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There Are Holocausts and There Are Holocausts


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For the rest of time the world will be told again & again about the Jewish Holocaust of World War Two .  B-O-R-I-N-G . There will probably be a global tv station with all holocaust all the time .Kids will go out on halloween as concentration camp victims. Some dickhead will claim it was holocaust prisoners  that won World War Two not allied armies   etc 


None of those whiners with big noses is saying anything about israel's attacks on Gaza that is a another Holocaust . Mass murder on a huge scale, to the zionazi's the more dead Palestinians the better . If you'd bring that up they'd  get upset and accuse you of not believing in their holocaust long ago .

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25 minutes ago, peglegtwo said:

For the rest of time the world will be told again & again about the Jewish Holocaust of World War Two .There will probably be a global tv station with all holocaust all the time .Kids will go out on halloween as concentration camp victims. Some dickhead will claim it was holocaust prisoners  that won world War two not allied armies etc 


None of those whiners with big noses is saying anything about israel's attacks on Gaza that is a another Holocaust . Mass murder on a huge scale, to the zionazi's the more dead Palestinians the better . If you'd bring that up they'd  get upset and accuse you of not believing in their holocaust long ago .

I don’t think it was holocaust prisoners that won the war. It was ‘women of colour’ and the ‘trans community’. Welcome to our new history. 

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2 hours ago, peglegtwo said:

For the rest of time the world will be told again & again about the Jewish Holocaust of World War Two .  B-O-R-I-N-G . There will probably be a global tv station with all holocaust all the time .Kids will go out on halloween as concentration camp victims. Some dickhead will claim it was holocaust prisoners  that won World War Two not allied armies   etc 


None of those whiners with big noses is saying anything about israel's attacks on Gaza that is a another Holocaust . Mass murder on a huge scale, to the zionazi's the more dead Palestinians the better . If you'd bring that up they'd  get upset and accuse you of not believing in their holocaust long ago .

There will probably be a global tv station with all holocaust all the time. 

Nothing that crude. American PBS which is the equivalent of the BBC Persian Service broadcasting undermining propaganda in the Middle East night and day out of the British TV Licence. The actual irony is that Biden has painted himself into the dead end behind Netanyahu which is unravelling fifty years of pro-Israeli cover up and propaganda as we speak. 

Net result: the occupied territories and Zionist colonialism is now unviable. How they sort that out in concrete terms will be very interesting. I think Tel Aviv will part with territory like trying to get an extra Penny out of a pawnbroker. Old Shylock has been busy since 1967.

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2 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I don’t think it was holocaust prisoners that won the war. It was ‘women of colour’ and the ‘trans community’. Welcome to our new history. 

Well US pupils don't know about the Soviet space programme, Sputnik, Gagarin, the first woman in space, the first space station MIR... dinosaurs roamed the Earth at the same time as Adam and Eve were having apple pie, they won the Vietnam War, Korea and the USSR was incapable of developing it's own atomic bomb, they stole the secrets (just like the Yanks stole the British nuclear research in 1940) from America... 😛 

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6 minutes ago, Inspector Fiddler said:


Can I publicly testify against Zev also the piss artist formerly named "and". These two cunts are literally spray painting this site with shite. I sincerely believe Zev is a surrogate of Mark Regev Zionist spokesperson and is on a secret Mossad assignment to sabotage this site at all costs. They are both equivalent to a cupful of sugar in the petrol tank or a potato up the exhaust pipe - and we all know how uncomfortable that is.. er... don't we? 

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11 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

Can I publicly testify against Zev also the piss artist formerly named "and". These two cunts are literally spray painting this site with shite. I sincerely believe Zev is a surrogate of Mark Regev Zionist spokesperson and is on a secret Mossad assignment to sabotage this site at all costs. They are both equivalent to a cupful of sugar in the petrol tank or a potato up the exhaust pipe - and we all know how uncomfortable that is.. er... don't we? 


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On 05/11/2023 at 19:04, peglegtwo said:

For the rest of time the world will be told again & again about the Jewish Holocaust of World War Two .  B-O-R-I-N-G . There will probably be a global tv station with all holocaust all the time .Kids will go out on halloween as concentration camp victims. Some dickhead will claim it was holocaust prisoners  that won World War Two not allied armies   etc 


None of those whiners with big noses is saying anything about israel's attacks on Gaza that is a another Holocaust . Mass murder on a huge scale, to the zionazi's the more dead Palestinians the better . If you'd bring that up they'd  get upset and accuse you of not believing in their holocaust long ago .

I've been looking into this web of Zionist lobbying shite:

starting with a certain "left wing" teacher training college lecturer/"professor" now elevated to "senior research director" at BICOM and ending with the money bags Jewish billionaire IDF/arms dealer drones and surveillance who sponsors the whole project from his base in Tel Aviv. I can imagine these projects, aggressive lobbying groups and political activists operating within the open democracies of Western countries, are set up and planned centrally in Israel and just distributed amongst willing and able filthy rich Zionists who support the colonisation projects in the occupied territories. 


Who is Schlomo Zabludowicz? 






No, Jeremy Corbyn is not antisemitic – but the left should be wary of who he calls friends

The Labour MP's tendency to seek out unsavoury comrades is a symptom of an intellectual and political malady: the long-term ideological corruption of that part of the left in which he was formed.

"Prof." Alan John's September 2015

Who is Alan Johnson? 




Yes, Labour members can criticise Israel without being antisemitic – Clare Short has spread a poisonous myth

Clare Short is helping to spread a myth that stops the Labour Party from getting to grips with antisemitism. The former Labour cabinet minister claimed on Newsnight on Tuesday that the real problem was not antisemitism but the stretching of the definition of antisemitism to include all “criticism of Israel”.


