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Ngozi Fulani aka Mary Headley


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57 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Doc. There’s been an explosion of radio adverts over here of late, begging Brits to re-locate over to WA. What kind of stupid cunt would ever stoop so low?

Julia Gillard was a cuntess.

Big employment and skills gap issues here DC, mining and construction sector in particular screaming for workers. £70k a year easy peasy in your early 20’s. If I were a 20yr old Sparkie from Norwich, I think spending Christmas on Ningaloo Reef would possibly appeal. 

Gillard was from Adelaide- though originally Wales, and was Ginger. We all know what happens when they get a sniff of power. 

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3 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Irrespective. As I see it you can form two opinions but a little research is needed. This Fulani creature can easily be researched. Check out her ‘Sistah Space’ website and her history. Her sole remit is to scream ‘racism’ about everything British. She has no love for the country she was born in. Her ‘charity’ is for ‘Women of African and Caribbean Heritage’ only, whatever the fuck that means. Apparently, during lockdown it was only black women that suffered domestic abuse and need special attention. Not because their violent black partners are cunts, but because the women won’t report them to the police because they would kill or severely beat the said black culprits because they are…erm, black culprits and the police is racist. Un-fuckin-believable.

I notice that her one witness is also a fat, black woman with a chip on each shoulder about her colour (that she is sooo proud of!) This Fulani cuntess is 59 years of age but claims that she grew up watching her brothers being half killed by white police officers on a daily basis and reading signs stating ‘No dogs, no blacks and no Irish!’ which in the late 60’s and early 70’s when she could, presumably read, simply never happened. An 83 year old geriatric ‘noblewoman’ used to eating swans was confronted by a fat black woman, dressed in African robes with three foot high dreadlocks, a name badge consisting predominately of vowels and coloured beads around her neck. Did she repeat the question (which amounted to a ‘racist verbal assault’ apparently) because she was a vile racist or a dotty old posh codger? I challenge anyone to read up on this Fulani cuntess  and tell me, which one of the two is clearly a racist.

My old fella served this country and was killed in two world wars and he never got a sniff of Buckingham Palace. The real question here is why was this black burst sofa invited for lunch when the feeding time at London Zoo was only ten minutes later. 

And she just happened to secretly record the conversation, which is quite telling.

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This nothing burger story has led the MSM fake news all day. Strangely the news that 23 Pakistani men from Bradford have been charged with the multiple rape of several white girls (all children) yesterday doesn’t seem to be worth mentioning. Unfortunate  I guess, coinciding with this huge and shocking story about an octogenarian white woman asking a few questions which a  race baiting fucking pig ugly Silverback dishonestly claims to have been offended by.

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5 minutes ago, King Billy said:

This nothing burger story has led the MSM fake news all day. Strangely the news that 23 Pakistani men from Bradford have been charged with the multiple rape of several white girls (all children) yesterday doesn’t seem to be worth mentioning. Unfortunate  I guess, coinciding with this huge and shocking story about an octogenarian white woman asking a few questions which a  race baiting fucking pig ugly Silverback dishonestly claims to have been offended by.

This story has sickened me from day one. I was going to post about this burned hippo today but Eddie’s as sharp as his Zulu spear. You are correct about the MSM, with all that’s going on in this world, how the bastard fuck has this become the main story on the BBC news for two days? She is now claiming that as a victim of domestic abuse with a form of PTSD as a result, this octogenarian’s questioning amounted to a racially motivated assault. You couldn’t make this shit up. My ex-wife took refuge in a hostel for battered wives once and even they kicked fuck out of her. I genuinely hope that this blubbered babooness falls out of the next tree that she tries to scale.

MLK was a womanising, unfaithful Cunt. ‘Reverend’ my arse.

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4 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

This story has sickened me from day one. I was going to post about this burned hippo today but Eddie’s as sharp as his Zulu spear. You are correct about the MSM, with all that’s going on in this world, how the bastard fuck has this become the main story on the BBC news for two days? She is now claiming that as a victim of domestic abuse with a form of PTSD as a result, this octogenarian’s questioning amounted to a racially motivated assault. You couldn’t make this shit up. My ex-wife took refuge in a hostel for battered wives once and even they kicked fuck out of her. I genuinely hope that this blubbered babooness falls out of the next tree that she tries to scale.

MLK was a womanising, unfaithful Cunt. ‘Reverend’ my arse.

Can Jazz come back, find a picture of this cunt and photoshop it climbing the Empire State Building? 

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1 minute ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Can Jazz come back, find a picture of this cunt and photoshop it climbing the Empire State Building? 

Baws? Eric, I’ve just shit my kex. There’s a fit white hetero female doing the weather on ITV. Ok, so a gibbon with a lisp was reading the news and that Somalian cunt, Rageh Omah is on now, but do you think the Caucasian worm may be turning? It is going to rain tomorrow though.

