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Israel and Jewish cunts in general

Stubby Pecker

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I’ve been meaning to post this diatribe for sometime, but it seems particularly appropriate now.

How a race of people, who were treated so disgustingly by the nazis, have managed to switch so rapidly from victims to barbarous murderers simply doesn’t make sense. When one looks into the real history of modern Israel, and the cuntish way they behave, all empathy regarding the holocaust turns into hatred and revulsion. Any other sovereign nation that did as the yids, would be bought to its knees by civilised countries in an attempt to teach them how to act properly. This happened to the nazis, the japs, ultimately the soviets and of course the South Africans. This is yet to happen because the USA like many others, is so utterly dominated by the insidious Jewish financial institutions that they dare not defy the Israelis.

Theres a trait in the Jewish character that simply provokes animosity, perhaps a lack of generosity towards non-Jews. There’s alway a reason why certain groups are persecuted; even a cunt like hitler didn’t just pick on them for no reason.

Regarding the current situation, this is simply the chickens coming home to roost. All those decades of illegal expansion, brutalising and dehumanising the local A-rabs and forcing them in live in an apartheid system in their own country, arresting who the fuck they want, indefinitely without trial so they can be tortured by the Israeli gestapo….

We all know their response will be 100 fold when it comes to slaughtering rag heads in Gaza and the West Bank. “Precision “ air strikes my fucking arse when a school full of kids gets reduced to rubble.

I now see their rhetoric is to blame Iran for backing Hamas (do you think the yanks might help stoke the fire?) to justify a full scale bombing and cruse missile attack. Now that one would be worth watching 

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13 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

I’ve been meaning to post this diatribe for sometime, but it seems particularly appropriate now.

How a race of people, who were treated so disgustingly by the nazis, have managed to switch so rapidly from victims to barbarous murderers simply doesn’t make sense. When one looks into the real history of modern Israel, and the cuntish way they behave, all empathy regarding the holocaust turns into hatred and revulsion. Any other sovereign nation that did as the yids, would be bought to its knees by civilised countries in an attempt to teach them how to act properly. This happened to the nazis, the japs, ultimately the soviets and of course the South Africans. This is yet to happen because the USA like many others, is so utterly dominated by the insidious Jewish financial institutions that they dare not defy the Israelis.

Theres a trait in the Jewish character that simply provokes animosity, perhaps a lack of generosity towards non-Jews. There’s alway a reason why certain groups are persecuted; even a cunt like hitler didn’t just pick on them for no reason.

Regarding the current situation, this is simply the chickens coming home to roost. All those decades of illegal expansion, brutalising and dehumanising the local A-rabs and forcing them in live in an apartheid system in their own country, arresting who the fuck they want, indefinitely without trial so they can be tortured by the Israeli gestapo….

We all know their response will be 100 fold when it comes to slaughtering rag heads in Gaza and the West Bank. “Precision “ air strikes my fucking arse when a school full of kids gets reduced to rubble.

I now see their rhetoric is to blame Iran for backing Hamas (do you think the yanks might help stoke the fire?) to justify a full scale bombing and cruse missile attack. Now that one would be worth watching 

Cunts killing cunts. I don't have sympathy for either side - they clearly want to obliterate each other - the rest of the world should just cut ties and let them sort it out.

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Just now, Roadkill said:

Cunts killing cunts. I don't have sympathy for either side - they clearly want to obliterate each other - the rest of the world should just cut ties and let them sort it out.

An interesting plan killa, but not that easy 

It’s in the western worlds interest to try a sort this fucking mess out. If the A-rabs get pissed off a turn off all the oil, the ensuing economic meltdown could bring down the boys clubs said western countries are run by 

The best hope is swift and bloody war of unprecedented slaughter, essentially depopulating the entire region (let’s include turkey and Afghanistan for good measure). However, we all know they breed like fucking flies despite the women being fuck ugly and the men being stone cold sober

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24 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

I’ve been meaning to post this diatribe for sometime, but it seems particularly appropriate now.

How a race of people, who were treated so disgustingly by the nazis, have managed to switch so rapidly from victims to barbarous murderers simply doesn’t make sense. When one looks into the real history of modern Israel, and the cuntish way they behave, all empathy regarding the holocaust turns into hatred and revulsion. Any other sovereign nation that did as the yids, would be bought to its knees by civilised countries in an attempt to teach them how to act properly. This happened to the nazis, the japs, ultimately the soviets and of course the South Africans. This is yet to happen because the USA like many others, is so utterly dominated by the insidious Jewish financial institutions that they dare not defy the Israelis.

