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The Fucking Filth


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5 hours ago, Frank said:

I suggest you button it, right now. You're treading on thin ice and and I assure you there'll be no more DC if you carry on trolling. Tell us some stories about the kids, you fucking moron.

Frank, go easy on the lad, he's having a traumatic time at the moment.

His Bentley is more than a year old now, the resale value must've plummeted somewhat, and his parrot🦜 has flown to pastures new, he's got nobody to talk to, well, nobody who'll fuckin' listen at any rate.

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3 hours ago, ZEV said:

Frank, go easy on the lad, he's having a traumatic time at the moment.

His Bentley is more than a year old now, the resale value must've plummeted somewhat, and his parrot🦜 has flown to pastures new, he's got nobody to talk to, well, nobody who'll fuckin' listen at any rate.

I’ve just bought a Citröen SM to sit along side it. What a beautiful motor, and that suspension and ride…oooh la la, laa!

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6 hours ago, Frank said:

I suggest you button it, right now. You're treading on thin ice and and I assure you there'll be no more DC if you carry on trolling. Tell us some stories about the kids, you fucking moron.

I don’t have children, I was indulging in what’s known as ‘gobshite-grooming’ you gullible fuck. Incidentally, how did the missus manage to admire my posts, I understand that she’s less mobile than @Mike Hunt’s. Fuck off.

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3 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

I’ve just bought a Citröen SM to sit along side it. What a beautiful motor, and that suspension and ride…oooh la la, laa!

Well, that's the parrot replaced, what are you going to do about the Bentley?

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On 26/11/2023 at 17:12, Decimus said:

The old bill have received some fair criticism in recent years and I can't say that I've ever really been a fan. From being treated heavy handedly as a 12 year old after shouting "pig" at a passing squealer, to subsequently having to wait two days for one to turn up after reporting a burglary 20 years later, they've never seemed to be able to work out what an appropriate level of response is.

Now fresh off the back of another year of hushing up school kids getting flashed by state funded hotel guests and letting anyone black do whatever the fuck they want, the police have actually summoned the energy to arrest someone. In this case two 17 year old boys who committed a crime so heinous that you'll all be able to sleep well tonight in the knowledge that the boys in blue nicked these menaces to society within seconds of the report being made.


It's definitely reassuring to know that Mrs D will have the police at her back the next time an angry white van driver quite rightly criticises her appalling female driving skills by shouting obscenities out of his Rascal's window. Conversely though, I doubt she'd see hide nor hair of the filth if he was black and decided to skip the personal abuse and just get straight down to stabbing/raping her.

Fuck the police.


The real question is and one I can't answer as was in my city because football is faggots.

Did she actually get her tits out ?

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Guest entitled little cunt
On 26/11/2023 at 17:12, Decimus said:

The old bill have received some fair criticism in recent years and I can't say that I've ever really been a fan. From being treated heavy handedly as a 12 year old after shouting "pig" at a passing squealer, to subsequently having to wait two days for one to turn up after reporting a burglary 20 years later, they've never seemed to be able to work out what an appropriate level of response is.

Now fresh off the back of another year of hushing up school kids getting flashed by state funded hotel guests and letting anyone black do whatever the fuck they want, the police have actually summoned the energy to arrest someone. In this case two 17 year old boys who committed a crime so heinous that you'll all be able to sleep well tonight in the knowledge that the boys in blue nicked these menaces to society within seconds of the report being made.


It's definitely reassuring to know that Mrs D will have the police at her back the next time an angry white van driver quite rightly criticises her appalling female driving skills by shouting obscenities out of his Rascal's window. Conversely though, I doubt she'd see hide nor hair of the filth if he was black and decided to skip the personal abuse and just get straight down to stabbing/raping her.

Fuck the police.


Certainly in London the place is entirely  run by  and for those of  a non indigenous persuasion.As you state policing is now a three tier system, the white working class are on the lowest tier .It's obvious  that how policing is conducted depends on the ethnic origin of the person of interest to the police  and crimes committed are somehow justified due to perceived racism past and present. Talk about taking the piss .Its just not right and will eventually lead to real trouble .


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4 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

When I was younger I wanted to be a copper, but I was caught out by the trick question on the application form.

“Q1: Father’s name?”

They worked out that I was a racist when I applied. They asked me:

’What is rabies and how would you respond to it?’ I replied… ‘rabies is Jewish priests and I would assist them in any way I could.’

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On 26/11/2023 at 17:50, Decimus said:

That's exactly what's happened, the world has changed and not for the better.

Being left wing used to mean that in the first instance you believed in equality for all. Nowadays it's all about elevating one racial, gender or sexuality group above another and applying differing standards in how you police, educate, employ and represent them. That to me is about as far away from what I would consider true liberalism as it's possible to get. The new left has morphed into the old right and is so steadfastly dogmatic in its views that it more closely resembles fascism than anything else these days.

I still consider myself to be a leftist, I believe in all races and people being given equal opportunities at birth and I don't think that anyone should be divided and treated differently based upon their race or creed. The irony is that if you believe in true equality these days you're far more likely to be called a far right bigot than a decent human being. 

What have we fucking become?

