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Government Emergency Alerts

The Beast

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What the fuck is all this about?

I don't see a cataclysmic flood or an earthquake measuring off the Richter scale suddenly affecting Mid Essex. 30 miles South, yes bring it on.

Docile wankers will say that these alerts are commonplace in many other countries, so what's the issue? Well, somehow or another, we have managed perfectly well without them. So why now?

I don't want to display the bacofoil too soon after its last outing, but the scheduled date for the test run is also St George's day. 

The creepy cunts running this country are the only thing I need to be alert to.

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9 hours ago, The Beast said:

What the fuck is all this about?

I don't see a cataclysmic flood or an earthquake measuring off the Richter scale suddenly affecting Mid Essex. 30 miles South, yes bring it on.

Docile wankers will say that these alerts are commonplace in many other countries, so what's the issue? Well, somehow or another, we have managed perfectly well without them. So why now?

I don't want to display the bacofoil too soon after its last outing, but the scheduled date for the test run is also St George's day. 

The creepy cunts running this country are the only thing I need to be alert to.

Interestingly, users must acknowledge the alert, which will include phone numbers or links to government websites with further information, "before they can access any other features on their phones".

Really? If there's a fucking flood on the way, the chances are I'll already know about it via my phone via the Met Office - as well as having access to old-school radio, TV and internet. So what happens if I need to make a vital non-999 call and I can't access this feature on my phone because gov.uk software won't allow it until I acknowledge its emergency website first?

Utter bollocks – and yet more controlling AI measures for those in authority to save money on manpower. If there's another pandemic, what better way to coerce its public than being hounded with vaccine alerts? Are these measures the early stages of anticipating potential strikes from Russia or China?

This "government" can get to fuck with this one.

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1 hour ago, Wolfie said:

Are these measures the early stages of anticipating potential strikes from Russia or China?

This "government" can get to fuck with this one.

Fucking Cold War 2.0. Newer, bigger nukes, national debt and a shiny new space race to Mars.

I hope they'll do a remake of Threads. I want to see Tom Hardy eating sheep guts.

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I think i will do what i usually do when controlled nefarious things are at play and that is to not take part in any of the designed bullshit and just get on with my life the best i can.

Don't forget kids, we are in a mordern slavery system, not my words but those of the un-elected PM Rishi Cuntak.

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On 21/03/2023 at 10:03, Wolfie said:

Interestingly, users must acknowledge the alert, which will include phone numbers or links to government websites with further information, "before they can access any other features on their phones".

Really? If there's a fucking flood on the way, the chances are I'll already know about it via my phone via the Met Office - as well as having access to old-school radio, TV and internet. So what happens if I need to make a vital non-999 call and I can't access this feature on my phone because gov.uk software won't allow it until I acknowledge its emergency website first?

Utter bollocks – and yet more controlling AI measures for those in authority to save money on manpower. If there's another pandemic, what better way to coerce its public than being hounded with vaccine alerts? Are these measures the early stages of anticipating potential strikes from Russia or China?

This "government" can get to fuck with this one.

Hopefully the ferocious wildfire will happen first and then the terrible flood can put it out. Thank fuck we have a government who are selflessly looking out for the safety of  us all (just like they did with Covid). Imagine the mess we’d all be in if (god forbid) we had a government who wanted to lie to the mugs who voted for them about everything constantly, frighten the pants off the public, make all their buddies rich by giving them multi million pound contracts, allow millions of foreign rapists and murderers  to invade the country and live in four star hotels free of charge and then shout ‘racist!’ at anyone who dared to ask ‘Why?’ 
We should count our blessings, safe in the knowledge that could never happen in Britain.

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On 22/03/2023 at 23:34, King Billy said:

Hopefully the ferocious wildfire will happen first and then the terrible flood can put it out. Thank fuck we have a government who are selflessly looking out for the safety of  us all (just like they did with Covid). Imagine the mess we’d all be in if (god forbid) we had a government who wanted to lie to the mugs who voted for them about everything constantly, frighten the pants off the public, make all their buddies rich by giving them multi million pound contracts, allow millions of foreign rapists and murderers  to invade the country and live in four star hotels free of charge and then shout ‘racist!’ at anyone who dared to ask ‘Why?’ 
We should count our blessings, safe in the knowledge that could never happen in Britain.

