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White Cunt

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10 hours ago, The Beast said:

The vaccinations are of no consequence to the overwhelming majority, irrespective of the rate.  

The Chinese are saying the booster rate is 61%, whether that is bullshit or not who knows.

Considering 30% of people in the UK plc had the sense to dodge the third bullet, which means most of these wise people have not had a dose for at least 15 months, this cohort of people are not dying of Covid in any significant numbers. 

Shut up you ‘antivaxxer, anti science, threat to democracy, Granny killer’. As soon as Dr. Fauci’s 14th booster jab kicks in and he regains his memory you’ll be sorry you said that. 

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12 hours ago, King Billy said:

‘Falsely claiming?’ That’s priceless considering I was there taking part in what was a massive event attended by hundreds of thousands of people who were not prepared to bow down like cowards and hand over their freedoms, unlike you and the rest of the pathetic obedient idiots who were. Your previous posts when you crowed about being a bigwig in some obscure ‘Save the vermin’ green wellies non events don’t make you an expert on public protests. If anything they just confirm what a complete fucking ‘Waitrose loyalty card’ square head you are. Not that any proof was needed, because it’s the first observation I made of you, as did most people I expect. 🐑🤣

The "save the vermin green wellies" groups are more about sabotaging and frustrating illegal fox-hunting by non-violent means rather than merely protesting.

As for your false claims about half a million anti-lockdown protesters this was in fact a "protest of protesters" of various protest groups including BLM, LBGT, climate change, lefties, anarchists etc all pushing their own single-themed ideologies, so either you didn't attend, or you were there and lied about the composition of the protest.

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20 hours ago, The Beast said:

I did clock the state organ BBC was quick to pick up on events, using social media posts as a source for its first report on the unrest. The fact tens of thousands of people were outside of one of their own buildings protesting about similar unnecessary restrictions in England and they barely responded has been noted by many.


9 hours ago, King Billy said:

Except Mrs Roops who didn’t seem to notice.

The most recent protest outside the BBC was by Iranians protesting about the broadcaster's coverage of the anti-theocracy protests in Iran.

As for any anti-lockdown protests outside the BBC, this in fact took place more than a year ago and was well documented. The protest of a few thousand was led by some high IQ King Billy types, no doubt chosen on account of giving the impression that they knew what they were talking about. Anyway, the bods duly congregated outside the White City building demanding entry to the studios only to find that the BBC had vacated the building a decade previously. The White City complex, formerly the BBC News HQ, had been converted to restaurants and apartments. What remained was one studio owned by an independent producer and was in fact home to the "Loose Women" daily bitchfest show. Much ridicule, merriment and mirth ensued.

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1 hour ago, Mrs Roops said:


The most recent protest outside the BBC was by Iranians protesting about the broadcaster's coverage of the anti-theocracy protests in Iran.

As for any anti-lockdown protests outside the BBC, this in fact took place more than a year ago and was well documented. The protest of a few thousand was led by some high IQ King Billy types, no doubt chosen on account of giving the impression that they knew what they were talking about. Anyway, the bods duly congregated outside the White City building demanding entry to the studios only to find that the BBC had vacated the building a decade previously. The White City complex, formerly the BBC News HQ, had been converted to restaurants and apartments. What remained was one studio owned by an independent producer and was in fact home to the "Loose Women" daily bitchfest show. Much ridicule, merriment and mirth ensued.

One of the last really big demonstrations was as far back as 2008 I think when the pro hunting (country landowners) lotdescended on London in their hundreds of thousands. I remember the M6 through Cheshire being clogged by some of them going home cica 2100 hours onwarcds .. a claim they made was potential loss of thousands of jobs .. actually loss a couple of hundred part time jobs mostly by people who did not need the money. I seem to think some of those faces appeared at some of the anti mask protests.

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4 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:


The most recent protest outside the BBC was by Iranians protesting about the broadcaster's coverage of the anti-theocracy protests in Iran.

As for any anti-lockdown protests outside the BBC, this in fact took place more than a year ago and was well documented. The protest of a few thousand was led by some high IQ King Billy types, no doubt chosen on account of giving the impression that they knew what they were talking about. Anyway, the bods duly congregated outside the White City building demanding entry to the studios only to find that the BBC had vacated the building a decade previously. The White City complex, formerly the BBC News HQ, had been converted to restaurants and apartments. What remained was one studio owned by an independent producer and was in fact home to the "Loose Women" daily bitchfest show. Much ridicule, merriment and mirth ensued.

