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Our "National Broadcaster" shitstirring


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1 hour ago, Penny Farthing said:

This is one example of where the BBC needs to be brought under proper control .. let Sky, ITV etc do the shit stirring.


Migrant barge: Portland is a dumping ground, residents say

With 500 single men I'm sure Brighton would have welcomed them with opened arses.

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Queer Starmer on Laura Kuntsberg this morning being as vague as the invisible man, and I quote, "I am going to approach the reform that is required with laser like focus and determination..................but I'm not going to tell you what that actually entails", (involves, requires, costs etc..)

Probably because he doesn't have a fucking clue himself as his primary mission is to get into power before he worries about how to actually complete the '5 missions'.

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10 hours ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

his primary mission is to get into power before he worries about how to actually complete the '5 missions'.

Shoot his load up Wes Streetings arse 3 times, then wipe his maggot twice on Angela Raynors face. 
Missions accomplished (all 5 of them).

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1 hour ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Starmer is a series 4000.

He's an absolute fucking cunt is what he is. His recent interview with Kuennsberg amounted to him basically admitting that Labour has absolutely no plans or policy other than not being the Conservatives.

He'll probably get in by default, but if he spends his subsequent five years in office moaning that his hands are tied because of the Tories, Labour will then spend another 15 years out of power at least.

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I login after a great hedonistic break, full of claw hammers and wet dripping cunts, orgies like you have never seen...to this pile of plop.

It's not rocket science, don't pay your license, i stopped years ago and told them i will not support a peado broadcasting channel with my hard earned.

You have a choice.

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8 hours ago, Decimus said:

He's an absolute fucking cunt is what he is. His recent interview with Kuennsberg amounted to him basically admitting that Labour has absolutely no plans or policy other than not being the Conservatives.

He'll probably get in by default, but if he spends his subsequent five years in office moaning that his hands are tied because of the Tories, Labour will then spend another 15 years out of power at least.

He will win, that's a given. The  massacre will make 1997 seem tame.

The only way to get rid of this duopoly is to take one half of it out.

The tories need to be hounded out, right down to the last parish councillor. Extinct. They deserve nothing less.

Only then can some credible opposition start to form.

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1 minute ago, The Beast said:

He will win, that's a given. The  massacre will make 1997 seem tame.

The only way to get rid of this duopoly is to take one half of it out.

The tories need to be hounded out, right down to the last parish councillor. Extinct. They deserve nothing less.

Only then can some credible opposition start to form.

According to Tony baby...ya can go back to Europe and cherry pick what bits ya want n what ya dont want..hes tryna help keir who knows yer bollox deep in the shite but the morons don't wanna hear that..what you need is a spitfire fly by and a little fleg to wave...lol


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2 hours ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

According to Tony baby...ya can go back to Europe and cherry pick what bits ya want n what ya dont want..hes tryna help keir who knows yer bollox deep in the shite but the morons don't wanna hear that..what you need is a spitfire fly by and a little fleg to wave...lol


Indeed, P. Luckily for you back in the day those spitfires, along with the pilots who flew them, saved the aul sod from Nazi hegemony. These days you take delight in the downfall of our bulwark, but you can already see the consequences of that.

You're getting overrun and soon the Emerald Isle will be the Black Bayou. 

This time around "Who ya gonna call?"... Brussels???...


Fuck off.

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I’m currently sat in the Qantas lounge at Perth airport, watching the rain fall as I wait for QF9 to ferry me back to Blighty. Funeral for an old friend, and perhaps a little trip to Old Trafford if the weather holds this week (anyone in the vicinity have a forecast?). I’ll be in the UK on Thursday when the by-elections come in. If it isn’t the beginnings of a major political earthquake, then I wish you all good fucking luck. 

9 hours ago, The Beast said:

He will win, that's a given. The  massacre will make 1997 seem tame.

The only way to get rid of this duopoly is to take one half of it out.

The tories need to be hounded out, right down to the last parish councillor. Extinct. They deserve nothing less.

Only then can some credible opposition start to form.

17 hours ago, Decimus said:

He's an absolute fucking cunt is what he is. His recent interview with Kuennsberg amounted to him basically admitting that Labour has absolutely no plans or policy other than not being the Conservatives.

He'll probably get in by default, but if he spends his subsequent five years in office moaning that his hands are tied because of the Tories, Labour will then spend another 15 years out of power at least.

