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Brexit Voter Regret


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I never understood what the supposed benefits were, apart from the fucking great lie on the side of the bus that no one has since been held accountable for (and any company in the private sector making such obviously false statements would have been hung, drawn and quartered).  Oh, and the end of foreign strawberry pickers and toilet cleaners taking our jobs.

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56 minutes ago, Mike Hunt said:

Oh, and the end of foreign strawberry pickers and toilet cleaners taking our jobs.

I’ve had to pick my own strawberries since the Brexit thing, but what really grinds my gears is the absolute state of my fucking toilet compared to pre 2016.

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2 hours ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

What a fucking load of bollox. That horse has long bolted and you haven't even got a stable door to shut. 

I’m guessing the price of your tipple of choice (white cider/kestrel super/meths) has no doubt increased due to brexit. I’ll also wager your too pissed out of your skull to notice 

Up your game drew

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10 hours ago, King Billy said:

I’ve had to pick my own strawberries since the Brexit thing, but what really grinds my gears is the absolute state of my fucking toilet compared to pre 2016.

Leave, or remain, my toilet pan will forever be covered in clarts. One of the few pleasures left for me, is trying to wash them off with my piss, whilst thinking of Frank.

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5 hours ago, Witheredscrote said:

Leave, or remain, my toilet pan will forever be covered in clarts. One of the few pleasures left for me, is trying to wash them off with my piss, whilst thinking of Frank.

I thought you frogs still squatted above a hole in the floor, it's the European way. When travelling through Holland during the early nineties I remember toilet pans with a ledge to stack your logs on, apparently so you can visually admire your work before sending it to a watery grave. Filthy fucking bastards.

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5 hours ago, Witheredscrote said:

Leave, or remain, my toilet pan will forever be covered in clarts. One of the few pleasures left for me, is trying to wash them off with my piss, whilst thinking of Frank.

Frank doesn't have the hydrostatic pressure to blast clarts off the Royal Doulton, especially from a seated position because his pipe cleaner legs won't support his weight. 

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3 minutes ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

I thought you frogs still squatted above a hole in the floor, it's the European way. When travelling through Holland during the early nineties I remember toilet pans with a ledge to stack your logs on, apparently so you can visually admire your work before sending it to a watery grave. Filthy fucking bastards.

I remember them in Cologne years ago. A right bastard if you've been quoffing copious amounts of German sausage (ooh matron). Bit depressing trying not to sit on your own shite. 

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I voted Brexit and would do the same again without hesitation, the EU mafia (who have never been audited) are a dying union that was never going to succeed anyways because of disparities between its members. The EU morphed into a vile Union with designs on stripping it's members of any self governance, whilst hiding behind freedom of movement and the convenience of using the shitty Euro. They, their Euro and @PANZER MURPHY can all go go fuck themselves... a northern (richer nations) and southern/other (poorer nations) union could have possibly worked but the power mad bastards want everyone under their control. Some of the rhetoric from the remain bastards was truly sad, pathetic and disgusting... Appearing to be grateful for getting back less than half of what we put in. The fact that we've had and totally overreacted to a pandemic, and a desperate EU making things difficult meant Brexit was never going to be an instant success and the global energy prices have been a factor, but the UK will be better off long term and I look forward to us doing a lot more business with our old friends in the commonwealth. Fuck Europe  and fuck the EU. 

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43 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

I voted Brexit and would do the same again without hesitation, the EU mafia (who have never been audited) are a dying union that was never going to succeed anyways because of disparities between its members. The EU morphed into a vile Union with designs on stripping it's members of any self governance, whilst hiding behind freedom of movement and the convenience of using the shitty Euro. They, their Euro and @PANZER MURPHY can all go go fuck themselves... a northern (richer nations) and southern/other (poorer nations) union could have possibly worked but the power mad bastards want everyone under their control. Some of the rhetoric from the remain bastards was truly sad, pathetic and disgusting... Appearing to be grateful for getting back less than half of what we put in. The fact that we've had and totally overreacted to a pandemic, and a desperate EU making things difficult meant Brexit was never going to be an instant success and the global energy prices have been a factor, but the UK will be better off long term and I look forward to us doing a lot more business with our old friends in the commonwealth. Fuck Europe  and fuck the EU. 

Laffin..you deluded moron..a faded ole nation of exploiters now gets het up about accountability and strippin of freedoms....anyway enough of yer farageizims ..we find the irony of it all hilarious...the brits pretty much wrote the book on rules for dealing with imports from scummy third countries..especially around seafood..makin it as hard as possible to gain entry to the single market..but kmeer..here's the best bit...now you are the scummy third country...lol


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20 minutes ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

Laffin..you deluded moron..a faded ole nation of exploiters now gets het up about accountability and strippin of freedoms....anyway enough of yer farageizims ..we find the irony of it all hilarious...the brits pretty much wrote the book on rules for dealing with imports from scummy third countries..especially around seafood..makin it as hard as possible to gain entry to the single market..but kmeer..here's the best bit...now you are the scummy third country...lol


Panzer you daft cunt, its third world country, not third. I'm fairly confident a month of London alones economy would eclipse Ireland's yearly GDP, yet were the 'third' country? Lol.

