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King Billy

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1 hour ago, Jake The Muss said:

Avoid those pot noddles Bill, they can be a bastard to digest and probably have nano bots in them.

The nanobots only come alive when they’re wet. I’m an old school alpha male and I eat my pot noodles dry with a generous splash of Carolina Reaper sauce and a litre of Jack Daniels just to prove to myself that I haven’t morphed  into a raving bender while I’ve been distracted by whatever the latest leftie psyop is.

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16 hours ago, Jake The Muss said:

You fucking thick ginger cunt, how the fuck is this a QAnon film ? did they fund it ? did they make it ? it is a made up story ? what other bollocks do you want to add ?

Last time i checked it was about child sex trafficking, you desperate cunt bucket.

Just to add, i have seen many reports over various platforms about people trying to get tickets for this and then being told it's sold out...when clearly there's no cunt there in many of the venues, makes me think why there's so much fuss over this, maybe many have plenty to hide, not that the film points to these people. Maybe certain people are afraid of public awareness regarding this disgusting abomination called child sex trafficking.

I understand perfectly that you won't understand what i said and reply with some half-baked garbage from your hollow brain.

Since the revelation that you're open to believe that chicken-pox isn't a contagious disease, its safe to assume there is very little that you do understand no matter how much you jump up and down and scream. Still, by all accounts you've worked out which end of a brush is dipped into a tin of gloss, so well done you.

In answer to your questions the film was financed by a "faith" production company by way of crowd-funding so given the connection of certain principles having connections to QAnon (and their nutjob conspiracy theories) together with a request for investors to "pay it forward" i.e. to book theatre seats for those who could not afford tickets then all the elements of astroturfing is in place. Talking of "half-baked garbage", your penultimate paragraph seem to confirm this...:rolleyes:

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20 hours ago, King Billy said:

The fact that it’s taken 2 weeks for you to find, swallow and post this paedo supporting video makes me seriously wonder about who’s been mugged here or is there something a little bit more sinister going on in your massive brain?  But I guess that’s to be expected when someones TDS is triggered and their reaction is ‘How dare anyone not agree with the widespread horrific abuse of children? I bet they don’t agree with murdering unborn babies too.’ I liked the way the ‘doo lally’ bitch tried to portray herself as just innocently and virtuously popping down to buy her ‘Oppenheimer’ tickets (now there’s a film which should  actually be classed as fiction due to there not being a category for blatant revisionist history) when she noticed that the ‘Q’Anon movie’ as she called it was showing and just had to find out why anyone would want to watch it? So she did the obvious thing and tried to buy a ticket to watch it 🤣. And she felt the need to let us know that she wouldn’t take up a handicapped seat (the sort of behaviour that the MAGA mob would definitely  boast about down at the bikers bar).

Anyway, you carry on sticking up for the paedos and I’ll carry on not. Stay warm. 😘

Stay warm indeed, Billy...

Anyway congrats is due as you've got something right as your OP was posted two weeks ago - little acorns and all that...

Suffice to say I ignored your piece of nonsense despite the obvious red flags contained therein as it was pretty small potatoes in the grand scheme of things and in any case your reputation as a gullible conspiracy sap is well known. The vid was uploaded a few days ago but it wasn't 'til Sunday when I had time to check my YouTube notifications. I've made no comment about the film yet you done the typical right-wing nutjob defence of when being called out you baselessly accuse people who have an opinion at variance to yours as supporting paedos or being sinister. Nice.

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5 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Stay warm indeed, Billy...

Anyway congrats is due as you've got something right as your OP was posted two weeks ago - little acorns and all that...

Suffice to say I ignored your piece of nonsense despite the obvious red flags contained therein as it was pretty small potatoes in the grand scheme of things and in any case your reputation as a gullible conspiracy sap is well known. The vid was uploaded a few days ago but it wasn't 'til Sunday when I had time to check my YouTube notifications. I've made no comment about the film yet you done the typical right-wing nutjob defence of when being called out you baselessly accuse people who have an opinion at variance to yours as supporting paedos or being sinister. Nice.

