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Palestinians getting their own back


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I would have thought the majority of level headed people know enough about what has been going on in this region to come down on the Palestinians's side in the current troubles as the inevitable outcome of being treated like shit and being robbed blind by Israel with our support. Over and above that it's yet more evidence that Biden has been a total failure so far as foreign policy is concerned. As for celebrating neo-nazi Azov "freedom fighters" in Ukraine while "criminalising" support for a certain Palestinian "terrorist" group then the British government can go and fuck itself be cause that's not how this country is made. Some double standards are just too insulting and near the knuckle to be tolerated. 

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1 hour ago, ChildeHarold said:

I would have thought the majority of level headed people know enough about what has been going on in this region to come down on the Palestinians's side in the current troubles as the inevitable outcome of being treated like shit and being robbed blind by Israel with our support. Over and above that it's yet more evidence that Biden has been a total failure so far as foreign policy is concerned. As for celebrating neo-nazi Azov "freedom fighters" in Ukraine while "criminalising" support for a certain Palestinian "terrorist" group then the British government can go and fuck itself be cause that's not how this country is made. Some double standards are just too insulting and near the knuckle to be tolerated. 

Such a stupid take,I'm baffled by this one.

Azov whilst there roots are yes neo nazis there is no evidence since the Ukrainian war that they're committing half or even a quarter of what Hamas pulled off, there useful to the war at the time ,not stabbing civilians in the street.

The whole Israeli, Palestinian fiasco is far more complicated than your brain can understand cleary,no point picking a side numb nuts.

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Guest entitled little cunt
14 hours ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

I think you've got the wrong end of the stick here. I didn't mean for you to burn to death, just burnt enough for you to look like 9 stone of partially melted Yankee candle being pushed around in a wheelchair for the rest of your life.

Good luck with all your air source heat pump 'savings', they're the Soda-Streams of the modern age.


13 hours ago, Dick Fiddler said:

Likely found all three ratpacker's DNA up his arsehole.


8 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

I would have thought the majority of level headed people know enough about what has been going on in this region to come down on the Palestinians's side in the current troubles as the inevitable outcome of being treated like shit and being robbed blind by Israel with our support. Over and above that it's yet more evidence that Biden has been a total failure so far as foreign policy is concerned. As for celebrating neo-nazi Azov "freedom fighters" in Ukraine while "criminalising" support for a certain Palestinian "terrorist" group then the British government can go and fuck itself be cause that's not how this country is made. Some double standards are just too insulting and near the knuckle to be tolerated. 

Murdering 260 young kids  with no means of protecting themselves at a music festival is rather more than "getting your own back ".

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9 hours ago, Snowy said:

Such a stupid take,I'm baffled by this one.

Azov whilst there roots are yes neo nazis there is no evidence since the Ukrainian war that they're committing half or even a quarter of what Hamas pulled off, there useful to the war at the time ,not stabbing civilians in the street.

The whole Israeli, Palestinian fiasco is far more complicated than your brain can understand cleary,no point picking a side numb nuts.

I'm just throwing it open to the Corner given the usual Jerusalem Central main media "unequivocal support" for Israel. How can anything be "unequivocal". I do know there's a huge migratory/funding American interest in colonisation of illegally occupied land. 

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9 hours ago, Dick Fiddler said:

Exactly what a Zionist would say. 

I actually have sympathy with Snowy but it seems to me the sort of policies Israel (with American and British connivance) is pursuing is guaranteed to create the seeds of long term conflict in the Middle East and far from strengthening Israeli security actually weakens it. The tactics adopted by Palestinians is obviously determined by the resources they have. They can't even make a formal declaration of war on Israel because Britain among others do no recognise a Palestinian state. I think it's a fucking disgrace. Elements of injustice in it are crystal clear. A child could understand it. 

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19 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

I actually have sympathy with Snowy but it seems to me the sort of policies Israel (with American and British connivance) is pursuing is guaranteed to create the seeds of long term conflict in the Middle East and far from strengthening Israeli security actually weakens it. The tactics adopted by Palestinians is obviously determined by the resources they have. They can't even make a formal declaration of war on Israel because Britain among others do no recognise a Palestinian state. I think it's a fucking disgrace. Elements of injustice in it are crystal clear. A child could understand it. 

