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The Conspiracy The Bacofoil Brigade Don't Like To Talk About

Mrs Roops

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Someone was a bit needy last night...

16 hours ago, King Billy said:

I just have. Check your PMs for the cumshot.

Eew, all over your chin as well.

13 hours ago, King Billy said:

No honestly seek help.

Physician, heal thyself

13 hours ago, King Billy said:

Unicoin? Your thoughts please.

Why? As far as I recall, Unicoin has never been mentioned on The Corner, certainly not as part of a conspiracy.

12 hours ago, King Billy said:

Perhaps you should let Federal Election Commissioner James E Trainor know your expert opinion on this matter immediately Mrs Rumpole, as he’s stated today ‘Its not a campaign finance violation. It’s not a reporting violation of any kind. In trying to stretch the law to make it look like a violation DA Alvin Bragg is really trying to make a square peg fit into a round hole’, an analogy which I’d be happy to explain to you so you can then have a basic understanding of the actual subject matter going forward.

No need to thank me, a grovelling apology will suffice.

Well, good luck in explaining the "analogy" as the metaphor is an idiomatic expression, but no worries.

Anyway, I presume this is the same James E Trainor who was nominated by Trump for the post of FEC Commissioner, a reward for work done on the presidential campaign. The position was confirmed by the Republican controlled Senate only after they voted to guillotine the nomination debate. Trainor is correct in saying that the charges are not a campaign finance or a reporting violation. He omits to say that the 34 charges relate to falsifying financial ledger inputs of which Trump's chief New York bean-counter is now serving time for another raft of false accounting. My one reservation about this is that Trump's offences are listed as felonies rather than misdemeanours, of which the latter ordinarily attract a slap on the wrist by way of a fine. Trump would be extremely unfortunate if he ends up in an orange jumpsuit over this but he has far more serious legal problems ahead of him elsewhere. 

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10 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Well, good luck in explaining the "analogy" as the metaphor is an idiomatic expression, but no worries.

It really is embarrassingly easy to lure you to the bait, which I honestly thought you would have ignored, but I should have  realised your humungous ego would never allow that and I suppose ‘but no worries’ is at least a half hearted attempt to move on and make even more of a fool of yourself than I’ve come to expect.

10 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

He omits to say that the 34 charges relate to falsifying financial ledger inputs of which Trump's chief New York bean-counter is now serving time for another raft of false accounting. My one reservation about this is that Trump's offences are listed as felonies rather than misdemeanours,

As for your profound explanation of the farcical actions of the George Soros funded ‘Get Trump’ DA Alvin Bragg and his puppet mistress the ‘Get Trump’ State AG Letitia James have embarked upon🤔The alleged misdemeanours which are being mysteriously linked to felonies (which Bragg refuses to identify) are long past the statute of limitations, have been investigated by 2 previous NYC DAs and the FEC who all concluded there was no crime, and that’s without even considering the ‘Michael Cohen’ (convicted perjurer and self confessed man on a mission to get Trump) elephant in the room. 
To quote Lavrentia Beria, Stalins long serving head of the KGB ‘Show me the man and I’ll find you the crime’. This is sadly the current downhill spiral the US is on and it won’t end well for the country, both Red and Blue. The rest of the world will be severely affected by the consequences of the US Democrats wilful abandonment of the Constitution on many fronts, first and foremost the well defined rule of law which at present the Democrats have weaponised against their opponents and granted themselves immunity from.

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20 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

After spending 4 years as one of the most prolific contributors to a site named ‘Cunts Corner’, that was already, pretty much in the bag.

As the old saying goes ‘Doesn’t time fly when you’re acting the cunt?’

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11 hours ago, King Billy said:

It really is embarrassingly easy to lure you to the bait, which I honestly thought you would have ignored, but I should have  realised your humungous ego would never allow that and I suppose ‘but no worries’ is at least a half hearted attempt to move on and make even more of a fool of yourself than I’ve come to expect.

Your patently absurd "bait" trope was something one could get away with during the first five minutes of the internet being a thing. Nowadays it serves to confirm not only your naivety but a desperation to save face. As for the rest of your post...

12 hours ago, King Billy said:

As for your profound explanation of the farcical actions of the George Soros funded ‘Get Trump’ DA Alvin Bragg and his puppet mistress the ‘Get Trump’ State AG Letitia James have embarked upon🤔The alleged misdemeanours which are being mysteriously linked to felonies (which Bragg refuses to identify) are long past the statute of limitations, have been investigated by 2 previous NYC DAs and the FEC who all concluded there was no crime, and that’s without even considering the ‘Michael Cohen’ (convicted perjurer and self confessed man on a mission to get Trump) elephant in the room. 
To quote Lavrentia Beria, Stalins long serving head of the KGB ‘Show me the man and I’ll find you the crime’. This is sadly the current downhill spiral the US is on and it won’t end well for the country, both Red and Blue. The rest of the world will be severely affected by the consequences of the US Democrats wilful abandonment of the Constitution on many fronts, first and foremost the well defined rule of law which at present the Democrats have weaponised against their opponents and granted themselves immunity from.