David Hirsh, author of Contemporary Left Antisemitism, coined the term “the Livingstone Formulation” to sum up what is going on when someone spreads the “you can’t criticise Israel” myth. He named it after Ken Livingstone who once said: “The accusation of antisemitism has been used against anyone who is critical of the policies of the Israeli government.” 

Professor Alan Johnson

May 2019 


"global left have commited a huge deception in hiding the fact that the Palestinians have consistently rejected every serious Israeli peace offer. While Israel has also made mistakes, when it comes to the failure of the peace process in recent decades, the Palestinian responsibility is much greater."




condemning all forms of tyranny, terrorism, anti-Americanism, racism and antisemitism, including any form of it that "conceal[s] prejudice against the Jewish people behind the formula of 'anti-Zionism'".


1950 SOLTAM - defence company based in Israel supplying IDF


Founder Finnish-British-Israeli Schlomo Zabludowicz


2002 BICOM founded by above

British Israel Communication Research Centre (pressure group) 


2006 Euston Manifesto - to combat Anti-Zionism within Labour Party and broad Left headed by "Prof." Alan Johnson editor of FATHOM its newsletter and journal. 


2010 SOLTAN sold to ELBIT an Israeli defence contractor (drones/surveillance /spyware) based in Haifa. Company extensively involved in military occupation of West Bank. 


Many Western investment funds have cut links with ELBIT due to its illegal operations in the West Bank. 




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1 hour ago, ChildeHarold said:

I've been looking into this web of Zionist lobbying shite:

starting with a certain "left wing" teacher training college lecturer/"professor" now elevated to "senior research director" at BICOM and ending with the money bags Jewish billionaire IDF/arms dealer drones and surveillance who sponsors the whole project from his base in Tel Aviv. I can imagine these projects, aggressive lobbying groups and political activists operating within the open democracies of Western countries, are set up and planned centrally in Israel and just distributed amongst willing and able filthy rich Zionists who support the colonisation projects in the occupied territories. 


Who is Schlomo Zabludowicz? 






No, Jeremy Corbyn is not antisemitic – but the left should be wary of who he calls friends

The Labour MP's tendency to seek out unsavoury comrades is a symptom of an intellectual and political malady: the long-term ideological corruption of that part of the left in which he was formed.

"Prof." Alan John's September 2015

Who is Alan Johnson? 




Yes, Labour members can criticise Israel without being antisemitic – Clare Short has spread a poisonous myth

Clare Short is helping to spread a myth that stops the Labour Party from getting to grips with antisemitism. The former Labour cabinet minister claimed on Newsnight on Tuesday that the real problem was not antisemitism but the stretching of the definition of antisemitism to include all “criticism of Israel”.


David Hirsh, author of Contemporary Left Antisemitism, coined the term “the Livingstone Formulation” to sum up what is going on when someone spreads the “you can’t criticise Israel” myth. He named it after Ken Livingstone who once said: “The accusation of antisemitism has been used against anyone who is critical of the policies of the Israeli government.” 

Professor Alan Johnson

May 2019 


"global left have commited a huge deception in hiding the fact that the Palestinians have consistently rejected every serious Israeli peace offer. While Israel has also made mistakes, when it comes to the failure of the peace process in recent decades, the Palestinian responsibility is much greater."




condemning all forms of tyranny, terrorism, anti-Americanism, racism and antisemitism, including any form of it that "conceal[s] prejudice against the Jewish people behind the formula of 'anti-Zionism'".


1950 SOLTAM - defence company based in Israel supplying IDF


Founder Finnish-British-Israeli Schlomo Zabludowicz


2002 BICOM founded by above

British Israel Communication Research Centre (pressure group) 


2006 Euston Manifesto - to combat Anti-Zionism within Labour Party and broad Left headed by "Prof." Alan Johnson editor of FATHOM its newsletter and journal. 


2010 SOLTAN sold to ELBIT an Israeli defence contractor (drones/surveillance /spyware) based in Haifa. Company extensively involved in military occupation of West Bank. 


Many Western investment funds have cut links with ELBIT due to its illegal operations in the West Bank. 




Fucking hell Harold. Is retirement providing you too much free time?

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On 05/11/2023 at 19:04, peglegtwo said:

For the rest of time the world will be told again & again about the Jewish Holocaust of World War Two .  B-O-R-I-N-G . There will probably be a global tv station with all holocaust all the time .Kids will go out on halloween as concentration camp victims. Some dickhead will claim it was holocaust prisoners  that won World War Two not allied armies   etc 


None of those whiners with big noses is saying anything about israel's attacks on Gaza that is a another Holocaust . Mass murder on a huge scale, to the zionazi's the more dead Palestinians the better . If you'd bring that up they'd  get upset and accuse you of not believing in their holocaust long ago .

There's 1.7 billion of them ,would take a monumentally cyborg Israeli jewish nazi with space lazers ,who has an odd mustache but also has a silly hat to mass genocide them.

Fuck off Frank.


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1 hour ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Fucking hell Harold. Is retirement providing you too much free time?

This guy the billionaire Pavlo Shuvela Pennywsck had his formative experience in Auschwitz which explains EVERYTHING that's going on now with Greater Israel. You won't get cunts like that letting go of illegal territory any time soon. For them it's a fight for survival. They won't give an inch and the aim is to eliminate the Palestinians from the map in every sense of the word. The fake rhetoric about a two state solution is just another delaying tactic. The acid test on what happens after the current crisis is will Israel STOP building illegal settlements? Somehow I doubt it. 

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