Theres a trait in the Jewish character that simply provokes animosity, perhaps a lack of generosity towards non-Jews. There’s alway a reason why certain groups are persecuted; even a cunt like hitler didn’t just pick on them for no reason.

Regarding the current situation, this is simply the chickens coming home to roost. All those decades of illegal expansion, brutalising and dehumanising the local A-rabs and forcing them in live in an apartheid system in their own country, arresting who the fuck they want, indefinitely without trial so they can be tortured by the Israeli gestapo….

We all know their response will be 100 fold when it comes to slaughtering rag heads in Gaza and the West Bank. “Precision “ air strikes my fucking arse when a school full of kids gets reduced to rubble.

I now see their rhetoric is to blame Iran for backing Hamas (do you think the yanks might help stoke the fire?) to justify a full scale bombing and cruse missile attack. Now that one would be worth watching 

I've got to say as employers they are a lot fairer than gentiles, but never do business with them (in most cases they won't unless there's no alternative) as they will cut you to pieces, which they do to each other, but never do business with blacks either as they are fucking useless. 


In terms of your diatribe which borders on Anti-Semitism I find too many examples of this beauty Bezalel Smotrich who was brought into Netanyahu govt as finance minister and who was crashing the economy long before this shit - the guy is an illegal occupation all by himself. You should read his Wikipedia. Prime cunt. 


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1 minute ago, Stubby Pecker said:

An interesting plan killa, but not that easy 

It’s in the western worlds interest to try a sort this fucking mess out. If the A-rabs get pissed off a turn off all the oil, the ensuing economic meltdown could bring down the boys clubs said western countries are run by 

The best hope is swift and bloody war of unprecedented slaughter, essentially depopulating the entire region (let’s include turkey and Afghanistan for good measure). However, we all know they breed like fucking flies despite the women being fuck ugly and the men being stone cold sober

It is that fucking easy.

Put down the phone, ignore their calls then kill whatever cunt is left standing at the end with a sneaky briefcase nuke - say it was the other fucker's last villainous act - and take over the entire region with "short term", heavily armed military presence to guard your humanitarian activities into the nuclear wasteland.

Rinse and repeat until you reach the oil fields, then kill a few rag heads and say you're staying indefinitely to protect the locals or some shit.




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1 hour ago, Roadkill said:

Cunts killing cunts. I don't have sympathy for either side - they clearly want to obliterate each other - the rest of the world should just cut ties and let them sort it out.

Uri Geller ruined my Nans best teaspoon. She was absolutely furious, grew a moustache and applied to join the Waffen SS a few weeks later. 

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Guest entitled little cunt
9 hours ago, Stubby Pecker said:

I’ve been meaning to post this diatribe for sometime, but it seems particularly appropriate now.

How a race of people, who were treated so disgustingly by the nazis, have managed to switch so rapidly from victims to barbarous murderers simply doesn’t make sense. When one looks into the real history of modern Israel, and the cuntish way they behave, all empathy regarding the holocaust turns into hatred and revulsion. Any other sovereign nation that did as the yids, would be bought to its knees by civilised countries in an attempt to teach them how to act properly. This happened to the nazis, the japs, ultimately the soviets and of course the South Africans. This is yet to happen because the USA like many others, is so utterly dominated by the insidious Jewish financial institutions that they dare not defy the Israelis.

Theres a trait in the Jewish character that simply provokes animosity, perhaps a lack of generosity towards non-Jews. There’s alway a reason why certain groups are persecuted; even a cunt like hitler didn’t just pick on them for no reason.

Regarding the current situation, this is simply the chickens coming home to roost. All those decades of illegal expansion, brutalising and dehumanising the local A-rabs and forcing them in live in an apartheid system in their own country, arresting who the fuck they want, indefinitely without trial so they can be tortured by the Israeli gestapo….

We all know their response will be 100 fold when it comes to slaughtering rag heads in Gaza and the West Bank. “Precision “ air strikes my fucking arse when a school full of kids gets reduced to rubble.

I now see their rhetoric is to blame Iran for backing Hamas (do you think the yanks might help stoke the fire?) to justify a full scale bombing and cruse missile attack. Now that one would be worth watching 

Do you actually understand the definition of Facist. What an idiot .

