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Feíle le lá le Pádrig


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15 hours ago, Jake The Muss said:

This is only allowed to happen because thick virtue signaling idiot's like Panzy boy go along with this designed collapse of western society. The dumbed down UK and Europe are just as bad, thick cunts everywhere who can't compute what's happening to their own backyards because they have been dumbed down and look to Mother and Father state for everything, instead of having the balls to fight against this designed tyranny. It's not that difficult to work out that if you allow the third world to overrun your country, then you will get third world ideology and behaviours.

Totally agree with this last bit. Growing footage of African immigrants on London's streets attacking one another with machetes/knives is alone enough for even the most leftie snowflake wanker to see sense in your comment (aside George Monbiot of The Guardian). The current asylum system is costing the taxpayer £1.5 billion a year (the highest amount in over two decades ), in terms of police, NHS, border force, hotels & temporary accommodation, upkeep etc... while these cunts are on "resettlement schemes" they often turn to petty crime – and who can blame them? I wouldn't give one a job. They bring further risk of spreading disease & potential pandemics, not having British values such as respecting animals (for example), etc, etc. 

Gas them all.

"Round up ze recenty landed arrivals from Lagos, Oberwachtmeister. Round zem up, Hermann. Tell zem zey are goingkt to Rwenta fur ze better life.. undt zen terminate zem all by gassing zem immediately upon arrival."

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56 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

Totally agree with this last bit. Growing footage of African immigrants on London's streets attacking one another with machetes/knives is alone enough for even the most leftie snowflake wanker to see sense in your comment (aside George Monbiot of The Guardian). The current asylum system is costing the taxpayer £1.5 billion a year (the highest amount in over two decades ), in terms of police, NHS, border force, hotels & temporary accommodation, upkeep etc... while these cunts are on "resettlement schemes" they often turn to petty crime – and who can blame them? I wouldn't give one a job. They bring further risk of spreading disease & potential pandemics, not having British values such as respecting animals (for example), etc, etc. 

Gas them all.

"Round up ze recenty landed arrivals from Lagos, Oberwachtmeister. Round zem up, Hermann. Tell zem zey are goingkt to Rwenta fur ze better life.. undt zen terminate zem all by gassing zem immediately upon arrival."

And we keep being told we are over populated but keep letting them in, we don't have the money but keep paying out for them and no problem funding these savages...but good news is Sunak has said they won't be part of the modern slavery system in the UK, well nice to know the arrogant non elected cunt has said it out loud what most of us have known for years.

I'm all for helping genuine people who have suffered hardship because the UK got involved in fucking their country up but has for the young single fighting age men, those cunts can fuck right off, causing crime and mayhem as they swan around doing what they want, while we the tax payers fund it all.

We should all refuse to pay tax and see if their funding will be sustainable then.

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13 hours ago, Jake The Muss said:

This is only allowed to happen because thick virtue signaling idiot's like Panzy boy go along with this designed collapse of western society. The dumbed down UK and Europe are just as bad, thick cunts everywhere who can't compute what's happening to their own backyards because they have been dumbed down and look to Mother and Father state for everything, instead of having the balls to fight against this designed tyranny. It's not that difficult to work out that if you allow the third world to overrun your country, then you will get third world ideology and behaviours.

The eradication of the nation state, being gradually replaced by global entity’s such as the EU, the WTO and the UN etc. which are far less accountable and much more difficult for the dumb cunts who think they live in some sort of democracy to remove, is the path that the Western world is being led down. The sad thing really is that it’s the stupidity, laziness and most of all outright  cowardice of the majority that is allowing this to happen with their misplaced belief that they’re on the right side of history.

Fucking stupid fucking cunts.

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6 hours ago, Wolfie said:

Is it up to me to give this hole some fucking life? I tell you what Pansy, you've been leaving turds in the communal hallway again with your recent 'englander' shite, so how about if I said that you will always speak English, while we will never speak Gaelic? I know that hurts, so get fucked.

During our exchanges in the past you've revealed yerself to be a consummate nationalist Irish Republican prick. Neverthless, you like ya doggies & that's a fine thing I suppose. 

Still got the old Citroen van, famed for its backdoor abuse in more ways than one?

Y'all usta speak gaelic till it was beaten n fucked outa ya'll..what you call english is just a bazturd version of low german with gobbets of haff a dozen other languages for flavour...lol


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5 hours ago, Jake The Muss said:

There isn't a code breaker that's ever lived that could break what you just said. For the love of everything good in this world, choke yourself.

Fuck right off.

I heard somewhere that half of the population of the uk are of below average intelligence..what say you to this shocking statistic jakey baby..did the maps on the wall of your classroom still have lots of countries shaded in pink?...lol


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5 hours ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

I heard somewhere that half of the population of the uk are of below average intelligence..what say you to this shocking statistic jakey baby..did the maps on the wall of your classroom still have lots of countries shaded in pink?...lol


That's very true Panzy boy, as i have already stated that the UK & Europe have been dumbed down over the years for reasons you wouldn't understand.

