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8 hours ago, Penny Farthing said:

Quite possibly he is already there but keeps slipping his straitjacket.

Shut your fucking five o clock shadowed Desperate Dan face you disgusting freak. I bet even Sam Smith wouldn’t be seen dead in public with you. Tuck your bell end in and fuck off back to the Tavistock Clinic and ask for your money back.

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10 hours ago, Penny Farthing said:

Quite possibly he is already there but keeps slipping his straitjacket.

Your continued existence provides me with quite the conundrum. On the one hand I absolutely fucking despise the fact that you're on here 24/7 attempting to stir the shit with all the vigour and talent of a zika headed, thalidomide monster.

On the other, if it means you've got less time to dress up as Mrs Doubtfire and bounce children on your knee whilst reading sexually explicit, LGBTQ proganda books, I'll take the hit.

Alternatively, for the sake of everyone involved, you could just fucking kill yourself, other than Peter Tatchell no cunt would miss you.

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7 hours ago, Decimus said:

Your continued existence provides me with quite the conundrum. On the one hand I absolutely fucking despise the fact that you're on here 24/7 attempting to stir the shit with all the vigour and talent of a zika headed, thalidomide monster.

On the other, if it means you've got less time to dress up as Mrs Doubtfire and bounce children on your knee whilst reading sexually explicit, LGBTQ proganda books, I'll take the hit.

Alternatively, for the sake of everyone involved, you could just fucking kill yourself, other than Peter Tatchell no cunt would miss you.

But are you feeling better now or has your state of mind got worse?

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17 hours ago, Wolfie said:

It pleases me greatly that you have to repeatedly summon or name-drop the Doc in each of your responses to me; it's a though you sense an opportunity to get one over me with someone who's rekindled our long history of fueding. I'm quite sure the term "schizophrenic" has been planted to allure your newfangled partner further into hostility, rather like a coerced shark to chum. And there's nothing quite like the impact of a smiley, eye-rolling emoji to kill off an adversary, lol!

When we first engaged on the BBC & Huw debate, on the first page of this topic, I made what is essentially a blueprint comment (about the scandal) which a trio of others agreed with and responded to. Only you and LCS have been so vehemently defensive of him – which is very much against the mill of public opinion. It's a shame you've been unable to debate like the middle-aged adult you are, instead choosing to behave on this occasion like a sploit, know-it-all little playground bullying brat. It's actually a little disappointing, because we've also had some good debates over the years. Oh, and to the bit in bold above: please feel free to shoot yourself in the foot. I am waiting.

Like I said, it’s all incoherent and white-noisy at this point. I can’t continue to deconstruct arguments with someone clearly incapable of articulating his position beyond whatever grunting op-ed he’s read that morning. As is often the case with such base thinking, the rigidity of your output seems outmatched only by your idiocy, with the thin gruel of asserted public support as a pathetic garnish. It’s clear by now that you peaked rhetorically demanding school dinner money. I could almost feel sorry for you.  

I am yet to see evidence of you possessing a single redeeming feature, and as I’ve got better things to do over the English Summer than trade barbs with a poor man’s Nick Ferrari, I’ll bid you good day for the moment. It’ll soon by Notting Hill Carnival time again and you can regale us all with your traditionally enlightened views on that too. I can hardly wait. 

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5 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Like I said, it’s all incoherent and white-noisy at this point. I can’t continue to deconstruct arguments with someone clearly incapable of articulating his position beyond whatever grunting op-ed he’s read that morning. As is often the case with such base thinking, the rigidity of your output seems outmatched only by your idiocy, with the thin gruel of asserted public support as a pathetic garnish. It’s clear by now that you peaked rhetorically demanding school dinner money. I could almost feel sorry for you.  

I am yet to see evidence of you possessing a single redeeming feature, and as I’ve got better things to do over the English Summer than trade barbs with a poor man’s Nick Ferrari, I’ll bid you good day for the moment. It’ll soon by Notting Hill Carnival time again and you can regale us all with your traditionally enlightened views on that too. I can hardly wait. 

There was nothing wrong with the Notting Hill Carnival before the West Indians ruined it.

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On 23/07/2023 at 07:21, Last Cunt Standing said:

Like I said, it’s all incoherent and white-noisy at this point. I can’t continue to deconstruct arguments with someone clearly incapable of articulating his position beyond whatever grunting op-ed he’s read that morning. As is often the case with such base thinking, the rigidity of your output seems outmatched only by your idiocy, with the thin gruel of asserted public support as a pathetic garnish. It’s clear by now that you peaked rhetorically demanding school dinner money. I could almost feel sorry for you.  