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6 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

I’m currently sat in the Qantas lounge at Perth airport, watching the rain fall as I wait for QF9 to ferry me back to Blighty. Funeral for an old friend, and perhaps a little trip to Old Trafford if the weather holds this week (anyone in the vicinity have a forecast?). I’ll be in the UK on Thursday when the by-elections come in. If it isn’t the beginnings of a major political earthquake, then I wish you all good fucking luck. 

I think the Lib Dems will probably do better than Labour in these upcoming by-elections. Let's hope that they don't replicate it at the General, we all know what happened the last time those quisling bastards got a whiff of power.

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1 minute ago, Decimus said:

I think the Lib Dems will probably do better than Labour in these upcoming by-elections. Let's hope that they don't replicate it at the General, we all know what happened the last time those quisling bastards got a whiff of power.

Amen. Nick Clegg in particular should be tied to two Utes which are driven fast in opposite directions. I can live with a little bit of tactical voting mind, whatever it takes to turn the Tories in on themselves, which by all accounts is already well underway. There’s a nasty rumour that Jonny Mercer is sniffing round BAE Systems here in WA wanting a job on the AUKUS sub deal. Hardly a vote of confidence in their chances, is it? He’ll go down like a cup of cold sick over here. 

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It worth looking at the voiciferous alternative views. A 20 year old moslem "Dane" who is afraid to leave her home because she wears the full face and body veil .. sorry love but you have made your own choice and if you are so devout you should be prepared to face (although) covered ridicule .. leberal cunts who want to welcome the migrants to do all the nasty low end jobs rather than our own native unskilled workers to do those jobs .. the working class do know that it is the Liberals that hate them. It is not (Leftie (Liberals) it is fucking LIBERALS! The makers of these liberal videos are so up their own arses that they cannot see that they are racists.

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34 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Amen. Nick Clegg in particular should be tied to two Utes which are driven fast in opposite directions. I can live with a little bit of tactical voting mind, whatever it takes to turn the Tories in on themselves, which by all accounts is already well underway. There’s a nasty rumour that Jonny Mercer is sniffing round BAE Systems here in WA wanting a job on the AUKUS sub deal. Hardly a vote of confidence in their chances, is it? He’ll go down like a cup of cold sick over here. 

What's the real story with you and your bunch of descendants of criminals mates that don't want to host the Commonwealth Games now?

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32 minutes ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

What's the real story with you and your bunch of descendants of criminals mates that don't want to host the Commonwealth Games now?

I’m not in Victoria, so perhaps @southerncunt might be better placed. My read is that Big Dan is in touch with the general mood of the nation. Most here could not give a Cows’ Cunt (thanks @Neil) about the Commonwealth Games, it’s a relic of a fallen Empire, and $6 billion has many better uses than kissing Charlie’s arse. It’s a matter of time before the umbilical to London is snipped anyway, so frankly, why bother? Perth’s mayor tried to suggest WA stepped in for it, and got firmly slapped down for his trouble. It’s an expensive irrelevance. Who wants it?

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1 hour ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

I’m currently sat in the Qantas lounge at Perth airport, watching the rain fall as I wait for QF9 to ferry me back to Blighty. Funeral for an old friend, and perhaps a little trip to Old Trafford if the weather holds this week (anyone in the vicinity have a forecast?). I’ll be in the UK on Thursday when the by-elections come in. If it isn’t the beginnings of a major political earthquake, then I wish you all good fucking luck. 

They have already conceded all three seats. It matters not. These bastards will hang on to the very last day, 28th January 2025. 

It makes no difference to me. I despise this lot as equally as I despise what's coming.

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3 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

I’m currently sat in the Qantas lounge at Perth airport, watching the rain fall as I wait for QF9 to ferry me back to Blighty. Funeral for an old friend, and perhaps a little trip to Old Trafford if the weather holds this week (anyone in the vicinity have a forecast?). I’ll be in the UK on Thursday when the by-elections come in. If it isn’t the beginnings of a major political earthquake, then I wish you all good fucking luck. 

Two lots of ‘ashes’ in one visit? Impressive. Thursday’s your best day to avoid rain in the NW. Then again, it is Manchester where God has a habit of urinating on during a nationwide drought! Have you seen the price of the tickets btw?😳

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7 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

I’m currently sat in the Qantas lounge at Perth airport, watching the rain fall as I wait for QF9 to ferry me back to Blighty. Funeral for an old friend, and perhaps a little trip to Old Trafford if the weather holds this week (anyone in the vicinity have a forecast?). I’ll be in the UK on Thursday when the by-elections come in. If it isn’t the beginnings of a major political earthquake, then I wish you all good fucking luck. 

Have you seen some fat bubble with a football team down there?

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