To be fair you were doing reasonably well, insofar it was to a C+ standard, but as usual you failed to keep your partisan emotions in check. To rail against US Democrats "wilful abandonment of the Constitution" whilst ignoring the 6th January attack on the basic tenets of democracy by MAGA Morons, especially in light of a recent "smoking gun" revelation that Trump and his team knew they did not have a scrap of evidence that the Presidential election was "stolen", shows a disturbing mindset on your part. I appreciate you're emotionally invested, but even so...

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You have to admit that Trump was clever in appearing to be everything good for everybody when in fact he was good for nothing. His failure though is that he did not think beyond reaching his ultimate goal of becoming president and of not getting elected for a second term. That he failed to get that second term is a surprise in itself as he and his redneck supporters have a lot of scapegoats to blame for their own failings and many millions of halfwits who willingly swallow the bait. The failing of the non redneck both in the USA and in the UK has been that they have allowed themselves to be distracted from talking about and dealing with the real problems that affect the average individual rather that just leaving the rednecks to destroy themselves. What happens when Trump finally pops his clogs .. doubtless whether that happen when he is  77 or 99 he will have been "murdered by the Democrats.

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12 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Your patently absurd "bait" trope was something one could get away with during the first five minutes of the internet being a thing. Nowadays it serves to confirm not only your naivety but a desperation to save face. As for the rest of your post...

To be fair you were doing reasonably well, insofar it was to a C+ standard, but as usual you failed to keep your partisan emotions in check. To rail against US Democrats "wilful abandonment of the Constitution" whilst ignoring the 6th January attack on the basic tenets of democracy by MAGA Morons, especially in light of a recent "smoking gun" revelation that Trump and his team knew they did not have a scrap of evidence that the Presidential election was "stolen", shows a disturbing mindset on your part. I appreciate you're emotionally invested, but even so...

You are Nancy Pelosi and I claim my $5.

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12 hours ago, Penny Farthing said:

You have to admit that Trump was clever in appearing to be everything good for everybody when in fact he was good for nothing. His failure though is that he did not think beyond reaching his ultimate goal of becoming president and of not getting elected for a second term. That he failed to get that second term is a surprise in itself as he and his redneck supporters have a lot of scapegoats to blame for their own failings and many millions of halfwits who willingly swallow the bait. The failing of the non redneck both in the USA and in the UK has been that they have allowed themselves to be distracted from talking about and dealing with the real problems that affect the average individual rather that just leaving the rednecks to destroy themselves. What happens when Trump finally pops his clogs .. doubtless whether that happen when he is  77 or 99 he will have been "murdered by the Democrats.

You stupid Nike sports bra wearing, Bud lite drinking, hybrid freak. Your opinion is about as welcome as Eddie Izzard in the female toilets.

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  • 1 month later...
On 05/04/2023 at 14:42, Mrs Roops said:

Matters have now come to a head in the libel case of Dominion Voting Systems v Fox News


‘A few moments later’🤣

Yahoo News and Time Magazine are reporting that the CEO of Dominion Voting Systems has stated that the company looks unlikely to survive and will more than likely be going out of business very soon, due to the damage inflicted on their reputation during and following the 2020 Presidential election resulting in a large number of US States and other countries refusing to use their machines anymore.Lol lol lol.

🇱🇷TRUMP 2024 MAGA🇱🇷😘

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8 hours ago, King Billy said:


‘A few moments later’🤣

Yahoo News and Time Magazine are reporting that the CEO of Dominion Voting Systems has stated that the company looks unlikely to survive and will more than likely be going out of business very soon, due to the damage inflicted on their reputation during and following the 2020 Presidential election resulting in a large number of US States and other countries refusing to use their machines anymore.Lol lol lol.

🇱🇷TRUMP 2024 MAGA🇱🇷😘

...which partly explains why compensatory damages nearly ten times Dominion's market capitalisation was secured, ordinarily a ridiculous amount - and there's still another six lawsuits in the pipeline...

Still, now that you've raised the subject of successful litigation, perhaps you could be kind enough to update The Corner on Trump's progress to date in overturning the result of the 2020 Presidential election. 

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15 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

perhaps you could be kind enough to update The Corner on Trump's progress to date in overturning the result of the 2020 Presidential election. 

The ‘fair and totally legitimate’ 2020 Presidential election?

Oh that one, where 51 former or serving ‘intelligence experts’ lol prompted by the usual deep state suspects agreed to sign an open letter dismissing the Hunter Biden laptop as classic Russian disinformation, which gave Twitter, Facebook Google etc. and the fake news media of course the excuse (as if they needed one) to censor the story and prevent huge numbers of voters from even knowing about the Biden crime family’s corruption and Sleepy Joe’s involvement up to his neck in it. Election interference?
I am honestly astounded that you still maintain your ridiculous stance regarding Donald Trump but I guess I must have stupidly credited you with a lot more intelligence than you keep showing yourself not to have (if any).

