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Guest entitled little cunt

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1 hour ago, Penny Farthing said:

@Cuntybaws is a Scot .. it is not possible for anyone who is not white and English to be a racist .. shame on you!

Is he a 'Scot'?

Or is he, just like every other cunt on Cunts Corner, somebody pretending to be somebody else (apart from Wolfie and Decimus who obviously are, without doubt, a pair of cunts, here, there, and everywhere)

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16 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

Do you mind if I change the subject for a second from the incessant racism that permeates your cortex? The "dumbing down" which you allude to in your post is surely multi-causal and I would offer just a few potential contributory factors just for your opinion and would be interested in seeing any others. 

# the so-called educational "reforms" of Baker under Thatcher accompanied by spending cuts across the board at primary, secondary and tertiary level

You will remember whole classes of junior kids had no permanent teacher and spent half the day running around in the playground. 

At the same time the management of schools by Locally Education Authorities was undermined by encouraging private enterprise to become involved in state schools via sponsorship with DEA funding following. The abolition of London's ILEA following after the abolition of the GLC was purely motivated by politics with the side benefit of privatising public assets such as schools playing fields and facilities. 

There were wasteful attempts to reintroduce selection and grammar schools. 

Incentives to the private schools in terms of state funded bursaries we're strengthened. 

All of the above was political footballing of the type that we now seem to find acceptable in Britain and contributed to chaos in the classroom, dumbing down the curriculum to focus on passing exams above all else, behaviour control rather than moral or intellectual development and generations of school leavers with progressively shorter and shorter horizons. A portion of these are now in classrooms teaching (not in private schools!) who prize career prospects and money more highly than vocation. It is a self reinforcing system. Just as single parent families with their inevitable social problems breed more single parent families until it becomes generational and one of the defining features of social housing, sink schools and local crime rates. 

# the rise of this very medium the internet has created a low quality culture that reinforces the easy and cheap, the transitory and short term, the material and animal. 

# I don't believe any of the petiodic bullshit about Britain being a "rich" country, being one of the wealthiest countries in the West blah blah blah. Britain has declined over the last century and the evidence of this is all around us with our crumbling inferior under invested infrastructure to our substandard health system. Britain has also evolved into a low income country with housing prices held high due to artificial shortages. Average families only just manage on two or even more jobs. Average per capita income in the UK is low compared to other comparable countries. All of this has led to a creeping deprivation in the quality of life that has blunted the individual's ability to develop, as a 360 degree human being, by pursuing activities outside the grinding necessity of earning a living. 

That's my view anyway and I would love to hear what others think about it. 



You will remember whole classes of junior kids had no permanent teacher and spent half the day running around in the playground.

At least the lardy-arsed little cunts got some daily exercise, instead of wanking themselves silly staring at their smartphones/tablets all day.

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2 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

You couldn't get a more architypical kike than this cunt. 

I quite like Winner. He was colourful. Interesting. He got life threatening sick at a "jew boy jamboree" of tv and media execs in the Caribbean and had to be flown back to UK in intensive care. He was never the same afterwards really, put on a smile but an invalid. I think his Western with Burt Lancaster and Lee J Cobb and Robert Ryan (last screen role) was a great movie. Straightforward and fantastic acting - courtesy of the director. Old school. 

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2 hours ago, ZEV said:

Well, you should have given your kids a proper coloured pencil set, shouldn't you?

I bet you had one of those biros that looked like a space rocket and had 12 different colours when you were at school. 
 I didn’t have one. But I did have an ‘Empire Strikes Back’ thermos flask and an R2-D2 pencil rubber so I didn’t care.

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2 hours ago, ZEV said:

I've always wondered, does Zal approve of you appropriating his likeness for an avatar?

S.A.H.B. are one of the few Scottish bands that I can actually get some enjoyment out of listening to.

Of course he approves; he needs all the publicity he can get these days. 

Currently heading up Orphans Of The Ash: https://www.facebook.com/p/Orphans-of-the-Ash-Music-100075733886334/



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3 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

Hmm...very interesting theories here. Unfortunately I can't help but believe a healthy level of deportation of degenerates who are fans of witchcraft , fgm, marrying off 14 year old girls to 40 year old men , the odd terrorist  attack and a walking grunting countrywide crime wave from the petty to having a zombie knife in the neck wouldn't go amiss.The death penalty for sex offenders , terrorists and child murderers would be quite a nice addition also . If they want a person to press the button for say...Ian Huntley  I would make myself available , infact it would be a pleasure to watch him writhe in agony.

