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Take A Girl Like That...


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.... and fucking taser the have-your-eye-out-in-a-second pointed weapon armed child monster. Glad the officer was exonerated after the predictable wailing wall of Oh!, Oh! Why didn't he reason with her, why didn't he do this or that, only a child, how dare he behave like this? Equally predictable the profile. Need I say more? 

A few jabs to the ribs and some turns of the boot might seem an appropriate response to somebody threatening with a pair of garden shears and a hammer whoever it is. 

She got off lightly and no doubt the well wishers and social services will be all over her from now on which means she'll be fucked up for life. 

Just think if it'd gone the other way... Officer down, eyeball gouged out with a pointed shear. Child too young to be named in court....




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2 hours ago, Mike Hunt said:

The media are biggest self-serving, race-baiting cunts out there.  Without their fucking big gobs there'd be no BLM and Chauvin would still be putting criminals of any colour in their place.

"The child, who is black and the mother who is also black".

That sentence right there sums up your point exactly, Mike, an attempt by the media to stoke up racial tensions. What does it matter what colour she was? Are they implying that if a ten year old white girl was tasered it would be any less of an outrage? Would the tasering of a little blonde girl be more acceptable because she has less melanin?

Imagine if this was the other way around, it'd be quite rightly called out for the racist fucking diatribe that is. It's no different to how the rape of a white woman in the antebellum south was seen as more horrific than the rape of a black woman.

The issue should be about her age and whether it was an appropriate level of force based upon that, not about how easily she burns in the fucking sun.

Absolutely disgraceful. If the laws around spreading racial hatred were applied equally and impartially, the writer of that article would get banged up. I hope that one day 'Sam' finds himself at the end of a knife being wielded by some fucking animal who just so happens to be black and that the responding copper is the one from the article. "Sorry Sam, I can't do anything to help as he's a mugger of colour, you're on your own, mate".

Fucking wanker.

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Guest entitled little cunt
18 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

.... and fucking taser the have-your-eye-out-in-a-second pointed weapon armed child monster. Glad the officer was exonerated after the predictable wailing wall of Oh!, Oh! Why didn't he reason with her, why didn't he do this or that, only a child, how dare he behave like this? Equally predictable the profile. Need I say more? 

A few jabs to the ribs and some turns of the boot might seem an appropriate response to somebody threatening with a pair of garden shears and a hammer whoever it is. 

She got off lightly and no doubt the well wishers and social services will be all over her from now on which means she'll be fucked up for life. 

Just think if it'd gone the other way... Officer down, eyeball gouged out with a pointed shear. Child too young to be named in court....




England swings like a pendulum do.Bobbies riding bicycles two by two , Westminster Abbey the Tower big Ben, the rosey red cheeks of the little children.

Rather  outdated whimsical  lyrics describing  a long extinct perception.Not only is there a huge homegrown   thick , violent  and utterly useless underclass this country is actually importing more of the same in great numbers  from other shitholes world wide .Those basket cases are only too glad to offload their undesirables on us .The number of  scrounging cunts  is ever  increasing as the number of us mugs  who  pay for their useless lives and their  breeding habits is decreasing. They should be paid not to procreate rather than paid to procreate .


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1 hour ago, Decimus said:

"The child, who is black and the mother who is also black".

That sentence right there sums up your point exactly, Mike, an attempt by the media to stoke up racial tensions. What does it matter what colour she was? Are they implying that if a ten year old white girl was tasered it would be any less of an outrage? Would the tasering of a little blonde girl be more acceptable because she has less melanin?

Imagine if this was the other way around, it'd be quite rightly called out for the racist fucking diatribe that is. It's no different to how the rape of a white woman in the antebellum south was seen as more horrific than the rape of a black woman.

The issue should be about her age and whether it was an appropriate level of force based upon that, not about how easily she burns in the fucking sun.

Absolutely disgraceful. If the laws around spreading racial hatred were applied equally and impartially, the writer of that article would get banged up. I hope that one day 'Sam' finds himself at the end of a knife being wielded by some fucking animal who just so happens to be black and that the responding copper is the one from the article. "Sorry Sam, I can't do anything to help as he's a mugger of colour, you're on your own, mate".

Fucking wanker.

I honestly believe that it’s reached a point where white victims of black criminals will be shit scared of reporting what’s happened to them out of fear of being labelled a ‘far right troublemaker’. The police are shit scared of being labelled racist. The public know this and also know that the police will label them as racist rather than risk being accused of it themselves. 
 This leads to a simple inevitable conclusion. The indigenous white population have no protection from the law. And the immigrant and ethnic minorities have worked out that they have virtual immunity from it and are openly carrying weapons, doing as they please with impunity and revelling in their newly gifted position as our superiors.

 Fuck this fucking shitcunt of a country. I’d rather be French.

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Guest entitled little cunt
18 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I honestly believe that it’s reached a point where white victims of black criminals will be shit scared of reporting what’s happened to them out of fear of being labelled a ‘far right troublemaker’. The police are shit scared of being labelled racist. The public know this and also know that the police will label them as racist rather than risk being accused of it themselves. 
 This leads to a simple inevitable conclusion. The indigenous white population have no protection from the law. And the immigrant and ethnic minorities have worked out that they have virtual immunity from it and are openly carrying weapons, doing as they please with impunity and revelling in their newly gifted position as our superiors.

 Fuck this fucking shitcunt of a country. I’d rather be French.