I am yet to see evidence of you possessing a single redeeming feature, and as I’ve got better things to do over the English Summer than trade barbs with a poor man’s Nick Ferrari, I’ll bid you good day for the moment. It’ll soon by Notting Hill Carnival time again and you can regale us all with your traditionally enlightened views on that too. I can hardly wait. 

Weak. While I don't always agree with him, I think Nick Ferrari is a first-class journalist & broadcaster, so I'll take that over "Alan from stores" if I may.

I recall a comment of yours recently with so many grammar errors it appeared as though a 14-yo on poppers had hijacked your laptop, and I dismissed it as though you'd decided to comment post-Ashes, after a few beers. Aside your grammar Nazism at this level, I suppose I'm content that I've moved on from your pettiness by not searching for it, and highlighting every mistake. I never use spell-check, though your fastidious, Susie Dent-level obsessiveness reveals much about your own state of mental health, you OCD-ridden, utterly boring, pompous old fart. I've said before you're a phenomenal commenter when you're on-song, but you're also so incredibly fucking boring (and with such a high opinion of yourself!) it lets you down. While you can be irreverent in a very clever and thoughtful way, you're generally as funny as testicular cancer. Perhaps this is why your like/acknowledgement ratio is so piss-poor.

I believe Huw is a fraud, for the reasons I have pointed out. You don't – from all 9,000 miles away, where you no longer contribute UK taxes, which includes a BBC licence fee and Huw's wages. Fine. I'm not saying you shouldn't have an opinion, but rather like Lewis Hamilton's off-shore bank accounts, which means he doesn't contribute to UK public upkeep either, this also means he's a bit of a hypocrite when he passes judgement on UK public affairs and services so vehemently. We have a difference of opinion that cannot be moved upon or resolved, so we agree to disagree, and we move on.

Anyhow – welcome home, wanker. I hope the rain at Old Trafford since Thursday has made your stay as fucking miserable as possible.

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5 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

There was nothing wrong with the Notting Hill Carnival before the West Indians ruined it.

Only white supremacists refer  to it as ‘The Notting Hill carnival’ nowadays Eric. Ethnics and all their middle class wigger cheerleaders in the MSM and the Metropolitan elites know that the correct term is simply ‘carnival’ usually followed by everyone nodding their heads and pulling their best well practiced knowing smile. 
Tbh I can’t see the point of ‘carnival’ anymore. You can get yourself stabbed anywhere in London now without having to put up with the fucking crowds and listen to all that fucking dreadful bongo bongo jungle shit while you’re bleeding to death on the pavement with half a dozen chimps going through your pockets.
Rice and peas my hairy white arse. Fuck off.

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  • 1 month later...
On 21/07/2023 at 08:47, Carl Sway said:

I'm after a new 'Bob' strike dummy, Carl, and I came across this 'Bob Junior' model and immediately thought of you. I don't doubt you're the type to attract a punch or two (being so incredibly mouthy yet little), and with an adjustable height to 4ft 7", he'd make the ideal self-defence training partner:


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On 23/07/2023 at 14:43, Wolfie said:

Weak. While I don't always agree with him, I think Nick Ferrari is a first-class journalist & broadcaster, so I'll take that over "Alan from stores" if I may.

I recall a comment of yours recently with so many grammar errors it appeared as though a 14-yo on poppers had hijacked your laptop, and I dismissed it as though you'd decided to comment post-Ashes, after a few beers. Aside your grammar Nazism at this level, I suppose I'm content that I've moved on from your pettiness by not searching for it, and highlighting every mistake. I never use spell-check, though your fastidious, Susie Dent-level obsessiveness reveals much about your own state of mental health, you OCD-ridden, utterly boring, pompous old fart. I've said before you're a phenomenal commenter when you're on-song, but you're also so incredibly fucking boring (and with such a high opinion of yourself!) it lets you down. While you can be irreverent in a very clever and thoughtful way, you're generally as funny as testicular cancer. Perhaps this is why your like/acknowledgement ratio is so piss-poor.

I believe Huw is a fraud, for the reasons I have pointed out. You don't – from all 9,000 miles away, where you no longer contribute UK taxes, which includes a BBC licence fee and Huw's wages. Fine. I'm not saying you shouldn't have an opinion, but rather like Lewis Hamilton's off-shore bank accounts, which means he doesn't contribute to UK public upkeep either, this also means he's a bit of a hypocrite when he passes judgement on UK public affairs and services so vehemently. We have a difference of opinion that cannot be moved upon or resolved, so we agree to disagree, and we move on.

Anyhow – welcome home, wanker. I hope the rain at Old Trafford since Thursday has made your stay as fucking miserable as possible.