It’s posts like this that keep me coming back to the corner. If one were to be sucked into the modern sensibilities championed by the BBC, it would be easy to think we should open our borders to the hordes. Just last week I posted something to a mate on Facebook of a picture of shamina Begum hosting match of the day. No sooner than I’d tried to inject a bit of humour as to a less controversial host, I was quickly accused to being a homophonic, misogynist, nazi by a number of poor offended souls. These cowardly cunts were happy to accuse me of everything short of child buggery without knowing a single thing about me, such is the pathetic state of our society. That’s why it’s great to post here.

As to your points regarding the billions of swarthy cunts swimming the channel, of course they want to come here. They’re not stupid. They’ve got smart phones so can see as soon as they get ashore it’s a 4 star hotel all the way and as many teenaged girls (as long as they’re white) they can ogle/drug/rape. Our government is fucking soft and in the pockets of big business who want cheap labour. There’s too many people in the country as it stands. Any government who had the balls to round up every cunt who’s come here illegally in a last 10 years and send them packing, never to return, would get the votes of the vast majority for years to come.

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12 hours ago, Stubby Pecker said:

It’s posts like this that keep me coming back to the corner. If one were to be sucked into the modern sensibilities championed by the BBC, it would be easy to think we should open our borders to the hordes. Just last week I posted something to a mate on Facebook of a picture of shamina Begum hosting match of the day. No sooner than I’d tried to inject a bit of humour as to a less controversial host, I was quickly accused to being a homophonic, misogynist, nazi by a number of poor offended souls. These cowardly cunts were happy to accuse me of everything short of child buggery without knowing a single thing about me, such is the pathetic state of our society. That’s why it’s great to post here.

As to your points regarding the billions of swarthy cunts swimming the channel, of course they want to come here. They’re not stupid. They’ve got smart phones so can see as soon as they get ashore it’s a 4 star hotel all the way and as many teenaged girls (as long as they’re white) they can ogle/drug/rape. Our government is fucking soft and in the pockets of big business who want cheap labour. There’s too many people in the country as it stands. Any government who had the balls to round up every cunt who’s come here illegally in a last 10 years and send them packing, never to return, would get the votes of the vast majority for years to come.

They come from the jungle and end up at Amazon. Use the passcode delivery option.

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On 21/03/2023 at 14:24, Jake The Muss said:

I think i will do what i usually do when controlled nefarious things are at play and that is to not take part in any of the designed bullshit and just get on with my life the best i can.

Don't forget kids, we are in a mordern slavery system, not my words but those of the un-elected PM Rishi Cuntak.

They're always watching Bend, just when you think you're safe, they pop up with a camera.

Search for 83 Don Street Aberdeen on Google Streetview, then focus in on the drivers window of the blue car that may or may not be Neil's.

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1 minute ago, Gloria said:

They're always watching Bend, just when you think you're safe, they pop up with a camera.

Search for 83 Don Street Aberdeen on Google Streetview, then focus in on the drivers window of the blue car that may or may not be Neil's.

Not me ducks, i don't have a smart phone, smart tv, smart washing machine or smart anything including brain, i live off the land on the moors like a savage, i have Pen's and lucy's heads on pikes outside my cave.

Probably not Neil as there isn't any jizz to be seen.

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On 24/03/2023 at 21:09, Stubby Pecker said:

Any government who had the balls to round up every cunt who’s come here illegally in a last 10 years and send them packing, never to return, would get the votes of the vast majority for years to come.

The so called ‘small boats’ (the word dinghy having mysteriously been cancelled recently as it must have been added to the ever increasing list of ‘hate speech’) crisis is going to continue for years to come Stubbs, and the reason that nothing will be done to end or even reduce the State assisted invasion is that Britain is now politically a one party state with the Tory and Labour Parties actively working to put the interests of immigrants (legal and illegal) ahead of the citizens of the country. All the feigned outrage, the latest policy announcements and public promises by the Tories to finally put a stop to it all, then the identical feigned outrage of the Labour Party at these policies, quickly followed by a barrage of name-calling (racists, Nazis, fascists etc.etc), then the usual leftie lawyers suspects going to court and blocking anything that the government has said they are going to do before anything at all has even started. 
The plain and simple fact is that the government of the day has the power to stop this but chooses not to and allows itself to be hamstringed by the courts every time. If they genuinely had the political will to stop it they know that the courts rule on the law and Parliament can change or abolish any law that the courts have decided these cunts deserve protection under. But that hasn’t been and isn’t going to happen because we are ruled by spineless cowards, quite happy to carry on with the status quo, snouts deep in the trough until they get kicked out and the other bunch of cunts take over and usher in ten or fifteen years of more of the same, and they can sit back and pretend they were just about to solve the problem but blah blah blah.

