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3 hours ago, Penny Farthing said:

This makes me cringe .. let us have King Harry and Queen Megan instead.


Surely you mean King Megan and Queen Harry?

The woke cunts wouldn't stand for any of that old fashioned 'Order of Succession' nonsense.

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3 hours ago, Ape™️ said:

Yet another lazy, unimaginative, tedious load of shit. 

That really is a terrible thing to say about your latest bowel movement, what do you expect it to do, tell fuckin' jokes?

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1 hour ago, and said:

That really is a terrible thing to say about your latest bowel movement, what do you expect it to do, tell fuckin' jokes?

It’s comments such as this that guarantee your continued status, as the weirdest and stupidest fucking cunt currently inhabiting CC.

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1 hour ago, and said:

That really is a terrible thing to say about your latest bowel movement, what do you expect it to do, tell fuckin' jokes?

You've managed to twist a fairly innocuous, metaphoric comment not aimed at you into something poo-related. Is it any wonder why we call you Mr Shit, Mr Shit?

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2 hours ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

You bunch of useless fucking cunts, I abstain from posting for a period and the spelling goes to shit. It's Meghan with an 'H', have some respect for the stupid black bitch FFS.

Please, abstain from posting for ever, combined with abstaining from fucking breathing. You spectacularly unfunny, idiotic prick.

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18 hours ago, Ape™️ said:

Please, abstain from posting for ever, combined with abstaining from fucking breathing. You spectacularly unfunny, idiotic prick.

Oh well done, you boringly predictable twat, you've learnt a new word after I typed it. Did you have to use a dictionary to understand its meaning? You're about as useful as the toilet brush in a disabled toilet.

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1 hour ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

Oh well done, you boringly predictable twat, you've learnt a new word after I typed it. Did you have to use a dictionary to understand its meaning? You're about as useful as the toilet brush in a disabled toilet.

Yes, big, clever, obscure words like ‘abstain’ are out of reach for most people. Only really smart individuals are able to use the word correctly.

The highlighted comment above merely serves to confirm what a spectacularly unfunny and stupid cunt you are.

Are all disabled people incapable of using a toilet brush?

Is there something about the design of disabled toilets that make the use of a toilet brush impossible?

What if someone else, like a cleaner or carer, wanted to use a toilet brush to clean a disabled toilet? Is there some reason the brush would somehow be ineffective? 

Are you a fucking idiot?


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1 hour ago, Ape™️ said:

What if someone else, like a cleaner or carer, wanted to use a toilet brush to clean a disabled toilet? Is there some reason the brush would somehow be ineffective? 


The resident spacker might be using it to brush his teeth with, so it might be unavailable rather than ineffective, unless he or she was a flid in which case they probably wouldn’t be able to bend down far enough to pick it up unless they’d fallen of the bog and slithered across the floor towards it covered in their own shit.

Its actually quite a difficult question to answer with any certainty given the many factors which could determine the outcome.

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4 hours ago, Ape™️ said:

Yes, big, clever, obscure words like ‘abstain’ are out of reach for most people. Only really smart individuals are able to use the word correctly.

The highlighted comment above merely serves to confirm what a spectacularly unfunny and stupid cunt you are.

Are all disabled people incapable of using a toilet brush?

Is there something about the design of disabled toilets that make the use of a toilet brush impossible?

What if someone else, like a cleaner or carer, wanted to use a toilet brush to clean a disabled toilet? Is there some reason the brush would somehow be ineffective? 

Are you a fucking idiot?


A dirty brush is a useless brush.

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