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Police dog shot and killed after seriously injuring handler


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Lancashire Police teams were searching for a missing person in Walton-le-Dale when PD Jax became aggressive, biting the handler and causing serious injuries. Further patrols, including armed officers, attended the scene and attempted to restrain the dog, a Belgian Malinois.

But all efforts failed and PD Jax was shot by armed officers.

Great work by the armed officers, congratulations all round, job well done!

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Well, this is going to be a popular nom, obviously liked only by Big Dick.

I can't recall too many police dogs being shot dead by their handlers (if ever); compare to the 11-12 million happy pet dogs throughout the UK, who don't attack their owners, and it comes as little surprise you've discovered a needle in a haystack.

Sensitive little idiot.

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30 minutes ago, Zev said:

Lancashire Police teams were searching for a missing person in Walton-le-Dale when PD Jax became aggressive, biting the handler and causing serious injuries. Further patrols, including armed officers, attended the scene and attempted to restrain the dog, a Belgian Malinois.

But all efforts failed and PD Jax was shot by armed officers.

Great work by the armed officers, congratulations all round, job well done!

You rattled Kike cunt 😂😂

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  • 5 weeks later...

Let's add another psycho to this list, and wait for the dog apologists to crawl out from under their dog-baskets.

Shoot to kill, it's the only way to deal with these vermin, and their pets.



Two XL bully dogs were shot dead after killing 22 pregnant sheep and injuring dozens of others in a livestock attack in North Wales.



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1 hour ago, Zev said:

Let's add another psycho to this list, and wait for the dog apologists to crawl out from under their dog-baskets.

Shoot to kill, it's the only way to deal with these vermin, and their pets.



Two XL bully dogs were shot dead after killing 22 pregnant sheep and injuring dozens of others in a livestock attack in North Wales.



Its Wales so no prizes for guessing who got them pregnant.


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9 hours ago, Zev said:

Let's add another psycho to this list, and wait for the dog apologists to crawl out from under their dog-baskets.

Shoot to kill, it's the only way to deal with these vermin, and their pets.



Two XL bully dogs were shot dead after killing 22 pregnant sheep and injuring dozens of others in a livestock attack in North Wales.



Rather than destroying the dogs, don't you think they might have been put to better use as part of the Israeli military's next assualt on the illegally occupied West Bank, in which Benjamin Netanyahu's forces continue to attract terror attacks by killing dozens of innocent Palestinians, a land and people which 139 UN states still recognise, who have been inhabiting the region for thousands of years before Jewish communities invaded?


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Have you sobered up yet @Cunty BigBollox, after your performance on Friday night? Lol, what a nonsensical and unfunny dickhead you prove to be time and again...

On 01/09/2023 at 16:28, Cunty BigBollox said:

You sexist fucking slag, you can't say MANhole cover, it's inspection chamber and......, I've always found the box covers the man-hole anyhow?


On 01/09/2023 at 20:24, Cunty BigBollox said:

Fuck off. A matchbox would cover your man-hole. Borderline fucking eunuch, morose cunt.


On 01/09/2023 at 15:54, Cunty BigBollox said:

'Slimebag'? 'Tosspot'?

Has your mum put parental restrictions on your internet access again?

You magnolia fucking cunt. Go and have a shave you hirsute cunt and don't stop until you've severed both carotids.


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3 hours ago, Wolfie said:

Have you sobered up yet @Cunty BigBollox, after your performance on Friday night? Lol, what a nonsensical and unfunny dickhead you prove to be time and again...




You and Ape are about as amusing as a Chuckle Brother, the dead one. 

Fuck off. Oh, and by the way, Quentin Tarantino wants to make Reservoir Dogs 3 and he wants you to play Mr Magnolia.

Fuck off again.

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6 hours ago, Zev said:

Let's add another psycho to this list, and wait for the dog apologists to crawl out from under their dog-baskets.

Shoot to kill, it's the only way to deal with these vermin, and their pets.



Two XL bully dogs were shot dead after killing 22 pregnant sheep and injuring dozens of others in a livestock attack in North Wales.



Was just about to say their cunt owners are thick as fuck vermin that need euthanising via firing squad too.

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On 03/08/2023 at 19:28, Zev said:

Lancashire Police teams were searching for a missing person in Walton-le-Dale when PD Jax became aggressive, biting the handler and causing serious injuries. Further patrols, including armed officers, attended the scene and attempted to restrain the dog, a Belgian Malinois.

