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Hippopotamus for a pet

Guest entitled little cunt

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Guest entitled little cunt

I'm going to get  leopard and walk it in the park .

Should it rip  passers-by  throats out so be it . It's not my fault .I should have the right to own and exercise my cuddly pet. I will protest .Hands-off , don't bully a big pussy .

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1 hour ago, entitled little cunt said:

I'm going to get  leopard and walk it in the park .

Should it rip  passers-by  throats out so be it . It's not my fault .I should have the right to own and exercise my cuddly pet. I will protest .Hands-off , don't bully a big pussy .

Who’s got pet hippos? It used to be Pablo Escobar but he’s dead.

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Guest entitled little cunt
31 minutes ago, Hammer of Cunts said:

 I thought this was going to be about hippopotamusses not fucking leopards. This could be the first time that a thread has been derailed before it starts

The hippo is one of the most dangerous animals in the world per death by wild animal .I concluded walking a hippo around the park would sound beyond the  realms of reality  so  it Metamorphised into a leopard .

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13 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

I'm going to get  leopard and walk it in the park .

Should it rip  passers-by  throats out so be it . It's not my fault .I should have the right to own and exercise my cuddly pet. I will protest .Hands-off , don't bully a big pussy .

Difficult .. have you talked to a shrink about this?

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Guest entitled little cunt
1 hour ago, Penny Farthing said:

Difficult .. have you talked to a shrink about this?

I did , he was the cunt  who said "don't be a fool , who has a Hippo for a pet, a leopard possibly is a  better bet  "

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42 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

Hypothetically speaking, would the simple act of mentioning Rule 13 here constitute an actual breach of said rule ?

Yes it would, especially when you're trying to infer that all virgins are under the age of consent and, it is a fact, women who have had several children sometimes have a medical procedure to 'tighten' the muscles around the vagina.

Stop trying to stir the pot, it just makes you look desperate.

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8 minutes ago, Ape™️ said:

Completely irrelevant to you, since the nearest you’ll ever get to a tight pussy is fucking your neighbours cat. 

Speaking of virginity, when are you going to lose yours?

Having @Wolfie kissing your fat, sweaty arse, doesn't count (although, to give him his due, he is trying his best to ingratiate himself) maybe one day, you'll be a notch on his bedpost.


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22 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

I'm going to get  leopard and walk it in the park .

Should it rip  passers-by  throats out so be it . It's not my fault .I should have the right to own and exercise my cuddly pet. I will protest .Hands-off , don't bully a big pussy .


9 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

The hippo is one of the most dangerous animals in the world per death by wild animal .I concluded walking a hippo around the park would sound beyond the  realms of reality  so  it Metamorphised into a leopard .

I've not been sleeping well lately, and I honestly skim-read the title as 'Diane Abbottamus for a pet' (such is the general loathing of her), before seeing leopard in your intro and mystifyingly backpedalling to the headline, to then see you had written 'Hippopotamus'.

Clearly, I am in the presence of yet another idiot newbie. Honestly, if Pen & Zev fucked off for a month, a higher standard of onlookers might like what they see, breathing some much-needed freshness into this stale shithole, full to the brim with pointless, dickhead comments like the ones above, which look as though they've been written by a 12-yo with a severe brain injury. Jesus Christ.

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30 minutes ago, Zev said:

Speaking of virginity, when are you going to lose yours?

Having @Wolfie kissing your fat, sweaty arse, doesn't count (although, to give him his due, he is trying his best to ingratiate himself) maybe one day, you'll be a notch on his bedpost.


It seems I'm taking the metaphoric role of his favourite pavement this week, @Decimus – the centre of his attention. I've just typed in 'wolfie' and... well, I hope you're not jealous. Can't you take the neurotic little cunt off my hands for a while?

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2 hours ago, Wolfie said:

It seems I'm taking the metaphoric role of his favourite pavement this week, @Decimus – the centre of his attention. I've just typed in 'wolfie' and... well, I hope you're not jealous. Can't you take the neurotic little cunt off my hands for a while?

Just type @ bring up the list from a to z, tag them all in and confuse his tiny dog fucking mind.

Edited by Snowy
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On 24/09/2023 at 20:03, entitled little cunt said:

I'm going to get  leopard and walk it in the park .

Should it rip  passers-by  throats out so be it . It's not my fault .I should have the right to own and exercise my cuddly pet. I will protest .Hands-off , don't bully a big pussy .

What is this bollocks?

Edited by Snowy
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