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Guest entitled little cunt

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On 23/11/2023 at 20:22, entitled little cunt said:

Israel  is generally a civilised society all be it with a penchant for male genital mutilation. You're an obviously intelligent  person and as you suggest my literary  skills quite possibly are that of a ten year old .I wouldn't make aspertions in regards to your level of education as you do mine as I believe it rather vulgar  and I think you let yourself  down in taking that tack with me .Anyway , you and many others speak of the historical implications that have formed the middle East and its plethora of petty squabbles and tribal loyalties .The failiure of such thinking is the ignorance of the here and now  and what is actually happening on the ground presently. Israel does not want war .The Palestinians are locked in perpetual victimhood .The culture is barbaric, the religion is barbaric and a good many of the common a garden citizens of that fucked up shit hole are barbaric as the parading of the  half naked dead body of a german girl raped and beaten to death by "ordinary" palastinian men proves. Those in the West wringing their hands in angst for the palastinian cause believe they are dealing with individuals  with decency and humanity that I'm afraid is not the case .No other middle eastern country wishes to help or receive palastinian refugees. Why ? Because they're trouble .The great Islamic brotherhood seems rather lacking in sympathy towards Palestinians. Israel have demanded, quite rightly  the release of hostages taken by Hamas , when that occurs they have promised to negotiate. Israel wants a 2 state solution to the wider  problem, its quite obvious israel and the  jews cannot just float away into the ether. Hamas endlessly declares they wish   the destruction of Israel and the death of all Jews. That is the here and now .That is the problem.Islam because of a lack of a  new testament or mordenising process   is  as warlike,  intolerant and misogynistic as it was at its  conception. That is the here and now .

I don't agree with most of this, in spite of trying to tackle it with an open mind (though I do agree with your statement 'The great Islamic brotherhood seems rather lacking in sympathy towards Palestinians'). The Israeli military has gone really mad this time and the aerial bombardment and shots of the tanks – knowing the full scale of innocent lives lost in Gaza and the West Bank (15-16,000 and counting) – are no different from the aerial bombardment and shots of the German tanks in Europe in 1940. Each time I see the news, in spite of what happened on Oct 07, I cannot understand why people are sympathetic to Benjamin Netanyahou and that his actions are justified, even in the face of Hamas terrorism. Hamas extremism is the problem, not the Palestinian people. Palestine needs another Yasser Arafat, not this. Surely you'll agree genocide in Gaza, which is sewing the seeds of hatred for more generations, is not the answer.

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7 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

I'm sure @King Billy likes eating orange carrots as do I.

Of course Raas. I often drive my imaginary M4 home from the battle cruiser at 2AM at 155 MPH, after twenty pints and fifteen double JDs, wearing sunglasses and without switching the headlights on.while munching a bright orange carrot.

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26 minutes ago, King Billy said:

Of course Raas. I often drive my imaginary M4 home from the battle cruiser at 2AM at 155 MPH, after twenty pints and fifteen double JDs, wearing sunglasses and without switching the headlights on.while munching a bright orange carrot.

You're in the big smoke aren't you, Bill? It's a shame that you haven't killed @Frank in a hit and run incident whilst pissed out of your nut.

Although I'd wager that a defence of "I didn't see him" wouldn't fly up at the old bailey. Even twenty pints deep with your eyes closed it would be impossible to miss the most ridiculously dressed wanker in London staggering down Old Compton Street, 26 inch waist corduroys around his swollen ankles whilst sporting an arse that looks like the flag of Japan.

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9 minutes ago, Decimus said:

You're in the big smoke aren't you, Bill? It's a shame that you haven't killed @Frank in a hit and run incident whilst pissed out of your nut.

Although I'd wager that a defence of "I didn't see him" wouldn't fly up at the old bailey. Even twenty pints deep with your eyes closed it would be impossible to miss the most ridiculously dressed wanker in London staggering down old Compton Street, 26 inch waist corduroys around his swollen ankles whilst sporting an arse that looks like the flag of Japan.

‘I was so drunk that I thought it was the ghost of Quentin Crisp, and it would go away if I just closed my eyes and put my foot down Your Honour. I’ll try my best to be much more careful in future when I’m driving home pissed out of my head’.

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14 minutes ago, Decimus said:

You're in the big smoke aren't you, Bill? It's a shame that you haven't killed @Frank in a hit and run incident whilst pissed out of your nut.

Although I'd wager that a defence of "I didn't see him" wouldn't fly up at the old bailey. Even twenty pints deep with your eyes closed it would be impossible to miss the most ridiculously dressed wanker in London staggering down old Compton Street, 26 inch waist corduroys around his swollen ankles whilst sporting an arse that looks like the flag of Japan.

Out of likes (probably just as well as I wouldn’t want to be accused of having my head shoved up your arse as usual).

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The liberal left can’t shout quickly and loudly enough that the election across the world of what they laughingly label as ‘far right’ politicians is somehow an existential threat to ‘democracy and civil society’. Someone should point out to these fucking lying propagandist wankers that it’s been decades of ‘far left’ Marxist administrations that have reduced once great countries to the bottom of the barrel and that millions of people are waking up to that fact and it’s time for the political scammers to fuck off while they still can.

