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Under equality laws you have to ask yourself if the geezer would have done the same to one of the men's team if they had one a game of proper football (not this women's shit). I expect it would have been either met by a Glasgow kiss sending his gnashers out of the back of his stupid bald skull or, tongues would have met and juices exchanged as I imagine the Spanish team have got as many gay players as the French national team.

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33 minutes ago, Hammer of Cunts said:

Well, obviously not. Blokes don't kiss other blokes, that would just be revolting. If the manager (or whatever he was) had been a woman, it would have been a perfectly natural thing to do.

Precisely. This isn’t about the man in question, or even men in general. It’s another attempt to demonise normal heterosexual behaviour and replace it with unnatural gay behaviour which doesn’t lead to more humans being born. All part of the population reduction agenda. 

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49 minutes ago, Hammer of Cunts said:

Well, obviously not. Blokes don't kiss other blokes, that would just be revolting. If the manager (or whatever he was) had been a woman, it would have been a perfectly natural thing to do.

We're talking about foreign types here, HoC. You know them all fucking hugs and 'mwa mwa' on the cheeks. Look at all these football managers. Can you imagine Shankley and Clough hugging and kissing? Tried that with them and you'd be picking your teeth off the turf. 


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15 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Precisely. This isn’t about the man in question, or even men in general. It’s another attempt to demonise normal heterosexual behaviour and replace it with unnatural gay behaviour which doesn’t lead to more humans being born. All part of the population reduction agenda. 

I blame Bill Gates. 

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1 hour ago, Hammer of Cunts said:

Well, obviously not. Blokes don't kiss other blokes, that would just be revolting. If the manager (or whatever he was) had been a woman, it would have been a perfectly natural thing to do.

Unless they've just scored a goal. It's like someone has unbolted the door of 9 closets and their team mates turn into a load of Graham Nortons for 30 seconds.

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9 hours ago, Hammer of Cunts said:

Having won their "World Cup", the Spanish Wimmins have realised that they can prolong their moment of media-confected fame by getting over excited about some bloke kissing one of them. This is, apparently, important enough to knock real news off the front of the papers for another week.


Apart from being of no interest as a sport, the TV images clearly show consent and not a jot of resistance on her part. There's been a fucking whirlwind of feminist activity at the BBC on TV and radio pushing the equality/sexual abuse agenda across it's schedules and it just adds to the killing off of genuine entertainment or cultural value or worth watching it's output. There's just nothing there for the average punter that hasn't been completely ruined by this passive aggressive cabal. It used to be called "man under the bed" syndrome: seeing an anti-female conspiracy in every corner and an abuse in every action. *


* it's actually a form of hysteria which has become a movement via social media and the internet. 

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On 27/08/2023 at 11:06, Roadkill said:

Well one thing is certain - all Putin had to do was claim Zelensky fingered his daughters and the West would have fucking helped him. Clearly this is more important than the largest conflict on European soil since WW2.

Kiev is counting on your support so don't hold back. Of course it's more important fucking idiot. 

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20 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

Apparently five knicker sniffing lesbo man hunter groupies have complained to the police about "the kiss".....amazing!

How are they going to prosecute with no independent witnesses? It’s common knowledge that women’s football matches have smaller attendance figures than Corey Haim’s 39th birthday party.

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33 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

How are they going to prosecute with no independent witnesses? It’s common knowledge that women’s football matches have smaller attendance figures than Corey Haim’s 39th birthday party.

32 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

How are they going to prosecute with no independent witnesses? It’s common knowledge that women’s football matches have smaller attendance figures than Corey Haim’s 39th birthday party.

32 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

How are they going to prosecute with no independent witnesses? It’s common knowledge that women’s football matches have smaller attendance figures than Corey Haim’s 39th birthday party.

I actually think she went for him the way she's gripping him with those tatted arms. I really can't see anyway out of this in Spain except a Civil War Part Two. 

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12 hours ago, Jake The Muss said:

While this is bollocks, who cares about some bloke grabbing a kiss..but i might add, there is no real news in any of the papers, just comic book BS.

I think that with all this anger that there might be a bit of Latino in you Bender.

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