But all efforts failed and PD Jax was shot by armed officers.

Great work by the armed officers, congratulations all round, job well done!

Should of shot the handler as he is obviously a stupid fucking cunt, just like you.


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36 minutes ago, LastoftheMullets said:


BANG! and the dirt is gone. Shame they didn't shoot the thick southern slag filming and kick all their bodies into the canal lol.


"Aw he wouldn't urt a fing!" as it's ripping someone's face off or killing a poor cat. Cunts.

I’m a big dog lover but I think it’s time the pit bull breed was allowed to die off and ban any further breeding or ownership. Existing dogs assessed and humanely euthanised in the case of aggressive ones. Let the others live it out sterile.

 Breeds like Staffies and English bull terriers which are good natured when well treated can then restore their good name that’s been tarnished alongside American meat grinders.

 The dogs in your video probably did need to be shot at that point… but I really wish it had been done by someone competent.  That inept fucking cunt had 3 or 4 goes at it before the dog was down. One fucking headshot. I could have done it from twice the distance. If he can’t hit a 10 inch round target at 5 yards the prick isn’t competent with a firearm.

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1 hour ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

You and Ape are about as amusing as a Chuckle Brother, the dead one. 

Fuck off. Oh, and by the way, Quentin Tarantino wants to make Reservoir Dogs 3 and he wants you to play Mr Magnolia.

Fuck off again.

...so effortless to lure & hook for a response, you angry little man – so easily riled!

You could be among the best if you weren't such a drunken idiot half the time.

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7 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

...so effortless to lure & hook for a response, you angry little man – so easily riled!

You could be among the best if you weren't such a drunken idiot half the time.

You tosspot, slimebag. You could be one of the best on here too, like me and @Frank if you weren't such a wet lettuce with your gimp-like shadow, Ape

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14 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I’m a big dog lover but I think it’s time the pit bull breed was allowed to die off and ban any further breeding or ownership. Existing dogs assessed and humanely euthanised in the case of aggressive ones. Let the others live it out sterile.

 Breeds like Staffies and English bull terriers which are good natured when well treated can then restore their good name that’s been tarnished alongside American meat grinders.


Honestly i can take or leave dogs but i do agree with you, unfortunately groups of utter scumbags in this country go around stealing people's innocent pets, cats dogs etc. so they can use them as bait in their illegal dog fighting.I was at the vet once and there was a  pitbull(not on a lead either) right next to me with deep scars all over it's head and neck which had clearly been used in illegal dog fighting.Luckily that one wasn't aggressive and was fairly passive but we all know what they're capable of, how they can turn in an instant and i still didn't feel 100% safe with it near me.



21 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

 The dogs in your video probably did need to be shot at that point… but I really wish it had been done by someone competent.  That inept fucking cunt had 3 or 4 goes at it before the dog was down. One fucking headshot. I could have done it from twice the distance. If he can’t hit a 10 inch round target at 5 yards the prick isn’t competent with a firearm.

😂 I'm guessing even a .45 Webley round or a .303 wouldn't put one one of those mutants down first time though? The idiot owner let them off the lead to attack the police so they were fair game at that point imo.

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3 minutes ago, LastoftheMullets said:

Honestly i can take or leave dogs but i do agree with you, unfortunately groups of utter scumbags in this country go around stealing people's innocent pets, cats dogs etc. so they can use them as bait in their illegal dog fighting.I was at the vet once and there was a  pitbull(not on a lead either) right next to me with deep scars all over it's head and neck which had clearly been used in illegal dog fighting.Luckily that one wasn't aggressive and was fairly passive but we all know what they're capable of, how they can turn in an instant and i still didn't feel 100% safe with it near me.



😂 I'm guessing even a .45 Webley round or a .303 wouldn't put one one of those mutants down first time though? The idiot owner let them off the lead to attack the police so they were fair game at that point imo.

A little .32 at that range would probably do. He was using a 9, which is virtually the same as .45 ACP. He was a cunt. Probably shaking, from recent performances the police aren’t really into asserting themselves in dangerous situations. Preferring to hide round the corner and report the civilian casualties after the nasty people have escaped. 
 This unfit for purpose cunt probably released wee-wee the first time he fired a gun and has closed his eyes before pulling the trigger every time since.

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