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How did you mark Charles' 75th Birthday?


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1 hour ago, Penny Farthing said:

Something else you need to know is that I did not give a fuck about Charlie's 75th birthday so I did not mark it in any way.

How did you celebrate your 750th birthday? Did your sister enjoy it? Or was it so long ago that you can’t remember? 

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38 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

But the Old Bill aren't biased are they?........ Like fuck they are. If we got stopped with £5k rolled up in our pocket and the same fucking excuse they'd march you straight down to the station and confiscate it. You know I'm fucking sick and tired of being lied at and treated like a mental retard or a Mr Who Fucking Gives A Damn in my so-called country I'm supposed to have some alleigence to. I think the whole country is very close to a giant street rebellion. As for climbing on war statues, who gives a fuck when they treat forces veterans like shit and expect a country that's supposed to have a pride in its maritime past to pay for the basic emergency service of the RNLI out of charity donations. It's a fucking disgrace. Get rid of the Royal family nationalise their assets (see where their real loyalty resides like the Greek royals they'll run away abroad) and pay for national air ambulance and lifeboat services out of that plus a few other things. Anne can take her fucking horses to Switzerland and fuck them over there with a meat pie stuck up her arse. 

All this shit is irrelevant tbh. The WEFminster cabal are not governing for us little people and look down at us with total contempt and malice. The Conservative/Labour Uniparty are in the final stages of giving away any remaining semblance of U.K. national sovereignty soon when they sign up to the WHO Pandemic treaty and enshrine it into international law in International Health Regulations, probably without even an honest debate, just a nod through in the HOC snakepit. This time next year the WHO (largest individual donor Billy Boy Gates, protected with diplomatic immunity and totally unelected by anyone you or I could name) will have the ‘legally binding’ authority to declare a ‘global pandemic’ for any reason whatsoever (climate emergency, mis/disinformation emergency etc. etc.) and mandate their chosen responses (including mass lockdowns, vaccine mandates, allocation of worldwide food and energy resources etc.) to almost every country on Earth who’s duplicitous traitors they elected in the ridiculous belief that they would act honestly on their behalf, gave away with the stroke of a pen, or just a routine yeah vote for something the majority of the corrupt and lazy fucking bastards have been whipped into voting for without even the slightest idea (or care) what they’re putting their name to. 
Fuck the lizard cunts and everything they now do to harm us every single day without any care for anyone but themselves and their pals on the gravy train. 
The one person I really feel sorry for is Cameron's missus. Her cunt must stink like a rotting hogs breath. 

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1 hour ago, Penny Farthing said:

Something else you need to know is that I did not give a fuck about Charlie's 75th birthday so I did not mark it in any way.

What a stupid expression. You can’t ‘mark’ a birthday. It’s a chronological concept. You can’t just walk up to it and draw a cock on it with a sharpie.

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12 minutes ago, King Billy said:

All this shit is irrelevant tbh. The WEFminster cabal are not governing for us little people and look down at us with total contempt and malice. The Conservative/Labour Uniparty are in the final stages of giving away any remaining semblance of U.K. national sovereignty soon when they sign up to the WHO Pandemic treaty and enshrine it into international law in International Health Regulations, probably without even an honest debate, just a nod through in the HOC snakepit. This time next year the WHO (largest individual donor Billy Boy Gates, protected with diplomatic immunity and totally unelected by anyone you or I could name) will have the ‘legally binding’ authority to declare a ‘global pandemic’ for any reason whatsoever (climate emergency, mis/disinformation emergency etc. etc.) and mandate their chosen responses (including mass lockdowns, vaccine mandates, allocation of worldwide food and energy resources etc.) to almost every country on Earth who’s duplicitous traitors they elected in the ridiculous belief that they would act honestly on their behalf, gave away with the stroke of a pen, or just a routine yeah vote for something the majority of the corrupt and lazy fucking bastards have been whipped into voting for without even the slightest idea (or care) what they’re putting their name to. 
Fuck the lizard cunts and everything they now do to harm us every single day without any care for anyone but themselves and their pals on the gravy train. 
The one person I really feel sorry for is Cameron's missus. Her cunt must stink like a rotting hogs breath. 

Do you and Neil Oliver ever have a chat over a beer? How about a pint of Young's Special down the Tolley next week? 

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5 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

What a stupid expression. You can’t ‘mark’ a birthday. It’s a chronological concept. You can’t just walk up to it and draw a cock on it with a sharpie.

He’d need more than one sharpie to draw his cock. 

‘Time is an abstract concept, that’s a wristwatch.’

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6 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

What a stupid expression. You can’t ‘mark’ a birthday. It’s a chronological concept. You can’t just walk up to it and draw a cock on it with a sharpie.

Yes you could "mark" it by celebrating in some way such as visiting Lundistan and waving a union flag or hoisting bunting on your abode .. it is a perfectly reasonable concept.

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1 hour ago, ChildeHarold said:

I like to celebrate New Years Eve by straddling Haig's horse in Whitehall and simulate gay anal sex on the go with the great Marshall made eponymous with needless waste of human life by Stephen Fry's portrayal in Black Adder. 

Seek help.

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Guest entitled little cunt

Has that ginger imposter cunt given back frogmore cottage or is he and that rather banal thing on his arm bunged it air bnb . Cottage , that's rather a improbable description for something the Size of an amazon warehouse .A cottage is similar to a dwelling that Charles Hawtrey entertained  not a fucking country mansion.

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41 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

Has that ginger imposter cunt given back frogmore cottage or is he and that rather banal thing on his arm bunged it air bnb . Cottage , that's rather a improbable description for something the Size of an amazon warehouse .A cottage is similar to a dwelling that Charles Hawtrey entertained  not a fucking country mansion.

Buying Meghan Markle all those big houses, shelling out 70 million on her wedding and banging another 40 million into her bank account is pure racism on the part of the British people. 
 What an empty headed, spindly legged fucking ignorant shitcunt of a pig creature. 
 And her ‘hoochie mama’ relatives are a pack of feral freeloading cunts as well.

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3 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

Free money, you say?


Imagine poor old Phil The Greek looking on helplessly as her fat arsed mother and aunts were sat in Buck House after arriving for the wedding. Dribbling water melon and Mad-Dog 20/20 all over the Axminster, farting on the chesterfields. MTV blaring out through his 72” Sony. He must’ve thought about loading up the Holland & Holland .680 elephant gun.

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