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Rwanda the brick wall


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Guest entitled little cunt
On 15/11/2023 at 10:23, ChildeHarold said:

... that just keeps on delivering for head bangers on the political right. £140+++ million benefit scrounging carried out by the British government. Considering 32,000 boat people have washed up in the Canary Islands this year perhaps the tories could send a team of "experts" to Spain to help sort it out. Ola! 😅 

It's quite simple .As soon as they wash up send the fuckers back .There are already enough  home grown wasters costing more than they're ever going to be worth who feel just because they exist they are entitled to be looked after in every conceivable way .They breed and give birth to those of  a similar disposition, basically a taxpayer funded crime wave that affects , yes you've guessed it , the humble taxpayer .Without any form of consultation we import thousands of  generally unwanted and  uneducated illegals who are given priority over the indigenous population for housing and access to benefits .As a british person you can work then  hit hard times , the powers that be will tell you to sling your hook.Wash up at Dover with no history , no record and little understanding of  life in a Liberal democracy and there is immediate health care, a mobile phone, accommodation, spending  money and free access to law professionals. It's not about  right wing or left wing it's about what's fair and just .The majority are young single males who are not fleeing war or persecution they simply wish to indulge in the advantages of a system geared to impoverish those who pay to maintain it .Illegals do not grace the private doctor surgeries on Harley Street, or dentists or the playing fields of Eaton and Harrow they are sent to reside in and use facilities that are already  collapsing in working class areas  Politicians, especially Labour   have an  abject failure of understanding that "enough , really is enough "and the majority believe so.


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There's absolutely no point in moaning about it or hoping political change will bring an end to illegal (and/or) legal immigration. When both of the main parties have ignored the wishes of a large part of the population for decades, a lot of thick fucking knuckleheads such as @ZEV think the answer is to vote for a party like Reform UK.

Well I've got news for you, they can grandstand and dog whistle all they want, but they will do absolutely NOTHING to stop or even reduce immigration into this country. Don't believe me? Look at Italy with Meloni. One of the most virulently right wing politicians elected in Europe since pre-WW2, she came in promising to 'fermare le barche' and by her own admission has done absolutely fuck all and reneged on most promises.

The only way things will change is if the people make it change by force, but the average Englishman hasn't got the stomach for that. 

There's no voting for change, you can only make it happen by rising up and taking back control, and not the sort of 'taking back control' people stupidly believed when they voted to leave the EU. 

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7 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Well I've got news for you, they can grandstand and dog whistle all they want, but they will do absolutely NOTHING to stop or even reduce immigration into this country. Don't believe me? Look at Italy with Meloni. One of the most virulently right wing politicians elected in Europe since pre-WW2, she came in promising to 'fermare le barche' and by her own admission has done absolutely fuck all and reneged on most promises.

The optimal solution would be to blow the shitty boats out of the water at every opportunity, and strafe any survivors, but that probably doesn't play too well on the geopolitical stage. Mind you, Israel seem to be getting away with a lot worse presently so it might be worth a try.

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14 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

The optimal solution would be to blow the shitty boats out of the water at every opportunity, and strafe any survivors, but that probably doesn't play too well on the geopolitical stage. Mind you, Israel seem to be getting away with a lot worse presently so it might be worth a try.

I’ve been advocating that the navy criss-cross the channel in Phalanx equipped patrol boats for ages. 
 And some Orcas. Big fucking pissed off Orcas with behavioural issues.

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30 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I’ve been advocating that the navy criss-cross the channel in Phalanx equipped patrol boats for ages. 
And some Orcas. Big fucking pissed off Orcas with behavioural issues.

If only there was a genetic program to cross Amazonian fish, dolphins, and Bengal tigers to produce saltwater sabre-toothed piranhas that could reduce Somali refugees to skeletons in just a few seconds, all the while laughing out of their blowholes like Tommy Cooper on helium.

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1 minute ago, Cuntybaws said:

If only there was a genetic program to cross Amazonian fish, dolphins, and Bengal tigers to produce saltwater sabre-toothed piranhas that could reduce Somali refugees to skeletons in just a few seconds, all the while laughing out of their blowholes like Tommy Cooper on helium.

..and frickin’ laser beams on their heads.

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Just send a stealth force of black clad mercenaries to take out the fucking gangs that are fleecing the cunts of thousands (how the fuck these "impoverished" bearded kids can afford this money is beyond me. I don't think camels fetch that much on the market) pounds. Strange the frog filth can't find them. I mean some cunt in 4x4, surrounded by 40 sand dancers and with 20 person dinghy must be a fucker to spot. 

Voltaire was a cunt 

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4 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Just send a stealth force of black clad mercenaries to take out the fucking gangs that are fleecing the cunts of thousands (how the fuck these "impoverished" bearded kids can afford this money is beyond me. I don't think camels fetch that much on the market) pounds. Strange the frog filth can't find them. I mean some cunt in 4x4, surrounded by 40 sand dancers and with 20 person dinghy must be a fucker to spot. 

