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Dr Who Cunts


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Back on topic I recently watched the children in need Doctor Who mini episode as despite it being absolute dog shit since 2017, I bizarrely thought things might be different with a white, straight male back in the lead role.

Within seconds I was disabused of that notion when the jock proclaimed that he was previously "A brilliant woman".

Still, I didn't realise just how bad it was at the time. Spacker extraordinaire and all round wrong'un Davros was being played by a normal man. I assumed it was some shite that was explained away by it being set in the past before he transformed.

Cue today when I found out that it was actually just a retcon because the BBFuckingC confirmed that the change was made because they considered it toxic in this day and age to portray someone in a wheelchair as being evil. Despite that being wholly patronising and incredibly insulting to anyone disabled as it implies they are inherently no threat and just good sheeple who will toe the line, it didn't escape my attention that aunty hasn't got any problems with displaying a white man as an evil, megalomaniacal psychopath, however.



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21 hours ago, Decimus said:

Back on topic I recently watched the children in need Doctor Who mini episode as despite it being absolute dog shit since 2017, I bizarrely thought things might be different with a white, straight male back in the lead role.

Within seconds I was disabused of that notion when the jock proclaimed that he was previously "A brilliant woman".

Still, I didn't realise just how bad it was at the time. Spacker extraordinaire and all round wrong'un Davros was being played by a normal man. I assumed it was some shite that was explained away by it being set in the past before he transformed.

Cue today when I found out that it was actually just a retcon because the BBFuckingC confirmed that the change was made because they considered it toxic in this day and age to portray someone in a wheelchair as being evil. Despite that being wholly patronising and incredibly insulting to anyone disabled as it implies they are inherently no threat and just good sheeple who will toe the line, it didn't escape my attention that aunty hasn't got any problems with displaying a white man as an evil, megalomaniacal psychopath, however.



What about the Daleks? Are they going to give them all legs?

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31 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

"I had problems associating disability with evil", says professional mincer Russell T Davies, whose condescending non-logic ignores the fact that Davros is the only Doctor Who villain in a wheelchair. 

I can't wait for the retcon of "Chorlton and the Wheelies".

I genuinely don't get these people's mindsets. They bang on about equality and representing all minorities regardless of character or role. Then they come out with this shit.

Fuck the world.

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51 minutes ago, ZEV said:

Hitler only had one ball , just sayin'...

He had Parkinson's disease too. I guess if he delayed his self induced sinus expansion long enough to end up a shivering vegetable he'd have just decided to call it a day and start working as a motivational speaker for kids who can't read good.

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I apologise for being late to the party but as a 6 gang of roofers I have had to sack 3 white straight males and have now taken on Leroy who it turns out is always fucking stoned,carries a shiv and wants to finish work at 9.00 because the shops are open and he needs to go looting to subsidise his wages. Caroline is a fat lezza that can carry more tiles than anyone so she can stay,problem being that everytime I give her a lead dresser she stuffs it up her yeast filled twat. Jason is a gay paraplegic who we have to hoist up on to the scaffold everyday and we get no work out of the cunt because everytime one of the lads bends over he wanks himself silly. Diversity targets reached though so welcome to 2023

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14 hours ago, Roadkill said:

He had Parkinson's disease too. I guess if he delayed his self induced sinus expansion long enough to end up a shivering vegetable he'd have just decided to call it a day and start working as a motivational speaker for kids who can't read good.

What did Cecil Parkinson die of?

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On 26/11/2023 at 19:12, Neil said:

I see they're writing a script for some tart (tanned) and including in the story line that she's actually a transgender. More proof that the BBC has and  still is run by perverts,Boycott these cunts into oblivion.

I tuned into this nom for a shit shagging go at the Dr Who Bullshit Worn Out Old Fashioned Nobody's Interested Anymore Tedious Repetitive Out Of Date BBC only to find its yet another fucking nom about transgender and the fucking daleks. Neil if you really want to change sex just go ahead and do it, stop fucking talking about it all the time like an inverted voyeur. 

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11 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

I tuned into this nom for a shit shagging go at the Dr Who Bullshit Worn Out Old Fashioned Nobody's Interested Anymore Tedious Repetitive Out Of Date BBC only to find its yet another fucking nom about transgender and the fucking daleks. Neil if you really want to change sex just go ahead and do it, stop fucking talking about it all the time like an inverted voyeur. 

Yep,another one brain washed into acceptance of the weird cunts.

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On 27/11/2023 at 23:16, King Billy said:

‘So we finally meet Mr Bond. Would you like some poppadoms?’

Another flop - how many times can they use the words "live" or "die" in a Bond movie title. I see Judi has a new book out for Christmas (and the Bard's anniversary) "Shakespeare Pays My Wages".... never liked the cunt. 🍊 That's a 🍋 


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On 29/11/2023 at 21:11, Roadkill said:

He had Parkinson's disease too. I guess if he delayed his self induced sinus expansion long enough to end up a shivering vegetable he'd have just decided to call it a day and start working as a motivational speaker for kids who can't read good.

