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Laboratory made meat


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Saw a program a while ago and some cunt was making a burger pattie out of blitzed up crickets... This is some kind of vile alternative burger protein which he said could be the future, due to rising (population driven) demand. I can only speak about where I live and what I've seen and experienced, and in my opinion in the UK we eat way too much meat and it's clearly (for most) a case of quantity over quality. Take the Mediterranean diet for example, they eat plenty of vegetables, olive oil and fish and meat once a week or so, compare that to the UK (yes it's colder and we need more calories in our diet) and fat fuckers having a fry up every morning, meat for lunch and meat for dinner and it generally badly reared, cheap, shite meat because that's what a lot of people want, cheap, massed produced shite that wasn't the case 40 years ago... Chickens wandering around in their own shit (calm down @Lucy) eating 24/7 so they grow quickly, requiring less time before they're out on the supermarket shelves, all so some fat bitch chav pays a couple of quid less than a free range chicken. If people ate less, but better quality meat the industry and supermarkets would have to change, it won't happen though, too many selfish cunts out there. 


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3 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

... too many selfish cunts out there. 

Fuck me, Raas, any more of these sensible posts and you'll get yourself a reputation.

If you'd told me 25 years ago that Glasgow and Dublin would ever have taken to a no smoking, sensible drinking, café/coffee culture I'd have laughed in your face, yet here we are. I still suspect, though, that you'll have to pry Glaswegians' Munchie Boxes from their cold dead fingers.

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11 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

Fuck me, Raas, any more of these sensible posts and you'll get yourself a reputation.

If you'd told me 25 years ago that Glasgow and Dublin would ever have taken to a no smoking, sensible drinking, café/coffee culture I'd have laughed in your face, yet here we are. I still suspect, though, that you'll have to pry Glaswegians' Munchie Boxes from their cold dead fingers.

There comes a point in every man's life Cuntybaws, when he approaches mid-life and, being a good soul, wants to have a positive influence on the world and his friends going forward. Never been to Glasgow or Dublin, but as you say they seem to be going the way of most British cities these days. The coffee shop is seemingly replacing the pub, It's no wonder people are more depressed these days, finding a place to drown your sorrows and get into a fight afterwards is not easy these days, you've even got t to stand outside in the rain to have a cigarette... It's no wonder they're all killing themselves, good riddance I say. Lol

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3 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Saw a program a while ago and some cunt was making a burger pattie out of blitzed up crickets... This is some kind of vile alternative burger protein which he said could be the future, due to rising (population driven) demand. I can only speak about where I live and what I've seen and experienced, and in my opinion in the UK we eat way too much meat and it's clearly (for most) a case of quantity over quality. Take the Mediterranean diet for example, they eat plenty of vegetables, olive oil and fish and meat once a week or so, compare that to the UK (yes it's colder and we need more calories in our diet) and fat fuckers having a fry up every morning, meat for lunch and meat for dinner and it generally badly reared, cheap, shite meat because that's what a lot of people want, cheap, massed produced shite that wasn't the case 40 years ago... Chickens wandering around in their own shit (calm down @Lucy) eating 24/7 so they grow quickly, requiring less time before they're out on the supermarket shelves, all so some fat bitch chav pays a couple of quid less than a free range chicken. If people ate less, but better quality meat the industry and supermarkets would have to change, it won't happen though, too many selfish cunts out there. 


A lot of the "meat" the fat cunts graze on day and night is an often imported hormone and shit laden waste, that somehow navigates the legit channels. Take that vomit away from the amoebas and we will lose half of the fried economies of scale.

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On 19/02/2023 at 10:38, White Cunt said:

Another commercial processed food garbage money spinner, based on healthy food chain manipulation and slow extermination. As they try to monopolise essential industries - currently not so easy, due to high tech energy and infrastructure costs, in time, we will see all sorts of dead products coming off production lines. 

While I agree that the commercial, massive scale meat production is crazy and very environmentally destructive, I don’t fancy replacing real meat, eggs, milk, etc. with what is essentially monopolised garbage.

The issue of affordability of good food is an important one, but we have to realise that it can not be produced for nothing - it is energy intensive too, but most people don’t want to hear that.