You mention fgm, what about MGM? Don't you think there's a certain amount of bias in our laws concerning non-consensual infantile genital mutilation. And don't give me that cock and ball story about your 10 incher never having a problem with it. 

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12 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

You mention fgm, what about MGM? Don't you think there's a certain amount of bias in our laws concerning non-consensual infantile genital mutilation. And don't give me that cock and ball story about your 10 incher never having a problem with it. 

@Penny Farthing?

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3 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

I quite like Winner. He was colourful. Interesting. He got life threatening sick at a "jew boy jamboree" of tv and media execs in the Caribbean and had to be flown back to UK in intensive care. He was never the same afterwards really, put on a smile but an invalid. I think his Western with Burt Lancaster and Lee J Cobb and Robert Ryan (last screen role) was a great movie. Straightforward and fantastic acting - courtesy of the director. Old school. 

There’s only one western with Burt Lancaster. And he’s still coming.

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7 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

There’s only one western with Burt Lancaster. And he’s still coming.

I like that too. 😊 Not the one where he's a fake apache. His physical fitness in his later movies, eg The Swimmer, was exceptional. I was looking at my pencil stick arms when I got out of the bath last night and was disgusted how I'd let myself go. But would never do that. Mind you he did have a rotten end in a wheelchair with a stroke. 

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21 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

Do you mind if I change the subject for a second from the incessant racism that permeates your cortex? The "dumbing down" which you allude to in your post is surely multi-causal and I would offer just a few potential contributory factors just for your opinion and would be interested in seeing any others. 

# the so-called educational "reforms" of Baker under Thatcher accompanied by spending cuts across the board at primary, secondary and tertiary level

You will remember whole classes of junior kids had no permanent teacher and spent half the day running around in the playground. 

At the same time the management of schools by Locally Education Authorities was undermined by encouraging private enterprise to become involved in state schools via sponsorship with DEA funding following. The abolition of London's ILEA following after the abolition of the GLC was purely motivated by politics with the side benefit of privatising public assets such as schools playing fields and facilities. 

There were wasteful attempts to reintroduce selection and grammar schools. 

Incentives to the private schools in terms of state funded bursaries we're strengthened. 

All of the above was political footballing of the type that we now seem to find acceptable in Britain and contributed to chaos in the classroom, dumbing down the curriculum to focus on passing exams above all else, behaviour control rather than moral or intellectual development and generations of school leavers with progressively shorter and shorter horizons. A portion of these are now in classrooms teaching (not in private schools!) who prize career prospects and money more highly than vocation. It is a self reinforcing system. Just as single parent families with their inevitable social problems breed more single parent families until it becomes generational and one of the defining features of social housing, sink schools and local crime rates. 

# the rise of this very medium the internet has created a low quality culture that reinforces the easy and cheap, the transitory and short term, the material and animal. 

# I don't believe any of the petiodic bullshit about Britain being a "rich" country, being one of the wealthiest countries in the West blah blah blah. Britain has declined over the last century and the evidence of this is all around us with our crumbling inferior under invested infrastructure to our substandard health system. Britain has also evolved into a low income country with housing prices held high due to artificial shortages. Average families only just manage on two or even more jobs. Average per capita income in the UK is low compared to other comparable countries. All of this has led to a creeping deprivation in the quality of life that has blunted the individual's ability to develop, as a 360 degree human being, by pursuing activities outside the grinding necessity of earning a living. 

That's my view anyway and I would love to hear what others think about it. 



I'm all up for a bit of debate, and I'm generally more accepting of H version two, but have you ever asked yourself why people find you relentlessly mundane? I honestly avoid most of your long, lame, 500-word marathons. I just can't motivate myself to read them, and I honestly wish I could. You soul-destroying, mind-numbingly boring fucking reservoir of verboseness. Jesus.  

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12 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

I'm all up for a bit of debate, and I'm generally more accepting of H version two, but have you ever asked yourself why people find you relentlessly mundane? I honestly avoid most of your long, lame, 500-word marathons. I just can't motivate myself to read them, and I honestly wish I could. You soul-destroying, mind-numbingly boring fucking reservoir of verboseness. Jesus.  

I agree I could have chopped that down to four or five short sentences. Still, I'm aiming for the title of Proust of CC and just achieved Prat of CC. I value your feedback. 

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Guest entitled little cunt
2 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

You mention fgm, what about MGM? Don't you think there's a certain amount of bias in our laws concerning non-consensual infantile genital mutilation. And don't give me that cock and ball story about your 10 incher never having a problem with it. 

Yep totally agree .Its abhorrent no matter what fucked up medieval belief system is involved .I do have to correct you on one point , it's 12 inches not 10.

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