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14 minutes ago, King Billy said:

 Wednesday morning and you’re off down the town again for your weekly ‘anal bleaching’ appointment lol lol lol.

The Headmaster generally speaking only deals with the neck up. Mind you Billy if you have your head up your arse that might be your experience. Please don't extrapolate at this time of night. 

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  • 3 months later...

Funny. I haven't seen any XL Bully Dog Attacks in the news recently? 

Is it me? Or is the law working? 

By the way "Dr" Sam(antha) Gaines of the RSPCA (the "C" stands for cunts) self appointed advocate for killer dogs - die in pain. Preferably in a fucking cage with ten of these adorable pets waiting to be re-homed or euthanised. In my book, any so called charity or person who puts dogs before people is a cunt. 


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13 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

Funny. I haven't seen any XL Bully Dog Attacks in the news recently? 

Is it me? Or is the law working? 

By the way "Dr" Sam(antha) Gaines of the RSPCA (the "C" stands for cunts) self appointed advocate for killer dogs - die in pain. Preferably in a fucking cage with ten of these adorable pets waiting to be re-homed or euthanised. In my book, any so called charity or person who puts dogs before people is a cunt. 


It is not the dogs fault .. Its the fuckwits that decided to own and breed them.

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On 01/02/2024 at 10:33, ChildeHarold said:

In my book, any so called charity or person who puts dogs before people is a cunt.

 @Wolfie would beg (probably on his hind legs) to differ, but as you say, he is a cunt.

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Guest entitled little cunt
19 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

We all know they are holding out for compo. ££££££ I blame the fucking DOG and the OWNERS but unfortunately only one can be euthanized. 

There's a problem with dangerous dogs and illegals in the uk.I wonder how perhaps some out of the box thinking could be employed to reduce both .

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1 hour ago, Penny Farthing said:

The only hunt I do at night is for the light switch.

I noticed with this mild weather recently insect bites and buzzi g at night like mosquitos which is incredible. Though they can be brought back by people in their luggage. I came back after two weeks in Northern Spain on the ferry without a single bite, but was waiting outside Victoria coach station for twenty minutes for a bus and got fucking bitten three ir four times by one all mighty fu king mosquito with a bite that lasted two weeks very painful. Fuck Victoria Coach Station it's a cess pit. 

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On 03/02/2024 at 20:54, ChildeHarold said:

I wonder how many XL Bullies were put down today? Just trying to keep the notches on my headboard up to date. Nice and tidy. 

Not enough!

Their owners are still walking the streets and sniffing each others arseholes though.

Wolfie's spellcheck is on the blink

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4 minutes ago, and said:

Where's @Wolfie when you need a dog attack apologist cunt?

TBH  not a lot he can say .. the dopey cunt here appears to have been breeding them .. two adults (shot by the police) and six puppies. Reported that the puppies had been fighting .. the owner went out leaving the old woman and her grandson (his son?) with them with the instruction that if the puppies started to fight that she was to hold a broom up to distract them! What happned was inevitable and obvious to anyone who was not brain dead.

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1 minute ago, and said:

Not enough!

Their owners are still walking the streets and sniffing each others arseholes though.

Wolfie's spellcheck is on the blink

The problem is that ones who have got rid of their XLs are now buying other big dogs that they are unfit to own .. they are not fit to own any animal. You have got another problem of old ladies and old scrotes with obese labrador and other large dogs along with these cunts with therapy dog which they carry around like a cuddly teddy bear.

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