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53 million quid

Stubby Pecker

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The earthquake in Turkey and Syria is clearly absolutely fucking devastating, but the generous British public have already donated £53 million and counting which will more than likely top 100 million.

Hold on, I thought we were all fucking skint and country half fucked? One can only assume the good people of Saudi, Iran, Egypt etc are putting their hands into their dishdasha‘s and burka’s and donating equal amounts to their Muslim brothers? Are they fuck. If the shoe was on the other foot, I’d bet my bollocks your average Johnny Turk wouldn’t give a single Lira.

Those who’ve donated, clearly value the plight of foreigners who undoubtedly hate us and most of what we stand for, instead of far more deserving causes close to home.

Lets all moan about our hard up NHS saints whilst spunking millions overseas.

Cunt off.


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4 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Not as much as Chelsea spent on that ropey Dago from Benfica 

Yet another issue I have with this fucked up world. The money a premier league club spends on a yearly basis is fucking obscene and could change deserving people’s lives forever. But clearly that’s not the priority.

I listened to 5 Live go through the Arsenal lineup today with just one English cunt in it- and that was 4 foot 2 gollywog Saka

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11 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

The earthquake in Turkey and Syria is clearly absolutely fucking devastating, but the generous British public have already donated £53 million and counting which will more than likely top 100 million.

Hold on, I thought we were all fucking skint and country half fucked? One can only assume the good people of Saudi, Iran, Egypt etc are putting their hands into their dishdasha‘s and burka’s and donating equal amounts to their Muslim brothers? Are they fuck. If the shoe was on the other foot, I’d bet my bollocks your average Johnny Turk wouldn’t give a single Lira.

Those who’ve donated, clearly value the plight of foreigners who undoubtedly hate us and most of what we stand for, instead of far more deserving causes close to home.

Lets all moan about our hard up NHS saints whilst spunking millions overseas.

Cunt off.


I know this might sound a bit leftfield but howabout if we sent the 75000 or so fit and healthy young men (doctors, teachers, engineers etc.) who are currently occupying hotels all around the U.K. at our expense, with nothing to do all day long, apart from hang around the local schools and parks in the afternoons to meet the local children, then at bus stops and outside pubs after dark to meet the local women in their new homeland?

I’m guessing they must have all volunteered already and there’ll  be an announcement by the BBC and The Guardian etc. shortly. 

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1 hour ago, Stubby Pecker said:

The earthquake in Turkey and Syria is clearly absolutely fucking devastating, but the generous British public have already donated £53 million and counting which will more than likely top 100 million.

Hold on, I thought we were all fucking skint and country half fucked? One can only assume the good people of Saudi, Iran, Egypt etc are putting their hands into their dishdasha‘s and burka’s and donating equal amounts to their Muslim brothers? Are they fuck. If the shoe was on the other foot, I’d bet my bollocks your average Johnny Turk wouldn’t give a single Lira.

Those who’ve donated, clearly value the plight of foreigners who undoubtedly hate us and most of what we stand for, instead of far more deserving causes close to home.

Lets all moan about our hard up NHS saints whilst spunking millions overseas.

Cunt off.


Empathy at large is a good example of the difference between us (white Westerners) and them (ragheads, especially Shia). In spite of our country's often poignant historic military conquests, indigenous Britons and most other northen European Caucasian species have evolved to feel a sense of recognition and assistance for when fellow man, woman & child are suffering. 25-30 years ago you might have argued the British public (for example) had better access to live media/earthquake-affected areas such as this than their Middle Eastern couterparts, thus spawning a wave of charity contributions. But not any more, with popular Islamic station live-feeds such as Al Jazeera available everywhere.

This is one of many reasons why I'm not keen for any more of the segregated, incestuous, woman-beating, greedy, gold-toothed, sexist, halal-snorting, animal-disrespecting, BO-emitting, still-prefer-to-shit-in-the-ground, mosque-obsessed primitive bumclothes to be given British passports. They are not us, and we are not them.  

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5 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

This is one of many reasons why I'm not keen for any more of the segregated, incestuous, woman-beating, greedy, gold-toothed, sexist, halal-snorting, animal-disrespecting, BO-emitting, still-prefer-to-shit-in-the-ground, mosque-obsessed bumclothes to be given British passports. They are not us, and we are not them.  

I’m probably mistaken Wolfie but I think I heard Gary Lineker or it might have been Owen Jones say exactly this earlier today (about half an hour after I accidentally ate a load of magic mushrooms I think).

