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Laboratory made meat


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2 hours ago, King Billy said:

I reckon he’s been out walking around all day, poop scoop in hand, listening to ‘Lift yourself’ by Kanye on a permanent loop.

Apparently when he was in Newcastle, he was spotted roaming the streets shouting 'The dog shit on the Tyne is all mine all mine'. What a fucking sinister cunt he is. Lol

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51 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Apparently when he was in Newcastle, he was spotted roaming the streets shouting 'The dog shit on the Tyne is all mine all mine'. What a fucking sinister cunt he is. Lol

He will only wear ADIDAS trainers now after someone told him it stands for ‘A Dog Is Doing A Shit’.

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8 hours ago, cunt said:

Excellent, another fuckin' knuckle-dragger getting a hard-on about his love for poochie.

Stop fuckin' posing on here and take your scabby mongrel down to the Kent coast and do us all a favour.

Fuck off!

Wanker, how desperate are you that you have to hang off Pen's smelly ripped out fireplace, you really are a sad wank sock.

I would smash your chops out the back of your stupid head with out any remorse....actually i would get off on it.

Take another booster and fuck off you sad pathetic thick cunt.

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10 hours ago, Jake The Muss said:

Wanker, how desperate are you that you have to hang off Pen's smelly ripped out fireplace, you really are a sad wank sock.

I would smash your chops out the back of your stupid head with out any remorse....actually i would get off on it.

Take another booster and fuck off you sad pathetic thick cunt.

Fender .. you are brain stem dead aren't you?

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On 22/02/2023 at 23:32, Jake The Muss said:

Wanker, how desperate are you that you have to hang off Pen's smelly ripped out fireplace, you really are a sad wank sock.

I would smash your chops out the back of your stupid head with out any remorse....actually i would get off on it.

Take another booster and fuck off you sad pathetic thick cunt.

Jakob, dear boy, why the hostility?

Threats of violence impress nobody. 🕊️

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26 minutes ago, cunt said:

It wouldn't, psychopaths are very difficult cases to turn around, they require lots of love, understanding, and very strong medication.

Most of us aren’t violent. Those ones are ‘psychotics’. That’s what Fends is. His Aussie friend Mick is a psychopath though, and violent.

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On 19/02/2023 at 10:38, White Cunt said:

Another commercial processed food garbage money spinner, based on healthy food chain manipulation and slow extermination. As they try to monopolise essential industries - currently not so easy, due to high tech energy and infrastructure costs, in time, we will see all sorts of dead products coming off production lines. 

While I agree that the commercial, massive scale meat production is crazy and very environmentally destructive, I don’t fancy replacing real meat, eggs, milk, etc. with what is essentially monopolised garbage.

The issue of affordability of good food is an important one, but we have to realise that it can not be produced for nothing - it is energy intensive too, but most people don’t want to hear that.



On 20/02/2023 at 21:28, King Billy said:

Why on Earth would anyone of sound mind have even the slightest qualms about the WEF long planned (and totally  non negotiable) worldwide transition to synthetic meat? 
It’s obviously being done for the benefit of all us 99% of the human race who don’t understand what’s best for us. I mean ‘Billy boy Gates’ wouldn’t have invested a huge amount of his ‘hard earned’ savings in several of these Frankenstein meat companies, and regularly explain during interviews that it’s inevitable and we’ll all be much healthier, and happier too. 
Yes Professor Gates, the no1 expert in the world on basically everything (mRNA vaccines, predicting global pandemics and which start up companies might be worth investing in with uncanny accuracy, crappy computer software, oh and not forgetting his many years of ‘top secret’ 🤣 work with the Jeffrey Epstein team on the Lolita Express and in the laboratory at the Epstein Island   Kiddy Fiddling Research Facility. 
If Billy boy Gates says it’s for the best then that’s good enough for me, and I’m pretty sure The Vulcan would agree if she wasn’t dead.

Once you look beyond the obvious driving force (money) and corruption behind the newfangled 'Frankenstein' industries, it's all too little too late.

To implement majority synthetic or lab-derived food sources (in the West alone), to essentially replace meat, would take decades – so imagine how hard it would be in livestock-reliant, highly populated Third world countries (India, Bangladesh). What will be the world population's food requirements in another 30 years? In some places meat will never be replaced; can you imagine the Chinks, Koreans, Gooks et al. throughout east Asia eradicating fresh dog, cat, llama, bear, snake, tarantula, octopus, pangolin, testicles this & brains that, and so on? Lol (that's especially for you obsessive stalker, @cunt, lol). Lol.