Fuck me, you’re dull.

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8 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Since the revelation that you're open to believe that chicken-pox isn't a contagious disease, its safe to assume there is very little that you do understand no matter how much you jump up and down and scream. Still, by all accounts you've worked out which end of a brush is dipped into a tin of gloss, so well done you.

In answer to your questions the film was financed by a "faith" production company by way of crowd-funding so given the connection of certain principles having connections to QAnon (and their nutjob conspiracy theories) together with a request for investors to "pay it forward" i.e. to book theatre seats for those who could not afford tickets then all the elements of astroturfing is in place. Talking of "half-baked garbage", your penultimate paragraph seem to confirm this...:rolleyes:

Yeah, just like i thought, you never understood a word. 

Angel Studios picked up the film and i don't see any link with QAnon, but i'm sure you can find one, like Einstein said If the facts don't fit the theory, change the theory, but too often it's easier to keep the theory and change the facts..

You do know that QAnon isn't a thing ? Q is an information board and Anon are the anonymous who ask questions on the information board, of course your MSM heroes coined the term for whatever reason. Q is probably a psyop, by who ? no one knows that answer.

You really struggle with alternative information. 


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5 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Fuck me, you’re dull.

Panzy and Pen haven’t worked that out yet but I hope Panzy will one day. Pen however is a different kettle of conger eels altogether as he’s been the undefeated, undisputed champion of ‘dull’ since the dark ages. All of his victories coming by way of TKO (after being relentlessly bored into a persistent vegetative state). He didn’t get nicknamed ‘The brain numbing bellend’ for nothing DC.

But tbf you’re spot on about The Vulcan though. She is dull as John Majors grey underpants.

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11 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

I've made no comment about the film yet you done the typical right-wing nutjob defence of when being called out you baselessly accuse people who have an opinion at variance to yours as supporting paedos or being sinister. Nice.

You can support whatever section of society you choose whether you’re being sinister or not. I reserve the right not to support them whether you find that sinister or not.

Different strokes for different folks. Stay warm 😘

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5 hours ago, Jake The Muss said:

You really struggle with alternative information. 

You’ve spelled opinion wrong Fends. Information is like ‘the science’ nowadays (totally agreed upon by the clever people like her unless it is preceded by a mis or a dis). Didn’t you learn anything from the plandemic experiment?

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15 minutes ago, King Billy said:

Panzy and Pen haven’t worked that out yet but I hope Panzy will one day. Pen however is a different kettle of conger eels altogether as he’s been the undefeated, undisputed champion of ‘dull’ since the dark ages. All of his victories coming by way of TKO (after being relentlessly bored into a persistent vegetative state). He didn’t get nicknamed ‘The brain numbing bellend’ for nothing DC.

But tbf you’re spot on about The Vulcan though. She is dull as John Majors grey underpants.

Standby for a tedious, rambling retort tomorrow morning, doubtless capped by the withering ‘stay warm’ barb.

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26 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Standby for a tedious, rambling retort tomorrow morning, doubtless capped by the withering ‘stay warm’ barb.

She’s going to be in a right fucking pickle if the actors strike escalates and the ‘wheeltappers, fact checkers and shunters’ down tools too DC. Hopefully Eddie won’t let her suffer for too long and get a gang of his bros round to spit roast her, then have a knife throwing contest to round the night off and put her out of her misery.

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1 hour ago, King Billy said:

You’ve spelled opinion wrong Fends. Information is like ‘the science’ nowadays (totally agreed upon by the clever people like her unless it is preceded by a mis or a dis). Didn’t you learn anything from the plandemic experiment?

The DIC's should add piss to the mis/dis narrative as they're pissing all over the masses with their obvious BS.