The long term conflict is there regardless .. Islam is about conflict and without it, it dies. The Jews will simply did their heels in regardless of their right to the land of Israel .. few other nations have a right to challenge their claim as their own histories are that of invading and claiming the lands of others and that also includes those who now call themselves Palestinians (most of are descendants of relatively recent incomers who arrived there from the mid 19th century onwards.

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44 minutes ago, Penny Farthing said:

The long term conflict is there regardless .. Islam is about conflict and without it, it dies. The Jews will simply did their heels in regardless of their right to the land of Israel .. few other nations have a right to challenge their claim as their own histories are that of invading and claiming the lands of others and that also includes those who now call themselves Palestinians (most of are descendants of relatively recent incomers who arrived there from the mid 19th century onwards.

So it's about getting a settlement acceptable to all parties in the NOW. If that means pushing back the Israeli illegal occupation so be it. It's patently impossible to do in the Middle East what white settlers did in North America, Australia, and to some extent is being toyed with in the Balkans against Russo-slavs. The Arab nations and Islam makes that impossible in the medium or long term. I think Western greed since the fall of the USSR has created a very unstable world and Israel is a good example of over reach. It's a prime example of white supremacist imperialism. Ukraine is another. The USA has probably met it's match in China. 

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13 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

So it's about getting a settlement acceptable to all parties in the NOW. If that means pushing back the Israeli illegal occupation so be it. It's patently impossible to do in the Middle East what white settlers did in North America, Australia, and to some extent is being toyed with in the Balkans against Russo-slavs. The Arab nations and Islam makes that impossible in the medium or long term. I think Western greed since the fall of the USSR has created a very unstable world and Israel is a good example of over reach. It's a prime example of white supremacist imperialism. Ukraine is another. The USA has probably met it's match in China. 

I wouldn't go so far as to say this was a false flag attack, but I stand by my conviction that the Israelis knew it was going to happen and let it go ahead. Why? Several reasons.

1- Netanyahu relies upon ultra Zionist support to prop up his regime. We all know what they want, more Palestinian land to steal. Well he's got his pretext to go in now and steal it.

2- A pretext to attack Iran for its "illegal" nuclear programme, justified by their support of Hamas. Obviously this one was cooked up alongside the yanks, who just so happened to have some naval ships deployed off the coast of Israel when the attack happened. Convenient that, especially as they are now staying there to "offer assistance". Obviously they're not that bothered about the Israelis own illegal possession of nuclear weapons, because that would be anti-Semitic.

3- As a by blow oil prices are set to rocket. After all, the yanks want some return on their investment in Israel, which is the largest recipient of US foreign aid on the planet.

Personally I hope the chinks offer their support to Iran sooner rather than later. Let's see how the kikes fare once the yanks are second fiddle on the world stage and they're surrounded by angry Muslims backed up by a world super power.

Fucking cunts.

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1 hour ago, Decimus said:

I wouldn't go so far as to say this was a false flag attack, but I stand by my conviction that the Israelis knew it was going to happen and let it go ahead. Why? Several reasons.

1- Netanyahu relies upon ultra Zionist support to prop up his regime. We all know what they want, more Palestinian land to steal. Well he's got his pretext to go in now and steal it.

2- A pretext to attack Iran for its "illegal" nuclear programme, justified by their support of Hamas. Obviously this one was cooked up alongside the yanks, who just so happened to have some naval ships deployed off the coast of Israel when the attack happened. Convenient that, especially as they are now staying there to "offer assistance". Obviously they're not that bothered about the Israelis own illegal possession of nuclear weapons, because that would be anti-Semitic.

3- As a by blow oil prices are set to rocket. After all, the yanks want some return on their investment in Israel, which is the largest recipient of US foreign aid on the planet.

Personally I hope the chinks offer their support to Iran sooner rather than later. Let's see how the kikes fare once the yanks are second fiddle on the world stage and they're surrounded by angry Muslims backed up by a world super power.

Fucking cunts.

There's a lot, if not everything, in what you say that makes sense. I actually don't think any US President since Nixon has any control over US foreign policy particularly the military. I'm going back to the Frost/Nixon interview the section on the Middle East as some important points were raised I think about intelligence failures then. If Netanyahu had died on the operating table the world would have been a safer place. The two pronged policy war at home (on the Palestinians) and peace abroad (so-called normalisation) was NEVER EVER going to work in any body's wildest dreams. Israel is a basket case bequeathed to the world by the British ruling (Norman ancestry landowners) class. 