Where is this ultimately going, WC & @Stubby Pecker?

As the world becomes a smaller place in which to co-exist, I envisage increased fishing waters protection for many nations, via military force if necesary, as just one example of how tricky it will become to import (and export) food from other countries, because of restrictions. War is inevitable to protect land on which food can be grown or grazed, as well as clean water, which is surely the world's most valuable commodity. The current war in Ukraine demonstrates how much conflict hugely affects costs of global food, fuel, energy supplies et al. So for these reasons I reckon home-derived synthetic foods – which are as far from natural as one can get – will advance rapidly in correlation with an absurd amount of people to sustain from here on, as well as less land on which to produce natural foods.

Humans have devolved from the master species hunter-gatherers of post-Neolithic millennia ago, who wiped out the Neanderthals (perhaps Neil the exception), tamed wild wolves into domestic dogs, masterfully made fires in all conditions and covered 30-plus miles each day to track, prey and kill animals with ingenious weapons and traps... to the skinny jeans & makeup-wearing mincers of today, who, on their way to ordering a taxi from their mobile phones, fulfil dietary "requirements" at plastic Frankenstein shitholes Pret A Wanker or McDonald's, in which they consume "100%" beef of chicken, which includes lips, tails, hair, hooves, feathers, claws, teeth, arseholes & everything else in between. They wouldn't know how to fight their way out of a fucking library. What a nation of pathetic, easily-offended snowflakes we've become.

What better way to serve its inhabitants in future, therefore, than with lab-derived, unnatural synthetic cuntshit?

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Whilst not about meat, there's a big deal being made about supermarkets 'rationing' cucumbers, tomatoes etc... Yet another example of the entititled, non seasonal eating hordes of cunts that pollute this most other Western countries.

Its fucking winter and cunts want tomatoes and cucumbers? Whilst the Gays and Dykes will always buy cucumbers, why don't normal cunts eat some British carrots and apples instead. Even Raas goes without my beloved Watermelon and Pineapple this time of year. What a load of cunts we have amongst us, fucking hell.


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24 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Whilst not about meat, there's a big deal being made about supermarkets 'rationing' cucumbers, tomatoes etc... Yet another example of the entititled, non seasonal eating hordes of cunts that pollute this most other Western countries.

Its fucking winter and cunts want tomatoes and cucumbers? Whilst the Gays and Dykes will always buy cucumbers, why don't normal cunts eat some British carrots and apples instead. Even Raas goes without my beloved Watermelon and Pineapple this time of year. What a load of cunts we have amongst us, fucking hell.


I've got absolutely no problem with eating seasonally, Raas, my only objection is the principle of it, and that objection is not solely food related.

For decades old boomer cunts ate what they wanted, when they wanted it. Everything delivered on tap 24 fucking 7, without a worry or care about carbon emissions or sustainability. And where were they eating it? In their houses that they bought for a fiver, where they would end up retiring at 60 on a final salary pension with a shit load of savings and an NHS that was capable of keeping them alive to enjoy it.

Did any cunt tell them to spend their twilight years sitting in the dark with a rushlight, slowly freezing to death because planet Earth needed them to go "green"? Were they forced to sift through their rubbish like some sort of fucking animal to seperate out the plastics because the council were too fucking lazy to do it? Did they fuck.

For those reasons alone I want to gorge on exotic fruits and vegetables whenever the fuck I want, and I don't care how many fucking polar bears die because of it. Likewise I'll leave my house lit up like Blackpool illuminations and spray as many cans of air freshener as I fucking well want to, whilst chucking every bit of rubbish into the one bin.

I refuse to live like it's 1834 just because a generation of washed up old boomer cunts ruined it for the rest of us whilst having their cake and eating it.

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13 minutes ago, Decimus said:

I've got absolutely no problem with eating seasonally, Raas, my only objection is the principle of it, and that objection is not solely food related.

For decades old boomer cunts ate what they wanted, when they wanted it. Everything delivered on tap 24 fucking 7, without a worry or care about carbon emissions or sustainability. And where were they eating it? In their houses that they bought for a fiver, where they would end up retiring at 60 on a final salary pension with shit load of savings and an NHS that was capable of keeping them alive to enjoy it.