Voltaire was a cunt 

Ninja seagulls with titanium boat ripper beak technology. 

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3 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Just send a stealth force of black clad mercenaries to take out the fucking gangs that are fleecing the cunts of thousands (how the fuck these "impoverished" bearded kids can afford this money is beyond me. I don't think camels fetch that much on the market) pounds. Strange the frog filth can't find them. I mean some cunt in 4x4, surrounded by 40 sand dancers and with 20 person dinghy must be a fucker to spot. 

Voltaire was a cunt 

My view is that a pot hole road surfacing task force could be formed out of all these young strong men, securely supervised, piling up on our shores working for the minimum wage on probation on condition they co-operate with a vetting system that establishes their country of origin, grounds for applying to stay in the UK etc. This might actually change people's minds if they could see positive result of immigration such as going for a drive in the car without having to keep one eye fixed on the road surface to avoid a thousand pound bill for a broken suspension. To be honest I'm fucking sick and tired of the negativity in this debate when there is such a deficit of fucking basic standards in this country created not by outsiders or immigrants but ourselves and our fucking shitty system. It might take a foreigner to come into this country and fucking kick it into shape. 

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On 15/11/2023 at 10:23, ChildeHarold said:

... that just keeps on delivering for head bangers on the political right. £140+++ million benefit scrounging carried out by the British government. Considering 32,000 boat people have washed up in the Canary Islands this year perhaps the tories could send a team of "experts" to Spain to help sort it out. Ola! 😅 

The Rwanda policy is simply fucking stupid 

Is fucking obvious these free loading, illiterate goat buggering cunts have passed through multiple European countries to get here. Clearly they see the UK as the promised land, perhaps because we’ve a history of welcoming these shits with open arms whereas the rest of Europe don’t want them at all. Fly them all to the British territory in Cyprus and give them a free rubber boat.

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14 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

The Rwanda policy is simply fucking stupid 

Is fucking obvious these free loading, illiterate goat buggering cunts have passed through multiple European countries to get here. Clearly they see the UK as the promised land, perhaps because we’ve a history of welcoming these shits with open arms whereas the rest of Europe don’t want them at all. Fly them all to the British territory in Cyprus and give them a free rubber boat.

My life, you're killing me.

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19 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

The Rwanda policy is simply fucking stupid 

Is fucking obvious these free loading, illiterate goat buggering cunts have passed through multiple European countries to get here. Clearly they see the UK as the promised land, perhaps because we’ve a history of welcoming these shits with open arms whereas the rest of Europe don’t want them at all. Fly them all to the British territory in Cyprus and give them a free rubber boat.

It could be the promised land without potholes if these young lads were placed into a probationary task force of labour to do the necessary repairs and maintenance that seems to have completely gone by the board in this country. I walked past three of them chatting in my local park. They had some soft drinks a can and a bottle on the bench next to them. When I walked back they were just going back up the path back to their hotel. Guess what? 


You take the local indigenous cunt youths and family louts who use the park and the rubbish is left strewn about. No fucking respect. 

I judge as I see. I don't see foreigners, refugees asylum seekers acting like shit but I do see low life whites and sometimes British born minorities doing it. 

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On 25/11/2023 at 22:24, Witheredscrote said:

My life, you're killing me.

Know body needs to worry about killing you. At the wrong end of your 70s, the grim reaper will be stalking you liver spotted, nazi appeasing bonce sooner rather than later. I’m just sorry those geese still have to endure their daily arse poking from your Camembert encrusted angry inch.

Fuck off



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On 25/11/2023 at 22:09, Stubby Pecker said:

The Rwanda policy is simply fucking stupid 

Is fucking obvious these free loading, illiterate goat buggering cunts have passed through multiple European countries to get here. Clearly they see the UK as the promised land, perhaps because we’ve a history of welcoming these shits with open arms whereas the rest of Europe don’t want them at all. Fly them all to the British territory in Cyprus and give them a free rubber boat.

Because of brexit the frogs are not obliged to take them back like they had to when y'all were in the club..ah brexit...the gift that keeps on givin..lol


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14 minutes ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

Because of brexit the frogs are not obliged to take them back like they had to when y'all were in the club..ah brexit...the gift that keeps on givin..lol


Of course, when we were in the EU the garlic smelling cowardly cunts were taking back these child refugees with full breads by the 1000s weren’t they? Were they fuck. More than happy to have these smelly fuckers camped in Calais ready to be not their problem. Muslims should go to Middle Eastern countries, coons to a less shit one in Africa and not ruin Europe, as is happening in your backyard 

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The gubbermint of the day had every legal right to pack them on a barge n tow them back from whence they came but didnt for some reason..we over here usta say to ourselves...whats their problem they know where they've come from..load em up n fuk them back..torys must like a bitta brown...lol


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