[While I don't always agree with him, I think Nick Ferrari is a first-class journalist] 

He was a fucking black leg, strike breaking Murdoch mother fucker loving Thatcherite and Public Enemy No 1 in my book. Just as I suspected you Wapping class traitor. 

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58 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

I'm after a new 'Bob' strike dummy, Carl, and I came across this 'Bob Junior' model and immediately thought of you. I don't doubt you're the type to attract a punch or two (being so incredibly mouthy yet little), and with an adjustable height to 4ft 7", he'd make the ideal self-defence training partner:



just use homeless people.

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1 minute ago, ChildeHarold said:

Ferrari, Land rover, two jags and a Chasing Classics Members Badge, a cunt to every self respecting member of the NUJ and mortel enemy of old Digger Murdoch. 

A real ‘man of the people’ for sure. I really warmed to him when he ranted on LBC that any ‘Covidiots’ who refused to submit to the ‘totally safe and totally effective’ experimental vax program, should be fined £1000 , excluded from everyday life, and that the fine should be doubled up every week until they complied. Fucking obscenely obese, ‘totally full of shit’ MSM propagandist cunt. I hope his enormous pyjama bottoms spontaneously combust when he’s asleep and set fire to James O’Briens rancid cock before he can whip it out of the tubby triple chinned cunts shit encrusted arsehole.

Pie guzzling fucking greaseball rat.

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6 minutes ago, King Billy said:

A real ‘man of the people’ for sure. I really warmed to him when he ranted on LBC that any ‘Covidiots’ who refused to submit to the ‘totally safe and totally effective’ experimental vax program, should be fined £1000 , excluded from everyday life, and that the fine should be doubled up every week until they complied. Fucking obscenely obese, ‘totally full of shit’ MSM propagandist cunt. I hope his enormous pyjama bottoms spontaneously combust when he’s asleep and set fire to James O’Briens rancid cock before he can whip it out of the tubby triple chinned cunts shit encrusted arsehole.

Pie guzzling fucking greaseball rat.

Speaking of another 'man of the people', I had to pull up The Judge earlier for professing some sort of shock that Piers Morgan was anything but an establishment shill. He seemed to believe that old Piers was a salt of the earth geezer who stands up when the national anthem plays and wears cor blimey trousers and fingerless gloves.

For someone who is apparently virulently anti-establishment and contrary, @judgetwi really is a fucking stupid piece of shit. He probably thinks that David Cameron is out there right now, hugging hoodies in Brixton and muttering "we're all in this together."

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2 hours ago, Wolfie said:

I'm after a new 'Bob' strike dummy, Carl, and I came across this 'Bob Junior' model and immediately thought of you. I don't doubt you're the type to attract a punch or two (being so incredibly mouthy yet little), and with an adjustable height to 4ft 7", he'd make the ideal self-defence training partner:


I wouldn't have that in my home. It'll nick the TV

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3 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Speaking of another 'man of the people', I had to pull up The Judge earlier for professing some sort of shock that Piers Morgan was anything but an establishment shill. He seemed to believe that old Piers was a salt of the earth geezer who stands up when the national anthem plays and wears cor blimey trousers and fingerless gloves.

For someone who is apparently virulently anti-establishment and contrary, @judgetwi really is a fucking stupid piece of shit. He probably thinks that David Cameron is out there right now, hugging hoodies in Brixton and muttering "we're all in this together."

The vile slimy cunt’s ‘exclusive interview’ with the ‘slumdog millionaire’ mayor of London cunt Khan last night was possibly the most sickening display of mutual, prearranged arselicking ever broadcast. Before even asking the slimy little midget a single question, Lard arse Morgan felt the need to inform the viewers that he’d been on ‘a journey’ and now totally agreed with Khan that London’s air was filthy and unbreathable. 3 or 4 minutes of complimenting each other on how virtuous they both were later, and Morgan felt the need to inform the viewers that he drove  a ‘very expensive Aston Martin’, which was almost brand new and therefore exempt from the £87.50 per week ULEZ tax, but he considered it unfair that the poor people who were struggling to feed their families did now have to pay up for the privelege of driving to work or picking their kids up from school in London. 
Both of the cunts basically laughing in the faces of all the stupid cunts who voted to make their lives even more miserable than it already was.



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  • 3 weeks later...

211 Take-Away orders on a stolen card because she's mental?  What fucking chance have we got of restoring some sort of order when we let greedy scumbag cunts like this off with the now bog standard excuse that she's a fucking mong?. When they find all those bodies I'm just gonna say "Wibble" with a pecil stuck up my nose, slap on the wrist and off to do the same again,sorted!