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1 hour ago, Cuntybaws said:

Amazing to see the Israeli flag projected onto 10 Downing Street at the same time as they announce that they're going to “effectively obliterate” a densely populated area of 2.5 million people. I guess it's OK to deny THAT holocaust, then?

 What the fuck is the American flotilla doing protecting the right to genocide. Netanyahu is toast now. The Israeli public will get rid of this crackpot asap. 




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Guest entitled little cunt
1 hour ago, Cuntybaws said:

Amazing to see the Israeli flag projected onto 10 Downing Street at the same time as they announce that they're going to “effectively obliterate” a densely populated area of 2.5 million people. I guess it's OK to deny THAT holocaust, then?

Might have been sensible to not start lobbing in a load of missiles and massacre 260 defenceless young people if the 2.5 million matter that much .Given recent events I'd say that's questionable. 

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1 hour ago, Cuntybaws said:

Amazing to see the Israeli flag projected onto 10 Downing Street at the same time as they announce that they're going to “effectively obliterate” a densely populated area of 2.5 million people. I guess it's OK to deny THAT holocaust, then?

You have to admit that seeing them fundamentalist Jewish blokes dancing like 9 year old girls at a Christmas party is comedy gold.

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20 hours ago, The Beast said:

Jewish and Moslem identity and culture are strong.

Meanwhile European culture is being slowly suffocated.

Why Europeans take a side in this intractable dispute is beyond dumb. 

The British angle is I suppose the old one of licking the American bum plus possibly the historical fact we were responsible for the whole fucking mess. But we have assumed the role of unwelcome troublemakers - as with Suez - somebody should fucking explain to Britain to stop pretending it's a world power any more. Educated Israelis are in despair over where this fucking militarist messianic land grabbing government of Netanyahu has brought the country. Those who seek to antagonise their neighbours on a continuous basis have to face the consequences. It's strange NATO or UNO has never gone into the Palestinian territory or West Bank and ejected the Israeli's and set up an independent sovereign Palestine state. Because it is a project planned, financed and executed in America like the eradication of the North American Indian. 

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20 hours ago, The Beast said:

Why Europeans take a side in this intractable dispute is beyond dumb. 

It is ridiculous, as is the involvement of the yanks. So ask yourself, who benefits from it? Certainly not the Palestinians. 

Israel would have ceased to exist multiple times, not least in 1948, 1967 and 1973 if we didn't take sides in this "dumb" dispute.

Makes you wonder who is really pulling the strings, doesn't it? It's pathetic how the masses take the bait and keep on hating the Muslims whilst the real enemy and puppet masters of European cultural demise are laughing at them from their mansions.

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2 hours ago, Decimus said:

It is ridiculous, as is the involvement of the yanks. So ask yourself, who benefits from it? Certainly not the Palestinians. 

Israel would have ceased to exist multiple times, not least in 1948, 1967 and 1973 if we didn't take sides in this "dumb" dispute.

Makes you wonder who is really pulling the strings, doesn't it? It's pathetic how the masses take the bait and keep on hating the Muslims whilst the real enemy and puppet masters of European cultural demise are laughing at them from their mansions.

I like this view - I really distrust anybody who slots in in two different countries. It seems to me a huge number of Israeli's hold dual citizenship. As with that kid who was educated at the Jewish School in Stamford Hill but was killed serving in the IDF. Is that Zionism? Most of the illegal settlers are American citizens who are sponsored - they seem to me to be the poor relation Jews who have nothing to lose. It's also this peculiar Manifest Destiny idea so strong in the American West and British Empire "white supremacism". I had a very brief encounter with a young Jewish guy on the street at Waterloo. He requested directions without a please or an excuse me and then without a thanks just blanked me as if he was talking to an inferior, I realised as I saw his ungrateful back loping off he was Jewish. But what stunned me was his inutterable arrogant rudeness. That sort of attitude rapidly creates enemies and burns bridges which the cunt will soon find out, or probably already has and interpreted as Anti-Semitism. 

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23 hours ago, Snowy said:

You got me ,I'm not really a binman ive lived my whole life as a hisdic Jew in the jewelry quater in Birmingham,fucksake.