I am referring to a protest outside broadcasting house. A person, presumably an employee or a contractor, posted a picture from inside looking out. 

Not sure who organised it. I think there were different groups amalgamating to give the same message that the lockdowns and associated policies were more harmful than beneficial. I don’t agree with all the views of these people, my beef, as you know, is with these dubious injections and the weaponising of them by authorities to leverage control  over populations.

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13 minutes ago, The Beast said:

I am referring to a protest outside broadcasting house. A person, presumably an employee or a contractor, posted a picture from inside looking out. 

Not sure who organised it. I think there were different groups amalgamating to give the same message that the lockdowns and associated policies were more harmful than beneficial. I don’t agree with all the views of these people, my beef, as you know, is with these dubious injections and the weaponising of them by authorities to leverage control  over populations.

Manipulating/coercing people into putting experimental or in fact any pharmaceuticals into their bodies is a dark avenue, indeed. The Japs don’t pressure their population into such behaviour and reported issues with covid shots very early on. That’s the right approach. 

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12 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

As for any anti-lockdown protests outside the BBC, this in fact took place more than a year ago and was well documented. The protest of a few thousand was led by some high IQ King Billy types, no doubt chosen on account of giving the impression that they knew what they were talking about. Anyway, the bods duly congregated outside the White City building demanding entry to the studios only to find that the BBC had vacated the building a decade previously.

As usual you haven’t the slightest idea what your talking about. The mass protest I referred to, and which I was part of was 100% anti lockdown and nothing to do with BLM, ‘climate change’🤣, LGBT mincers, Antifa or any of the leftoid soy boy/retard scum who were and still are as far as I know in favour of lockdowns, masks and experimental vaccine mandates. Broadcasting House in Portland Place (the one with the paedo sculpture above the entrance) was where hundreds of thousands passed, plastering the building with stickers and calling for someone to come out and answer their questions. The BBC and the rest of the fake news MSM completely ignored this mass protest obviously. I mean why would they bite the hand (the government) that was feeding them tens, if not hundreds of millions to push their public health🤣/propaganda narrative? As usual you’ve swallowed the MSM fake news narrative hook line and sinker. You really are showing yourself to be not just incredibly ignorant of the facts but also even more ignorant and insanely arrogant when it comes to commenting on something you know absolutely fuck all about. At least you’re consistent, as always. 😘

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11 hours ago, King Billy said:

As usual you haven’t the slightest idea what your talking about. The mass protest I referred to, and which I was part of was 100% anti lockdown and nothing to do with BLM, ‘climate change’🤣, LGBT mincers, Antifa or any of the leftoid soy boy/retard scum who were and still are as far as I know in favour of lockdowns, masks and experimental vaccine mandates. Broadcasting House in Portland Place (the one with the paedo sculpture above the entrance) was where hundreds of thousands passed, plastering the building with stickers and calling for someone to come out and answer their questions. The BBC and the rest of the fake news MSM completely ignored this mass protest obviously. I mean why would they bite the hand (the government) that was feeding them tens, if not hundreds of millions to push their public health🤣/propaganda narrative? As usual you’ve swallowed the MSM fake news narrative hook line and sinker. You really are showing yourself to be not just incredibly ignorant of the facts but also even more ignorant and insanely arrogant when it comes to commenting on something you know absolutely fuck all about. At least you’re consistent, as always. 😘

We've been here before...

On 08/06/2021 at 10:42, Mrs Roops said:

A cursory search engine enquiry would show that plenty of MSM outlets covered the story but I guess saying otherwise doesn't fit a narrative that tin-foil dispensers wish to promulgate...

Anyway, I guess you are referring to this videoed piece of delusional group think.

Aside from noting the "massive freedom march" seems to consist of the usual rag tag of assorted rent-a-mobs (Greens, LGBTQ's, anarchists, National Independence et al) the size of the march cannot, by any stretch of the imagination, be close onto half a million people. I'd say seven thousand and that's being charitable.

Now then, this raises some awkward questions - either you were not there and so were lying or you were there and are lying about the size of the crowd. Its one thing being a gullible nutjob who fervently believes in his own POV, its another thing to grossly embellish the facts or indeed, invent them...


On 10/06/2021 at 09:36, Mrs Roops said:


...of course, naturally you're not just another internet ne'er do well who compensates his poor self-esteem issues by parading an amazing insight which nevertheless falls apart at the seams when faced with simple yet salient questioning...:rolleyes:...moving on...


