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Unruly gangs of "Children" in Shopping Centres


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What about gangs of unruly children on Cunts Corner?

'I've witnessed the problems myself!' says absolute nobody, Zev.

'Young adults' stamping their little feet, calling names and throwing tantrums, it's disgraceful, they ought to be sent to bed without any supper.

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2 hours ago, Penny Farthing said:

Couldn't they just freeze dry the problem teenagers and rehydrate them when they are at a more sensible age

Sadly this isn't possible, due to the fact that as they are cryogenically incapcitated their brain will never reach maturity. Basically, they will be thirty/forty somethings, with the brains of petulant teenagers, a bit like @Decimus and @Wolfie

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6 hours ago, Zev said:

Are you gay?

(that's a rhetorical question, obviously)

Shut your dirty, northern Kike, gold-coveting mouth.

I imagine that when you're not drinking the blood of Christian babies or raping dogs, you're up on t'moor fiddling a kestrel and showing those hulking Yorkshire men just exactly how tight you are in comparison to their own reputation for parsimonious extremism.

Queer Jew cunt.

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6 hours ago, Decimus said:

Shut your dirty, northern Kike, gold-coveting mouth.

I imagine that when you're not drinking the blood of Christian babies or raping dogs, you're up on t'moor fiddling a kestrel and showing those hulking Yorkshire men just exactly how tight you are in comparison to their own reputation for parsimonious extremism.

Queer Jew cunt.

It is a straight forward question and there is no need for evasiveness .. are you an iron in denial?

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