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On 26/11/2023 at 14:55, Wolfie said:

I don't agree with most of this, in spite of trying to tackle it with an open mind (though I do agree with your statement 'The great Islamic brotherhood seems rather lacking in sympathy towards Palestinians'). The Israeli military has gone really mad this time and the aerial bombardment and shots of the tanks – knowing the full scale of innocent lives lost in Gaza and the West Bank (15-16,000 and counting) – are no different from the aerial bombardment and shots of the German tanks in Europe in 1940. Each time I see the news, in spite of what happened on Oct 07, I cannot understand why people are sympathetic to Benjamin Netanyahou and that his actions are justified, even in the face of Hamas terrorism. Hamas extremism is the problem, not the Palestinian people. Palestine needs another Yasser Arafat, not this. Surely you'll agree genocide in Gaza, which is sowing the seeds of hatred for more generations, is not the answer.

I agree with your sentiments regarding Israel’s slaughtering of innocents and the madness that certain groups are happy to justify this and support that hook nosed fascist cook in charge.

However, the problem isn’t just these Hamas cunts running the show, it’s the barbaric religion and dogma which underpins the whole region. The world doesn’t need a Palestinian state; there are already 20 odd Muslim states in the Middle East and Northern Africa and everyone is a fucking shithole, run by a pack of cunts and millions of sheep like Mecca bowing idiots. Even the chinks must be in awe of the control the unseparated “church and state” can exert on the populace. It’s almost like the whole thing was invented for this very reason. Religious advice on how to correctly beat your wife, chucking poofs off of buildings, advocating death if someone decides to leave Islam, and so fucking on and on. 21st century progress in action.

Jews and Muslims deserve each other, I’m just fucked off that millions of the latter reside in our green and pleasant land 

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19 hours ago, Stubby Pecker said:

I agree with your sentiments regarding Israel’s slaughtering of innocents and the madness that certain groups are happy to justify this and support that hook nosed fascist cook in charge.

However, the problem isn’t just these Hamas cunts running the show, it’s the barbaric religion and dogma which underpins the whole region. The world doesn’t need a Palestinian state; there are already 20 odd Muslim states in the Middle East and Northern Africa and everyone is a fucking shithole, run by a pack of cunts and millions of sheep like Mecca bowing idiots. Even the chinks must be in awe of the control the unseparated “church and state” can exert on the populace. It’s almost like the whole thing was invented for this very reason. Religious advice on how to correctly beat your wife, chucking poofs off of buildings, advocating death if someone decides to leave Islam, and so fucking on and on. 21st century progress in action.

Jews and Muslims deserve each other, I’m just fucked off that millions of the latter reside in our green and pleasant land 


18 hours ago, Stubby Pecker said:

Our brave boys in blue, idly standing by as 1000s of Hamas supporting jihadi cunts preach their religious hatred in our capital.

No wonder extremist fuckers have the brass neck to talk their bollocks and treat their “home country “ with such disrespect. They know the pigs won’t lift a trotter. 

The damage has been done Stubbs. New Labour started to turn the UK into an EU migration state, pandering to European authorities in return for trade deals with some 2.5 million foreign-born workers added to the population since New Labour's inception in 1997 and net migration averaging 2-250,000 per year between 1997 and 2010 – five times higher than under the previous government of 1990-1996. Immigration under Blair quite literally changed the face of Britain, with no infrastructure put in place to accommodate it. And then he started a war in the Middle East. What an example of self-serving short-termism under the Scottish cunt's leadership. I hope he and his pig-ugly moose wife continue to suffer at the hands of public opinion; both have aged well beyond their years, and I hope it's not long before either is no longer of this Earth. 

People voted for change under Cameron's Conservatives for this reason (among others), which brought little immigration reductions, with then-Home Secretary Theresa May failing to fulfil her promise to voters about the sheer number of legal (and illegal) immigrants entering the UK. What a disaster.

It's too late. As much as I have supported the plight of the vast majority of Palestinian people in this most recent bit of genocide from Israel (remember the similar early noughties slaughter in Jenin, which our BBC-led media appears to have conveniently forgotten?), the fact these cunts were allowed to march in London on Armistice Day was totally wrong and utterly disrespectful to the lives given to secure this country's future against the Third Reich. How dare our weak police sit back as Hamas operatives were allowed to roam free in the capital of our country, to incite further racial hatred among those rallying. It was exactly the same with the BLM bollocks a couple of years ago as police stood and watched as irreplaceable parts of British history were defaced and destroyed.

A small (and ironic) metaphor here is that it took 4-5 armed Met Police officers to arrest Tommy Robinson for simply attending the recent antisemitism march – even though sources clearly show he didn't do much wrong. Yet police seem to be afraid of treating Islamic extremism with the same degree of authority, for fear of having a minority racism reprisal affecting their careers. Cowards. They no longer serve the 88% British majority they are employed to serve. People – including me – have very little respect for them, which comes as no surprise.

