope of sitting out whatever existential threat they believe is about to occur. These people are routinely ridiculed and vilified as far right nutters, anti vaxxers, climate change deniers etc. (badge of honour imo) by the MSM, who day after day spout the current dishonest narrative scripted for them by their globalist paymasters, who’ve mapped out the future ie perpetual fear,  poverty caused by the forced abandonment of our natural resources (oil and gas) with all their unprecedented benefits, that have vastly increased the living standards and life expectancy of billions of people across the world in the last 200 years or less.

So why the fuck would Mark Zuckerberg (lizard person extraordinaire) suddenly decide to become a bunker building tinfoil hat weirdo right now? Why is this vile fucking cunt splashing out $270m to build a 100 acre beachfront mansion on the Hawaiian island of Kauai with a 5000 square ft. underground bunker, with its own power, water and air supply (and escape hatch?) when sea levels are allegedly rising due to man made climate change (bullshit)?

Or could it be that these nonhuman reptilian cunts like him, Billyboy Gates, Barrack Hussein Obama and his husband Michael etc. now see the writing on the wall and realise that their days living the pampered highlife, giving each other their funny handshakes, fucking then murdering kids for dessert at their exclusive dinner parties over at the Clintons (allegedly), and sneering down their hooked beaks at all us serfs are numbered, and we’re coming for their cock battered arseholes anyday now, and they just might be able to cling on to a few more days or even weeks of their miserable lives underground, drinking prepubescent blood and injecting fresh adrenochrome before the doors are battered in and they finally face the wrath and fury of the masses who made them richer than they could ever imagine, but been treated with nothing but contempt as a thank you.





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Guest entitled little cunt

I'm a conspiracy theorist.One of my most outlandish fantasies is that an ugly jowly cunt who is the head of the Bank of England is impovierishing thousands of ordinary  people with mortgages under the pretence its good for the economy but, here's the weird theory, really its all about making sure all his banker mates make billions in profit for as long as possible. I know ,its just another one like  Elvis lives on the  moon , muslim grooming gangs and King Charles didn't help himself to Arab millions in a carrier bag and all the rest of those crazy theories .

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Guest entitled little cunt
Just now, camberwell gypsy said:

I would like to kick Zuckerberg in the balls. Square in the balls. 

Is he a Red Sea pedestrian? Fucking sounds like he is. 

Looks like his mum cuts his hair .

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23 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

I would like to kick Zuckerberg in the balls. Square in the balls. 

Is he a Red Sea pedestrian? Fucking sounds like he is. 

My next nom will be longer Gypps, probably akin to War and Peace or the entire printed series’ of The Encyclopaedia Brittanica. Hopefully there’ll be something buried deep in it that you might think possibly worthy of a like. It’s Christmas ffs.

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58 minutes ago, King Billy said:

My next nom will be longer Gypps, probably akin to War and Peace or the entire printed series’ of The Encyclopaedia Brittanica. Hopefully there’ll be something buried deep in it that you might think possibly worthy of a like. It’s Christmas ffs.

A like? What's that? As George McCrae once sang "It's been so long" 

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1 hour ago, King Billy said:

As a proud ‘conspiracy theorist’  I’ve observed the increase over the last few years in people who’ve been ‘prepping’ for some unspecific but imminent emergency or disaster, by constructing secure bunkers and stocking them with provisions in the hope of sitting out whatever existential threat they believe is about to occur. These people are routinely ridiculed and vilified as far right nutters, anti vaxxers, climate change deniers etc. (badge of honour imo) by the MSM, who day after day spout the current dishonest narrative scripted for them by their globalist paymasters, who’ve mapped out the future ie perpetual fear,  poverty caused by the forced abandonment of our natural resources (oil and gas) with all their unprecedented benefits, that have vastly increased the living standards and life expectancy of billions of people across the world in the last 200 years or less.

So why the fuck would Mark Zuckerberg (lizard person extraordinaire) suddenly decide to become a bunker building tinfoil hat weirdo right now? Why is this vile fucking cunt splashing out $270m to build a 100 acre beachfront mansion on the Hawaiian island of Kauai with a 5000 square ft. underground bunker, with its own power, water and air supply (and escape hatch?) when sea levels are allegedly rising due to man made climate change (bullshit)?