One of my favorite recent pile of plops from the MSM is that climate change is giving people blood clots through sweating, i'm really trying to think when that was actually a real thing ??????? Nope not coming to me....but nothing to do with yet another cover story to mask vaccine injuries/deaths...oh no, that's just QAnon crazy people who would think that.

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24 minutes ago, Jake The Muss said:

Can't wait to see what the ginger witch comes up with, just hope it dosen't spoil my QAnon weekly read.

She’s full of faux-feminist shit, Jake. I’m reading chapter 6 of the Quran, the one about kicking fuck out of gobby women. Turns out her husband wrote it.

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55 minutes ago, Jake The Muss said:

Can't wait to see what the ginger witch comes up with, just hope it dosen't spoil my QAnon weekly read.

I’ve just come back from the cinema Fends. What a great film, and tbf I now understand the MSM hype (for what’s a certain Oscar winner imo) during the last few weeks, and why they couldn’t find any airtime whatsoever to even mention that other QAnon conspiracy theory film. In fact all my non binary ‘they/them’ mates I was out with tonight are agreed that choosing to go see  ‘Barbie’ instead of ‘Sound of Freedom’ has probably saved us all from going down a rabbit hole that we might never have come out of.

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13 hours ago, Jake The Muss said:

Yeah, just like i thought, you never understood a word. 

Angel Studios picked up the film and i don't see any link with QAnon, but i'm sure you can find one, like Einstein said If the facts don't fit the theory, change the theory, but too often it's easier to keep the theory and change the facts..

You do know that QAnon isn't a thing ? Q is an information board and Anon are the anonymous who ask questions on the information board, of course your MSM heroes coined the term for whatever reason. Q is probably a psyop, by who ? no one knows that answer.

You really struggle with alternative information. 

Well thanks for the bleedin' obvious explanation of QAnon :rolleyes:. Anyway, you do realise that Angel Studios derives it's name from it's business model of attracting "angel investors" via an equity crowd-funding portal? Outstanding that you've walked into a pooh trap of your own making...

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11 hours ago, King Billy said:

You can support whatever section of society you choose whether you’re being sinister or not. I reserve the right not to support them whether you find that sinister or not.

Different strokes for different folks. Stay warm 😘

Weasel words, Billy. Its not me throwing baseless allegations of being sinister or "supporting" paedophilia. Oh, and carry on using my tag line 'cos every time you use it you always end up falling flat on your face. Stay warm.

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53 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

Well thanks for the bleedin' obvious explanation of QAnon :rolleyes:. Anyway, you do realise that Angel Studios derives it's name from it's business model of attracting "angel investors" via an equity crowd-funding portal? Outstanding that you've walked into a pooh trap of your own making...

Sometimes the blledin' obvious needs explaining as you have opened up your own can of worms with your heavy errection for QAnon.

Yeah of course every crowd-funding portal is connected to QAnon, where is the connection from this film to QAnon ? You can't just say that people who have watched this film also support QAnon, as that is as weak as it gets.

I want to see a real solid connection, get to work.

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1 hour ago, Mrs Roops said:

Weasel words, Billy. Its not me throwing baseless allegations of being sinister or "supporting" paedophilia. Oh, and carry on using my tag line 'cos every time you use it you always end up falling flat on your face. Stay warm.

Well, bugger me. Who’d have thunk it?

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24 minutes ago, Jake The Muss said:

Sometimes the blledin' obvious needs explaining as you have opened up your own can of worms with your heavy errection for QAnon.

Yeah of course every crowd-funding portal is connected to QAnon, where is the connection from this film to QAnon ? You can't just say that people who have watched this film also support QAnon, as that is as weak as it gets.

I want to see a real solid connection, get to work.

Your selective blindness acting up again, Fends?

Why QAnon supporters are promoting 'Sound of Freedom' : NPR

There are many more articles in the same vein but I don't want to overload the few brain cells rattling around your head like two dried peas in an empty shoe-box. I not a cruel person after all.

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