Did any cunt tell them to spend their twilight years sitting in the dark with a rushlight, slowly freezing to death because planet Earth needed them to go "green"? Were they forced to sift through their rubbish like some sort of fucking animal to seperate out the plastics because the council were too fucking lazy to do it? Did they fuck.

For those reasons alone I want to gorge on exotic fruits and vegetables whenever the fuck I want, and I don't care how many fucking polar bears die because of it. Likewise I'll leave my house lit up like Blackpool illuminations and spray as many cans of air freshener as I fucking well want to, whilst chucking every bit of rubbish into the one bin.

I refuse to live like it's 1834 just because a generation of washed up old boomer cunts ruined it for the rest of us. 


I have more of a problem with the way supermarkets, in the name of competition, insist on driving down prices and making sure they always have literally everything fruit and vegetable wise from all over the globe, as to not lose custom to a rival. whilst it's great to have Blackberries for example all year round, it's a disgrace that these same supermarkets fly them in from Mexico for example, likewise with green beans from Kenya, not only do these thing require loads of water, thus diverting major amounts from the local supply, we don't even buy the wonky shite. We can't even get the milk industry sorted out, why the fuck are the Government subsidising milk production? I generally buy organic, full fat but even if I was as poor as @Neil or @PANZER MURPHY for example, I'd gladly still pay an extra 41p per 2+litre bottle, knowing the Farmer cunts were sorted. It's a fucking mess Decs, don't get me wrong, I'm no strict seasonal eater at all, but I'm happy to have tinned tomatoes in the winter. As for recycling, I've had it with that shite. 

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2 hours ago, Wolfie said:

Where is this ultimately going, WC & @Stubby Pecker?

As the world becomes a smaller place in which to co-exist, I envisage increased fishing waters protection for many nations, via military force if necesary, as just one example of how tricky it will become to import (and export) food from other countries, because of restrictions. War is inevitable to protect land on which food can be grown or grazed, as well as clean water, which is surely the world's most valuable commodity. The current war in Ukraine demonstrates how much conflict hugely affects costs of global food, fuel, energy supplies et al. So for these reasons I reckon home-derived synthetic foods – which are as far from natural as one can get – will advance rapidly in correlation with an absurd amount of people to sustain from here on, as well as less land on which to produce natural foods.

Humans have devolved from the master species hunter-gatherers of post-Neolithic millennia ago, who wiped out the Neanderthals (perhaps Neil the exception), tamed wild wolves into domestic dogs, masterfully made fires in all conditions and covered 30-plus miles each day to track, prey and kill animals with ingenious weapons and traps... to the skinny jeans & makeup-wearing mincers of today, who, on their way to ordering a taxi from their mobile phones, fulfil dietary "requirements" at plastic Frankenstein shitholes Pret A Wanker or McDonald's, in which they consume "100%" beef of chicken, which includes lips, tails, hair, hooves, feathers, claws, teeth, arseholes & everything else in between. They wouldn't know how to fight their way out of a fucking library. What a nation of pathetic, easily-offended snowflakes we've become.

What better way to serve its inhabitants in future, therefore, than with lab-derived, unnatural synthetic cuntshit?

Total control of food, energy and money = TOTAL CONTROL of the entire population. Fortunately for our globalist masters who are rationing all 3 of these basic human necessities, it’s only us ‘loony tunes’  conspiracy theorists who’ve worked this out, and must be stopped from spreading such dangerous ideas to the clapping seals.

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1 hour ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

 even if I was as poor as @Neil or @PANZER MURPHY 

It's no fucking joke OCR,I've had to sell one of my Rolex's,took a 3 grand loss on the cunt too. I've even cut down to one bottle of Amerone a night whilst wallowing in the hot tub,even turned it down to 39 degrees cos of the fucking leccy bill.

