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19 hours ago, Decimus said:

Look at your 'like' count


18 hours ago, Wolfie said:

I think you've always wanted to progess on this site,

My, you two wankers are totally obsessed with 'likes' and popularity, has it ever occurred to you that you're on the wrong site?

Maybe you'd be better off on Facebook, twitter or Tik Tok, that way you might get something or somebody to stroke you fragile egos.

Incidentally, have you noticed how often you 'like' each others posts?

Kettle, pan, cunts.


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8 minutes ago, Zev said:


My, you two wankers are totally obsessed with 'likes' and popularity, has it ever occurred to you that you're on the wrong site?

Lololololol you really are quite the thick cunt, aren't you?

When you're playing with me, boy, you need to understand it's like a game of chess. If I leave you an apparent open goal then for fuck sake use your head and start to wonder why.




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22 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Shite, even by your usual pub-bore standards. 

1. You concede Huw Edwards hasn’t done anything legally wrong, but find his conduct morally dubious. So? Who died and made you witchfinder general? (What’s a decable, when it’s at home, anyway?). 

2. You seem very aggrieved at the size of Huw’s wages, and somehow you conflate this with his behaviour. The more he is paid, the higher moral standards you apply, is that it? So a janitor at Bush House can do pretty much as she pleases and you’re not bothered? By all means make your case that BBC staff are overpaid, but to base your expectations for personal behaviour on the back of income is balls. To imply that people in receipt of public funds as salary devolve all personal agency to the public is mad, and leads to the sort of spectacle where ignorant string-vested tossers hammer on provincial Council reception desks bellowing “I pay your wages, pal”, an odious behaviour I suspect you aren’t unfamiliar with. 

3. You patently know nothing about mental health either in general or in this case. You allege it’s used as cover for bad behaviour after the fact, and all I can say is I hope you aren’t a magistrate or serve on a jury. Huw has talked publicly about his depression since at least 2016. So he was just playing the long game, was he? In moments of psychological crisis, people make decisions they wouldn’t normally, which might not later stand up to scrutiny. This doesn’t ever excuse criminality, but provided no crimes are committed, I’d suggest a little more empathy and a little less spittle-flecked fury might be a better approach. Never done anything wrong you later regretted, you silly little man? No mental infirmity affecting the branches of the Lupine family tree? Perhaps not, as I suspect you’d have to shake hands with someone to form a synapse. 

4. You’ve tried several times to obfuscate the age of the non-complaining image provider, using a vague 17-20 catch-all and the label “teenager” to conjure up in the reader images of a naive spotty youth. For all you know, this might be a razor-sharp young adult with zero shame about legally selling images of their naked body for cash. Like say, Samantha Fox, once enriched by the very paper you line up to defend, and at 16, rather younger than this young man who has done nothing illegal according to Police, and who’s conduct is literally fuck all to do with you. 

5. This is a clear victory for The Sun, is it? Well I’ll be filing that away for the coming day Huw walks away with seven figures from the High Court for the most egregious career-ending libel. If he can’t read out the news of his inevitable victory himself, I hope he rubs some noses in it by writing a large cheque to The Terence Higgins Trust, then stomps off down Old Compton Street to party all night with a Twink army.  

6. The BBC Cover-up angle is particularly nonsensical to me. To review, they supposedly had a parental complaint that a senior employee was in contact with their adult drug-using son over the internet eight weeks ago. Before they could investigate fully or act, a gutter rag broke what they thought was a great scoop, mostly because it fitted their owner’s jaundiced view of the BBC. Turns out to be not much of a story, with no clear “victim” other than a few butt-hurt Mary Whitehouse types. But the BBC, being so terrified of gobshite armchair HR experts post-Savile, ran wall-to-wall coverage of the feeding frenzy on their channels, rather than saying, entirely reasonably, “it’s an internal matter currently under investigation, fuck off”. Some cover up. Contrary to your purple-faced rage, the public has zero right to know if a public employee is being investigated for a non-criminal personal matter, and even then no right to know anything exists until the matter is concluded. What would you do, if some seedy allegation was made to the owners of your West Country Estate Agency (different! Not publicly funded! Tosser.) against you by the parents of a porn star you’d once happened across on the internet? Pull out a blade and disembowel yourself at your desk? Good to know. I mean, why bother with due process at all, eh? Just let the public scream nonce at anyone they dislike with no evidence and no investigation, then drag them onto TV for a forced ritual humiliation and thumbscrews. Sounds like a very healthy system. 

