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4 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Apparently David Beckham was heavily involved in the production. Imagine the interview… “so, is it well good being a snooker player? I like football bestest because I don’t have to do counting and the grumpy man in black does it. I’m bored of talking now Ronnie, can we watch Fireman Sam?”

I was sick of Beckham when was actually playing football, he's everywhere, the cunt... Including the recent Las Vegas Grand Prix. I don't know what's left for him to be honest, he's desperate for a Knighthood which I hope he'll never get after his arrogant comments about it. His talentless Mrs from 4 Dogs and a Blackbird (Spice Girls, lol) is even more annoying, at least Duh'vid had some talent. 


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3 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

I was sick of Beckham when was actually playing football, he's everywhere, the cunt... Including the recent Las Vegas Grand Prix. I don't know what's left for him to be honest, he's desperate for a Knighthood which I hope he'll never get after his arrogant comments about it. His talentless Mrs from 4 Dogs and a Blackbird (Spice Girls, lol) is even more annoying, at least Duh'vid had some talent. 


I remember him launching his whisky brand in the same week as he was appointed a government advisor for health and fitness. The stupid mono-cellular cortexed fucking cunt.

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Just now, Eric Cuntman said:

I remember him launching his whisky brand in the same week as he was appointed a government advisor for health and fitness. The stupid mono-cellular cortexed fucking cunt.

The pair of cunts have ruined their kids lives by being so rich as well, Brooklyn for example, shit at football, decided to become a 'Photographer' lol, but was less successful than @Penny Farthing. I think he was also a YouTube chef recently, what a famous for r nothing cunt. Another 100 years of the Beckhams to look forward to. I'm glad I'll be dead. 

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3 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

The pair of cunts have ruined their kids lives by being so rich as well, Brooklyn for example, shit at football, decided to become a 'Photographer' lol, but was less successful than @Penny Farthing. I think he was also a YouTube chef recently, what a famous for r nothing cunt. Another 100 years of the Beckhams to look forward to. I'm glad I'll be dead. 

There won’t be any more Beckhams I don’t think. That pair of thick populist cunts would have had all the kids quadruple jabbed by week 2 of covid. 
 As barren as Mongolia. Lol lol.

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36 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

The pair of cunts have ruined their kids lives by being so rich as well, Brooklyn for example, shit at football, decided to become a 'Photographer' lol, but was less successful than @Penny Farthing. I think he was also a YouTube chef recently, what a famous for r nothing cunt. Another 100 years of the Beckhams to look forward to. I'm glad I'll be dead. 

I am also glad that you'll be dead.

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Guest entitled little cunt
On 03/08/2023 at 15:56, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

August 2023, it's been pissing down for weeks and now the Bank of England have decided to piss on the homeowner folk and raise interest rates (the highest they've been since the beginning of the financial crisis). Yes, Brexit has caused instability and financial/investment uncertainty but let's not forget Liz 'downs syndrome and not worthy of' Truss and Kamikwasi Farteng helping this crisis along... (Truss is now collecting her former Prime Minister 100k a year payment). These Tory bastards are all out of ideas and talent, the icing on the cake being we now have an unelected, near Billionaire, no mandate cunt at the helm who most likely wipes his curry shitting arse with brand new £20 notes he gets from his banker mate. Cunts are pulling their own teeth out because they can't get a dentist appointment or register with an NHS one, working parents paid a pittance with some having to use food banks. Cant seem to get an appointment with your GP anymore, you have to call first thing in the morning, download, upload a load of pictures etc in the hope the GP gives you an appointment that day. Hordes of rat, scavenging boat cunts turning up, cap in hand and being put up in hotels whilst the Government have to pay poorer British people cost of living payments because all of the countries privatised utilities aren't affordable. I wonder how many will lose their homes this year due to unaffordable mortgage repayments? This is simply not good enough for a G8 country.

We really need a change at the top, however I worry if Labour get in Sir Keir will convert to Islam and start sending ferries over to pick up the rats from Calais. All this shite going on and this Tory bastard reckons the over 50s should start delivering takeaways to make ends meet lol. 


The foreseeable future is fucking shit, the need for side incomes/hustles has never been greater... Good luck riding out this shit storm fellow cunts and cunters. Fucking hell. 

We need revolution.popularism  is popular for a reason. Deport illegals. Halt immigration.police effectively and restore law and order .stop the sexualisation of children and rainbow culture. Those on 20 k p/a and under should not pay income tax , bankers and banks to be taxed at a higher rate .That fat jowly Bank of England cunt who impoverishes young families with interest rate rises  should be held accountable for his fuck ups .The state pension should be means tested along with winter fuel payments. Rich boomers with a house that cost them 1500 quid and is now worth 750k  fuck off in their new motor homes courtesy of  the tax payer with a tank of diesel  paid by some of their winter fuel allowance .cunts .fucking utter cunts .


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12 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

We need revolution.popularism  is popular for a reason. Deport illegals. Halt immigration.police effectively and restore law and order .stop the sexualisation of children and rainbow culture. Those on 20 k p/a and under should not pay income tax , bankers and banks to be taxed at a higher rate .That fat jowly Bank of England cunt who impoverishes young families with interest rate rises  should be held accountable for his fuck ups .The state pension should be means tested along with winter fuel payments. Rich boomers with a house that cost them 1500 quid and is now worth 750k  fuck off in their new motor homes courtesy of  the tax payer with a tank of diesel  paid by some of their winter fuel allowance .cunts .fucking utter cunts .


🇱🇷TRUMP 2024🇱🇷 

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@camberwell gypsy, I see ya late night lurking, after your second bottle of Red. As a former? Medical professional, I was wondering what you thought about my knee infection and me having to take 8 antibiotics a day? If I don't bother, will I end up like @peglegtwo as in having a pegleg? Lol 

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1 minute ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

@camberwell gypsy, I see ya late night lurking, after your second bottle of Red. As a former? Medical professional, I was wondering what you thought about my knee infection and me having to take 8 antibiotics a day? If I don't bother, will I end up like @peglegtwo as in having a pegleg? Lol 

What ABs are you on?

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5 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

What happened to your knee? Drug deal go wrong? Messin' wid da wrong crew, Bruv?

I thought you were going to help instead of racially profiling me, CG. Remind me not to visit your hospital with a gunshot wound, you'd probably finish me off wouldn't ya. 

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5 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Just messin'.

So what happened?

Got an infection in me knee, it swelled up, antibiotics didn't sort it, felt like I was spinning aaaaht yesterday with a high temperature, went to see the Doctor, she sent me to hospital, they did tests and doubled the dose. 

Thanks for your detailed, caring and thoughtful response, I appreciate it. 

I'm off to bed. 

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18 hours ago, Decimus said:


God fucking spare us.

If you two old bastards want to play a game of virtual footsie, please keep it to PM before it inevitably descends into a session of graphically grotesque sexting.

Jealous, because nobody loves you?

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57 minutes ago, ZEV said:

You're not the only one 😄

ZEV, rather than trying to create any sort of amusing content, you seemingly troll the same posters every post and respond with some terrible response (like above). You are clearly so traumatised by the treatment you've recieved here, which you've brought on yourself, you've become delusional. 

You no doubt think you've got it all under control, everyone straightened out and are winning... If only you could realise how defeated you are. Lol. 

You gave it your best, now throw the towel in and kill yourself. Lol. 


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19 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Pen. What the fuck is wrong with you?

Just the usual ‘women’s problems’ like how to cram his enormous appendage into a pair of tight skimpy knickers which used to belong to his sister (not the one who lives in California, the one who doesn’t live anywhere anymore) lololol.

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