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10 hours ago, Wolfie said:


The damage has been done Stubbs. New Labour started to turn the UK into an EU migration state, pandering to European authorities in return for trade deals with some 2.5 million foreign-born workers added to the population since New Labour's inception in 1997 and net migration averaging 2-250,000 per year between 1997 and 2010 – five times higher than under the previous government of 1990-1996. Immigration under Blair quite literally changed the face of Britain, with no infrastructure put in place to accommodate it. And then he started a war in the Middle East. What an example of self-serving short-termism under the Scottish cunt's leadership. I hope he and his pig-ugly moose wife continue to suffer at the hands of public opinion; both have aged well beyond their years, and I hope it's not long before either is no longer of this Earth. 

People voted for change under Cameron's Conservatives for this reason (among others), which brought little immigration reductions, with then-Home Secretary Theresa May failing to fulfil her promise to voters about the sheer number of legal (and illegal) immigrants entering the UK. What a disaster.

It's too late. As much as I have supported the plight of the vast majority of Palestinian people in this most recent bit of genocide from Israel (remember the similar early noughties slaughter in Jenin, which our BBC-led media appears to have conveniently forgotten?), the fact these cunts were allowed to march in London on Armistice Day was totally wrong and utterly disrespectful to the lives given to secure this country's future against the Third Reich. How dare our weak police sit back as Hamas operatives were allowed to roam free in the capital of our country, to incite further racial hatred among those rallying. It was exactly the same with the BLM bollocks a couple of years ago as police stood and watched as irreplaceable parts of British history were defaced and destroyed.

A small (and ironic) metaphor here is that it took 4-5 armed Met Police officers to arrest Tommy Robinson for simply attending the recent antisemitism march – even though sources clearly show he didn't do much wrong. Yet police seem to be afraid of treating Islamic extremism with the same degree of authority, for fear of having a minority racism reprisal affecting their careers. Cowards. They no longer serve the 88% British majority they are employed to serve. People – including me – have very little respect for them, which comes as no surprise.

Indeed, we seem fucked with our leaders happy to pander to minorities who are completely incompatible with traditional British values.

A glimmer of hope from the paddies however. Granted a lot of the ruckus over there was local wankers destroying and stealing just for the sake of it, but it seems to have awoken and emboldened the average bog rat to say enough is enough. With any luck this will bring down the liberal government, headed by a poof of all people (I wonder what the jihadi immigrants think of him), and bring in leaders who actually listen and speak for the people.

Another serious terror incident over here could create the same atmosphere when 90% of the population say enough of these lazy migrant scum, this isn’t what we and our ancestors worked and fought for. It’s really only a matter of time before a Royal, or a politician is killed and some reformed ISIS cunt starts stabbing in a primary school. On that day, something better change.

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12 hours ago, Wolfie said:

it took 4-5 armed Met Police officers to arrest Tommy Robinson for simply attending the recent antisemitism march

30 to 40 of the fucking rats actually, including the hero  who pepper sprayed him in the face from a distance of around 12” while he was being led away, totally surrounded by them and already had his hands cuffed behind his back.

Khan’s Gestapo, or to be more accurate Khan’s Sharia Revolutionary Guard.

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On 26/11/2023 at 12:15, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Did you know the Dutch cross bred the original Persian carrots (that were white or purple) until they became Orange to honour Willem van Oranje... I'm sure @King Billy likes eating orange carrots as do I. As it's the festive season, I'll be sending 2 kilos to @PANZER MURPHY... One kilo for shoving up his arse the other kilo for cooking. Lol. 

Tween two of us id say theres a better chance of me gettin hands on carrots down the local tesos than you do...lol


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34 minutes ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

Tween two of us id say theres a better chance of me gettin hands on carrots down the local tesos than you do...lol


Fuck all that racist shit, Panzer. I've been offered a Christmas job in The Netherlands as Zwarte Piet... they said I can have smoke all the weed I want and they'll pay me in Euros, thing is I've quit smoking and I don't like Euros. What would you advise?

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2 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Fuck all that racist shit, Panzer. I've been offered a Christmas job in The Netherlands as Zwarte Piet... they said I can have smoke all the weed I want and they'll pay me in Euros, thing is I've quit smoking and I don't like Euros. What would you advise?

Go for it Pappa Sango. Take the money and get back on the weed. As a darkie, you should really think about taking up acting. Any historical period drama has to have a dozen dusky cunts walking about Victorian England and fighting the 100 years war.

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11 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

Go for it Pappa Sango. Take the money and get back on the weed. As a darkie, you should really think about taking up acting. Any historical period drama has to have a dozen dusky cunts walking about Victorian England and fighting the 100 years war.

Funny you should mention acting, Stubbs... We all know King Aethelstan was black. I was thinking, it's only fair my good self play him, right? 


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1 hour ago, Stubby Pecker said:

Go for it Pappa Sango. Take the money and get back on the weed. As a darkie, you should really think about taking up acting. Any historical period drama has to have a dozen dusky cunts walking about Victorian England and fighting the 100 years war.

Sir Simon DeMontclaart.

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