7. The British public had and has every right to know who this person was, and to watch as the tabloids tear his arsehole to shreds. This sentence is disgusting. It’s about vengeance, not justice. Because you don’t like the politics of his employer, or how much he is paid, you’re effectively sanctioning the public lynching of someone on suspicion of their legal behavioural choices you happen to dislike, and before any proper inquiry occurs. You’re a thug, and a pretty shameful one at that. 

8. Have you paused to reflect on why Huw? I can think of hundreds of UK targets more befitting a savaging by the tabloid press. Yet time after time, they get a pass, a soft-focus lifestyle piece in the Sunday supplement, or worse still, promotion of their ideology in the organ you so idolise. You might spend a little time trying to work out why that is, once you pull your head from your arse. 

A sense of justice, not vengeance, though if the latter accompanies it, be it so.

It comes as little surpise a well-paid public sector worker has leapt to the defence of another (grossly) well-paid public sector worker.

With such a verbose piece of shit as the above, which I've just about managed to get through without nodding off, what makes you the abmassador of what it is to be moral, or in Huw's case, to attempt to self-inoculate? Just listen to yourself, sympathising with the poor guy. I still call bullshit on this one, as I've already alluded to.

You and the other snowflakes can say of Huw's behavior "it's not illegal... so it's not anyone else's business" etc. Yes – but it's still unethical. And perhaps if one is masquerading as 'Mr Consummate BBC', then you take what comes with the territory if you behave like an idiot. If you put yourself out there, in the public eye, for a £440,000 salary, as Huw chose to do (when millions in the UK stuggle to make ends meet, who pay this, so the amount is consequential), then you should expect things to come your way – whether good or bad. It comes with the BBC domain, and it works both ways. If you do something deceitful and you're on TV for half a million quid at the expense of the taxypayer, then expect people to give you a good fucking kicking if you act the cunt. It seems like anything which goes wrong nowadays with TV presenters (Schofield, Edwards) is brushed off as another "mental health" issue.

Once the mental health card has been played, it's as though there's a line drawn no one can longer cross, and everyone has to pull back in a shower of sympathy. This is what the snowflake, Guardian-reading, lentil-farting brigade always do - and this is precisely what you and Roops (in this instance) are doing.

I see through these cunts, Huw included. Clearly you don't. What this (alleged) Welsh pervert has done, and is doing, is wrong. Take those struggling with mental health issues on a daily basis, for example. Wouldn't they love to have the immediate access to the sort of help or treatment Huw or Phil are receiving? Why has it taken a couple of cock & arse-wrangling filthies (allegedly), both mortally embarrassed by their actions above all else, to suddenly bring people's mental health issues to the fore (because claiming this is the least damaging route for them)? What happened to their dignity? There's nothing more noble than the BBC!

You are right, in as much as what people choose to do in their private lives is none of my business. Whatever Huw wants to spend £35k on, or whatever images he wishes to look at, is none of anyone's business. But – and this is a big but – if you're masquerading as something else (the BBC News main anchor, with a long-term wife, five kids, pet dog, the face of BBC news for 25 years, lecturing on the state of the economy, the war in Ukraine, with a gentle twist of sympathetic Welsh intonation, addressing on what according to the BBC is truth and what is not truth... ahhhhh... shut up, what bullshit! When you're clearly pretending to be something you're not, because you (allegedly) actually spend your money on looking at young men's cocks & bums, and you're grossly overpaid for doing something which has made you a household name, then expect to be challenged – especially when you've not been honest.

Not surprisingly, you can stick your comment squarely up whichever sphincter receives it first, Doc.

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3 hours ago, Zev said:


My, you two wankers are totally obsessed with 'likes' and popularity, has it ever occurred to you that you're on the wrong site?

Maybe you'd be better off on Facebook, twitter or Tik Tok, that way you might get something or somebody to stroke you fragile egos.

Incidentally, have you noticed how often you 'like' each others posts?

Kettle, pan, cunts.


