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Guest entitled little cunt

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3 hours ago, and said:

Do I detect, you're not a fan of our dusky leader?

Obviously, when I say 'our' I don't mean mine, I mean the cuntry in general.

'oo is? The guy started with low expectations and STILL failed. The fucking free ride to city wanker bonus cunts surely is a wake up call to the 5% left of the electorate that still intend to vote tory. 

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1 hour ago, ChildeHarold said:

Don't start me on that cunt who gets off lightly in British admiring biopics but was was shown a bit more like the megalomaniac cunning runt in The Crown for Yankee audiences. 

A man of many faults, and largely an ineffectual politician and military leader throughout most of his career.

But none of that matters, he stood up when it mattered and will rightly go down as the greatest prime minister we've ever had. Although revisionist little cunts like you are doing their very best to tarnish his reputation by anachronistically assigning modern sensibilities and morals to a man and time where they simply didn't exist.

Show some fucking respect.

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53 minutes ago, Decimus said:

A man of many faults, and largely an ineffectual politician and military leader throughout most of his career.

But none of that matters, he stood up when it mattered and will rightly go down as the greatest prime minister we've ever had. Although revisionist little cunts like you are doing their very best to tarnish his reputation by anachronistically assigning modern sensibilities and morals to a man and time where they simply didn't exist.

Show some fucking respect.

I agree with that but the overall record is exactly how the thread started. The fact is as soon as 1944 arrived Churchill was just a drunken figurehead and anybody could, and did, we're doing his job. The British public recognised that and when he got back in again it was a spiteful old revengeful cunt who presided. All his old class instincts kicked back in from his Harrow school days. You see that a lot in the Tory party. After the War Britain has not been blessed with a single guiding statesman of the calibre of an Adenaur or DeGaulle or could give the country stability even like Franco. Whether that's the fault of our political system or just the way we are socially and economically and educationally I don't know. Now fucking USA is following us into an end of Rome fucking shit state. You go to Rome and watch those cunts and remind yourself they once ruled the world - the West is finished and Israel and Ukraine are just the first signs it's all finished. 

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15 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

even like Franco

In other words, you want to be ruled by a cunt dictator.

When you're at the bottom, you still get shat on, no matter who is at the top, but with a dictator they're more difficult to get rid of, look at Putin, he just rigs elections so he can stay in power, then jails or kills his opponents.

He's like a fuckin' megalomaniac drug baron, albeit with a bigger army than most.

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On 25/10/2023 at 20:45, Decimus said:

A man of many faults, and largely an ineffectual politician and military leader throughout most of his career.

But none of that matters, he stood up when it mattered and will rightly go down as the greatest prime minister we've ever had. Although revisionist little cunts like you are doing their very best to tarnish his reputation by anachronistically assigning modern sensibilities and morals to a man and time where they simply didn't exist.

Show some fucking respect.

He won't be remembered for being the most proficient domestic PM, and he had a key role in leading around 50k allied soldiers to their deaths at Gallipoli because of ballsy, incompetent battle plans, and I can see why most wanted social reform with Atlee following war, but I agree, his never-say-die patriotism (allied to a clever, tactful mind) makes him unquestionably the one PM whose decision-making has had more effect on this shitty little string of islands than any other in modern history.

Fast-forward to the modern day and it's likely Starmer will come to power at the next election, and with his planned cabinet puts this person into a key role of competence and trust...


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7 hours ago, Dick Fiddler said:

He probably liked to fuck kids alongside Mountbatten as well.

I haven't read that anywhere but I had an instinctive dislike of the cunt even at ten when every school kid received a tribute book about him) Churchill Man of the Century) when he died even though we got a day off school when I peered at the black and white photos and deciphered the ingratiating humble text I fucking knew then this guy was a cunt all the talk about him was a fucking fake. My view hasn't altered it's been confirmed by facts emerging and by the continuation of the same ingratiating toady treatment of the cunt in films and most books. I appreciate you bringing Mountbatten into the picture because there is another establishment cunt who was a totally incompetent naval officer who if the sailors heard he was in charge muttered "Oh No!" The fucking arrogance of the guy and the way the IRA snuffed him out I think was the single most turning point in the Northern Ireland situation which is still an occupation to my mind and hasn't been resolved properly. That and the fucking Brighton Bomb. Ha ha. 

