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Ken loach,the monitizitation of the working classes a Binmans perspective.


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I ,like most of you who doesn't use a lobster pic or get pegged by all and sundry in the back end of wales have came from humble beginnings.

Ken loach in our blinkered immaturity thought oh he made a film about a kestrel ,oh it involves the working classes how cute.

It now seems the vale is off and he's had enough of making money off his lovey dovey films and has gone full on lilly allen and is barking at us to take on the influx of asylum seekers .

Tell you what dickhead you take them in ,I'm sure you can make the legacy you had as realist film's director to your next adventure, Isis the musical.

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The left in this country has not only forgotten the white, working class people who founded it, it now actively sneers at and demonises them.

They say write what you know, but champagne socialists and Guardianistas such as Loach and Bragg are so far removed from the realities of the people they make their "art" about they may as well be prattling on about quantum physics.

Fuck Ken, the NIMBY class traitor cunt.

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16 minutes ago, Witheredscrote said:

Exactly right.  My binman regularly leaves me a note 'Ne pas jeter la merde d'oie dans la poubelle'  Perfect grammar, and he isn't covered in tats. Quite frankly, I wouldn't let Snowy near my bin.

You live in a bin, disgusting French worm. 

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1 hour ago, Cuntybaws said:

The day that robots, AI, and genetically engineered monkeys completely replace the working class can't come soon enough.

I think you're being disingenuous to suggest that AI can replace binmen, for a start, why replace something with something that's artificial when there's absolutely zero intelligence there in the first place.

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7 hours ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

I think you're being disingenuous to suggest that AI can replace binmen, for a start, why replace something with something that's artificial when there's absolutely zero intelligence there in the first place.

Who the fuck is Al, and can I call him Betty?

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13 hours ago, Decimus said:

The left in this country has not only forgotten the white, working class people who founded it, it now actively sneers at and demonises them.

They say write what you know, but champagne socialists and Guardianistas such as Loach and Bragg are so far removed from the realities of the people they make their "art" about they may as well be prattling on about quantum physics.

Fuck Ken, the NIMBY class traitor cunt.

It's disgusting ,the working class has to be lectured to by the lovey doveys in the ivory towers.

I like you in our respective council roles sees the harm being doing to this country,one lifts the bins of said cunts being brought into are beloved country and the other gives them homes .

Travesty I tell thee.

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On 09/07/2023 at 10:03, Witheredscrote said:

Exactly right.  My binman regularly leaves me a note 'Ne pas jeter la merde d'oie dans la poubelle'  Perfect grammar, and he isn't covered in tats. Quite frankly, I wouldn't let Snowy near my bin.

Snowy is a smelly old rag n' bone man.

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27 minutes ago, Hammer of Cunts said:

Shamina Begum is funnier. I don't know about the dogs though.

True. I loved her ‘pretend dead baby in the desert’ routines. She did 2 or 3. The BBC would arrive with another ‘Tiny Tears’ doll wrapped in durka-durka swaddling rags, and she would hold it up for the camera and do her best ‘sad face’, and tell us how unfair it is that traitors and murderers who declared war on Britain aren’t welcomed back and given a house.

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On 09/07/2023 at 08:29, Decimus said:

the NIMBY class traitor cunt.

That's a bit rich, coming from some cunt who was bullshitting the other week about his four bedroom house with a BMW in the drive (unless it was another of your bigging up  fantasies)


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