In slightly less sophisticated Western societies such as Australia, livestock export is a vital part of the country's economy, as well as providing tens of thousands of jobs. While I like the idea of not keeping animals for the sole purpose of human exploitation, synthetic meat production is all very complicated and really not quite feasible. By all means, give people a free market to decide if they wish to not eat meat. But focus on eradicating massive scale meat production, not investing in synthetic meat, the latter itself coming with irrefutable pollutive side effects. What does @Last Cunt Standing think, being in one such place which will undoubtedly be affected if an insidiously growing synthetic industry impacts on Aussie meat exports? (Obviously you're not a farmer... but you must hear about this on the news, especially with the ongoing droughts of recent years.) Have you noticed health benefits among patients who did not eat meat?  

On a lighter note, it's the missus' birthday tonight, so I'm taking her to a gorgeous little rural pub that's been turned from local drinkers' idyll to restaurant-priced foodie which uses only lamb, beef (and game etc.) slaughtered from within the confines of its 27-acre fields. Now, this is the way to enjoy local free range food – and meat. I'm not excessively carnivorous, but tonight I may succumb to a medium-rare rib eye with fresh side veg and English mustard, or tender pheasant winter stew, with pint(s) of Guinness to accompany. After all, I am an animal at the top of the food chain who was born about 150 years too late, who finds himself among this catastrophe, which surely lies behind 99% of all the fucking problems we currently have: https://www.worldometers.info/world-population/#:~:text=7.999 Billion (2022) The current world population is,number of humans currently living) of the world.

Oh, I almost forgot... meat doesn't get any less synthetic than this. I hope, one day, someone slowly lowers this cruel bitch into a vat of boiling oil. Regrettably, the pleasure will never be mine.


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2 hours ago, Wolfie said:


Once you look beyond the obvious driving force (money) and corruption behind the newfangled 'Frankenstein' industries, it's all too little too late.

To implement majority synthetic or lab-derived food sources (in the West alone), to essentially replace meat, would take decades – so imagine how hard it would be in livestock-reliant, highly populated Third world countries (India, Bangladesh). What will be the world population's food requirements in another 30 years? In some places meat will never be replaced; can you imagine the Chinks, Koreans, Gooks et al. throughout east Asia eradicating fresh dog, cat, llama, bear, snake, tarantula, octopus, pangolin, testicles this & brains that, and so on? Lol (that's especially for you obsessive stalker, @cunt, lol). Lol.

In slightly less sophisticated Western societies such as Australia, livestock export is a vital part of the country's economy, as well as providing tens of thousands of jobs. While I like the idea of not keeping animals for the sole purpose of human exploitation, synthetic meat production is all very complicated and really not quite feasible. By all means, give people a free market to decide if they wish to not eat meat. But focus on eradicating massive scale meat production, not investing in synthetic meat, the latter itself coming with irrefutable pollutive side effects. What does @Last Cunt Standing think, being in one such place which will undoubtedly be affected if an insidiously growing synthetic industry impacts on Aussie meat exports? (Obviously you're not a farmer... but you must hear about this on the news, especially with the ongoing droughts of recent years.) Have you noticed health benefits among patients who did not eat meat?  

On a lighter note, it's the missus' birthday tonight, so I'm taking her to a gorgeous little rural pub that's been turned from local drinkers' idyll to restaurant-priced foodie which uses only lamb, beef (and game etc.) slaughtered from within the confines of its 27-acre fields. Now, this is the way to enjoy local free range food – and meat. I'm not excessively carnivorous, but tonight I may succumb to a medium-rare rib eye with fresh side veg and English mustard, or tender pheasant winter stew, with pint(s) of Guinness to accompany. After all, I am an animal at the top of the food chain who was born about 150 years too late, who finds himself among this catastrophe, which surely lies behind 99% of all the fucking problems we currently have: https://www.worldometers.info/world-population/#:~:text=7.999 Billion (2022) The current world population is,number of humans currently living) of the world.

Oh, I almost forgot... meat doesn't get any less synthetic than this. I hope, one day, someone slowly lowers this cruel bitch into a vat of boiling oil. Regrettably, the pleasure will never be mine.