Hang them all I say before our new ‘small boat’ friends get bored at The Hilton, finish raping all our schoolgirls and get round to stabbing us all to death.

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19 minutes ago, King Billy said:

The so called ‘small boats’ (the word dinghy having mysteriously been cancelled recently as it must have been added to the ever increasing list of ‘hate speech’) crisis is going to continue for years to come Stubbs, and the reason that nothing will be done to end or even reduce the State assisted invasion is that Britain is now politically a one party state with the Tory and Labour Parties actively working to put the interests of immigrants (legal and illegal) ahead of the citizens of the country. All the feigned outrage, the latest policy announcements and public promises by the Tories to finally put a stop to it all, then the identical feigned outrage of the Labour Party at these policies, quickly followed by a barrage of name-calling (racists, Nazis, fascists etc.etc), then the usual leftie lawyers suspects going to court and blocking anything that the government has said they are going to do before anything at all has even started. 
The plain and simple fact is that the government of the day has the power to stop this but chooses not to and allows itself to be hamstringed by the courts every time. If they genuinely had the political will to stop it they know that the courts rule on the law and Parliament can change or abolish any law that the courts have decided these cunts deserve protection under. But that hasn’t been and isn’t going to happen because we are ruled by spineless cowards, quite happy to carry on with the status quo, snouts deep in the trough until they get kicked out and the other bunch of cunts take over and usher in ten or fifteen years of more of the same, and they can sit back and pretend they were just about to solve the problem but blah blah blah.

Hang them all I say before our new ‘small boat’ friends get bored at The Hilton, finish raping all our schoolgirls and get round to stabbing us all to death.

That was worth logging in for. I tend to agree. They’re just making noises. They have far too much invested in employing these third world paedo cunts, rather than employ the indigenous population, who expect half decent conditions and pay. They also do a more efficient job and are more reliable than their jut-lipped, semi-evolved counterparts. But that doesn’t matter. Let the services and products turn to shit. The sheep will still keep paying for it.

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4 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

That was worth logging in for. I tend to agree. They’re just making noises. They have far too much invested in employing these third world paedo cunts, rather than employ the indigenous population, who expect half decent conditions and pay. They also do a more efficient job and are more reliable than their jut-lipped, semi-evolved counterparts. But that doesn’t matter. Let the services and products turn to shit. The sheep will still keep paying for it.

All this ‘small boats’ hysteria Eric suits the Conservative/Labour uniparty agenda as it’s a constant distraction from the crimes which they’ve committed against the 99% in the name of public health over the last 3 years. Devastated the economy and the livelihoods of millions, imprisoned people in their homes, terrified and coerced millions of healthy people into unnecessarily taking part in a dangerous medical experiment which is rapidly being exposed as a crime against humanity with excess deaths soaring worldwide, and to top it all now telling any cunt willing to listen that they are the people who can right all these wrongs that they and they alone are responsible for. 
And to all the cunts who jumped on The Vulcans bandwagon and told me to shut up ‘You’ll never win’ etc. all I can say is  “I forgive you for you knew not what you were doing”.

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On 24/03/2023 at 21:09, Stubby Pecker said:

It’s posts like this that keep me coming back to the corner. If one were to be sucked into the modern sensibilities championed by the BBC, it would be easy to think we should open our borders to the hordes. Just last week I posted something to a mate on Facebook of a picture of shamina Begum hosting match of the day. No sooner than I’d tried to inject a bit of humour as to a less controversial host, I was quickly accused to being a homophonic, misogynist, nazi by a number of poor offended souls. These cowardly cunts were happy to accuse me of everything short of child buggery without knowing a single thing about me, such is the pathetic state of our society. That’s why it’s great to post here.

As to your points regarding the billions of swarthy cunts swimming the channel, of course they want to come here. They’re not stupid. They’ve got smart phones so can see as soon as they get ashore it’s a 4 star hotel all the way and as many teenaged girls (as long as they’re white) they can ogle/drug/rape. Our government is fucking soft and in the pockets of big business who want cheap labour. There’s too many people in the country as it stands. Any government who had the balls to round up every cunt who’s come here illegally in a last 10 years and send them packing, never to return, would get the votes of the vast majority for years to come.

I'm in New York at the moment and the amount of homeless cunts in shop doorways I've seen would fucking shock anyone until you see them with better fucking mobile phones then my one. Obviously they have richer tramps then we have.

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