Ah, yet another 'Kettle, pan' claim to quickly end an argument.

Only from your perspective, however. I'll never let anyone forget who you are, you dim, animal-hating piece of shit. And I'm sure I speak on behalf of Decs. Every newcomer who has potential... they'll soon be avoiding shit on the pavement. 

The fun for you here has gone. It's easy to see. You were more happy-go-lucky even in your Joker days. But all there is now from you is anger, singling out certain members in every post. All you do is argue (and not very well at that!), with 'likes' galore from only Pen, who is, sadly for you, your only ally.

I am delighted I've taken an active role in this demise, you angry little cunt, in what very much appears to be a slow, direct and obvious meltdown. Leave the site. There's absolutely nothing here for you – not now or in future.

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5 hours ago, Decimus said:

Lololololol you really are quite the thick cunt, aren't you?

When you're playing with me, boy, you need to understand it's like a game of chess. If I leave you an apparent open goal then for fuck sake use your head and start to wonder why.




...pipped to the post by Eric's colossal weekly score of 19, lol. Fancy screen-grabbing your only ever appearance on the weekly leaderboard, second with 18. What a sad cunt. If this image was a trophy, it'd be made in central Africa from mud & cow shit, caked in the sun to solidify, and finished off with the cheapest Chinese plastic available.

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5 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

...pipped to the post by Eric's colossal weekly score of 19, lol. Fancy screen-grabbing your only ever appearance on the weekly leaderboard, second with 18. What a sad cunt. If this image was a trophy, it'd be made in central Africa from mud & cow shit, caked in the sun to solidify, and finished off with the cheapest Chinese plastic available.

I was clinically dead that week.

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6 hours ago, Decimus said:

Lololololol you really are quite the thick cunt, aren't you?

When you're playing with me, boy, you need to understand it's like a game of chess. If I leave you an apparent open goal then for fuck sake use your head and start to wonder why.




Continue gloating, you're so full of yourself you'll choke (hopefully)

As you'll recall, if you weren't such a smug cunt, that screen grab  was posted in response to your assertion that I'd never been on the leader board. As usual, when proved wrong, you threw your toys out of the pram.

Post it as many times as you like, nobody gives a damn.

Have it framed and put it on your wall if it makes you feel better. I did. I look at it and laugh, I was a contender, although, being on the leader board of a website named Cunts Corner is hardly something to crow about, but if it's all you've got in your miserable lives, I hope you're happy, I know I am 🤣



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20 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Like say, Samantha Fox, once enriched by the very paper you line up to defend, and at 16, rather younger than this young man who has done nothing illegal according to Police, and who’s conduct is literally fuck all to do with you. 

Samantha Fox aged 16 NOT SELLING PHOTOS OF HER CUNT to The Sun and Huw Edwards as the BBC’s top newsreader who announced the death of The Queen then led the coverage of her period of national mourning and subsequent funeral, followed by the coronation of King Sausage Fingers the second, presenting himself to the licence paying public and his family as a pillar of virtue, then as soon as he thinks he’s safe from scrutiny perving it up with   whatever little fresh faced, bald bollocked teenager who’s replied to his internet trawling net. He’s a dirty little cunt who thought his status and wealth would allow him to filth it up behind the backs of his family, his employers and the public and live a lie while getting fat on the hog ad perpetuum.

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20 minutes ago, Zev said:

Continue gloating, you're so full of yourself you'll choke (hopefully)

As you'll recall, if you weren't such a smug cunt, that screen grab  was posted in response to your assertion that I'd never been on the leader board. As usual, when proved wrong, you threw your toys out of the pram.

Post it as many times as you like, nobody gives a damn.

Have it framed and put it on your wall if it makes you feel better. I did. I look at it and laugh, I was a contender, although, being on the leader board of a website named Cunts Corner is hardly something to crow about, but if it's all you've got in your miserable lives, I hope you're happy, I know I am 🤣



I was watching this the other day, and when you posted the above, I immediately thought of you at 20 sec... escaping your dark basement one-bed to scour the pavements for your latest samples to archive:


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3 hours ago, Wolfie said:

This is what the snowflake, Guardian-reading, lentil-farting brigade always do - and this is precisely what you and Roops (in this instance) are doing.