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7 hours ago, King Billy said:

The eradication of the nation state, being gradually replaced by global entity’s such as the EU, the WTO and the UN etc. which are far less accountable and much more difficult for the dumb cunts who think they live in some sort of democracy to remove, is the path that the Western world is being led down. The sad thing really is that it’s the stupidity, laziness and most of all outright  cowardice of the majority that is allowing this to happen with their misplaced belief that they’re on the right side of history.

Fucking stupid fucking cunts.

100% Bill.

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10 hours ago, Jake The Muss said:

That's very true Panzy boy, as i have already stated that the UK & Europe have been dumbed down over the years

They've still got a way to go before they plummet to your level 🧠

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18 hours ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

I heard somewhere that half of the population of the uk are of below average intelligence..what say you to this shocking statistic jakey baby..did the maps on the wall of your classroom still have lots of countries shaded in pink?...lol


Come on Panzer .. the UK is now a rd wold country and Ireland is now one of the richest .. please put a few Euros in the hat!

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19 hours ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

I heard somewhere that half of the population of the uk are of below average intelligence..what say you to this shocking statistic jakey baby..did the maps on the wall of your classroom still have lots of countries shaded in pink?...lol


That would mean that the other half are of high intelligence .. that means around 34 million of us.

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19 hours ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

I heard somewhere that half of the population of the uk are of below average intelligence..what say you to this shocking statistic jakey baby..did the maps on the wall of your classroom still have lots of countries shaded in pink?...lol


Much as it pains me Panzy I’ve given you a like for this before reading any of the reply’s. I remember hearing somewhere that the number of wheels on an average wheelbarrow is consistently between zero and two.

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19 hours ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

Y'all usta speak gaelic till it was beaten n fucked outa ya'll..what you call english is just a bazturd version of low german with gobbets of haff a dozen other languages for flavour...lol


Y'all? Not true.

Etymology has shown us that early Britons including Druids until the Roman invasion communicated not only in Gaelic but also with about 5-6 other widely spoken languages, in what is now modern-day England. For example, Welsh is one of those (also Celtic) languages which are called Brythonic (and therefore non-Gaelic), historians believing Englishwoman Boudicca, a member of the Iceni tribe which ruled East Anglia, who put up the greatest resistance to Rome, would have spoken.

You've come up short again when it's a matter of fact. Fuck off, you greasy fucking Mick.


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9 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

Y'all? Not true.

Etymology has shown us that early Britons including Druids until the Roman invasion communicated not only in Gaelic but also with about 5-6 other widely spoken languages, in what is now modern-day England. For example, Welsh is one of those (also Celtic) languages which are called Brythonic (and therefore non-Gaelic), historians believing Englishwoman Boudicca, a member of the Iceni tribe which ruled East Anglia, who put up the greatest resistance to Rome, would have spoken.

Once again, you've come up short when it's a matter of fact. Fuck off idiot.


I always say ‘Boadicea’. I’m convinced they changed it to Boudicca so thick Africans can pronounce it.


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3 hours ago, Wolfie said:

Y'all? Not true.

Etymology has shown us that early Britons including Druids until the Roman invasion communicated not only in Gaelic but also with about 5-6 other widely spoken languages, in what is now modern-day England. For example, Welsh is one of those (also Celtic) languages which are called Brythonic (and therefore non-Gaelic), historians believing Englishwoman Boudicca, a member of the Iceni tribe which ruled East Anglia, who put up the greatest resistance to Rome, would have spoken.

You've come up short again when it's a matter of fact. Fuck off, you greasy fucking Mick.


Gwey ta fuk ya hair splittin hun gibberin bazturd..lol


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On 20/03/2023 at 02:19, PANZER MURPHY said:

Y'all usta speak gaelic till it was beaten n fucked outa ya'll..what you call english is just a bazturd version of low german with gobbets of haff a dozen other languages for flavour...lol


The issue  Pádrig is that English is a living language that continues to evolve  .. it is not frozen in time you have British English, American English, Australian English .. even Irish English .. Irish English is of course the language that you speak and think in.

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15 hours ago, Wolfie said:

You're still too fucking arrogant to acknowledge when you've been trumped with facts.

Nationalist Irish Republican prick.

Gaelic celtic all the bleedin same wuggy baby..save yer hair splittin for the flat roof boozer that ya hold court in regularly ya pedantic english waaannkkerr...lol


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On 21/03/2023 at 10:19, Wolfie said:

You're still too fucking arrogant to acknowledge when you've been trumped with facts.

Nationalist Irish Republican prick.

I think that he is really a Nationalist European Republican prick and should be replying in French or German.

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