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Punker's favourite supermarket named in latest beef scandal


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1 hour ago, Lucy said:

I'm confused, Pen.

Won't the Catholic church have to rethink their whole hierarchical structure to conform to todays gender neutral organisations?

Would a Father rank higher than a Mother, or would they be on an equal footing as corruptors of youth? 😇

There has always been a mother superior.

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9 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

What seemed funny whilst pissed last night has earned you a ban Big Bollock. You've now woken up, still half pissed, and realised you've been a stupid drunken cunt haven't you? Enjoy your breakfast flat cherry cola and cider cocktail lol.

Drunken idiot.

Leaving Drew’s indiscretions aside though Raas, it’s glorious to see that insufferable windbag (The Vulcan) reduced to skulking in the shadows and briefly but thankfully rarely showing herself to dispense a mild spanking to the occasional  rule breaker, and then pathetically slithering off back to her ‘safe space’ under some slimy rock. Oh how the mighty has fallen.


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On 10/03/2023 at 19:30, Cunty BigBollox said:

Don't be fucking stupid, I have standards. Being a purveyor of value brand beans is one thing, flying a toy helicopter like some paedo Peter Pan is a step too far.

Drew, you stupid booze addled prat.

One can only assume when you penned this, not only were you pissed out your fucking skull (as usual) but possibly inhaling kerosene fumes during one of you boiler tinkering sessions?

We all know you’re not keen on uncle ape as he rattles your cage after most of your inane posts. Call him a chopper flying, bean eating, garden shitting shower tosser by all means (he is, by his own admission), but not a nonce. Save that for smoking out the real beasts and getting a ban that’s worth it.

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11 minutes ago, King Billy said:

Leaving Drew’s indiscretions aside though Raas, it’s glorious to see that insufferable windbag (The Vulcan) reduced to skulking in the shadows and briefly but thankfully rarely showing herself to dispense a mild spanking to the occasional  rule breaker, and then pathetically slithering off back to her ‘safe space’ under some slimy rock. Oh how the mighty has fallen.


It’s All Quiet up her Western Cunt



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16 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

Gyps: Aliens is one of my absolute favourite films. It truly is a sci fi-action-horror classic. It’s perfect in every way.

I’m pretty sure you feel the same- you quote it at least once a week 

Along with Zulu, it's my go-to film when I'm feeling depressed or pissed off. Saw it at a packed Streatham Odeon when it first came out and it was like being at a pantomime; everyone booed when we discoved it was Burke who took Ripley's gun and switched off the monitor and we all cheered when Hudson was blasting away and when Burke got nailed by Alien. Love it.


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25 minutes ago, Jake The Muss said:

Well done P, you're back on top as being the biggest pile of smelly shit on this site with this banal nomination.

For the love of everything sacred, please keep taking the injections.

Now fuck off.

Why not do a hammer horror on yourself?

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1 hour ago, Jake The Muss said:

Would be best for this site if i do a hammer horror on you along with your thick pals Lucy and that other boring cunt Drew.

Parasite cuntbreed.

At least Drew has a spine ,the drunken twat called someone  a nonce and got himself coolered,this non entity just flicks about posting absolute shit for years on end ,it is neither funny or relevant,its just this cancer who sits in there shared accommodation pretending to be either "old"  "trans" "loves trains".

Absolutely has no worth and that's coming from someone who pretends to be a binman .

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14 hours ago, King Billy said:

Leaving Drew’s indiscretions aside though Raas, it’s glorious to see that insufferable windbag (The Vulcan) reduced to skulking in the shadows and briefly but thankfully rarely showing herself to dispense a mild spanking to the occasional  rule breaker, and then pathetically slithering off back to her ‘safe space’ under some slimy rock. Oh how the mighty has fallen.


Still mighty but not fallen. I'm merely taking a short sabbatical from dealing with your delusional idiocy. Lately you've been doing stellar work in making yourself look unhinged and need no help from me.

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14 hours ago, King Billy said:

Leaving Drew’s indiscretions aside though Raas, it’s glorious to see that insufferable windbag (The Vulcan) reduced to skulking in the shadows and briefly but thankfully rarely showing herself to dispense a mild spanking to the occasional  rule breaker, and then pathetically slithering off back to her ‘safe space’ under some slimy rock. Oh how the mighty has fallen.


I was about to say what the hells happened to her and then she appears... My guess is the 74th Covid Omicron booster caused some serious side effects... Rather than have the bad publicity affect her Pfizer share prices, she kept quiet... Unfortunately she's made a recovery and it look like the unbearable one is back... of course I've got nothing to worry about, as I'm one of her favourites on here. She doesn't seem to like you though KB. 

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8 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Still mighty but not fallen. I'm merely taking a short sabbatical from dealing with your delusional idiocy. Lately you've been doing stellar work in making yourself look unhinged and need no help from me.

Get back in your box Gimp and don’t ever get out of it again unless I summon you. And if and when I do, make sure not to keep me waiting or you’ll be sorry.

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6 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

I was about to say what the hells happened to her and then she appears... My guess is the 74th Covid Omicron booster caused some serious side effects... Rather than have the bad publicity affect her Pfizer share prices, she kept quiet... Unfortunately she's made a recovery and it look like the unbearable one is back... of course I've got nothing to worry about, as I'm one of her favourites on here. She doesn't seem to like you though KB. 

She’s doing a bit of Cold Turkey   now that the ‘totally safe and totally effective’ wonderjabs have been restricted to the over 75s and a small group of nearly dead already cunts. I can only hope she will soon  qualify on at least one count soon.

This post was brought to you by Pfizer®️

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