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Anyone Sorry about voting for Brexit ?


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On 05/05/2023 at 15:51, Last Cunt Standing said:

Singularly incapable of admitting fallibility, and more one-eyed than Gabrielle. 

What’s the point?


On 05/05/2023 at 16:08, PANZER MURPHY said:

Now im only a simple paddy and travellin minstrel but what i think the good doctor is askin is roops baby..yer 7 years into this brave social experiment what benifits has the brexit brought to the uk or yerself for that matter


You two bozos need to manage expectations. I don't know why you two think Brexit happened in 2016 or seven years ago as the UK didn't leave the EU until 2020, the post-referendum delay was thanks in part to the well-meaning but inherently weak Theresa May premiership and to Remoaners employing every judicial and legislative trick to thwart the mandate of the British electorate. That both of you are of the opinion that financial benefits would materialise immediately after Brexit is delusional to say the least. I made clear that Brexit would bring chill winds in the short and immediate term as the UK is a mature and complex economy that was entwined with 27 other countries.

Immediate benefits of course was that the UK retook complete sovereignty of its own lands. I appreciate this means nothing to you but like it or not the British are proud and independently minded and don't like being told what do by citizens beyond it's shores.

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2 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

I appreciate this means nothing to you but like it or not the British are proud and independently minded and don't like being told what do by citizens beyond it's shores.

It seems any dissent within your country is dealt with pretty severely too, so in writing this bilge you’re surprisingly instep with the prevailing mood of the nation. If this is your modern Britain, I want no part of it. There is none so blind as those who will not see. 


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3 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:


You two bozos need to manage expectations. I don't know why you two think Brexit happened in 2016 or seven years ago as the UK didn't leave the UK until 2020, the post-referendum delay was thanks in part to the well-meaning but inherently weak Thresa May premiership and to Remoaners employing every judicial and legislative trick to thwart the mandate of the British electorate. That both of you are of the opinion that financial benefits would materialise immediately after Brexit is delusional to say the least. I made clear that Brexit would bring chill winds in the short and immediate term as the UK is a mature and complex economy that was entwined with 27 other countries.

Immediate benefits of course was that the UK retook complete sovereignty of its own lands. I appreciate this means nothing to you but like it or not the British are proud and independently minded and don't like being told what do by citizens beyond it's shores.

D'ya know what..i think the mogg inadvertently said the most truthful thing when he said any benefits of the brexit could take 50 years to become apparent..only another 40 odd years to go..lol


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14 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

It seems any dissent within your country is dealt with pretty severely too, so in writing this bilge you’re surprisingly instep with the prevailing mood of the nation. If this is your modern Britain, I want no part of it. There is none so blind as those who will not see. 


The top-down barbarism is entrenched in every country, LC. When the “bosses” don’t like what’s said or done, they deal with it in more or less visible ways. 

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18 hours ago, LastoftheMullets said:

It looks like a cock and balls pointing two guns, is that the look you were going for?




Only a sad little virgin fuckwit with his cross eyes almost completely closed, and squinting at it while furiously tugging his micro maggot with his one non flid hand could make it look even remotely like what you’ve just described, so full marks to you for ‘pulling it off’. Lol lol lol.

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5 hours ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

D'ya know what..i think the mogg inadvertently said the most truthful thing when he said any benefits of the brexit could take 50 years to become apparent..only another 40 odd years to go..lol


By which time you lot won’t know anything about it as RTE will only be broadcasting in German.

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19 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

It seems any dissent within your country is dealt with pretty severely too, so in writing this bilge you’re surprisingly instep with the prevailing mood of the nation. If this is your modern Britain, I want no part of it. There is none so blind as those who will not see. 


Its not too clear what police overreach has to do with Brexit but no matter. As an aside, by all accounts the overzealousness of some Australian police forces of late make the poor British policing look like a bunch of officious dinner ladies on steroids yet you're willing to have a "part of it" in your adopted bolt-hole or perhaps you're being selectively blind...:rolleyes:

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6 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Its not too clear what police overreach has to do with Brexit but no matter. As an aside, by all accounts the overzealousness of some Australian police forces of late make the poor British policing look like a bunch of officious dinner ladies on steroids yet you're willing to have a "part of it" in your adopted bolt-hole or perhaps you're being selectively blind...:rolleyes:

Look! Over there! Squirrels!

Mensa my arse. 

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46 minutes ago, King Billy said:



8 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:


She's still a beauty. I remember seeing her many years ago (1990s, TFI Friday?) in which she seemed engaging, shy, easygoing, tasty... the kind of woman who wouldn't have a massive go because you climbed into bed at 5am after watching live boxing, stinking of beer and weed, thus missing her planned family engagement the following day. A man's woman: "Eeez okay mon amour darling... you rest ze 'angover. Je telephone ma mere & let ze old bag know we weel not be coming ziz time." A fine, fine female.  


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2 minutes ago, Wolfie said:


She's still a beauty. I remember seeing her many years ago (1990s, TFI Friday?) in which she seemed engaging, shy, easygoing, tasty... the kind of woman who wouldn't have a massive go because you climbed into bed at 5am after watching live boxing, stinking of beer and weed, thus missing her planned family engagement the following day. A man's woman: "Eeez okay mon amour darling... you rest ze 'angover. Je telephone ma mere & let ze old bag know we weel not be coming ziz time." A fine, fine female.  


She’s still a looker, but if I persuaded her to climb into my Renorlt Clitorious, I’d drive the emaciated bitch straight to MaccyD’s.

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15 hours ago, Wolfie said:


She's still a beauty. I remember seeing her many years ago (1990s, TFI Friday?) in which she seemed engaging, shy, easygoing, tasty... the kind of woman who wouldn't have a massive go because you climbed into bed at 5am after watching live boxing, stinking of beer and weed, thus missing her planned family engagement the following day. A man's woman: "Eeez okay mon amour darling... you rest ze 'angover. Je telephone ma mere & let ze old bag know we weel not be coming ziz time." A fine, fine female.  


Middle and forefinger. Late-90s. Like a mouse’s ear.

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