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1 hour ago, Neil said:

211 Take-Away orders on a stolen card because she's mental?  What fucking chance have we got of restoring some sort of order when we let greedy scumbag cunts like this off with the now bog standard excuse that she's a fucking mong?. When they find all those bodies I'm just gonna say "Wibble" with a pecil stuck up my nose, slap on the wrist and off to do the same agian,sorted!




I wouldn’t worry about the bodies being discovered. You lot tend to hunt within your own ethnic group, and those lives don’t matter. 

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On 13/07/2023 at 12:36, Neil said:

Very much in the news at present and now Deli Alli(shit footballer for you non believers) comes out with 'issues'. Mental illness is one thing,mental health is a sign of weakness,usually spouted by cunts that can't handle daily life ie people unfit for the job they do or just a virtue signalling wanker. Think about how many millions of people out there with either financial worry or illness in a family member that impacts on their daily lives and do you know what they moan about? Fuck all that's what, because they' re decent hard working people that get their heads down and get on with it.  All these multi millionaire cunts,just give your money away and see if that helps your 'mental health',or preferably just shut the fucking fuck up! Cunts

Neil, I've been relaxing in the west country, away from all the stresses of the big city and taking time to reflect on life and taking time out for myself. I've been watching a  squirrel from my balcony lately, he/she has been working hard, gathering food to store away for the upcoming winter months and I've got to say it (amongst other things) has given me inspiration and food for thought. We must strive to be the best versions of ourselves Neil, plan for the future and as men, make sure we have the money and life we should have. I don't know how old you are old chap and you're possibly too old to give a fuck now but I've decided to grab each day (and not the 3-4 a week before) by the scruff of the neck and make it count, more than ever before. 

I mean, don't get me wrong... I'm comfortable but I want a lot more and why shouldn't I? We can learn a lot from the creatures of this world, Neil and like the apex predators, we have to get out there and take and make what we want.

Anyways, thats my thinking of late and I was wondering what you thought about it?

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1 hour ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Neil, I've been relaxing in the west country, away from all the stresses of the big city and taking time to reflect on life and taking time out for myself. I've been watching a  squirrel from my balcony lately, he/she has been working hard, gathering food to store away for the upcoming winter months and I've got to say it (amongst other things) has given me inspiration and food for thought. We must strive to be the best versions of ourselves Neil, plan for the future and as men, make sure we have the money and life we should have. I don't know how old you are old chap and you're possibly too old to give a fuck now but I've decided to grab each day (and not the 3-4 a week before) by the scruff of the neck and make it count, more than ever before. 

I mean, don't get me wrong... I'm comfortable but I want a lot more and why shouldn't I? We can learn a lot from the creatures of this world, Neil and like the apex predators, we have to get out there and take and make what we want.

Anyways, thats my thinking of late and I was wondering what you thought about it?

I'm off to Sandbanks to do the same this weekend. I will probably leave just as cynical and apathetic as I arrived but in between the drinking,wanking and general 'couldn't give a fuck' state if mind will surely be a welcome break from the cunts that surround me on a daily basis. I am 3 years off retiring officially but giving it a good go now and for the last few years. I have long been accused of being too laid back but I find myself becoming less and less tolerant with others daily. In fact I hate every cunt that I know , I just tolerate others a bit more than most. I hope that helps?

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22 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I bet the locals went fucking nuts when you arrived. Did they make you their god or try and put you in the wicker man?

They're a rather friendly lot Eric, unlike the generally moody/paranoid cunts in London. For example, I was strolling down Oxford Street and some Gucci wearing slapper got all annoyed when I tried to put my hand in her bag (to check the leather out)... I did the same in the West Country and the shell suit wearing lady didn't give a fuck, away with the clouds she was, only had methadone in her bag and some needles. A much better experience. 


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1 hour ago, Neil said:

I'm off to Sandbanks to do the same this weekend. I will probably leave just as cynical and apathetic as I arrived but in between the drinking,wanking and general 'couldn't give a fuck' state if mind will surely be a welcome break from the cunts that surround me on a daily basis. I am 3 years off retiring officially but giving it a good go now and for the last few years. I have long been accused of being too laid back but I find myself becoming less and less tolerant with others daily. In fact I hate every cunt that I know , I just tolerate others a bit more than most. I hope that helps?

Blimey, Neil. You don't half get around. Italy one week (wanking over the private chef) and now Sandbanks (more wanking). What with your vast disposable income, have you thought about getting a bit on the side, and less wanking? I know someone, who knows someone, who's cousin's friends Aunts Husband can get you all kinds of Ladies, willing to overlook you being a fat fucker and wank you off all day for a bit of your hard earned. Let me know via PM, discretion is guaranteed. 

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