Eddie’s knob must fucking smell like a tarka dall by the time he escapes The Vulcan and gets home to the missus every night. He needs to be careful or she’s going to start asking him some very uncomfortable questions soon.

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17 minutes ago, King Billy said:

Samantha Fox aged 16 NOT SELLING PHOTOS OF HER CUNT to The Sun and Huw Edwards as the BBC’s top newsreader who announced the death of The Queen then led the coverage of her period of national mourning and subsequent funeral, followed by the coronation of King Sausage Fingers the second, presenting himself to the licence paying public and his family as a pillar of virtue, then as soon as he thinks he’s safe from scrutiny perving it up with   whatever little fresh faced, bald bollocked teenager who’s replied to his internet trawling net. He’s a dirty little cunt who thought his status and wealth would allow him to filth it up behind the backs of his family, his employers and the public and live a lie while getting fat on the hog ad perpetuum.

He’s got a loyalty card at your place hasn’t he?

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43 minutes ago, Zev said:

you'll recall, if you weren't such a smug cunt, that screen grab  was posted in response to your assertion that I'd never been on the leader board.

So you're telling me that you screenshot it years prior on the off chance that one day I might ask you if you'd ever been on the LB?

Do me a favour you stupid little cunt. I've exposed you as a hypocrite and a total fucking idiot, why are you continuing to try and swerve it?

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17 hours ago, Wolfie said:

A sense of justice, not vengeance, though if the latter accompanies it, be it so.

It comes as little surpise a well-paid public sector worker has leapt to the defence of another (grossly) well-paid public sector worker.

With such a verbose piece of shit as the above, which I've just about managed to get through without nodding off, what makes you the abmassador of what it is to be moral, or in Huw's case, to attempt to self-inoculate? Just listen to yourself, sympathising with the poor guy. I still call bullshit on this one, as I've already alluded to.

You and the other snowflakes can say of Huw's behavior "it's not illegal... so it's not anyone else's business" etc. Yes – but it's still unethical. And perhaps if one is masquerading as 'Mr Consummate BBC', then you take what comes with the territory if you behave like an idiot. If you put yourself out there, in the public eye, for a £440,000 salary, as Huw chose to do (when millions in the UK stuggle to make ends meet, who pay this, so the amount is consequential), then you should expect things to come your way – whether good or bad. It comes with the BBC domain, and it works both ways. If you do something deceitful and you're on TV for half a million quid at the expense of the taxypayer, then expect people to give you a good fucking kicking if you act the cunt. It seems like anything which goes wrong nowadays with TV presenters (Schofield, Edwards) is brushed off as another "mental health" issue.

Once the mental health card has been played, it's as though there's a line drawn no one can longer cross, and everyone has to pull back in a shower of sympathy. This is what the snowflake, Guardian-reading, lentil-farting brigade always do - and this is precisely what you and Roops (in this instance) are doing.

I see through these cunts, Huw included. Clearly you don't. What this (alleged) Welsh pervert has done, and is doing, is wrong. Take those struggling with mental health issues on a daily basis, for example. Wouldn't they love to have the immediate access to the sort of help or treatment Huw or Phil are receiving? Why has it taken a couple of cock & arse-wrangling filthies (allegedly), both mortally embarrassed by their actions above all else, to suddenly bring people's mental health issues to the fore (because claiming this is the least damaging route for them)? What happened to their dignity? There's nothing more noble than the BBC!

You are right, in as much as what people choose to do in their private lives is none of my business. Whatever Huw wants to spend £35k on, or whatever images he wishes to look at, is none of anyone's business. But – and this is a big but – if you're masquerading as something else (the BBC News main anchor, with a long-term wife, five kids, pet dog, the face of BBC news for 25 years, lecturing on the state of the economy, the war in Ukraine, with a gentle twist of sympathetic Welsh intonation, addressing on what according to the BBC is truth and what is not truth... ahhhhh... shut up, what bullshit! When you're clearly pretending to be something you're not, because you (allegedly) actually spend your money on looking at young men's cocks & bums, and you're grossly overpaid for doing something which has made you a household name, then expect to be challenged – especially when you've not been honest.

Not surprisingly, you can stick your comment squarely up whichever sphincter receives it first, Doc.