If the production of synthetic meat can eventually be done cheaper, in money terms and more importantly, in environmental ones, then this has to be a good thing and will actually be progress for the human race. I cant see it completely replacing the real thing, but as you point out, with the worlds population (especially in sub Saharan Africa) set to reach 100 million billion by the time I'm dead, all those sambos, gooks and swarthies are going to need to eat something. 

Virtually all animal farming causes environmental damage, because grazing is so inefficient. About twice as much of the world’s surface is used for grazing as for growing crops, yet pasture fed animals produce less than 2% of protein consumed per person per day. For example, in the UK sheep supply around 1% of our diet in terms of calories, but occupy around 4m hectares of the uplands, equivalent to all our arable land.

The way we currently produce our food is destroying the living world with livestock farming the single largest driver of habitat loss. Fishing and farming are, by a long way, the greatest cause of extinction and loss of the diversity and abundance of wildlife. Farming is a major cause of climate breakdown, the biggest cause of river pollution and a hefty source of air pollution (Livestock farming accounts for over 20% of all greenhouse gas).

Complex wild ecosystems over huge areas of the planet have been replaced with simplified human food chains. Industrial fishing is causing ecological collapse in seas around the world. Almost everything we put in our mouths has an environmental cost.

The only real hope I see in preventing the coming masses from completely destroying planet earth, is either for the cunts to start eating each other, or better still, a disease or virus that'll make COVID look like a right poof, and thin out the fucking herd good and proper. My current choice for those be completely wiped out are the Chinks and the Ruskies, for obvious reasons. 

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9 hours ago, Wolfie said:

In slightly less sophisticated Western societies such as Australia, livestock export is a vital part of the country's economy, as well as providing tens of thousands of jobs. While I like the idea of not keeping animals for the sole purpose of human exploitation, synthetic meat production is all very complicated and really not quite feasible. By all means, give people a free market to decide if they wish to not eat meat. But focus on eradicating massive scale meat production, not investing in synthetic meat, the latter itself coming with irrefutable pollutive side effects. What does @Last Cunt Standing think, being in one such place which will undoubtedly be affected if an insidiously growing synthetic industry impacts on Aussie meat exports? (Obviously you're not a farmer... but you must hear about this on the news, especially with the ongoing droughts of recent years.) Have you noticed health benefits among patients who did not eat meat?  

I’m still quite suspicious of this latest attempt at rapprochement, but at the risk of blundering into an elephant trap, I can tell you that the few rural types I know down here are completely unafraid of the synth meat thing. They know, with some certainty, most Aussies wouldn’t give up their steak and their bacon until the waters of a melted Antarctic were lapping at their roof trusses. The export markets are rock solid too. There’s a pub now right on the dockside at Fremantle, and on the right day you’ll see the enormous cow carriers being loaded for the Middle East, which usually gives me at least ten seconds pause over my burger. In short, no one I know down here, short of some soi-boi types in Melbourne (sorry, @southerncunt) gives a fuck about fake meat or abolishing the livestock trade.  

As for health benefits, essentially you’re trading iron for cholesterol. Vegetarianism might well have some health benefits if done properly, but there’s a lot to be said for the pursuit of pleasure in my view. A good Beef Wellington from time to time is a fair trade for a fortnight less in a care home. Veganism on the other hand, is a weird cult we should all distrust. 

Time to get the Bacon on, just as soon as Joe Root gets out. 

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6 hours ago, Stubby Pecker said:

If the production of synthetic meat can eventually be done cheaper, in money terms and more importantly, in environmental ones, then this has to be a good thing and will actually be progress for the human race. I cant see it completely replacing the real thing, but as you point out, with the worlds population (especially in sub Saharan Africa) set to reach 100 million billion by the time I'm dead, all those sambos, gooks and swarthies are going to need to eat something. 

Virtually all animal farming causes environmental damage, because grazing is so inefficient. About twice as much of the world’s surface is used for grazing as for growing crops, yet pasture fed animals produce less than 2% of protein consumed per person per day. For example, in the UK sheep supply around 1% of our diet in terms of calories, but occupy around 4m hectares of the uplands, equivalent to all our arable land.