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Guest entitled little cunt
8 hours ago, Stubby Pecker said:

I’ve been meaning to post this diatribe for sometime, but it seems particularly appropriate now.

How a race of people, who were treated so disgustingly by the nazis, have managed to switch so rapidly from victims to barbarous murderers simply doesn’t make sense. When one looks into the real history of modern Israel, and the cuntish way they behave, all empathy regarding the holocaust turns into hatred and revulsion. Any other sovereign nation that did as the yids, would be bought to its knees by civilised countries in an attempt to teach them how to act properly. This happened to the nazis, the japs, ultimately the soviets and of course the South Africans. This is yet to happen because the USA like many others, is so utterly dominated by the insidious Jewish financial institutions that they dare not defy the Israelis.

Theres a trait in the Jewish character that simply provokes animosity, perhaps a lack of generosity towards non-Jews. There’s alway a reason why certain groups are persecuted; even a cunt like hitler didn’t just pick on them for no reason.

Regarding the current situation, this is simply the chickens coming home to roost. All those decades of illegal expansion, brutalising and dehumanising the local A-rabs and forcing them in live in an apartheid system in their own country, arresting who the fuck they want, indefinitely without trial so they can be tortured by the Israeli gestapo….

We all know their response will be 100 fold when it comes to slaughtering rag heads in Gaza and the West Bank. “Precision “ air strikes my fucking arse when a school full of kids gets reduced to rubble.

I now see their rhetoric is to blame Iran for backing Hamas (do you think the yanks might help stoke the fire?) to justify a full scale bombing and cruse missile attack. Now that one would be worth watching 

What a wonderful rendition of modern thinking taught in our esteemed  catherdrals  of learning  passed on  by dusty smug middle class cunts with no experience of the real world  to silly , ill informed vegitables  such as yourself  who then buy a keffieyeh to show solidarity with something they know fuck all about .

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12 hours ago, Roadkill said:

Cunts killing cunts. I don't have sympathy for either side - they clearly want to obliterate each other - the rest of the world should just cut ties and let them sort it out.

@Snowy summed it up well in is post yesterday .. a far more complex situation with a very complicated history . unless the sky fairy really exists there are going to be no winners.

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On 10/10/2023 at 10:20, Penny Farthing said:

@Snowy summed it up well in is post yesterday .. a far more complex situation with a very complicated history . unless the sky fairy really exists there are going to be no winners.

Fucksake I've given you a like ,don't let us ever be on the same wave length again,I feel dirty.

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On 09/10/2023 at 21:53, Roadkill said:

Cunts killing cunts. I don't have sympathy for either side - they clearly want to obliterate each other - the rest of the world should just cut ties and let them sort it out.

That's what Isreal would love. They'd just re-run The 6 day War and fuck everyone surrounding them. 

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27 minutes ago, peglegtwo said:

The national motto of israel should be IT'S OUR TURN TO BE THE NAZI'S

There's no other explanation for it is there? If you move into Somebody's manor and evict a population to make way for a brand new state  which has a distinctly mono religious messianic character then you're never going to get any peace. Considering Dad's Army is a FAV tv show and its whole raison d'etre is fight to the death to stop a foreign takeover then I don't see how you can't see why Hamas is fighting the Israelis who seem to be busily robbing the West Bank of land like a spoils of war or re-modelling Jerusalem to exclude Muslims. It's all done under the excuse of fighting "terrorism". Sounds familiar? Like the creeping restrictions on our freedoms in Britain. 

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6 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

There's no other explanation for it is there? If you move into Somebody's manor and evict a population to make way for a brand new state  which has a distinctly mono religious messianic character then you're never going to get any peace. Considering Dad's Army is a FAV tv show and its whole raison d'etre is fight to the death to stop a foreign takeover then I don't see how you can't see why Hamas is fighting the Israelis who seem to be busily robbing the West Bank of land like a spoils of war or re-modelling Jerusalem to exclude Muslims. It's all done under the excuse of fighting "terrorism". Sounds familiar? Like the creeping restrictions on our freedoms in Britain. 