Gosh, having received both barrels in the face from LCS your response is as expected - histrionics, insults and conflation.

Firstly you need to separate Schofield and Edwards as the dynamics of both cases are entirely different. With Schofield, his relationship with another ITV employee was meant to be that of professional mentor to a young man wanting to get into broadcast production. As we know that relationship may have had ulterior motives and therefore constituted an abuse of power so that was a problem for ITV management, the second problem was that Schofield when asked about the disturbing rumours categorically denied that anything untoward was taking place. The first problem was that Schofield's carefully constructed elder brother/silver fox persona to Willoughby's ingenue (which was past its sell-by date in any case) was dead in the water so he had to leave 'This Morning'. The denials sealed his fate with regards to his relationship with ITV.

Secondly, stop obsessing about Edwards' salary. He was paid the market rate and not for just reading an autocue. I agree that the BBC needs to sort itself out but that will not happen with Culture Secretaries lasting only few months at a time. FWIW I believe following Reithian principles is as relevant now as it was in the 1920's. To this end a greatly slimmed BBC down should be split into two entities; the existing licence fee funded Corporation restricting itself to existing radio, World Service output and TV content to news gathering and dissemination, current affairs and documentaries, the rest being sold off on a franchise basis. "Aunty Beeb" when done properly was a national treasure looked on with envy by the rest of the world. America's PBS, set up with good intentions, is a poor substitute.

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14 hours ago, Decimus said:

So you're telling me that you screenshot it years prior on the off chance that one day I might ask you if you'd ever been on the LB?

Do me a favour you stupid little cunt. I've exposed you as a hypocrite and a total fucking idiot, why are you continuing to try and swerve it?

You exposed nothing, I am psychic, I knew you would mention it sooner or later, your little man ego wouldn't allow you not to, you're so predictable, just like when you try to come back with one of your pathetically condescending remarks, unfortunately for you, I don't give a cunt, you're an egotistical blatherer.

It must be really upsetting for you to come on here and be roundly ignored by people who you think are inferior, a bit like when you go to work, a helpless and hapless lttle Hitler, with minimal authority, ignored and despised by the people you work with.

BTW, I don't do favours, you've been bullshitting about the things I post for years, where has it got you?

It's Groundhog Day every time you log in, I'm here, and there's fuck-all you can do about it.

Suck it up, cunt 🕎

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15 hours ago, Wolfie said:

I was watching this the other day, and when you posted the above, I immediately thought of you at 20 sec... escaping your dark basement one-bed to scour the pavements for your latest samples to archive:


I'm glad you thought of me, it makes me happy to know I'm constantly digging into the recesses of what is probably your only functioning organ.


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28 minutes ago, Zev said:

It must be really upsetting for you to come on here and be roundly ignored by people who you think are inferior 


You've made four posts within the last hour either directly quoting or mentioning me. If that's you ignoring me then I'd hate to see how much drivel you'd be pouring out if you weren't. I've really gotten under your skin Mr Shit, and I've got you dangling by a thread.

Keep digging and rattling, every post you make is another own goal that I can exploit, although if we were to believe your latest bollocks, you intentionally make yourself look like a stupid fucking cunt for reasons that remain totally unfathomable to anyone with a brain.


Fuck off.

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9 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Gosh, having received both barrels in the face from LCS your response is as expected - histrionics, insults and conflation.

Firstly you need to separate Schofield and Edwards as the dynamics of both cases are entirely different. With Schofield, his relationship with another ITV employee was meant to be that of professional mentor to a young man wanting to get into broadcast production. As we know that relationship may have had ulterior motives and therefore constituted an abuse of power so that was a problem for ITV management, the second problem was that Schofield when asked about the disturbing rumours categorically denied that anything untoward was taking place. The first problem was that Schofield's carefully constructed elder brother/silver fox persona to Willoughby's ingenue (which was past its sell-by date in any case) was dead in the water so he had to leave 'This Morning'. The denials sealed his fate with regards to his relationship with ITV.

