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Hippopotamus for a pet

Guest entitled little cunt

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Guest entitled little cunt
On 25/09/2023 at 18:43, Wolfie said:


I've not been sleeping well lately, and I honestly skim-read the title as 'Diane Abbottamus for a pet' (such is the general loathing of her), before seeing leopard in your intro and mystifyingly backpedalling to the headline, to then see you had written 'Hippopotamus'.

Clearly, I am in the presence of yet another idiot newbie. Honestly, if Pen & Zev fucked off for a month, a higher standard of onlookers might like what they see, breathing some much-needed freshness into this stale shithole, full to the brim with pointless, dickhead comments like the ones above, which look as though they've been written by a 12-yo with a severe brain injury. Jesus Christ.

You really don't sound a happy person.

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9 minutes ago, and said:

Only when he's on his knees, taking it from behind, doggy style.


@and, why did you change your Avatar immediately after I pointed out it was a gay porn star who was into shit? Lol. 

I really thought you'd have the decency to keep a low profile after embarrassing yourself in front of the entire board, yet again (lol) but you clearly have no honour or shame. Lol. 

What is wrong with you?


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48 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

@and, why did you change your Avatar immediately after I pointed out it was a gay porn star who was into shit? Lol. 

I really thought you'd have the decency to keep a low profile after embarrassing yourself in front of the entire board, yet again (lol) but you clearly have no honour or shame. Lol. 

What is wrong with you?


Who’s his new one?

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