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4x4 cunts

Guest entitled little cunt

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On 28/08/2023 at 19:15, Wolfie said:

I love 4x4s and I need one for my business. I've had one pre-Defender 90, and after that I bought a 2000 TD5 Defender (with engine remap, so it went like stink for a Landy, about 11 sec 0-60 (with 19mpg)) for £9k and sold it two years later for 12. I can't think of any other piece of shit which leakes oil and takes on rain water while still appreciating in value quite like a Defender. Like all of them (to 2104), everything goes wrong all of the time, in spite of mine having a bulletproof galvanised chassis (I didn't realise this makes it non-saleable to the US market – a silly move on my part, meaning I could've taken another £5-6k at time of sale had I done more research on chassis) and gorgeous 2.5tdi engine which could pull over 3.5 tonnes uphill with shitloads of torque. A beast.

I've gone through Freelander 1s & 2s, and I've now got a Subaru Forester which gets worked like a Honduran whore... and keeps going. I like Japanese cars, and I believe they make the best SUVs & 4x4s in the world, despite my reluctance to buy non-British. The Mitsubishi Shogun is probably the best example: comfort, power, reliability, space, safety, economy, trailing capability and amazing all-terrain techno shit. I want one.

This is an Ape-esque post with all the technical detail that no one gives a fuck about. Why don't you fuck off to a grease-monkeys chat forum with this level of anorak wearing, still living at home with your mum, fucking bullshit.


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11 hours ago, Witheredscrote said:

fuck off site killer


11 hours ago, Witheredscrote said:

O.K big boy.


11 hours ago, Witheredscrote said:

You boring cunt


11 hours ago, Witheredscrote said:

Oh, you're so butch


11 hours ago, Witheredscrote said:

Oh just fuck off, you walking fucking encyclopedia

You absolute fucking tool.

You've even managed to outshine @Cunty BigBollox in the drunken idiot challenge this week.

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20 hours ago, Wolfie said:

You absolute fucking tool.

You've even managed to outshine @Cunty BigBollox in the drunken idiot challenge this week.

Apparently we’re all boring because we don’t immediately call someone a nonce and get banned the moment we log in. That’s his excuse anyway. Fuck knows what’s really wrong with the old git.

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36 minutes ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

Being a drunken idiot leaves me scope to lose the idiot moniker when sober. How does it feel to be an idiot whether you're drunk or sober Wolfie?

No, dickhead. Read your own comment again.

A sober drunken idiot is still an idiot. Except of course, one without an excuse.

Fucking idiot.

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46 minutes ago, Dick Fiddler said:

Oh the irony...

I had a great time on here last night Dick, but probably ruined it for the others. Well fuck 'em. All the usual repetitive weak bollocks responses such  'goose fucker, mother raped by a Nazi*', blah de fucking blah. Then this morning the 'always late to the party' bag of wind & piss, aka Wiffie rocked up.

*Naturally I have reported Ewic for this. Rule 12 violation.

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3 hours ago, Witheredscrote said:

I had a great time on here last night Dick, but probably ruined it for the others. Well fuck 'em. All the usual repetitive weak bollocks responses such  'goose fucker, mother raped by a Nazi*', blah de fucking blah. Then this morning the 'always late to the party' bag of wind & piss, aka Wiffie rocked up.

*Naturally I have reported Ewic for this. Rule 12 violation.

Never mind this shit, Withers, why do you think that Frank has ignored my question about ULEZ? The little Mars Attacks looking cunt is supposedly quite the dandy around London town so you'd assume that he'd have plenty to say about it.

I can't imagine it'll stop him going out in the Roller, screaming random Cunts Corner screen names out of the window at bemused passers-by. The only difference is that he'll have Mitch in the boot, half-dead and desperately scrabbling around for £12.50 in shrapnel. 

I hope your head hurt this morning, you intolerable French pig.

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2 hours ago, Dick Fiddler said:

Darts players are obese, sweaty, middle aged sex offenders.