Secondly, stop obsessing about Edwards' salary. He was paid the market rate and not for just reading an autocue. I agree that the BBC needs to sort itself out but that will not happen with Culture Secretaries lasting only few months at a time. FWIW I believe following Reithian principles is as relevant now as it was in the 1920's. To this end a greatly slimmed BBC down should be split into two entities; the existing licence fee funded Corporation restricting itself to existing radio, World Service output and TV content to news gathering and dissemination, current affairs and documentaries, the rest being sold off on a franchise basis. "Aunty Beeb" when done properly was a national treasure looked on with envy by the rest of the world. America's PBS, set up with good intentions, is a poor substitute.

I don't agree – for the clear-cut reasons I've already made known. You're missing the point I've been making about mental health... again, in as much as it's becoming the go-to modus operandi of the modern celebrity, which is hugely disrespectful to those who genuinely suffer from it. For this reason, one can easily place Schofield & Edwards in the same pigeon-hole. I thought I had made myself very clear (to both you & LCS) in my previous comments, but perhaps your superior nature is preventing you from seeing things from another's perspective.

My opinion simply differs from yours, that is all, and you're half-heartedly attempting to scorn me for simply having one, which, ironically, is precisely what you've done in your post. Some people just don't do irony, do they?

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54 minutes ago, Zev said:

How apt, a footballing analogy, haven't you heard, football's for irons?


As someone who has had more names than Prince, you'll no doubt not be offended that I've got a new one for you.

And on that note I bid you adieu, Crotalus, you butchered-cocked, little flid-yid.

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4 minutes ago, Decimus said:

As someone who has had more names than Prince, you'll no doubt not be offended that I've got a new one for you.

And on that note I bid you adieu, Crotalus, you butchered-cocked, little flid-yid.

I'm happy you could find a bit of spare time away from stroking your massive ego to actually find a little space in your thoughts for somebody less fortunate, we might yet be able to integrate you as a caring member of society (although I doubt it) you cunt.

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On 18/07/2023 at 16:17, Wolfie said:

A sense of justice, not vengeance, though if the latter accompanies it, be it so.

It comes as little surpise a well-paid public sector worker has leapt to the defence of another (grossly) well-paid public sector worker.

With such a verbose piece of shit as the above, which I've just about managed to get through without nodding off, what makes you the abmassador of what it is to be moral, or in Huw's case, to attempt to self-inoculate? Just listen to yourself, sympathising with the poor guy. I still call bullshit on this one, as I've already alluded to.

You and the other snowflakes can say of Huw's behavior "it's not illegal... so it's not anyone else's business" etc. Yes – but it's still unethical. And perhaps if one is masquerading as 'Mr Consummate BBC', then you take what comes with the territory if you behave like an idiot. If you put yourself out there, in the public eye, for a £440,000 salary, as Huw chose to do (when millions in the UK stuggle to make ends meet, who pay this, so the amount is consequential), then you should expect things to come your way – whether good or bad. It comes with the BBC domain, and it works both ways. If you do something deceitful and you're on TV for half a million quid at the expense of the taxypayer, then expect people to give you a good fucking kicking if you act the cunt. It seems like anything which goes wrong nowadays with TV presenters (Schofield, Edwards) is brushed off as another "mental health" issue.

Once the mental health card has been played, it's as though there's a line drawn no one can longer cross, and everyone has to pull back in a shower of sympathy. This is what the snowflake, Guardian-reading, lentil-farting brigade always do - and this is precisely what you and Roops (in this instance) are doing.

I see through these cunts, Huw included. Clearly you don't. What this (alleged) Welsh pervert has done, and is doing, is wrong. Take those struggling with mental health issues on a daily basis, for example. Wouldn't they love to have the immediate access to the sort of help or treatment Huw or Phil are receiving? Why has it taken a couple of cock & arse-wrangling filthies (allegedly), both mortally embarrassed by their actions above all else, to suddenly bring people's mental health issues to the fore (because claiming this is the least damaging route for them)? What happened to their dignity? There's nothing more noble than the BBC!

You are right, in as much as what people choose to do in their private lives is none of my business. Whatever Huw wants to spend £35k on, or whatever images he wishes to look at, is none of anyone's business. But – and this is a big but – if you're masquerading as something else (the BBC News main anchor, with a long-term wife, five kids, pet dog, the face of BBC news for 25 years, lecturing on the state of the economy, the war in Ukraine, with a gentle twist of sympathetic Welsh intonation, addressing on what according to the BBC is truth and what is not truth... ahhhhh... shut up, what bullshit! When you're clearly pretending to be something you're not, because you (allegedly) actually spend your money on looking at young men's cocks & bums, and you're grossly overpaid for doing something which has made you a household name, then expect to be challenged – especially when you've not been honest.