Our brave boys in blue, idly standing by as 1000s of Hamas supporting jihadi cunts preach their religious hatred in our capital.

No wonder extremist fuckers have the brass neck to talk their bollocks and treat their “home country “ with such disrespect. They know the pigs won’t lift a trotter. 

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3 hours ago, King Billy said:

Probably in 3rd place behind ‘Carry on Felching’ and ‘Carry on up the Khyber Pass’. 

Carry on:

- gluing down the toupee 

- cruising the docks

- dressing like a bender

- eating alone

- soliciting barely legal men

- thawing out his vile chink ex mrs for a quick root

- acting like a no mark useless cunt

etc etc


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13 hours ago, Penny Farthing said:

I do wonder whether we might be better going back to have local town police forces .. perhaps as far as having local constables sweeping the street for one day a week to help bring them back  to being in touch with the people they are actually serving. Here in one of Devon's largest towns and seaside resort there are days when the police are nowhere to be seen .. shortage of officers is one excuse yet back in the lockdown Dartmoor was crawling with copper searching for people daring to escape to the wilds for a few hours and then posting on arsebook about how hard heir day hunting down the people daring to venture out had been.

Here in Essex, the constabulary have said it is no longer responding to mental health issues in order to free up officers time. When they put some personality disordered poor soul on a 136 after they have threatened to kill themselves for the umpteenth time, they end up waiting with the patient for hours for a space in a 136 suite to become available. Have noticed less plod at the sweat shop recently. 

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9 hours ago, The Beast said:

Here in Essex, the constabulary have said it is no longer responding to mental health issues in order to free up officers time. When they put some personality disordered poor soul on a 136 after they have threatened to kill themselves for the umpteenth time, they end up waiting with the patient for hours for a space in a 136 suite to become available. Have noticed less plod at the sweat shop recently. 

Society gets the police service that it fucking deserves. You can also blame Osborne & the pig-fucker. Austerity and police budget/recruitment cuts, along with crap wages, reduced pension terms and a justice system not fit for purpose together with cunt lawyers, cunt senior cops (usually lesbian over-promoted wimmin) a cunt media and the woke agenda…would anyone in their right fucking mind (hence the dickheads in there) join the police? Lock somebody like @Frank up for gross indecency (again) at the start of a shift and the cop will be stuck in the nick for two days doing paperwork, and you wonder why you seldom see one? The Met has something like 35k members…2 or 3 get done for rapey conduct and suddenly every copper in the country is a sex offender and wimmin can’t walk the streets safely. Fuck me, one black kid gets knifed by whiteys 30 fucking years ago and the police are institutionally racist, unfit for purpose and his mother goes to the House of Lords. Mobile phone cameras and body cams has the poor cunts scared to death to do their job. Fuck this whiney cunty attitude…the sooner the police drop the 1940’s ‘Dixon of Dock Green’ policing-by-consent bollocks and get tooled up to fuck and become semi-military, like they are in Europe and the States the better. Behave your fucking self and stay away from them and you’ll be fine, act like a cunt and you’ll get twatted like you would in elsewhere. Perhaps then you’ll see the end of what they’ve now been reduced to and you’re complaining about…feeble, woke, insipid and cowardly…a mirror image and product of the wanky society that spawned them. Get fucked.

Edited by Mrs Roops
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7 hours ago, Stubby Pecker said:

Our brave boys in blue, idly standing by as 1000s of Hamas supporting jihadi cunts preach their religious hatred in our capital.

No wonder extremist fuckers have the brass neck to talk their bollocks and treat their “home country “ with such disrespect. They know the pigs won’t lift a trotter. 

I’m sure your average pig would happily bludgeon these goat-fuckers to death…but they can’t. For £23k a year would you be happy to wade into these savages at the very serious risk of dismissal, public humiliation with your face splattered all over the meedja, your family subjected to long-term abuse and societal ostracising, a lengthy prison sentence punctuated by being stabbed in the exercise yard like that poor cunt Chauvin who’s only crime that I could see was restraining a giant, drug-fuelled, violent silver-back criminal whilst committing a felony? Your call, Stubbs.

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10 hours ago, The Beast said:

Here in Essex, the constabulary have said it is no longer responding to mental health issues in order to free up officers time. When they put some personality disordered poor soul on a 136 after they have threatened to kill themselves for the umpteenth time, they end up waiting with the patient for hours for a space in a 136 suite to become available. Have noticed less plod at the sweat shop recently. 

There are of course plenty of people with genuine mental health problems and they do need proper provision but my experience from volunteering with a "collective" that was focused on these issue is that a proportion .. perhaps more than haf of the one that I saw were simply there for the ride. It was interesting to see how when the benefits system was tightened up just how many found jobs, what was also noteworthy was just how many of the one's who knew how to play the system though managed to keep their benefits and avoid having to find work and sadly a small who lost their benefits and ended up on the streets or worse. A weakness of the system has and still in the inability to filter out those who are playing the system and of letting those who truly need help to slip though the net.

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18 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

until I eventually kill you

I expect you would be caught before that happens.

All those poor people dying, to satisfy your rampant stupidity.

Still, if you believe the fairy stories propagated by imbeciles on a cunt's website, you deserve all you get, you stupid twat.

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