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2 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:


I have more of a problem with the way supermarkets, in the name of competition, insist on driving down prices and making sure they always have literally everything fruit and vegetable wise from all over the globe, as to not lose custom to a rival. whilst it's great to have Blackberries for example all year round, it's a disgrace that these same supermarkets fly them in from Mexico for example, likewise with green beans from Kenya, not only do these thing require loads of water, thus diverting major amounts from the local supply, we don't even buy the wonky shite. We can't even get the milk industry sorted out, why the fuck are the Government subsidising milk production? I generally buy organic, full fat but even if I was as poor as @Neil or @PANZER MURPHY for example, I'd gladly still pay an extra 41p per 2+litre bottle, knowing the Farmer cunts were sorted. It's a fucking mess Decs, don't get me wrong, I'm no strict seasonal eater at all, but I'm happy to have tinned tomatoes in the winter. As for recycling, I've had it with that shite. 

While you correctly identified the supermarkets as the scum that they are, the fuckwit clientele are equally guilty of participating in those musical chairs;  they destroyed a lot of good food growers and producers, saving a quid or two, the utter dickheads.
As margins on foods are tight, the companies need volume to produce good stuff at sensible price, but the constant race to the bottom makes it a nightmare on all fronts.

I guess the public will continue to eat shit, waddling off for a flight to Benidorm, for as long as those are available.

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13 hours ago, Neil said:

It's no fucking joke OCR,I've had to sell one of my Rolex's,took a 3 grand loss on the cunt too. I've even cut down to one bottle of Amerone a night whilst wallowing in the hot tub,even turned it down to 39 degrees cos of the fucking leccy bill.

Don't worry @Neiland @PANZER MURPHY , Jamie 'worth £170+ million pounds' Oliver has a new show coming out soon... making meals that cost £1 per portion. What an absolute cunt of the highest order, like him and his family eat that shit. Went to his Italian once and it was also fucking shit, I want my money back. 

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12 hours ago, White Cunt said:

While you correctly identified the supermarkets as the scum that they are, the fuckwit clientele are equally guilty of participating in those musical chairs;  they destroyed a lot of good food growers and producers, saving a quid or two, the utter dickheads.
As margins on foods are tight, the companies need volume to produce good stuff at sensible price, but the constant race to the bottom makes it a nightmare on all fronts.

I guess the public will continue to eat shit, waddling off for a flight to Benidorm, for as long as those are available.

I hope at least some of you have had the opportunity to read “Drunken Bakers”. 

The above problem, albeit confined to the bakery industry through fictional dipsomaniac eyes, is nonetheless true of the entire food industry.

A more moving, well written book you will not find. I’m 50 in a few months, so I’ve read a bit. If it doesn’t resonate with you, then you’re a fucking idiot.

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9 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Don't worry @Neiland @PANZER MURPHY , Jamie 'worth £170+ million pounds' Oliver has a new show coming out soon... making meals that cost £1 per portion. What an absolute cunt of the highest order, like him and his family eat that shit. Went to his Italian once and it was also fucking shit, I want my money back. 

Should have splashed out a bit extra and gone to Greggs instead Raas. You get what you pay for mate.

Fanny Craddock was a cunt.

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On 28/02/2023 at 10:58, southerncunt said:

I hope at least some of you have had the opportunity to read “Drunken Bakers”. 

The above problem, albeit confined to the bakery industry through fictional dipsomaniac eyes, is nonetheless true of the entire food industry.

A more moving, well written book you will not find. I’m 50 in a few months, so I’ve read a bit. If it doesn’t resonate with you, then you’re a fucking idiot.

"Drunken Bakers", I have you know, was loosely based around Little Chief A1 lard stop industry. That's what I think, anyway.

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Guest Sue R Pipe

This all started about 30 years ago with the the advent of GM foods. Govt minister shills queuing up to shovel mutant shite in their fat faces. Of course the 'GM' foodstuffs they were eating were nothing of the sort,it was all to convince the plebs to ingest mind altering additives grown in a bio weapons lab.

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8 minutes ago, Sue R Pipe said:

This all started about 30 years ago with the the advent of GM foods. Govt minister shills queuing up to shovel mutant shite in their fat faces. Of course the 'GM' foodstuffs they were eating were nothing of the sort, it was all to convince the plebs to ingest mind altering additives grown in a bio weapons lab.

Paging @King Billy to the main board.


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Guest Sue R Pipe
6 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

Paging @King Billy to the main board.


Fucking John Gummer, I recall that well. Weaponises his own daughter to convince people to eat diseased meat. And of course HE didn't end up with variant CJD.

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