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Irene Cara Dead


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13 minutes ago, Carl Sway said:

The thing with you, Eric, is that you ignore people being abusive to me. But, when I am abusive to them, you're all over it. Double standards cunt.

I kind of get what you’re saying, but I’ve known those people for 6 years. You turned up recently after an absence that predates my arrival. When you start going on the warpath with everyone, @scotty in particular this time, with no real provocation. You do tend to vindicate my previous opinion that you flip from one extreme to the other rather quickly.

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16 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I kind of get what you’re saying, but I’ve known those people for 6 years. You turned up recently after an absence that predates my arrival. When you start going on the warpath with everyone, @scotty in particular this time, with no real provocation. You do tend to vindicate my previous opinion that you flip from one extreme to the other rather quickly

No. scotty started the shit. And it's not everyone. Just those who want it with me. And scotty is a multi, trust.

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9 hours ago, Carl Sway said:

Come on dickheads.

Carl, I can picture you now. Sat in your Thundercats wallpapered room at your mother's, tiny legs swinging and barely touching the floor from your computer chair-cum-commode. Spittle and shit covering your screen from your frequent short man, Scrappy Doo outbursts everytime one of the big bully boys make a post on here ripping the piss out of you.

"Let me at eeeemmmm, LET ME AT EMMMM!!!!"

I genuinely hope you get a new step daddy who ends up beating you to death, Baby P style.

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On 09/12/2022 at 18:57, Stubby Pecker said:

I’ve had enough of this humourless scat collecting cunt posting his endless drivel on my sacred corner. It sickens me his disgusting habit, let alone his inane commentary, is tolerated here. I’d like a Spanish Inquisition style campaign launched against this pooch bothering beast until he’s crawling in tears towards the cupboard under the sink for a pint of drain cleaner.

Agreed SP, he's a cunt most sinister. I've never trusted him from day one, especially when I saw him posting multicoloured shite all the time. I remember him making a creepy attempt at becoming my friend, it gives me the shivers to this day.

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20 hours ago, Carl Sway said:

No. scotty started the shit. And it's not everyone. Just those who want it with me. And scotty is a multi, trust.

Well if it isn’t our pint sized resident.

Have you calmed down from your last shit flinging spaz out or are you ready to go into full meltdown because of a little light ribbing from some anonymous wankers?

Unfortunately for you, I’ve instructed Baws to hack into you BBC acorn micro. ‘Elf & midget porn’ is your leading internet search by a long way, you disgusting angry Pygmy 

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21 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

A black baby dies and floats up to heaven with little wings. When it reaches the pearly gates, it asks St Peter.. “am I an angel?” 
“No. You’re a bat. Fuck off.”

St Peter died the next day ‘from or with’ Covid 19. If only he’d worn his mask and been vaxxed 28 times, the stupid cunt.

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