You seem to accept the EU are not accountable and strip freedoms then? It's very convenient for you to lay global problems all on Brexit isn't Panzer, you remind of me LBC's James O'Brien... the daft and totally obsessed cunt could be talking about his morning shit and still link it to Brexit. Like him, I pay you limited attention, happy knowing you are obsessed,  cannot let it go and ever get over it. Lol

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On 13/01/2023 at 18:02, Penny Farthing said:

acording to The Guardian

According to The Guardian, men can be women, and vice versa, also some don't know who the fuck they are, which side of the fence they're on, or which side they're dressing on, we're now starting to see how that's working out, it's destroying most competitive sports in one fell swoop.


Football's for fuckin' irons anyway LOL

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1 hour ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Panzer you daft cunt, its third world country, not third. I'm fairly confident a month of London alones economy would eclipse Ireland's yearly GDP, yet were the 'third' country? Lol.

You seem to accept the EU are not accountable and strip freedoms then? It's very convenient for you to lay global problems all on Brexit isn't Panzer, you remind of me LBC's James O'Brien... the daft and totally obsessed cunt could be talking about his morning shit and still link it to Brexit. Like him, I pay you limited attention, happy knowing you are obsessed,  cannot let it go and ever get over it. Lol

In the words of gorry..it hasn't gone away ya know...it gives us daily chuckles ..as we say ..brexit..the GRIFT that keeps on givin..and yes..you are classed as a third country...on the way to bein a turd one...lol



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2 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

I voted Brexit and would do the same again without hesitation, the EU mafia (who have never been audited) are a dying union that was never going to succeed anyways because of disparities between its members. The EU morphed into a vile Union with designs on stripping it's members of any self governance, whilst hiding behind freedom of movement and the convenience of using the shitty Euro. They, their Euro and @PANZER MURPHY can all go go fuck themselves... a northern (richer nations) and southern/other (poorer nations) union could have possibly worked but the power mad bastards want everyone under their control. Some of the rhetoric from the remain bastards was truly sad, pathetic and disgusting... Appearing to be grateful for getting back less than half of what we put in. The fact that we've had and totally overreacted to a pandemic, and a desperate EU making things difficult meant Brexit was never going to be an instant success and the global energy prices have been a factor, but the UK will be better off long term and I look forward to us doing a lot more business with our old friends in the commonwealth. Fuck Europe  and fuck the EU. 

I supported the idea of Brexit too, although I didn’t bother voting as I’ve never participated in any of the mechanics of the scam commonly referred to as ‘democracy’, and in any case I’ve always avoided linking my home address to my identity and use a couple of other addresses I have access to for the ever increasing number of things necessary to function in the mad fucking times we currently find ourselves in. But I see Brexit now as just another irrelevance and actually a useful distraction which our vile politicians can and do use to keep the sheep divided and busy fighting each other, while these cunts (Tory, Labour and Lib Dem) push on with the globalist NWO agenda, while all the while systematically destroying the history, culture and hard earned over many hundreds of years status of Britain. The Brits have no appetite to fight any longer, because we no longer have  any backbone, due to decades of paying dole money to lazy cunts who've enjoyed laying around on their fat arses playing video games and smoking weed in council flats, talking like brain damaged Jamaicans while the country has been opened up to every scummy cunt across the world with no right to be here, the vast majority who not only see how fucking pathetically stupid we’ve become but genuinely fucking hate us too.

Aside from these minor observations I think everything’s going quite well.

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2 hours ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

Laffin..you deluded moron..a faded ole nation of exploiters now gets het up about accountability and strippin of freedoms....anyway enough of yer farageizims ..we find the irony of it all hilarious...the brits pretty much wrote the book on rules for dealing with imports from scummy third countries..especially around seafood..makin it as hard as possible to gain entry to the single market..but kmeer..here's the best bit...now you are the scummy third country...lol


Panzy blobby We’ve always been very close friends and never even come close to falling out,  but this is going to hurt me more than you probably. I find this post of yours extremely offensive and totally out of character for you. So whilst I appreciate the fact that you will find it extremely difficult to continue in your line of work satisfying the endless queues of fat German tourists in the gents toilets at the Gresham Hotel bar without them, you can say goodbye to your worn out kneecaps tonight. A highly trained UVF active service unit are as we speak looking for a parking space outside the Post Office in O’Connell St. I’d ask Helmut to give you the 5 euros ASAP if I were you, and roll up your slacks. No need to ruin your only pair of trousers, even if they are 6 sizes too big and covered in shite all the way down to the turn ups.





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Gwey ta fuk bally baby the only thing the uvf is highly trained in these days is slinging meth and knockin the shite outa each other..and by the way youd wanna tell them to update their maps..the gpo is about 800 meters down the road from the gresh and on the other side of the road..bit of a jog for a special needs forces team to make a quick get-away..lol


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5 hours ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

Gwey ta fuk bally baby the only thing the uvf is highly trained in these days is slinging meth and knockin the shite outa each other..and by the way youd wanna tell them to update their maps..the gpo is about 800 meters down the road from the gresh and on the other side of the road..bit of a jog for a special needs forces team to make a quick get-away..lol


Panzer, what the hell are you doing on here at near 4am? Lol. You're clearly upset about Brexit and no doubt wanked the night away in your EU themed pyjamas. Remember, we're watching you. 

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3 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Panzer, what the hell are you doing on here at near 4am? Lol. You're clearly upset about Brexit and no doubt wanked the night away in your EU themed pyjamas. Remember, we're watching you. 

Back from a gig chappy baby..the world still goes on ya know..long after you've staggered off to yer single bed shaped like a racing car in the box room of yer mamas mid terrace..lol


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