Or could it be that these nonhuman reptilian cunts like him, Billyboy Gates, Barrack Hussein Obama and his husband Michael etc. now see the writing on the wall and realise that their days living the pampered highlife, giving each other their funny handshakes, fucking then murdering kids for dessert at their exclusive dinner parties over at the Clintons (allegedly), and sneering down their hooked beaks at all us serfs are numbered, and we’re coming for their cock battered arseholes anyday now, and they just might be able to cling on to a few more days or even weeks of their miserable lives underground, drinking prepubescent blood and injecting fresh adrenochrome before the doors are battered in and they finally face the wrath and fury of the masses who made them richer than they could ever imagine, but been treated with nothing but contempt as a thank you.





These type of people certainly are cunts Bill. I was thinking the very same thing yesterday when I was fitting the water purifier and wood stove in the back of my BAE Caiman. 

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2 hours ago, King Billy said:

As a proud ‘conspiracy theorist’  I’ve observed the increase over the last few years in people who’ve been ‘prepping’ for some unspecific but imminent emergency or disaster, by constructing secure bunkers and stocking them with provisions in the hope of sitting out whatever existential threat they believe is about to occur. These people are routinely ridiculed and vilified as far right nutters, anti vaxxers, climate change deniers etc. (badge of honour imo) by the MSM, who day after day spout the current dishonest narrative scripted for them by their globalist paymasters, who’ve mapped out the future ie perpetual fear,  poverty caused by the forced abandonment of our natural resources (oil and gas) with all their unprecedented benefits, that have vastly increased the living standards and life expectancy of billions of people across the world in the last 200 years or less.

So why the fuck would Mark Zuckerberg (lizard person extraordinaire) suddenly decide to become a bunker building tinfoil hat weirdo right now? Why is this vile fucking cunt splashing out $270m to build a 100 acre beachfront mansion on the Hawaiian island of Kauai with a 5000 square ft. underground bunker, with its own power, water and air supply (and escape hatch?) when sea levels are allegedly rising due to man made climate change (bullshit)?

Or could it be that these nonhuman reptilian cunts like him, Billyboy Gates, Barrack Hussein Obama and his husband Michael etc. now see the writing on the wall and realise that their days living the pampered highlife, giving each other their funny handshakes, fucking then murdering kids for dessert at their exclusive dinner parties over at the Clintons (allegedly), and sneering down their hooked beaks at all us serfs are numbered, and we’re coming for their cock battered arseholes anyday now, and they just might be able to cling on to a few more days or even weeks of their miserable lives underground, drinking prepubescent blood and injecting fresh adrenochrome before the doors are battered in and they finally face the wrath and fury of the masses who made them richer than they could ever imagine, but been treated with nothing but contempt as a thank you.





I wish every word of the last paragraph was true and their demise was imminent. 

Unfortunately the barrier to that is the human wall of fucking shite co-conspirators employees, politicians, military and scientists who will effectively defend these cunts right to pay fuck all in and take max out to their ladt breath and if necessary even the breath of their children. That's how the modern fascist semitic state works. 


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10 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

A like? What's that? As George McCrae once sang "It's been so long" 

If that’s the way you’re going to talk to me I won’t be coming to Christmas dinner at yours this year. I wasn’t coming anyway as last year the Iceland Hedgehog Crown you served up was like an Arctic Roll (burnt to a crisp on the outside and frozen solid in the middle). Worse than something you’d find in a dumped fridge at the back of Grenfell Tower. 
Merry Christmas and 🇬🇧NO SURRENDER🇬🇧

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10 hours ago, King Billy said:

If that’s the way you’re going to talk to me I won’t be coming to Christmas dinner at yours this year. I wasn’t coming anyway as last year the Iceland Hedgehog Crown you served up was like an Arctic Roll (burnt to a crisp on the outside and frozen solid in the middle). Worse than something you’d find in a dumped fridge at the back of Grenfell Tower. 
Merry Christmas and 🇬🇧NO SURRENDER🇬🇧

I become Jewish over the christmas period. 

Oyvey already.

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4 hours ago, and said:

Nothing wrong with that, my mum cuts my hair, well, she would do if she wasn't dead 😥

Fuck that thieving Windrush cunt Desmond.

You've literally ruined this site for everyone. If you aren't following Wolfie and I around like a retarded younger, ginger step-brother, you're posting inane fucking drivel like the above.

You never put up a nomination.

You never stay on topic on anyone else's nomination.

You are incapable of posting anything witty or humorous.

You are a deranged, highly unstable, wired wrong piece of animal abusing shit.

You defend paedophiles and their actions.

Take a look at the downturn in activity on here since you started flinging your faeces about like the rattled little ape you are. Nobody wants you here, you bring absolutely nothing, and I mean NOTHING to The Corner, and if you aren't fucked off soon it will be the final nail in the coffin for this place.

Anybody who disagrees with me is a total fucking idiot and will be dealt with accordingly. As for you, do the decent thing for a change. Log out and never come back. 

