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Clive Lewis

Dave Umbongo

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I appreciate that this is a bit of a niche nomination specifically for the bog dwellers of Norfolk (which bizarrely seem to be over 50% of the regular posters) but, in the local rag today, Clive Lewis has come out tweeting his support for.....and hold on to your dinners.....,trans women breast feeding!!! What fucking sick, fucking, twisted, former man thinks it is in anyway natural to let a baby suck his / her / its tit?? I can only assume Clive doesn't want to represent Norwich South anymore. I would put a link to the EEN24 article but it includes a picture of the degenerate beast breast feeding on a fucking bus. It's fucking sick.

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I saw it, Lewis's mincing,brown faggot face made me just as sick. Norwich is fast becoming a centre for wokeness and I fucking hate it. I'm sure it's fucking pride weekend soon too. Decs must be surrounded by these fucking freaks in his local government offices. I know someone who got bollocked out of habit for calling a trans 'he' after having worked with him for 25 years as a geezer. Utter cunts.

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11 minutes ago, Neil said:

Decs must be surrounded by these fucking freaks in hos local government offices.

You're not wrong. We're encouraged to put our 'pronouns' on our email signatures and there has been numerous correspondence about the upcoming Pride event. Apparently it's not just shit stabbers who are expected to prance around in gimp suits and other fetish gear in front of children, they are asking all of us "allies" to join in too.

I'll join in alright, with a pair of garden shears and some pliers. I'll grant half the degenerate scums wishes without a tax funded NHS operation and I'll even throw in a free brick to the fucking head.

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2 minutes ago, Dick Fiddler said:

He looks surprisingly well for his age. Must be a lifetime of doing fuckall at the taxpayer teet, or all the back alley facials he's taken over the years have acted as a sort of super-moisturiser.

Black don't crack. Which is ironic, the amount of it they all smoke.

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12 minutes ago, Decimus said:

You're not wrong. We're encouraged to put our 'pronouns' on our email signatures and there has been numerous correspondence about the upcoming Pride event. Apparently it's not just shit stabbers who are expected to prance around in gimp suits and other fetish gear in front of children, they are asking all of us "allies" to join in too.

I'll join in alright, with a pair of garden shears and some pliers. I'll grant half the degenerate scums wishes without a tax funded NHS operation and I'll even throw in a free brick to the fucking head.

It's bloody ridiculous.  90%+ of the population being 'encouraged' to bend the knee (so to speak) For what? Well under 10% of the UK population, and only 2% if you're talking just trannies.

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Guest Fatty
1 hour ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

I appreciate that this is a bit of a niche nomination specifically for the bog dwellers of Norfolk (which bizarrely seem to be over 50% of the regular posters) but, in the local rag today, Clive Lewis has come out tweeting his support for.....and hold on to your dinners.....,trans women breast feeding!!! What fucking sick, fucking, twisted, former man thinks it is in anyway natural to let a baby suck his / her / its tit?? I can only assume Clive doesn't want to represent Norwich South anymore. I would put a link to the EEN24 article but it includes a picture of the degenerate beast breast feeding on a fucking bus. It's fucking sick.

Eddie will not like this nom, he’s probably giving bitty right now!

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2 hours ago, Dick Fiddler said:

He looks surprisingly well for his age. Must be a lifetime of doing fuckall at the taxpayer teet, or all the back alley facials he's taken over the years have acted as a sort of super-moisturiser.

Yet another ejaculatory reference. Disturbed cunt.

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33 minutes ago, Dick Fiddler said:

I suspect she's playin' away. Poor gollumn, stroking one out in his grim fold-up bed. I feel sorry for him.

“Doctor, I’m turning into a bed sitting room, what should I take for it?”

“Two shillings and sixpence a week sounds about right.”

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19 hours ago, Decimus said:

expected to prance around in gimp suits and other fetish gear in front of children, they are asking all of us "allies" to join in too. I'll join in alright, with a pair of garden shears and some pliers. I'll grant half the degenerate scums wishes without a tax funded NHS operation and I'll even throw in a free brick to the fucking head.

This used to be called “getting your excuses in early”. I think you should give the zipped gimp mask and arseless chaps a go, Decs. Perhaps at your next performance review. You’re clearly gagging for your poxy Council to give you your freedom, and the resulting wrongful dismissal tribunal would be both hilarious and strike a blow for common sense against the newspeak. You might even get Peter Tatchell and Edwina Izzard showing up to wave placards outside. 

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17 hours ago, Dick Fiddler said:

I suspect she's playin' away. Poor gollumn, stroking one out in his grim fold-up bed. I feel sorry for him.

Sue R Pipe, Sid Slackjaw, Shitpipe Sid... it's you again, isn't it? Your Corner back catalogue references about semen (& wanking) are quite remarkable. It's a pretty impressive feat actually, though for someone with psychological inadequacies it might seem perfectly normal.

Please provide an explanation for your obsession with spunk. And I suggest you make it exceedingly fucking good to avoid a gently building shark frenzy.

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4 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

Sue R Pipe, Sid Slackjaw, Shitpipe Sid... it's you again, isn't it? Your Corner back catalogue references about semen (& wanking) are quite remarkable. It's a pretty impressive feat actually, though for someone with psychological inadequacies it might seem perfectly normal.

Please provide an explanation for your obsession with spunk. And I suggest you make it exceedingly fucking good to avoid a gently building shark frenzy.

I was half thinking this myself, but I wasn’t sure, and Decs confirmed my uncertainty by not getting his usual radar blip about him. 
 But he could be playing cagey this time. Extended, ‘Double Secret Probation’ for this one.

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4 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I was half thinking this myself, but I wasn’t sure, and Decs confirmed my uncertainty by not getting his usual radar blip about him. 
 But he could be playing cagey this time. Extended, ‘Double Secret Probation’ for this one.

My antennae have been buzzing for a while Eric, based on his recent engagement with @Dyslexic cnut ...identically to the aforementioned spunk-obsessed trio, latest guise Dicky Fiddler's go-to response is to get spunky – the precise modus operandi which has also bored me to death. It's the same standard I'd expect from someone of Salty's ilk, God rest his cunty soul.

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5 minutes ago, Zev said:

That's just your gaydar on the blink again!

'Zev'? Ffs. Sounds like the Hebrew word for 'zit'.  

Second only to Pen, I've never seen any 'contributor' change his/her name, avatar and profile quite so much as you.

And what is it you both have in common? You're the two least popular, most dim, utterly fucking shite pair of weirdos currently haunting the site.

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1 hour ago, Zev said:

Fuck you and your popularity contest.

Nobody gives a cunt about your little boys club.

Nobody except you, apparently. Why else would you screenshot for posterity the only time in 9 years you ever made it on to The Leaderboard?


Fuck off.

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1 hour ago, Wolfie said:

'Zev'? Ffs. Sounds like the Hebrew word for 'zit'.  

You'll be thrilled to know that you're still completely under his incredibly thin skin. Not only does he name drop you on every other post, he's now changed his username to what amounts to his filthy race's word for 'Wolf'. 

Christ, and I thought he was obsessed when he stole your avatar and then claimed it wasn't from your profile. 

What a spectaculary rattled little cunt.

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