Not surprisingly, you can stick your comment squarely up whichever sphincter receives it first, Doc.

No surpise (sic) to read such a load of utter balls from our very own abmassador (sic) of wrongheadedness. It’s not even coherent. Weird objections again to how much Huw is paid, conflations with his income and personal morality, a revealing yet typically lazy attack on all public sector workers, mixed in with a bit of salacious male anatomy, then for the coup de grace, an appeal for those people “struggling with mental health” to have better access to care, while almost in the same paragraph denouncing mental health diagnoses as the all-too-convenient safe harbour for all kinds of impropriety.

You seem most annoyed this time that Huw “deceived” the viewing public about what he gets up to privately, then later tell us that it’s none of your business what people chose to do in their private lives. Every single one of us here deceives the “public” about what we do privately, (unless of course you turn up to work bearing a t-shirt emblazoned with “you might know me as Alan from Stores, but at night I’m Wolfie, keyboard warrior and arbiter of justice”). Lastly, your fury that the collective public kicking is felt distasteful by “snowflakes” once their prey is inside a secure ward and on medication is very revealing. It’s a special kind of brave to advocate for the continued public humiliation of a man in hospital. Well done. Perhaps we can expect your next instalment, touring oncology suites and barking at the clientele for being leeches on the public purse, hiding behind an oh-so-convenient lung cancer, only there because they couldn’t resist sucking down on some B&H, some of them while in receipt of public funds, the fiends!

This last point neatly illustrates what I have said for some time to some of the many visitors to my Corner DMs in recent months, whether they were either privately agreeing with me in our exchanges, or expressing their distaste for your conduct on the site. In response, I have tended to stress that the Corner thrives on disagreement and debate, and that when I joined the site I came for the humour and wit that used to abound. I’ve disagreed forcefully with many people here, but mostly I’ve felt like they were people I could have a good laugh with down the boozer, which to me was the vibe the place was trying to create. You however are very different gravy. There is an arrogant ugliness to your posts, a humourless and bitterly unpleasant edge which leaps from the page, and which I suspect in person I would find deeply off putting. I don’t once recall you being wrong, inferring your mind has changed or your opinion evolved, responding humorously or with subtlety. Something tells me you’ve emptied a few rooms in your time and been left wondering where everybody went. I’m sure it’s them, not you. To conclude anything else might be bad for your mental health, after all. 

Some people just don’t do irony, do they? See ya later. 

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On 18/07/2023 at 20:05, King Billy said:

Samantha Fox aged 16 NOT SELLING PHOTOS OF HER CUNT to The Sun and Huw Edwards as the BBC’s top newsreader who announced the death of The Queen then led the coverage of her period of national mourning and subsequent funeral, followed by the coronation of King Sausage Fingers the second, presenting himself to the licence paying public and his family as a pillar of virtue, then as soon as he thinks he’s safe from scrutiny perving it up with   whatever little fresh faced, bald bollocked teenager who’s replied to his internet trawling net. He’s a dirty little cunt who thought his status and wealth would allow him to filth it up behind the backs of his family, his employers and the public and live a lie while getting fat on the hog ad perpetuum.

And? Your fleshpots must overflow with such people. Pillars of the community who harbour secret desires to have custard licked off them by a Ukrainian girl in a Cowboy hat. I don’t see you morally objecting when they hand over fistfuls of twenties. How many High Court Judges have you had flayed over a spanking bench? Are they incapable of doing their job because they indulge their private yet legal fantasies, Bill? I’m only asking because I’m struggling with the mental contortions required to be a moralising Puritanical Orange Lodge brothel keeper one minute, and an outraged pro-MAGA Christmas Tree magnate with an imaginary M4 and a penchant for the Royal Family the next. It’s almost like you’re making it up as you go along. 

Oh and it’s King Sausage Fingers the Third. You lot tend to be up on Kings and Queens, no?

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