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47 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

This story has sickened me from day one. I was going to post about this burned hippo today but Eddie’s as sharp as his Zulu spear. You are correct about the MSM, with all that’s going on in this world, how the bastard fuck has this become the main story on the BBC news for two days? She is now claiming that as a victim of domestic abuse with a form of PTSD as a result, this octogenarian’s questioning amounted to a racially motivated assault. You couldn’t make this shit up. My ex-wife took refuge in a hostel for battered wives once and even they kicked fuck out of her. I genuinely hope that this blubbered babooness falls out of the next tree that she tries to scale.

MLK was a womanising, unfaithful Cunt. ‘Reverend’ my arse.

This cunts ‘battered womens’ hostel is open only to black ‘battered women’ but that’s clearly not racist in any way in 2020’s Clownworld. The so called ‘charity’ she runs has in the past accepted donations from Black Lives Matter and she has previously opined that Meghan Markle is ‘undoubtedly a victim of racist, domestic abuse by her in laws’. This whole story should be a wake up call for the huge number of idiots who've swallowed the ‘institutional racism’ propaganda that has been going on since the Stephen Lawrence incident and quite some before it actually. A complete crock of shit intentionally manufactured by a real racist whore and stirred up into an imagined national catastrophe by the utter vermin infecting our political and media class. Cunts.

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10 minutes ago, King Billy said:

This cunts ‘battered womens’ hostel is open only to black ‘battered women’ but that’s clearly not racist in any way in 2020 Clownworld. The so called ‘charity’ she runs has in the past accepted donations from Black Lives Matter and she has previously opined that Meghan Markle is ‘undoubtedly a victim of racist, domestic abuse by her in laws’. This whole story should be a wake up call for the huge number of idiots who've swallowed the ‘institutional racism’ propaganda that has been going on since the Stephen Lawrence incident and quite some before it actually. A complete crock of shit intentionally manufactured by a real racist whore and stirred up into an imagined national catastrophe by the utter vermin infecting our political and media class. Cunts.

Don’t hold your proddy breath, this chicken-munching skank is headed for the House of Lords to sit alongside Baroness Stabbed Kid. I’m fucking out of here then, @Last Cunt Standing has offered me his cock-loft, weekends hunting Abbos and all the red wine I can inject. You up for it? Our kid @Old Chap Raasclaat’s coming down, the Doc’s offered him three acres for a grow-up.

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3 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Don’t hold your proddy breath, this chicken-munching skank is headed for the House of Lords to sit alongside Baroness Stabbed Kid. I’m fucking out of here then, @Last Cunt Standing has offered me his cock-loft, weekends hunting Abbos and all the red wine I can inject.

You do know that LCS’s last GP practice was in Hyde, Greater Manchester. His mentor Harold left the practice shortly afterwards too.

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1 minute ago, King Billy said:

You do know that LCS’s last GP practice was in Hyde, Greater Manchester. His mentor Harold left the practice shortly afterwards too.

Fuck all wrong with Shipman. He killed my mate’s mother-in-law and she left him a fortune after Big H got bird. Also, the old hag was a Liverpool fan that only popped in with an ingrown toe-nail.

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10 minutes ago, The Beast said:

As for the ethnic grifter, these sorts of cunts appear to be bolder as time passes. 

If things keep going the way they have been I’m planning to pull down the statue of George the gorilla at London Zoo and hurl it into the Regents Canal.

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9 hours ago, King Billy said:

This nothing burger story has led the MSM fake news all day. Strangely the news that 23 Pakistani men from Bradford have been charged with the multiple rape of several white girls (all children) yesterday doesn’t seem to be worth mentioning. Unfortunate  I guess, coinciding with this huge and shocking story about an octogenarian white woman asking a few questions which a  race baiting fucking pig ugly Silverback dishonestly claims to have been offended by.

This story came out in September and was extensively reported. Keep up.

Bradford: 23 men charged with child sex abuse - BBC News

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10 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Don’t hold your proddy breath, this chicken-munching skank is headed for the House of Lords to sit alongside Baroness Stabbed Kid. I’m fucking out of here then, @Last Cunt Standing has offered me his cock-loft, weekends hunting Abbos and all the red wine I can inject. You up for it? Our kid @Old Chap Raasclaat’s coming down, the Doc’s offered him three acres for a grow-up.

No I haven’t. 

10 hours ago, King Billy said:

You do know that LCS’s last GP practice was in Hyde, Greater Manchester. His mentor Harold left the practice shortly afterwards too.

No it wasn’t. 

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Back to the topic, Faluni did say somewhere that she was going to dress in african costume with hints that she was going to try to provote a reaction. TBH I have asked quite a number of darker people where they are actually from, not as a racially motiated quaestion but as to their accent, it might be that this is what the old biddy was actually doing but Faluni's response was such that it puhed the biddy into a corner .. do we know Falun's first response to the question? If the olf biddy had said "where are you from?" That might of merieted a slightly negative response, however the old biddy is supposed to have framed the question by asking where she was "actually from" based on how she spoke .. i.e. was she from Bishop's Framton or Giggleswick .. I bet that @Roadkill has been asked that question a few times. Maybe the old biddy should have pulled her neck in bis but Faluni does not win any medals for trying to provoke a reaction that might not have been racist.

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