I enjoy the occasional game of darts, Dick. My old man Mitch set up the BDO in Muswell Hill with the late great Olly Croft back in the early seventies. Naturally both were morbidly obese, but, as far as I recall, neither were sex offenders. 

Know your place. 

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16 hours ago, Dick Fiddler said:

Quite, family abuse is not on. Unless you're the fritzels, or the Nolan sisters' cunts.

Your very next post reads…

’He's quite the dreary, real-ale drinking bore isn't he? I bet his kids wish he was fucking dead.’

What a disgusting and vile piece of shit you are. This is not the end of this matter for you, you squalid little shitcunt.

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2 minutes ago, Dick Fiddler said:

The only rule about members families is that you are not to make sexual references about them.

Are you suggesting I'm making sexual references about his children?

Let’s see how this pans out for you, moron. You’ll note that the only member standing in your corner is a geriatric trans-derelict, known for living alone due to infertility, parental unsuitability and familial absence. Keep it up.

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11 hours ago, Dick Fiddler said:

He's quite the dreary, real-ale drinking bore isn't he? I bet his kids wish he was fucking dead.


10 hours ago, Dick Fiddler said:

Darts players are obese, sweaty, middle aged sex offenders.

You've mentioned my family and you have inferred that I'm a sex offender. I wonder what @Admin is going to do about it, ol' Cocky – seeing as it's not your first Corner misdemeanour in this respect.

I don't even have to try, you sibling-shagging toothless hick. I could submit any old rubbish and you'd still do the hard work by humiliating yourself with an inevitably gay, bumming or spunk-themed response. Honestly, I can't bear your ongoing car-crash site character any longer.

More than this, you've responded to Frank's gentle telling off with a "noted". Anyone who panders to that greasy wanker is already dead in my eyes. You rattled, toadying, brown-nosing fucking cunt. You make me sick. Get off the site and delete your account.

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2 minutes ago, Dick Fiddler said:

That's the spirit! Let it all out. I've certainly got what I came for from you.

Now I see you've started avoiding more typical gay or spunk schoolboy insults by using some awful dredged-up 'I've got you where I want you' bollocks. Are you really that oblivious to how utterly fucking shit you are?

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27 minutes ago, Dick Fiddler said:

I didn't hit a nerve earlier, did I? I suspect I did.

Tired and lame... this has been used too many times before. You were just as hopeless when you posted under 'Shitpipe Sid' and 'Sue R Pipe', Cocky, before your ban on both occasions in which approx. half of your posts were jizz or cock-themed. If one scrolls through your brief history, they'll find enough penis references to bore even John Barrowman.

You're obviously a gay man, or someone who bats for both teams, and that's just fine because I suspect you won't be here too much longer.

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22 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

Tired and lame... this has been used too many times before. You were just as hopeless when you posted under 'Shitpipe Sid' and 'Sue R Pipe', Cocky, before your ban on both occasions in which approx. half of your posts were jizz or cock-themed. If one scrolls through your brief history, they'll find enough penis references to bore even John Barrowman.

You're obviously a gay man, or someone who bats for both teams, and that's just fine because I suspect you won't be here too much longer.

Fingers fucking crossed. The needy little scrote lashes out everywhere as he attempts to gain relevance here. Well, it’s not going to happen. The try-too-hard wanker.

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1 hour ago, Wolfie said:

More than this, you've responded to Frank's gentle telling off with a "noted". Anyone who panders to that greasy wanker is already dead in my eyes. You rattled, toadying, brown-nosing fucking cunt. You make me sick. Get off the site and delete your account.

The the issue is that good or bad @Frank is far more interesting than you .. you just appear to me to be a dreary old man .. real ale drinker you might be but it will not be in a pub as you will likely be more of a dreary "Davenport's Beer at home" (alone) sort.

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34 minutes ago, Penny Farthing said:

The the issue is that good or bad @Frank is far more interesting than you .. you just appear to me to be a dreary old man .. real ale drinker you might be but it will not be in a pub as you will likely be more of a dreary "Davenport's Beer at home" (alone) sort.

Coming from an interesting and humorous person like you, I’m sure this comment will cut @Wolfie to the quick.

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