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Palestinians getting their own back


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38 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

The lender of last resort to Tel Aviv is Washington and deliberate misleading of the US is inconceivable. More likely is the Egyptians up to their old tricks. I think the Americans are pissed off with this as everybody else. Biden is an utter failure on the world stage and has offered not one iota of leadership. Two fucking proxies Israel and Ukraine in shit state and it's rest of world bearing the cost not the yanks. 

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3 hours ago, Mike Hunt said:

Media are probably relieved cos they're bored stiff reporting on the Ukraine.

I bet generous hearted Zelensky is furious about losing the limelight. I notice good old corrupt as hell cunt Netanyahu rolled out the H word in his joint press meeting with Blank 'un. Yes folks, you can't not offer us unconditional support OR you' re an ANTI-SEMITE. How about fucking rolling back the illegal settlements on occupied land and the ethnic cleansing programme there and in Jerusalem itself? Remember the Jewish terrorists sniping at Arabs and British troops in the 1940s? 

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26 minutes ago, King Billy said:

I can’t believe it’s Arabs v Jews season already. I haven’t even taken my Ukraine v Russia decorations down yet. 

When you think about it, every race, nation, religious order and ideology on earth, has at some point been involved in a violent conflict with someone else.

 So what the fuck is so special about Eskimos that they can’t get involved? Poofs.

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11 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

When you think about it, every race, nation, religious order and ideology on earth, has at some point been involved in a violent conflict with someone else.

 So what the fuck is so special about Eskimos that they can’t get involved? Poofs.

Are Eskimos really poofs Eric?


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23 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Even the Māoris got so bored of making flower garlands and dancing round volcanoes in Tonga and Samoa that they fucked off to New Zealand to develop their own violent culture and slaughter French sailors (and eat them).

I remember at school in Belfast there were a couple of Maori’s, three Tongan’s and five or six Samoan’s in my class, and every one of them was prepared to die ‘For God and Ulster’ if my memory serves me right. Good rugby players too, all of them (although I did get expelled for racially abusing the cunts before any of them spoke to me).

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7 minutes ago, King Billy said:

I remember at school in Belfast there were a couple of Maori’s, three Tongan’s and five or six Samoan’s in my class, and every one of them was prepared to die ‘For God and Ulster’ if my memory serves me right. Good rugby players too, all of them (although I did get expelled for racially abusing the cunts before any of them spoke to me).

You clearly wasn't cut out for courses in Social Studies, the Humanities and Comparative Religion. Cunt. Still got into Oxford though with that A* pass in racist History A Level. Plus a distinction in offensive comedy of the 1970s.

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18 hours ago, King Billy said:

I remember at school in Belfast there were a couple of Maori’s, three Tongan’s and five or six Samoan’s in my class, and every one of them was prepared to die ‘For God and Ulster’ if my memory serves me right. Good rugby players too, all of them (although I did get expelled for racially abusing the cunts before any of them spoke to me).

Disappointed. Thought that was going to be a variation of "There's an Englishman, an Irishman and a Scotsman".

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I see the usual cunts are being wheeled out by Sky News to justify the Israeli action in Gaza, 

Colonel Hamish Stephen de Bretton-Gordon

Tonbridge School, fees £16485 per term

£49445 per school year


The same old fucking bollocks quacking on smothering the REAL background. 

The most realistic words I've heard about this were from the Russian Ambassador to the UNO on Friday reported on Aljazeera - no coverage of the UN debate on Gaza anywhere else. 

Now they are discussing anybody protesting AGAINST Israel should be arrested for hate crime. Can you fucking believe it? 

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3 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

I see the usual cunts are being wheeled out by Sky News to justify the Israeli action in Gaza, 

Colonel Hamish Stephen de Bretton-Gordon

Tonbridge School, fees £16485 per term

£49445 per school year


The same old fucking bollocks quacking on smothering the REAL background. 

The most realistic words I've heard about this were from the Russian Ambassador to the UNO on Friday reported on Aljazeera - no coverage of the UN debate on Gaza anywhere else. 

Now they are discussing anybody protesting AGAINST Israel should be arrested for hate crime. Can you fucking believe it? 

Well there's fucking thousands of Pro Palestine supporters currently clogging up the west end. Love to see the pigs try and break that up. 

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5 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Well there's fucking thousands of Pro Palestine supporters currently clogging up the west end. Love to see the pigs try and break that up. 

So the Leicester Square Odeon isn't available? How about Chinatown? Is there a Trafalgar Square happening. Last few times it was a fucking mad woman screaming through an extra loud PA System vilifying Iran with a few dozen aggressive drum beating women who then marched up Regent Street effectively blocking off traffic for half hour to the Iranian Embassy to demonstrate. Either that or the fucking Ukrainians in Whitehall or the Africans in the Strand. 

Take your fucking choice. 

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9 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Well there's fucking thousands of Pro Palestine supporters currently clogging up the west end. Love to see the pigs try and break that up. 

What an opportunity for a televised drone strike to cheer all the white people up. It will probably kill a lot of bankers and stock brokers too. 😊

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54 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

What an opportunity for a televised drone strike to cheer all the white people up. It will probably kill a lot of bankers and stock brokers too. 😊

Is that "clogging up the West End" more than clogging usual? Have you tried crossing Leicester Square on a Saturday night or entering Charing Cross Station without treading on a sea of broken glass, litter and spewed up 🤮? It's a pigsty ANYWAY. 

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2 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

My main gripe is a common one. When I was 18 I enjoyed the pigsty and contributed to it (a little bit) Now I'm 70 I just moan in a Leftie sort of way. 

I have basically given up on polyticks .. I am actually somewhere left of Leon Trotsky (who was a jew by the way).

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