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The Fucking Filth


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15 hours ago, The Beast said:

I like some of his content. I don't mind the cadaverous old cunt. 

I wouldn't mind him as much if he just straight up admitted that he was a racist old cunt. It's probably not escaped your notice that he's absolutely obsessed with blacks, to the point he regularly posts videos that border on scientific racism and eugenics. He's even got a video where he claims that the blacks actually enjoyed slavery.

I usually leave the cod psychology to your esteemed colleague, but I'd wager that he's been cucked at least a dozen times by some prime Mandingos.

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6 hours ago, Penny Farthing said:

A weakness of the system has and still in the inability to filter out those who are playing the system and of letting those who truly need help to slip though the net.

@Wolfie @Dyslexic cnut ?

That's why we have Cunts Corner, or Care in the Community, as the government likes to call it 😄

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It's definitely reassuring to know that Mrs D will have the police at her back the next time an angry white van driver quite rightly criticises her appalling female driving skills by shouting obscenities out of his Rascal's window. Conversely though, I doubt she'd see hide nor hair of the filth if he was black and decided to skip the personal abuse and just get straight down to stabbing/raping her.


Being married to you, she'd probably be grateful for both.

One for some much needed pleasure, the other to finally get the fuck away from a cunt like you.

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6 minutes ago, ZEV said:

@Wolfie @Dyslexic cnut ?

That's why we have Cunts Corner, or Care in the Community, as the government likes to call it 😄

You're incapable of worthy debate or comment, instead choosing to pal-up with the other bottom feeders to troll more competent members from one corner of the site to the next.

It's obvious you're a raving pooftah. And do you know what? I couldn't give a fucking monkeys. Had you bothered to read my comments about gay people, seeing as you've been here for over nine long fucking years, you'd realise this.

You utter dickhead.

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1 hour ago, ZEV said:

Being married to you, she'd probably grateful for both.

One for some much needed pleasure, the other to finally get the fuck away from a cunt like you.

It appears that you've somehow managed to quote @Snowy but with text from one of my previous posts included.

Proof if any was needed that you are indeed the thickest cunt in all of Christendom.

You sausage fingered, computer-illiterate, absolute fucking cretin.

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13 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

I’m sure your average pig would happily bludgeon these goat-fuckers to death…but they can’t. For £23k a year would you be happy to wade into these savages at the very serious risk of dismissal, public humiliation with your face splattered all over the meedja, your family subjected to long-term abuse and societal ostracising, a lengthy prison sentence punctuated by being stabbed in the exercise yard like that poor cunt Chauvin who’s only crime that I could see was restraining a giant, drug-fuelled, violent silver-back criminal whilst committing a felony? Your call, Stubbs.

I don’t doubt your average rozzer would happily crush a few Hamas chanting wallahs under his land rover or drag them into the cells for a kicking, but as you say, unfortunately those days are over. Act like a cunt, play up and threaten people with violence but cry foul with a copper has the nerve to restrain you. We’ll never go back to a police force which can enforce the law via even the threat of a big stick.

I know a copper in Devon who says back in the early days, him and his mates would give the usual local idiots a few punches and steal toe caps to keep them on their toes.

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20 hours ago, Stubby Pecker said:

Carry on:

- gluing down the toupee 

- cruising the docks

- dressing like a bender

- eating alone

- soliciting barely legal men

- thawing out his vile chink ex mrs for a quick root

- acting like a no mark useless cunt

etc etc


Carry on Franking.

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14 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Society gets the police service that it fucking deserves. You can also blame Osborne & the pig-fucker. Austerity and police budget/recruitment cuts, along with crap wages, reduced pension terms and a justice system not fit for purpose together with cunt lawyers, cunt senior cops (usually lesbian over-promoted wimmin) a cunt media and the woke agenda…would anyone in their right fucking mind (hence the dickheads in there) join the police? Lock somebody like @Frank up for gross indecency (again) at the start of a shift and the cop will be stuck in the nick for two days doing paperwork, and you wonder why you seldom see one? The Met has something like 35k members…2 or 3 get done for rapey conduct and suddenly every copper in the country is a sex offender and wimmin can’t walk the streets safely. Fuck me, one black kid gets knifed by whiteys 30 fucking years ago and the police are institutionally racist, unfit for purpose and his mother goes to the House of Lords. Mobile phone cameras and body cams has the poor cunts scared to death to do their job. Fuck this whiney cunty attitude…the sooner the police drop the 1940’s ‘Dixon of Dock Green’ policing-by-consent bollocks and get tooled up to fuck and become semi-military, like they are in Europe and the States the better. Behave your fucking self and stay away from them and you’ll be fine, act like a cunt and you’ll get twatted like you would in elsewhere. Perhaps then you’ll see the end of what they’ve now been reduced to and you’re complaining about…feeble, woke, insipid and cowardly…a mirror image and product of the wanky society that spawned them. Get fucked.


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15 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

like that poor cunt Chauvin who’s only crime that I could see was restraining a giant, drug-fuelled, violent silver-back criminal whilst committing a felony

Have you watched the recent documentary ‘THE GREATEST LIE EVER SOLD……GEORGE FLOYD AND THE RISE OF BLM?

Very interesting and totally blows the lid off the MSM promoted hysteria over the death of this vile cunt, which just very conveniently occurred  during the summer in the run up to the stolen 2020 Presidential election.

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I know a couple of coppers and they're decent people who joined the force to do the right thing and serve the public in a just and fair way...but they're getting disillusioned with the powers above them. The good coppers have either left or will leave in the near future, we will be left with state programmed goons who won't give a fuck about what rights you have remaining, just as long as you do everything the state wants you to do.

1984..you ain't seen fuck all yet.

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On 28/11/2023 at 06:23, Dyslexic cnut said:

Society gets the police service that it fucking deserves. You can also blame Osborne & the pig-fucker. Austerity and police budget/recruitment cuts, along with crap wages, reduced pension terms and a justice system not fit for purpose together with cunt lawyers, cunt senior cops (usually lesbian over-promoted wimmin) a cunt media and the woke agenda…would anyone in their right fucking mind (hence the dickheads in there) join the police? Lock somebody like @Frank up for gross indecency (again) at the start of a shift and the cop will be stuck in the nick for two days doing paperwork, and you wonder why you seldom see one? The Met has something like 35k members…2 or 3 get done for rapey conduct and suddenly every copper in the country is a sex offender and wimmin can’t walk the streets safely. Fuck me, one black kid gets knifed by whiteys 30 fucking years ago and the police are institutionally racist, unfit for purpose and his mother goes to the House of Lords. Mobile phone cameras and body cams has the poor cunts scared to death to do their job. Fuck this whiney cunty attitude…the sooner the police drop the 1940’s ‘Dixon of Dock Green’ policing-by-consent bollocks and get tooled up to fuck and become semi-military, like they are in Europe and the States the better. Behave your fucking self and stay away from them and you’ll be fine, act like a cunt and you’ll get twatted like you would in elsewhere. Perhaps then you’ll see the end of what they’ve now been reduced to and you’re complaining about…feeble, woke, insipid and cowardly…a mirror image and product of the wanky society that spawned them. Get fucked.

Police me harder daddy.

The current state of the cozzers is wholly attributable to the pathetic husks we have in government.

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