The West Bank (Judaea and Samaria) was historically Egyptian, but annexed by Jordan in 1950. In 1967 the Israeli’s took it as part of the spoils of the 6 day war when they kicked the shite out of the Arab League who’d combined forces in the mistaken assumption that they could defeat Israel and drive the Jews from the region forever. 
The hatred and bigotry is and has historically always been vastly one sided in this conflict, mainly due to the refusal of all Israel’s Islamic neighbours to recognise or even accept the rightful existence of the state of Israel. 
One thing that is difficult to ignore if you look at the history of the Islamic nations is their never ending rhetoric ie  shouting and screaming about their perceived superiority and their god given right to rid the region of Jews and all other ‘non believers’, but the reality is that time after time they get their hairy Muslim arseholes comprehensively smacked every time they try to back up their idle threats. 

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Look at who was in charge of Jordan - a fucking jumped up camel cunt family who were elevated to be British colonial puppets right down to military training at Sandhurst for a final brainwashing. I think you're the one with the superiority of Judaism or Christianity over Islam just because the general tide of history hasn't been in favour of them. As it goes the ascendancy of the West is now reaching it's end. The American empire has been the latest and the shortest lived. What you are looking at here is a British end of empire fuck up, like much of British rule round the world (Africa, Malaya etc) taken over by the Yanks as a convenient militarised proxy, something they are trying to do, or were, in Ukraine now. Who fucking allowed Tel Aviv to acquire a nuclear capability then threatens Iran with all out war mass starvation etc if they try to develop their own nuclear deterrent. Fucking Blinken talking about "funds" to Iran when in actual fact this is Iran's own money that was frozen by the West when the Islamic revolutionary guard kicked the Shah out after decades of corrupt incompetent rule as a Western puppet on behalf of British Imperial and US oil companies. The BBC had it's own radio station out there the Persian Service spewing out propaganda. Cunts. 

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29 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

Look at who was in charge of Jordan - a fucking jumped up camel cunt family who were elevated to be British colonial puppets right down to military training at Sandhurst for a final brainwashing. I think you're the one with the superiority of Judaism or Christianity over Islam just because the general tide of history hasn't been in favour of them. As it goes the ascendancy of the West is now reaching it's end. The American empire has been the latest and the shortest lived. What you are looking at here is a British end of empire fuck up, like much of British rule round the world (Africa, Malaya etc) taken over by the Yanks as a convenient militarised proxy, something they are trying to do, or were, in Ukraine now. Who fucking allowed Tel Aviv to acquire a nuclear capability then threatens Iran with all out war mass starvation etc if they try to develop their own nuclear deterrent. Fucking Blinken talking about "funds" to Iran when in actual fact this is Iran's own money that was frozen by the West when the Islamic revolutionary guard kicked the Shah out after decades of corrupt incompetent rule as a Western puppet on behalf of British Imperial and US oil companies. The BBC had it's own radio station out there the Persian Service spewing out propaganda. Cunts. 

How do you envisage your own future, when the world eventually comes to its senses and hands over the levers of power to all the poor oppressed people that you feel so much sympathy for? I’m sure you’ve thought about the possibility (absolute fucking certainty) that despite all of your pearl clutching and anti colonialist, self flagellating,  unconscious racism, and soul destroying guilt over the sins of your long dead ancestors, that the subhuman savages who you feel so sorry for, will put you to the sword in an instant, and dance around your headless twitching torso, cheering and shouting like the fucking cavemen we both know they are?

Just asking,

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8 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

Look at who was in charge of Jordan - a fucking jumped up camel cunt family who were elevated to be British colonial puppets right down to military training at Sandhurst for a final brainwashing. I think you're the one with the superiority of Judaism or Christianity over Islam just because the general tide of history hasn't been in favour of them. As it goes the ascendancy of the West is now reaching it's end. The American empire has been the latest and the shortest lived. What you are looking at here is a British end of empire fuck up, like much of British rule round the world (Africa, Malaya etc) taken over by the Yanks as a convenient militarised proxy, something they are trying to do, or were, in Ukraine now. Who fucking allowed Tel Aviv to acquire a nuclear capability then threatens Iran with all out war mass starvation etc if they try to develop their own nuclear deterrent. Fucking Blinken talking about "funds" to Iran when in actual fact this is Iran's own money that was frozen by the West when the Islamic revolutionary guard kicked the Shah out after decades of corrupt incompetent rule as a Western puppet on behalf of British Imperial and US oil companies. The BBC had it's own radio station out there the Persian Service spewing out propaganda. Cunts. 

Who do you think you're kidding Mr Harold?

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