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On 25/10/2023 at 20:45, Decimus said:

A man of many faults, and largely an ineffectual politician and military leader throughout most of his career.

But none of that matters, he stood up when it mattered and will rightly go down as the greatest prime minister we've ever had. Although revisionist little cunts like you are doing their very best to tarnish his reputation by anachronistically assigning modern sensibilities and morals to a man and time where they simply didn't exist.

Show some fucking respect.

What you have to remember is that his predecessor, Chamberlain, had his strides pulled down over Czechoslovakia and Poland by the moustachiod midget which made the poor bastard look a right cunt. The only other viable option other than Churchill was Halifax who's mob was only too happy to suck Hitlers cock and let him have free reign. 

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On 21/10/2023 at 22:06, ChildeHarold said:

I think you're not far wide. It's clearly a US settler/colonisation project that offers a handy military base and proxy in the middle of the oil fields. Just like the Manifest Destiny of the white settler in the American West against the Indian tribes (=Palestinians) The illegal settlements have been sprouting like mushrooms packed with poor Jews who all are armed to the teeth with high powered guns - like in the States. And that fucking beady eyed cunt Biden is the glove puppet with top business Jews like Greenblat pulling the strings. It is a conspiracy simply because America is behind it. I just fucking hope Iran can develop a nuclear weapon because it's clear after Ukraine and Russia, Iran and Syria are the next targets for Western aggression. 

And North Korea, they're on the list as well...project for the new american century.

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8 hours ago, Jake The Muss said:

And North Korea, they're on the list as well...project for the new american century.

They got a nuclear deterrent and that is a road block to Washington and CIA - I hope Iran gets it's nuclear before USA and UK tip it over or fucking organise another illegal war. These Yanks and their proxies will drown in their own blood. They never fucking won in Vietnam, in fact it was a humiliation, they never won in Afghanistan or Iraq, they failed to tip Syria, they continually stir up trouble wherever they think their or Israel's interests are threatened. They are losing big time in Ukraine and are about to be told to fuck off in Taiwan and S E Asia. By 2050 America will be in full scale melt down. Good. 

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15 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

What you have to remember is that his predecessor, Chamberlain, had his strides pulled down over Czechoslovakia and Poland by the moustachiod midget which made the poor bastard look a right cunt. The only other viable option other than Churchill was Halifax who's mob was only too happy to suck Hitlers cock and let him have free reign. 

Unlis you are 6' 5" tall with a huge pair of hairy balls Hitler was not a midget, he was about average height for his day. I think that both Gorballs and Bormanm were on the "short" side.

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1 hour ago, Penny Farthing said:

Unlis you are 6' 5" tall with a huge pair of hairy balls Hitler was not a midget, he was about average height for his day. I think that both Gorballs and Bormanm were on the "short" side.

6'5" tall with a huge pair of hairy balls...

Pen, you have left yourself open to some shit that is coming your way from some CC members. Good luck old bean

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1 hour ago, Penny Farthing said:

I am the same height as Margaret Thatcher and Angela Merkal are you a six foot plus?

I don't know whether you've done any book research into this field of "huge hairy balls" or population sampling to establish a statistical correlation between height and testicle size, but where the fuck do you get your ideas? 

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11 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

I don't know whether you've done any book research into this field of "huge hairy balls" or population sampling to establish a statistical correlation between height and testicle size, but where the fuck do you get your ideas? 

I don' .. read back through Wolfie, Decco's, Billy's and few others and a few others and ask them where the fuck they get the idea that I might be 6' 5" tall, have size 12 feet and big hairy balls and stop quoting this bollocks without doing any research.

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7 minutes ago, Penny Farthing said:

I don' .. read back through Wolfie, Decco's, Billy's and few others and a few others and ask them where the fuck they get the idea that I might be 6' 5" tall, have size 12 feet and big hairy balls and stop quoting this bollocks without doing any research.

Like a good journalist you refuse to reveal your sauces. 

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14 minutes ago, Penny Farthing said:

I don' .. read back through Wolfie, Decco's, Billy's and few others and a few others and ask them where the fuck they get the idea that I might be 6' 5" tall, have size 12 feet and big hairy balls and stop quoting this bollocks without doing any research.

I am 6’ exactly and have size 9 feet. I hope this avoids any future speculation as to my dimensions. Just under 14 stone.

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