The way we currently produce our food is destroying the living world with livestock farming the single largest driver of habitat loss. Fishing and farming are, by a long way, the greatest cause of extinction and loss of the diversity and abundance of wildlife. Farming is a major cause of climate breakdown, the biggest cause of river pollution and a hefty source of air pollution (Livestock farming accounts for over 20% of all greenhouse gas).

I’ll have the 32oz Wagu T-bone please, rare, no vegetables, with 4 slices of bread to mop up the blood thanks. And can you put it on Greta Thunbergs tab please.

Linda McCartney was a filthy mega methane emitting cunt. 

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15 hours ago, King Billy said:

I’ll have the 32oz Wagu T-bone please, rare, no vegetables, with 4 slices of bread to mop up the blood thanks. And can you put it on Greta Thunbergs tab please.

Linda McCartney was a filthy mega methane emitting cunt. 

I take it you won’t be tackling a synthetic, next generation offspring of fully hydrogenated “healthy and safe” novelty steak, then,  B?

Lab-Grown Meat Has a Bigger Problem Than the Lab

Leading scientists agree that cultured meat products won’t give you cancer, but the industry doesn’t have the decades of data to prove it—so it’s trying to avoid the question instead.


Joe Fassler

7 February 2023 at 10:00 GMT
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On 23/02/2023 at 21:32, Jake The Muss said:

My medication is pain delivered to you

Yes, but violence is no solution, once you let the Genie out of the bottle, no one will be safe, it can only end in a downward spiral of misery and degradation.

Seek salvation with the Lord.

It worked for me. 👼

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On 24/02/2023 at 16:28, Stubby Pecker said:

If the production of synthetic meat can eventually be done cheaper, in money terms and more importantly, in environmental ones, then this has to be a good thing and will actually be progress for the human race. I cant see it completely replacing the real thing, but as you point out, with the worlds population (especially in sub Saharan Africa) set to reach 100 million billion by the time I'm dead, all those sambos, gooks and swarthies are going to need to eat something. 

Virtually all animal farming causes environmental damage, because grazing is so inefficient. About twice as much of the world’s surface is used for grazing as for growing crops, yet pasture fed animals produce less than 2% of protein consumed per person per day. For example, in the UK sheep supply around 1% of our diet in terms of calories, but occupy around 4m hectares of the uplands, equivalent to all our arable land.

The way we currently produce our food is destroying the living world with livestock farming the single largest driver of habitat loss. Fishing and farming are, by a long way, the greatest cause of extinction and loss of the diversity and abundance of wildlife. Farming is a major cause of climate breakdown, the biggest cause of river pollution and a hefty source of air pollution (Livestock farming accounts for over 20% of all greenhouse gas).

Complex wild ecosystems over huge areas of the planet have been replaced with simplified human food chains. Industrial fishing is causing ecological collapse in seas around the world. Almost everything we put in our mouths has an environmental cost.

The only real hope I see in preventing the coming masses from completely destroying planet earth, is either for the cunts to start eating each other, or better still, a disease or virus that'll make COVID look like a right poof, and thin out the fucking herd good and proper. My current choice for those be completely wiped out are the Chinks and the Ruskies, for obvious reasons. 

As you say, the most plausible scenario which might save our species in the long-term is a severe disease catastrophe, but suspicions would undoubtedly arise and an ongoing world-scale war would likely ensue. The human race has very nearly fucked itself. Nature is winning by allowing us to self-destruct by overpopulating.  

Earth is warming and seas are rising much faster than people care to pay attention to. I've got copies of 1980s Nat Geo magazine that my parents bought me as a nipper, and the changes from the west coast of England to Mt Kenya are staggering. It's beyond worrying. We deserve what's coming.

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20 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

The world is warming and seas are rising much faster than people care to pay attention to.

Someone should warn Obama and Billy boy Gates etc. not to forget to insure the enormous waterfront mansions they all inexplicably live in, or are currently constructing. I can only assume that they’re all far too busy warning the little people about the rising sea levels which are about to engulf the planet that they seem to be oblivious to their blatant hypocrisy which is actually just total contempt for the vast majority of the human race.

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6 hours ago, Lucy said:

Yes, but violence is no solution, once you let the Genie out of the bottle, no one will be safe, it can only end in a downward spiral of misery and degradation.

Seek salvation with the Lord.

It worked for me. 👼

You speak a lot of poo, i love violence acted out on dullards like you, if i was a gambling man then i would put a bet on you being Pen's trans lover.

Trainspotting stupid cunt.

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