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Anyone Sorry about voting for Brexit ?


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1 hour ago, Decimus said:

Don't push me, or I'll end up Lamplughing you, you plastic-shoed, commission based, estate agent cunt.

Octopuses are quite intelligent although they have poor memories and are a bit slimy .. rather like estate agents.

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Just now, Penny Farthing said:

Octopuses are quite intelligent although they have poor memories and are a bit slimy .. rather like estate agents.

Octopi are clearly hugely more intelligent than you judging by this post.

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On 04/05/2023 at 15:38, Mrs Roops said:

For some reason you still feel the need to scour the 'net for a 'gotcha' moment even if it means ending up with an obscure article replete with false equivalency.

If I may tear you away from critiquing a PhD thesis, I wonder if you’re any happier with the economic commentary on offer from the in-house magazine of the Tory party? I’m sure it regularly accompanies you fingering your morning kipper. 

Of course, by 2030 you might still be proclaiming the green shoots of the Brexit bonanza are just over the next hill, just as Britain becomes a net exporter of young labour to the booming suburbs of Warsaw. 

Your project is a disaster. All the chicanery in the world can’t save it now. Own it. 


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On 06/05/2023 at 18:28, King Billy said:

Only a sad little virgin fuckwit with his cross eyes almost completely closed, and squinting at it while furiously tugging his micro maggot with his one non flid hand could make it look even remotely like what you’ve just described, so full marks to you for ‘pulling it off’. Lol lol lol.

You probably need to use a pair of tweezers and a high powered industrial microscope every time you take your wrinkly old man cock for a piss you geriatric smack head. 😃


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8 minutes ago, LastoftheMullets said:

You probably need to use a pair of tweezers and a high powered industrial microscope every time you take your wrinkly old man cock for a piss you geriatric smack head. 😃


You remember you were talking about your mate or neighbours Escort Cosworth? You mentioned it 4 years ago when you were Ereptyle as well. Use the stoner avatar, I liked that one.

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1 hour ago, Eric Cuntman said:

You remember you were talking about your mate or neighbours Escort Cosworth? You mentioned it 4 years ago when you were Ereptyle as well. Use the stoner avatar, I liked that one.

If I remember rightly Eric you and I attempted to help him and at one stage it seemed as if he might actually be understanding the advice we were giving him, and then he just disappeared. It must have been too much to take in obviously.

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Just now, King Billy said:

If I remember rightly Eric you and I attempted to help him and at one stage it seemed as if he might actually be understanding the advice we were giving him, and then he just disappeared. It must have been too much to take in obviously.

I believe your recollection of events to be accurate. He was a very naughty boy.

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24 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I believe your recollection of events to be accurate. He was a very naughty boy.

Yes he was, but thankfully he never followed up with his threats to set the online video gaming community on us.

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17 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

If I may tear you away from critiquing a PhD thesis, I wonder if you’re any happier with the economic commentary on offer from the in-house magazine of the Tory party? I’m sure it regularly accompanies you fingering your morning kipper. 

Of course, by 2030 you might still be proclaiming the green shoots of the Brexit bonanza are just over the next hill, just as Britain becomes a net exporter of young labour to the booming suburbs of Warsaw. 

Your project is a disaster. All the chicanery in the world can’t save it now. Own it. 


You don't seem to be able to stay away from this and now you're arrogantly barking out orders to "own it" :rolleyes:

Whilst The Torygraph op-ed appeared three days ago this story has been bouncing around the current affairs media for several months, usually in op-eds rather than any factual news content. I think the originating World Bank dossier hit my desk back in January.

Now, I have no wish to cause you any further alarm and distress nor do I wish you to have another foot-stomping session so I suggest you self-administer a sedative before you read any further.

To put this simply, you're barking up the wrong tree. Again.  

The Telegraph's article central premise is based on World Bank data extrapolated from 2010 giving rise to speculative predictions (and they are predictions). Two flaws in your presumptive assessment; firstly you will note that the article does not blame Brexit, in fact the same set of predictions made the case that Poland will overtake Germany and France - two countries that as far as I am aware, are still members of the EU. The second point is that Poland, having gorged itself on the EU tit has unilaterally put in place protectionist measures which are illegal under EU law. Poland wants the benefits but not shoulder any responsibilities. To date the EU Commission has been quite craven about this and have come up with a smoke and mirrors fudge that allows Poland to get away with this. This attitude has often been a problem and is another reason why the UK wanted out, we were happy to stay if everybody played by the rules but it was clear that was never going to happen.

LCS, I suspect your just another whinging pom who will blame everything on Brexit; the recent death of the Monarch - obviously caused by Brexit, the 3.10 from Crewe four minutes late - must be Brexit, recent floods in East England - quite clearly due to Brexit. Just STFU.

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3 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

You don't seem to be able to stay away from this and now you're arrogantly barking out orders to "own it" :rolleyes:

Whilst The Torygraph op-ed appeared three days ago this story has been bouncing around the current affairs media for several months, usually in op-eds rather than any factual news content. I think the originating World Bank dossier hit my desk back in January.

Now, I have no wish to cause you any further alarm and distress nor do I wish you to have another foot-stomping session so I suggest you self-administer a sedative before you read any further.

To put this simply, you're barking up the wrong tree. Again.  