You won't be fucking missed.

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27 minutes ago, Decimus said:

You've literally ruined this site for everyone. If you aren't following Wolfie and I around like a retarded younger, ginger step-brother, you're posting inane fucking drivel like the above.

You never put up a nomination.

You never stay on topic on anyone else's nomination.

You are incapable of posting anything witty or humorous.

You are a deranged, highly unstable, wired wrong piece of animal abusing shit.

You defend paedophiles and their actions.

Take a look at the downturn in activity on here since you started flinging your faeces about like the rattled little ape you are. Nobody wants you here, you bring absolutely nothing, and I mean NOTHING to The Corner, and if you aren't fucked off soon it will be the final nail in the coffin for this place.

Anybody who disagrees with me is a total fucking idiot and will be dealt with accordingly. As for you, do the decent thing for a change. Log out and never come back. 

You won't be fucking missed.

But, apart from that, everything's OK, yeah? 😄

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32 minutes ago, Decimus said:

You've literally ruined this site for everyone.

YOU ruined this site, thinking it's your own private fiefdom, where only you get to dictate what gets posted and by who.

The arrogant little man with the big 'I AM' syndrome, typical behaviour from a narcissist.

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3 hours ago, and said:

YOU ruined this site, thinking it's your own private fiefdom, where only you get to dictate what gets posted and by who.

The arrogant little man with the big 'I AM' syndrome, typical behaviour from a narcissist.

Fuck off out of here you useless, despised little shitcunt.

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On 18/12/2023 at 14:17, Decimus said:

You've literally ruined this site for everyone. If you aren't following Wolfie and I around like a retarded younger, ginger step-brother, you're posting inane fucking drivel like the above.

You never put up a nomination.

You never stay on topic on anyone else's nomination.

You are incapable of posting anything witty or humorous.

You are a deranged, highly unstable, wired wrong piece of animal abusing shit.

You defend paedophiles and their actions.

Take a look at the downturn in activity on here since you started flinging your faeces about like the rattled little ape you are. Nobody wants you here, you bring absolutely nothing, and I mean NOTHING to The Corner, and if you aren't fucked off soon it will be the final nail in the coffin for this place.

Anybody who disagrees with me is a total fucking idiot and will be dealt with accordingly. As for you, do the decent thing for a change. Log out and never come back. 

You won't be fucking missed.

How far out from England are you? .. Those Albanians who own the rubber dingey will probably dump you off Dún Laoghaire and tell you that you are near New York.

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54 minutes ago, Witheredscrote said:

Everyone? I will make up my own mind thank you, but for what it's worth, I think he is an absolute cunt.  

That's the sort of endorsement that's guaranteed to inflate my ego.


@Decimus always assumes he speaks for everyone, the arrogant narcissistic cunt, his word is law around here, or so he thinks, and you're not allowed to deviate from that, surely you should have realised that by now?

@Frank sometimes allows him to borrow an occasional phrase or anecdote, but only with the proviso it's washed and returned to it's rightful owner after it's been posted.

Credit where it's due, Frank is 'the best on here'.

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2 hours ago, PANZER MURPHY said:



'Laffin' indeed. Any newbie might assume you're some easygoing, charming Dubliner cliché who washes off confrontation like water off a duck's back – but we all know it won't be long before your easily rattled nature starts getting the better of you, and you start posting your usual, nonsensical pro-IRA poppycock bollocks.

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31 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

'Laffin' indeed. Any newbie might assume you're some easygoing, charming Dubliner cliché who washes off confrontation like water off a duck's back – but we all know it won't be long before your easily rattled nature starts getting the better of you, and you start posting your usual, nonsensical pro-IRA poppycock bollocks.



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On 19/12/2023 at 17:33, and said:

That's the sort of endorsement that's guaranteed to inflate my ego.


@Decimus always assumes he speaks for everyone, the arrogant narcissistic cunt, his word is law around here, or so he thinks, and you're not allowed to deviate from that, surely you should have realised that by now?

@Frank sometimes allows him to borrow an occasional phrase or anecdote, but only with the proviso it's washed and returned to it's rightful owner after it's been posted.

Credit where it's due, Frank is 'the best on here'.

Anyone might think you're attempting to groom Frank, Mr Shit. Perhaps the only thing preventing his narcissistic tendencies from succumbing to a Christmas holiday meet with you and a bottle of rohypnol might be his fear of coming to the following afternoon, waking next to a Dachsie 'horse' head on the pillow and sporting the kind of arsehole that would make Stuart Lubbock gasp. 

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