Oh I almost forget sorry.

Get fucked.

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11 hours ago, King Billy said:

The ‘fair and totally legitimate’ 2020 Presidential election?

Oh that one, where 51 former or serving ‘intelligence experts’ lol prompted by the usual deep state suspects agreed to sign an open letter dismissing the Hunter Biden laptop as classic Russian disinformation, which gave Twitter, Facebook Google etc. and the fake news media of course the excuse (as if they needed one) to censor the story and prevent huge numbers of voters from even knowing about the Biden crime family’s corruption and Sleepy Joe’s involvement up to his neck in it. Election interference?
I am honestly astounded that you still maintain your ridiculous stance regarding Donald Trump but I guess I must have stupidly credited you with a lot more intelligence than you keep showing yourself not to have (if any).

Oh I almost forget sorry.

Get fucked.

No doubt it was too embarrassing to answer the question by deflecting to the Biden laptop conspiracy, yet another join-the-imaginary-dots of faux dramas that is fast disappearing up it's own fundament despite the amateurish attempts of Jim Jordan, Chair of the House Judiciary Committee, to write the rules as he goes along.

As for your intemperate outburst, one wonders why The Corner's most gullible punter ever who has previously admitted to not caring if his discourse is factually true or not and furthermore, has stated that most of what he posts is "shit" should paradoxically howl like a banshee when called out. Genius. :rolleyes:

Stay warm.

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11 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

No doubt it was too embarrassing to answer the question by deflecting to the Biden laptop conspiracy, yet another join-the-imaginary-dots of faux dramas that is fast disappearing up it's own fundament despite the amateurish attempts of Jim Jordan, Chair of the House Judiciary Committee, to write the rules as he goes along.

As for your intemperate outburst, one wonders why The Corner's most gullible punter ever who has previously admitted to not caring if his discourse is factually true or not and furthermore, has stated that most of what he posts is "shit" should paradoxically howl like a banshee when called out. Genius. :rolleyes:

Stay warm.

Im fully convinced your role is to have dissenting views because your supposed to be the devils advocate.

I could call myself a Liberal flower hugging hippie and youd argue about the plastics bags polluting the atmosphere to one up my views that align with you .

Then you dragged billy into this bullshit ,at least we share a common thing we try to be funny.

You wiki using over used cunt,no offense.

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11 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

No doubt it was too embarrassing to answer the question by deflecting to the Biden laptop conspiracy, yet another join-the-imaginary-dots of faux dramas that is fast disappearing up it's own fundament despite the amateurish attempts of Jim Jordan, Chair of the House Judiciary Committee, to write the rules as he goes along.

As for your intemperate outburst, one wonders why The Corner's most gullible punter ever who has previously admitted to not caring if his discourse is factually true or not and furthermore, has stated that most of what he posts is "shit" should paradoxically howl like a banshee when called out. Genius. :rolleyes:

Stay warm.

You're a fucking delusional idiot freak, period, the end.

Piss off and go and pluck your ginger pubes from your overly used cunt bucket.

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11 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

No doubt it was too embarrassing to answer the question by deflecting to the Biden laptop conspiracy, yet another join-the-imaginary-dots of faux dramas that is fast disappearing up it's own fundament despite the amateurish attempts of Jim Jordan, Chair of the House Judiciary Committee, to write the rules as he goes along.

As for your intemperate outburst, one wonders why The Corner's most gullible punter ever who has previously admitted to not caring if his discourse is factually true or not and furthermore, has stated that most of what he posts is "shit" should paradoxically howl like a banshee when called out. Genius. :rolleyes:

Stay warm.

How about ‘oh Bill, please put your hand up my skirt?’

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40 minutes ago, Snowy said:

Im fully convinced your role is to have dissenting views because your supposed to be the devils advocate.

I could call myself a Liberal flower hugging hippie and youd argue about the plastics bags polluting the atmosphere to one up my views that align with you .

Then you dragged billy into this bullshit ,at least we share a common thing we try to be funny.

You wiki using over used cunt,no offense.

Go on Snowy, fucking finish her…

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6 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Whoa, circle jerk alert...

Yeah, if they had a cock measuring contest you'd probably win that as well, fuckin' shower of misogynistic cunts can't handle being spanked by the superior gender.


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7 hours ago, and said:

Yeah, if they had a cock measuring contest you'd probably win that as well, fuckin' shower of misogynistic cunts can't handle being spanked by the superior gender.


Fucking arse licker! Why don't you offer your nortrils up as a measuring device and go full Schwarzenegger with it? You get to snort up anything that dribbles out the end as an added bonus.


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21 hours ago, BunchaCunts said:

Fucking arse licker!


20 hours ago, BunchaCunts said:

I don't think Roops and the others would be overly happy about dipping their members in dogshit beforehand though Decs.

Know thyself.


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