The House of Jollof.


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On 02/12/2023 at 11:22, ChildeHarold said:

You’re dead wrong there. But why don't you just say the whole fucking Dr Who shite show has it's day and this is just resuscitating a corpse. OK a transgender corpse. 


Considering the average age of punters on here Doctor Who was probably an important part of their childhood and they feel bitter towards what to them is established cannon being changed to pander to a new generation.

Nothing the BBC has it's fingers in these days is primarily entertainment, it's just regurgitated slop designed to specifically indoctrinate younger viewers into a more politically acceptable world view, whilst seemingly tricking older fans into letting their children watch it.

A corporation, especially one that demands a mandatory payment simply for the fact that every television in existence automatically has their channels tuned in out of the box, should in no way be abusing its status to pander and transmit the social engineered whims and opinions of its employees who intend to use it as propaganda to promote their own personal beliefs.

It can play the fucking program the way it was written and portrayed since the fucking sixties, or they can fuck off and become a private channel and do whatever they fucking please. They shouldn't be legally allowed to spit in the face of fans and demand payment for the service.

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11 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

Considering the average age of punters on here Doctor Who was probably an important part of their childhood and they feel bitter towards what to them is established cannon being changed to pander to a new generation.

Nothing the BBC has it's fingers in these days is primarily entertainment, it's just regurgitated slop designed to specifically indoctrinate younger viewers into a more politically acceptable world view, whilst seemingly tricking older fans into letting their children watch it.

A corporation, especially one that demands a mandatory payment simply for the fact that every television in existence automatically has their channels tuned in out of the box, should in no way be abusing its status to pander and transmit the social engineered whims and opinions of its employees who intend to use it as propaganda to promote their own personal beliefs.

It can play the fucking program the way it was written and portrayed since the fucking sixties, or they can fuck off and become a private channel and do whatever they fucking please. They shouldn't be legally allowed to spit in the face of fans and demand payment for the service.

It was never the same after they replaced William Hartnell .

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1 minute ago, Penny Farthing said:

It was never the same after they replaced William Hartnell .

I've never been able to get into it at any level myself, but Hartnell isn't even the first Doctor anymore - they retconned a small black child into that position a few years ago.

No reason, just because they can. I do understand the frustration this sort of shit must cause to long term fans though, even if I'm not one myself.

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9 hours ago, Roadkill said:

I've never been able to get into it at any level myself, but Hartnell isn't even the first Doctor anymore - they retconned a small black child into that position a few years ago.

No reason, just because they can. I do understand the frustration this sort of shit must cause to long term fans though, even if I'm not one myself.

I thought that the first Doctor Who was a 40 stone lesbian from Solihull .. or what that a Time Lard?

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12 hours ago, Roadkill said:

Considering the average age of punters on here Doctor Who was probably an important part of their childhood and they feel bitter towards what to them is established cannon being changed to pander to a new generation.

Nothing the BBC has it's fingers in these days is primarily entertainment, it's just regurgitated slop designed to specifically indoctrinate younger viewers into a more politically acceptable world view, whilst seemingly tricking older fans into letting their children watch it.

A corporation, especially one that demands a mandatory payment simply for the fact that every television in existence automatically has their channels tuned in out of the box, should in no way be abusing its status to pander and transmit the social engineered whims and opinions of its employees who intend to use it as propaganda to promote their own personal beliefs.

It can play the fucking program the way it was written and portrayed since the fucking sixties, or they can fuck off and become a private channel and do whatever they fucking please. They shouldn't be legally allowed to spit in the face of fans and demand payment for the service.

There again, you're confirming what I said. IT'S FUCKING GONE, KABOOSH, THE WHOLE SHITE SHOW OF THE BBC. 

When you analyse it and the history of the BBC it's always been a class ridden propaganda machine that for years had it all to themselves. Every single progression in provision of radio and tv they opposed and criminalised. Even today it's a boys and largely girls public school employment agency. They haven't fucking grasped the culture and public have moved on assisted by new technology. Instead they are falling back on a handful of programme brands to butter their bread and an 18% increase in the Licence (you hope). 

I have some fond memories of yesteryear but these like Dr Who would have their rightful place in an archive freely available for people to download or stream. After all - WE, VE ALREADY PAID FOR THE FUCKING STUFF WHY SHOULD IT BE ON A PAY TO VIEW OR SUBSCRIPTION BASIS?

Whatever the BBC does now is fucking immaterial it's irrelevant because people ain't watching or supporting it anymore. Let them fucking di what they want who cares. It's dead. Join the movement and stop watching the BBC. For that matter stop watching the pipeline of filth that constitutes most of SKY and Freeview. 

Back in the day Ofcom terminated Thames TV's franchise on the basis of "low quality". Thames TV produced The World At War with Lawrence Olivier. 

What has ITV or Channel 4 or Channel 5 ever produced to match the World AR War? 

Am I a cunt or is there something wrong with the world today? 

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