They have a bigger problem in France certainly in their cities .The difference is France is twice the Size so its possible  dissapear into the wilderness and be unaffected by the invading  rivers of effluent. Policing and politics is still very local in France , a wrongun( peodo's and thieves especially) can be ousted from a hamlet , village or small town with threats  .I've seen it happen.Its effective .Unfortunately it does just move the problem on admittedly .A pop through the back of the head is an altogether cheaper solution.

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26 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Fuck this fucking shitcunt of a country. I’d rather be French.

In years gone by I'd have suggested that you immediately booked yourself into an insane asylum for even thinking this.

But it's got to the point now where not only would I rather be French, I'd also rather be Belgian. And if that isn't an indictment of what an absolute shit show this country has become I don't know what is.

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42 minutes ago, Decimus said:

In years gone by I'd have suggested that you immediately booked yourself into an insane asylum for even thinking this.

But it's got to the point now where not only would I rather be French, I'd also rather be Belgian. And if that isn't an indictment of what an absolute shit show this country has become I don't know what is.

You will be technically French when you arrive in Canada and as you say, ordinarily I would begin to view you with some level of disgust, but now I’m actually quite jealous.

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1 hour ago, Decimus said:

In years gone by I'd have suggested that you immediately booked yourself into an insane asylum for even thinking this.

But it's got to the point now where not only would I rather be French, I'd also rather be Belgian. And if that isn't an indictment of what an absolute shit show this country has become I don't know what is.

If you get to Canada, try at some point to look up Coronation, Alberta and confirm whether or not it is a shithole.

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4 hours ago, Decimus said:

"The child, who is black and the mother who is also black".

That sentence right there sums up your point exactly, Mike, an attempt by the media to stoke up racial tensions. What does it matter what colour she was? Are they implying that if a ten year old white girl was tasered it would be any less of an outrage? Would the tasering of a little blonde girl be more acceptable because she has less melanin?

Imagine if this was the other way around, it'd be quite rightly called out for the racist fucking diatribe that is. It's no different to how the rape of a white woman in the antebellum south was seen as more horrific than the rape of a black woman.

The issue should be about her age and whether it was an appropriate level of force based upon that, not about how easily she burns in the fucking sun.

Absolutely disgraceful. If the laws around spreading racial hatred were applied equally and impartially, the writer of that article would get banged up. I hope that one day 'Sam' finds himself at the end of a knife being wielded by some fucking animal who just so happens to be black and that the responding copper is the one from the article. "Sorry Sam, I can't do anything to help as he's a mugger of colour, you're on your own, mate".

Fucking wanker.

It doesn't say what colour the policeman was.....you know..., for context.

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11 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Don't give a flying fuck what shade the little brat was, do you really expect me to believe that a copper (let's say he's around 6 foot, fully laden with a stab proof vest) can't deal with a fucking 10 year old girl without using a taser? Bollocks. Fuck the police.

Whip out a flick-stick and cave her little bowling ball head in?

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5 hours ago, Decimus said:

"The child, who is black and the mother who is also black".

That sentence right there sums up your point exactly, Mike, an attempt by the media to stoke up racial tensions. What does it matter what colour she was? Are they implying that if a ten year old white girl was tasered it would be any less of an outrage? Would the tasering of a little blonde girl be more acceptable because she has less melanin?

Imagine if this was the other way around, it'd be quite rightly called out for the racist fucking diatribe that is. It's no different to how the rape of a white woman in the antebellum south was seen as more horrific than the rape of a black woman.

The issue should be about her age and whether it was an appropriate level of force based upon that, not about how easily she burns in the fucking sun.

Absolutely disgraceful. If the laws around spreading racial hatred were applied equally and impartially, the writer of that article would get banged up. I hope that one day 'Sam' finds himself at the end of a knife being wielded by some fucking animal who just so happens to be black and that the responding copper is the one from the article. "Sorry Sam, I can't do anything to help as he's a mugger of colour, you're on your own, mate".

Fucking wanker.

You've picked up like Mike on an important point, but what alerted me is the fucking position PC Plod is placed in who has to deal with this fucking nonsense day in day out by the fucking righteous gemstones who who couldn't defend themselves against a paper cup blowing in the wind and who physically rely on the police to maintain a semblance at least of civilised law and order. These fucking hypocrites disgust me. 

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27 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Don't give a flying fuck what shade the little brat was, do you really expect me to believe that a copper (let's say he's around 6 foot, fully laden with a stab proof vest) can't deal with a fucking 10 year old girl without using a taser? Bollocks. Fuck the police.

You are a fucking misguided wanker mate if you think an out of control ten year old can't take your eye out (or their own) if they go into fight mode. I don't expect any police officer to risk injury just to keep you happy my friend. Fuck off. Show a bit of respect to the situation. 

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5 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

You are a fucking misguided wanker mate if you think an out of control ten year old can't take your eye out (or their own) if they go into fight mode. I don't expect any police officer to risk injury just to keep you happy my friend. Fuck off. Show a bit of respect to the situation. 

Oooh get her!

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5 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I honestly believe that it’s reached a point where white victims of black criminals will be shit scared of reporting what’s happened to them out of fear of being labelled a ‘far right troublemaker’. The police are shit scared of being labelled racist. The public know this and also know that the police will label them as racist rather than risk being accused of it themselves. 
 This leads to a simple inevitable conclusion. The indigenous white population have no protection from the law. And the immigrant and ethnic minorities have worked out that they have virtual immunity from it and are openly carrying weapons, doing as they please with impunity and revelling in their newly gifted position as our superiors.

 Fuck this fucking shitcunt of a country. I’d rather be French.

Well sorry Eric, but we don't want any more gun obsessed oiks. Nor do we need any shit stirring Paddy mongrels.  So you and Decimus can both go to Belgium, and bore each other to death (hopefully)

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