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Eurovision 2023 Liverpool

Earl of Punkape

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10 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

Funny you should mention this while the story below is currently in the the Top Ten supposed "news" items on the BBC website.

The disabled woman and her sex worker

It actually made me feel quite sick, but that's Australians for you I suppose.

They found her on the floor of the hotel, apparently someone stood her up


'ere all week

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8 hours ago, Hammer of Cunts said:

I suppose it's OK for greengrocers to misuse apostrophes like that. Do you work on the market?

You'll also notice @Earl of Punkape has edited his comment to STDs after your gentle piss-take, but completely missed "MP's".

Only someone with the skill of a remedial GCSE English student could make such a move, lol. 'Earl' of Punkape indeed... I can just imagine his proud old man: "...'Cor blimey guvnor! Me boy's only gone dun it... a faaackin' estate agent! Wot a wanker, but troof is I'm as praaud as Aylesbury duck. Make us anover cuppa – two sugars luv."

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29 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

You'll also notice @Earl of Punkape has edited his comment to STDs after your gentle piss-take, but completely missed "MP's".

Only someone with the skill of a remedial GCSE English student could make such a move, lol. 'Earl' of Punkape indeed... I can just imagine his proud old man: "...'Cor blimey guvnor! Me boy's only gone dun it... a faaackin' estate agent! Wot a wanker, but troof is I'm as praaud as Aylesbury duck. Make us anover cuppa – two sugars luv."

Good Arrerrs




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6 hours ago, and said:

So you're admitting you did fuck him/her/it up the arse?

That's a brave confession for one of CC's biggest Mary Whitehouse advocates.

Well done for getting in a selfie for your new avatar, lol... actually, was the photo taken by a fellow inmate as you were about to throw your muck, Miggs-style, doggie poo bag in the other hand, at the poor psychiatric nurse?

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1 hour ago, Wolfie said:

You'll also notice @Earl of Punkape has edited his comment to STDs after your gentle piss-take, but completely missed "MP's".

Only someone with the skill of a remedial GCSE English student could make such a move, lol. 'Earl' of Punkape indeed... I can just imagine his proud old man: "...'Cor blimey guvnor! Me boy's only gone dun it... a faaackin' estate agent! Wot a wanker, but troof is I'm as praaud as Aylesbury duck. Make us anover cuppa – two sugars luv."

Intelligent earls are rarer than yetis.

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6 hours ago, Decimus said:

Unfortunately, I went out with someone at university who came from there. I thought that because it was in Cheshire it'd be full of big houses and sports cars, but was disabused of that notion within thirty seconds of entering the shit hole.

Macc is Crewe Lite .. they even demolished the castle.

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1 hour ago, Wolfie said:

Well done for getting in a selfie for your new avatar

Thanks for your good wishes, it is a few notches above your own scribbled attempts at artwork, from the wall of your own padded cell no doubt. I'm also astonished how colourful it is, I thought they only gave out green crayons to inmates like you, for fear you might injure yourself playing with something that has a sharp point on it. 

Although, I am sorry to see you still have that obsession with canines, some things never change...🐩

Never mind, if you were to put in a bit more effort, that reserved place at a remedial school would soon be within your grasp.
Good luck, Wiffles.
And I mean that most sincerely.

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2 hours ago, Earl of Punkape said:




The amount of men, in the past year, ranging from pizza delivery motorcyclists to Indian waiters and Caribbean taxi drivers, who've left your squalid little Cheshire flat the morning after, feeling a bit like Stuart Lubbock with an answered prayer.

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40 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

The amount of men, in the past year, ranging from pizza delivery motorcyclists to Indian waiters and Caribbean taxi drivers, who've left your squalid little Cheshire flat the morning after, feeling a bit like Stuart Lubbock with an answered prayer.

Fred West and the Patio lifters…..


180tehhh bodies.

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3 hours ago, Wolfie said:

You'll also notice @Earl of Punkape has edited his comment to STDs after your gentle piss-take, but completely missed "MP's".

Only someone with the skill of a remedial GCSE English student could make such a move, lol. 'Earl' of Punkape indeed... I can just imagine his proud old man: "...'Cor blimey guvnor! Me boy's only gone dun it... a faaackin' estate agent! Wot a wanker, but troof is I'm as praaud as Aylesbury duck. Make us anover cuppa – two sugars luv."

What on earth has Subscriber Trunk Dialling got to do with it?

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13 hours ago, Earl of Punkape said:

If the Russians and Putin were to drop a nuke on the UK and it landed on Liverpool…..few tears would be shed for the treacherous scum in their ghastly hovels next to the river Mersey. From booing our national anthem to robbing their own dead at Hillsborough these scurrilous wretches are now hosting an international perverts festival. 
An unsavoury and bizarre preview was shown on TV yesterday and 90% of those interviewed were sodomites, Transosdomites and/or HIV carriers as were the interviewers.

Let’s be clear…the majority of the contestants will be here to commit gross indecency as often and with as many other perverts as they can. If that means spreading HIV and a myriad of other STDs so much the better. The people of Liverpool are happily facilitating this festival of filth to tick the diversity boxes of their socio-Stalinesque local government twats and MP’s

Jurgen Klopp is a cunt.

Much as it pains me to say it, I wholeheartedly agree with you. The whole thing is an abomination and imo is right up there with golf.

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7 hours ago, Earl of Punkape said:

The producers and participants of Eurobuggery want to impress and inveigle as many youngsters as possible with unnatural sexual practices and gender perversions.

Next years contest will be live from The Vatican presumably?

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1 minute ago, King Billy said:

Much as it pains me to say it, I wholeheartedly agree with you. The whole thing is an abomination and imo is right up there with golf.

Well even if you started to appreciate golf and wanted to join a decent club you wouldn’t get in anyway.

Your sort of people are weeded out way before any formal approach to a club.

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