The Telegraph's article central premise is based on World Bank data extrapolated from 2010 giving rise to speculative predictions (and they are predictions). Two flaws in your presumptive assessment; firstly you will note that the article does not blame Brexit, in fact the same set of predictions made the case that Poland will overtake Germany and France - two countries that as far as I am aware, are still members of the EU. The second point is that Poland, having gorged itself on the EU tit has unilaterally put in place protectionist measures which are illegal under EU law. Poland wants the benefits but not shoulder any responsibilities. To date the EU Commission has been quite craven about this and have come up with a smoke and mirrors fudge that allows Poland to get away with this. This attitude has often been a problem and is another reason why the UK wanted out, we were happy to stay if everybody played by the rules but it was clear that was never going to happen.

LCS, I suspect your just another whinging pom who will blame everything on Brexit; the recent death of the Monarch - obviously caused by Brexit, the 3.10 from Crewe four minutes late - must be Brexit, recent floods in East England - quite clearly due to Brexit. Just STFU.


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5 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

I think the originating World Bank dossier hit my desk back in January.

Presumably this is the same desk groaning under the weight of unopened editions of Mensa magazine, ring-binders full of Immunology Today and a barely-thumbed edition of How To Win Friends and Influence People. Do you have a secure red phone to the IMF HQ, or do they simply shine a ginger mons pubis into the night sky whenever they need your fearsome brain to untangle some knotty fiscal problem? I’ve encountered some powerfully self-deluded types in my time, but you must be heading for a podium finish. 

I watched on for what felt like half a millennium as you sparred in that dialogue of the deaf with @King Billy on all things Covid, so I’ll be buggered if I’m going to be drawn into a similarly protracted exercise in futility. You will keep on believing those Unicorns will turn up any day, while those of us in the real world will acknowledge the undeniable harm your nutty cult have done. You’ll surely want the last word as per, but even you can’t obfuscate away reality, however hard you try.

Of course, given you persist on conflating the roles of Corner referee and player, and are seemingly incapable of ever acknowledging even the possibility of error, this is all pretty pointless. I’m sure the Nobel Committee will be back on the phone imminently to get your view on solving the Taiwan problem, so I’ll get back to my Merlot while you save the world. 

I want a least one pie chart with my inevitable reply, too, or I’ll report you to the Guild of Polymath Gobshites or whoever it is you’re getting magazines from these days. 

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Guest Shitpipe Sid
13 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I stopped trusting magazines after I discovered that Alfred.E. Neumann wasn’t a real person.

I stopped trusting magazines after I met Linda Lusardi, and found out she actually had a moustache and hairy tits.

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38 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Presumably this is the same desk groaning under the weight of unopened editions of Mensa magazine, ring-binders full of Immunology Today and a barely-thumbed edition of How To Win Friends and Influence People. Do you have a secure red phone to the IMF HQ, or do they simply shine a ginger mons pubis into the night sky whenever they need your fearsome brain to untangle some knotty fiscal problem? I’ve encountered some powerfully self-deluded types in my time, but you must be heading for a podium finish. 

I watched on for what felt like half a millennium as you sparred in that dialogue of the deaf with @King Billy on all things Covid, so I’ll be buggered if I’m going to be drawn into a similarly protracted exercise in futility. You will keep on believing those Unicorns will turn up any day, while those of us in the real world will acknowledge the undeniable harm your nutty cult have done. You’ll surely want the last word as per, but even you can’t obfuscate away reality, however hard you try.

Of course, given you persist on conflating the roles of Corner referee and player, and are seemingly incapable of ever acknowledging even the possibility of error, this is all pretty pointless. I’m sure the Nobel Committee will be back on the phone imminently to get your view on solving the Taiwan problem, so I’ll get back to my Merlot while you save the world. 

I want a least one pie chart with my inevitable reply, too, or I’ll report you to the Guild of Polymath Gobshites or whoever it is you’re getting magazines from these days. 

Four fucking paragraphs of ‘not being drawn into…?’ Stupid fucking cunt.

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1 hour ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

For Christ’s sake man get your tongue out of her colon. I was more wounded the last time I had a deep tissue massage. 

I’ve got no time for her as I’ve recently demonstrated, but it does amuse me when she kicks fuck out of a Corner wanker. Assume the position, erm…doctor.

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46 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Presumably this is the same desk groaning under the weight of unopened editions of Mensa magazine, ring-binders full of Immunology Today and a barely-thumbed edition of How To Win Friends and Influence People. Do you have a secure red phone to the IMF HQ, or do they simply shine a ginger mons pubis into the night sky whenever they need your fearsome brain to untangle some knotty fiscal problem? I’ve encountered some powerfully self-deluded types in my time, but you must be heading for a podium finish. 

I watched on for what felt like half a millennium as you sparred in that dialogue of the deaf with @King Billy on all things Covid, so I’ll be buggered if I’m going to be drawn into a similarly protracted exercise in futility. You will keep on believing those Unicorns will turn up any day, while those of us in the real world will acknowledge the undeniable harm your nutty cult have done. You’ll surely want the last word as per, but even you can’t obfuscate away reality, however hard you try.

Of course, given you persist on conflating the roles of Corner referee and player, and are seemingly incapable of ever acknowledging even the possibility of error, this is all pretty pointless. I’m sure the Nobel Committee will be back on the phone imminently to get your view on solving the Taiwan problem, so I’ll get back to my Merlot while you save the world. 

I want a least one pie chart with my inevitable reply, too, or I’ll report you to the Guild of Polymath Gobshites or whoever it is you’re getting magazines from these days. 

Jeeze, should've taken the sedative, can't say I didn't warn ya.

Anyway, gotta dash - Rishi is holding on line three and Putin's office just texted asking if I do Facetime.

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