This is fucking great. I completely sold out of black and white tea towels on my market stall today and I’ve got 3 more pallet loads of them in the lock up. I’ll be a fucking billionaire by the weekend probably. 
🎶If I was a rich man🎶

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My view is that NATO intervened in Bosnia and assisted the break up of Yugoslavia (ha ha ha!) on the pretext of preventing mass killing of the population - here we have similar bombing of a small enclave, effectively a prison, likely mass killings and the world, NATO (which was all too ready to jump into Libya to seize the oil) and in particular the USA is turning a blind eye. The Western countries which talk endlessly about self determination, democracy and human rights are t H E real CUNTS in all this. They should send a bristling military international force to first stop the fighting, second negotiate the hostages, third force with boots on the ground evict all Israelis from the illegal occupation then convene a regional conference or summit to establish a sovereign Palestinian state under UN protection. Don't talk about Ukraine reconstruction until you start reconstructing a two state solution in the Middle East. I know the view is sick and tired of it, let them get on with it, it's complicated. It's not fucking complicated, it's dead simple:go in and sort it out. Put both sides in the box and get a permanent settlement.



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17 hours ago, Decimus said:

It is ridiculous, as is the involvement of the yanks. So ask yourself, who benefits from it? Certainly not the Palestinians. 

Israel would have ceased to exist multiple times, not least in 1948, 1967 and 1973 if we didn't take sides in this "dumb" dispute.

Makes you wonder who is really pulling the strings, doesn't it? It's pathetic how the masses take the bait and keep on hating the Muslims whilst the real enemy and puppet masters of European cultural demise are laughing at them from their mansions.

Given the conduct of moslem men in England with organised rape outfits in many towns spanning decades, although mainly Bangladeshi and Pakistani, there is, as with the jews, a hive mind. This collective mindset, which also functions as a defence mechanism, has been stripped from Western Europeans since the end of WW2.

The only appeals to collectivisation that are fed to us comes in the form of rainbow, tranny, Ukrainian and now Israeli flags. Our racial interests are always falsely associated with the ground zero narrative of holocaustiality.

Meanwhile, our duopoly is happy to bomb, starve and plunder when it suits, but somehow bleats about human rights when it comes to preventing or deporting foreign males who arrive undocumented. One would be forgiven for suggesting we have been entirely subverted by third party interests, to the point it is institutionally endemic, requiring little external maintenance.

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14 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

I like this view - I really distrust anybody who slots in in two different countries. It seems to me a huge number of Israeli's hold dual citizenship. As with that kid who was educated at the Jewish School in Stamford Hill but was killed serving in the IDF. Is that Zionism? Most of the illegal settlers are American citizens who are sponsored - they seem to me to be the poor relation Jews who have nothing to lose. It's also this peculiar Manifest Destiny idea so strong in the American West and British Empire "white supremacism". I had a very brief encounter with a young Jewish guy on the street at Waterloo. He requested directions without a please or an excuse me and then without a thanks just blanked me as if he was talking to an inferior, I realised as I saw his ungrateful back loping off he was Jewish. But what stunned me was his inutterable arrogant rudeness. That sort of attitude rapidly creates enemies and burns bridges which the cunt will soon find out, or probably already has and interpreted as Anti-Semitism. 

Your encounter is by no means unique. Sadly, most observant Jews are incredibly fucking rude and dismissive of anyone not of the same ilk. My wife is Jewish, ( albeit pretty fucking rubbish at it, she eats bacon and married an atheist) and even she says the same. This attitude when applied to geography as it has been in this case since 1948 is no surprise. 
Whilst I don’t support the actions of Hamas in this instance, the broader Palestinian population has a right to non interference and self determination, as does Israel. 
Fucking religion, eh?

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1 hour ago, ChildeHarold said:

My view is that NATO intervened in Bosnia and assisted the break up of Yugoslavia (ha ha ha!) on the pretext of preventing mass killing of the population - here we have similar bombing of a small enclave, effectively a prison, likely mass killings and the world, NATO (which was all too ready to jump into Libya to seize the oil) and in particular the USA is turning a blind eye. The Western countries which talk endlessly about self determination, democracy and human rights are t H E real CUNTS in all this. They should send a bristling military international force to first stop the fighting, second negotiate the hostages, third force with boots on the ground evict all Israelis from the illegal occupation then convene a regional conference or summit to establish a sovereign Palestinian state under UN protection. Don't talk about Ukraine reconstruction until you start reconstructing a two state solution in the Middle East. I know the view is sick and tired of it, let them get on with it, it's complicated. It's not fucking complicated, it's dead simple:go in and sort it out. Put both sides in the box and get a permanent settlement.



They'd both whinge and claim you were doing a double genocide the moment you stopped them killing each other.

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