Well thank you for spending an hour scuttling around the 'net looking for more vids which all show the same thing, namely the same crowd of a few thousand citizens congregating at Parliament Square, then slowly walking up Whitehall then Trafalgar Square though Oxford Street and out through West London to Shepherds Bush. The crowd had petered out to a few hundred when they invaded the Westfield Shopping Centre. I take your point about aerial footage but aerial images of a crowd numbering no more than seven thousand people is hardly an awe-inspiring spectacle by MSM newsroom standards. By the same token one has to wonder why out of an alleged crowd of half a million that not one protester managed to chuck a small hand-sized drone up to record such a momentous event...

Now, perhaps you could finally furnish us with the evidence that the Covid pandemic was manufactured and released by a few mega-rich hi-tech industrialists so that they could rule the world. Alternatively you could sell the story to the James Bond producers.


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On 02/12/2022 at 09:05, Mrs Roops said:

We've been here before...



Get yourself a good nights sleep and everything will seem much more sensible in the morning. If your heads right when you wake up, have a rummage through all those unopened MENSA mags in the hall as my Christmas present to you will probably be arriving tomorrow. It’ll be the one with the Balenciaga label on it. 

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8 hours ago, King Billy said:

Get yourself a good nights sleep and everything will seem much more sensible in the morning. If your heads right when you wake up, have a rummage through all those unopened MENSA mags in the hall as my Christmas present to you will probably be arriving tomorrow. It’ll be the one with the Balenciago label on it. 

I presume this is a knockoff of the Balenciaga brand which serves as a metaphor for you habitually posting fake facts and false narratives.

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12 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

I presume this is a knockoff of the Balenciaga brand which serves as a metaphor for you habitually posting fake facts and false narratives.

I presume you are aware of the current difficulties Balenciaga are experiencing and their pathetic attempts to feign ignorance and horror at their own advertising campaign which they commissioned and signed off on, but now claim they were unaware of the disgusting and probably criminal nature of it in its entirity. So I’ll leave it up to you to wonder what I meant.

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12 hours ago, King Billy said:

I presume you are aware of the current difficulties Balenciaga are experiencing and their pathetic attempts to feign ignorance and horror at their own advertising campaign which they commissioned and signed off on, but now claim they were unaware of the disgusting and probably criminal nature of it in its entirity. So I’ll leave it up to you to wonder what I meant.

KB, you don't make much sense at the best of times, if at all, so to indulge in cryptic and tenuous whataboutery is perhaps not a good idea...

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13 hours ago, King Billy said:

I presume you are aware of the current difficulties Balenciaga are experiencing and their pathetic attempts to feign ignorance and horror at their own advertising campaign which they commissioned and signed off on, but now claim they were unaware of the disgusting and probably criminal nature of it in its entirity. So I’ll leave it up to you to wonder what I meant.


33 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

KB, you don't make much sense at the best of times, if at all, so to indulge in cryptic and tenuous whataboutery is perhaps not a good idea...

Out of interest, how long are you two planning on continuing this Last-Wordathon? Is there a proposed end date, or is it a case of whoever dies first loses?

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11 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

KB, you don't make much sense at the best of times, if at all, so to indulge in cryptic and tenuous whataboutery is perhaps not a good idea...

OK. and please don’t feel compelled to reply to any of my posts that you don’t understand. I won’t think any less of you. 

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4 minutes ago, King Billy said:

OK. and please don’t feel compelled to reply to any of my posts that you don’t understand. I won’t think any less of you. 

Talking about replying, have you heard from @Goober lately KB? Has he killed himself? The over qualified, sensitive, boring cunt didn't have the decency to apologise before doing the world a favour. Lol 

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11 hours ago, scotty said:


Out of interest, how long are you two planning on continuing this Last-Wordathon? Is there a proposed end date, or is it a case of whoever dies first loses?

scotty I’ve fought in 2 world wars, swam the Atlantic (underwater), climbed Everest in a thong, sailed up Niagara Falls in a barrel, scored the winning goal in 7 World Cup finals and smoked 300 Suoerkings a day since I was 5, so I’m definitely not a ‘quittter’.

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4 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Talking about replying, have you heard from @Goober lately KB? Has he killed himself? The over qualified, sensitive, boring cunt didn't have the decency to apologise before doing the world a favour. Lol 

I know Raas. If he shows up around here again he owes me a fucking huge apology.

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