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1 hour ago, Stubby Pecker said:

The earthquake in Turkey and Syria is clearly absolutely fucking devastating,

They’ll have it all rebuilt in no time at all. Just look at all the mosques popping up overnight in what used to be ‘Christian’ countries. We’ve lost our ‘va va voom’ and it’s no wonder they’re laughing at us. I blame the fucking Spanish for a lot of it. Fucking layabouts, sloping off for tapas and a 3 hour kip every lunchtime, then shrugging their shoulders like Manuel if anyone asks them why the Gaudi cathedral is a hundred years behind schedule.

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26 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

Empathy at large is a good example of the difference between us (white Westerners) and them (ragheads, especially Shia). In spite of our country's often poignant historic military conquests, indigenous Britons and most other northen European Caucasian species have evolved to feel a sense of recognition and assistance for when fellow man, woman & child are suffering. 25-30 years ago you might have argued the British public (for example) had better access to live media/earthquake-affected areas such as this than their Middle Eastern couterparts, thus spawning a wave of charity contributions. But not any more, with popular Islamic station live-feeds such as Al Jazeera available everywhere.

This is one of many reasons why I'm not keen for any more of the segregated, incestuous, woman-beating, greedy, gold-toothed, sexist, halal-snorting, animal-disrespecting, BO-emitting, still-prefer-to-shit-in-the-ground, mosque-obsessed primitive bumclothes to be given British passports. They are not us, and we are not them.  

On channel 4 tonight was a documentary, apparently about lakes and mountains. Saw 5 minutes, no mention of lakes or mountains, except that they were in the background as the three Islamic women prayed to Mecca, and the disabled white woman harped on about how “it’s such a privilege to be present during these prayers, and to feel the joy and warmth of Islam”.

I’m not joking. This shit isn’t going away until we’re all dead or converted. They’ve declared war and we’ve already surrendered. Fuck this weak fucking country.

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56 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

On channel 4 tonight was a documentary, apparently about lakes and mountains. Saw 5 minutes, no mention of lakes or mountains, except that they were in the background as the three Islamic women prayed to Mecca, and the disabled white woman harped on about how “it’s such a privilege to be present during these prayers, and to feel the joy and warmth of Islam”.

I’m not joking. This shit isn’t going away until we’re all dead or converted. They’ve declared war and we’ve already surrendered. Fuck this weak fucking country.

Winston Churchill, Rock Hudson, Thomas The Tank Engine, Keith Harris and Orville... you boys took a hell of a beating

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2 hours ago, Stubby Pecker said:

Yet another issue I have with this fucked up world. The money a premier league club spends on a yearly basis is fucking obscene and could change deserving people’s lives forever. But clearly that’s not the priority.

I listened to 5 Live go through the Arsenal lineup today with just one English cunt in it- and that was 4 foot 2 gollywog Saka

It's not like the old days Stub. Stanley Matthews could get inside Tom Finney before the match had even started. 

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Fake news. If you believe that 33,000 of these barbarian, Asiatic Mongols who masquerade as Europeans are dead then you'll believe anything.

They can't really argue my logic, considering that according to them one million Armenians just went out for a pint of milk and a packet of fags between 1915-17.

Let's hope it gets to 50k.

Murdering fucking savages.

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More than a week now and 100s of thousands still in need.

Good to see the rest of the Middle East stepping up.

A perfect indication of how these medieval, pig fucking towel head’s value human life.

The sooner we stop needing their oil the better so we can sit back a laugh as they butcher themselves 

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8 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

More than a week now and 100s of thousands still in need.

Good to see the rest of the Middle East stepping up.

A perfect indication of how these medieval, pig fucking towel head’s value human life.

The sooner we stop needing their oil the better so we can sit back a laugh as they butcher themselves 

My local kebab shop has raised  300 quid in donations to help pay for repairing some cracks which have appeared in the ceiling of the shop, which Ali swears are earthquake damage, and nothing whatsoever connected to the 25 fat greasy middle aged taxi drivers upstairs every night, helping a couple of local schoolgirls with their homework.

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14 minutes ago, King Billy said:

My local kebab shop has raised  300 quid in donations to help pay for repairing some cracks which have appeared in the ceiling of the shop, which Ali swears are earthquake damage, and nothing whatsoever connected to the 25 fat greasy middle aged taxi drivers upstairs every night, helping a couple of local schoolgirls with their homework.

Perhaps all the swarthy, monobrowed Turkish cunts could fuck off back home to help their brothers and sisters. If they gave a fuck of course 

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Of the £53million £51million will not got to e the rescue and recovery efforts but rather to pay the saleries af the various, Chrispins,Julians, Jemina and matiltas and also the £ 350k+ expenses annual paypackets of the CEOs of the various "charities" who are poking their noses in and imploring people to give what they can".

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