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Piste and Slopes

White Cunt

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No matter how much suppression and terror the slopes are subjected to, they usually enthusiastically embrace the rivers of shit, stock fed to them by their top billionaires politicos out of marble pagodas.

But something is different this time: the robo nation is beginning to grow some bonsai balls and challenge the commands of their betters.



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1 hour ago, White Cunt said:

No matter how much suppression and terror the slopes are subjected to, they usually enthusiastically embrace the rivers of shit,  stock fed to them by their top billionaires politicos out of marble pagodas.

But something is different this time: the robo nation is beginning to grow some bonsai balls and challenge the commands of their betters.



Despite The Great Famine, numerous cataclysmic floods and the fact that China appears to be the birthplace of almost every single serious pandemic in history, the cunts refuse to become extinct. 

Imagine how many of the little fuckers there would currently be if none of the above actually occurred? The only hope for humanity and our canine best friends is if the yanks irridiate the whole, stinking fucking lot of them.

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18 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Despite The Great Famine, numerous cataclysmic floods and the fact that China appears to be the birthplace of almost every single serious pandemic in history, the cunts refuse to become extinct. 

Imagine how many of the little fuckers there would currently be if none of the above actually occurred? The only hope for humanity and our canine best friends is if the yanks irridiate the whole, stinking fucking lot of them.

You've only got to read 20th Century Chinese history to see what a stupid cunt Mao was. Added to the famines and deaths  his policies caused, there was the Backyard steel furnaces he brought in where literally every single scrap of metal, including tractors and other agricultural machinery, tools and cooking equipment were used by every chink robot used to smelt down to be turned into unusable "steel". Everyone was roped in, including skilled workers and Doctors (who left patients to die) to carry out this madcapped scheme. Added to this, he encouraged everyone to make enough noise to scare sparrows to death because he felt there was too many sparrows. This achieved another famine because what was sparrows favourite food? Locusts. The sparrow population was decimated which left the locust population to tear into the crops thus creating another famine. 

All that will happen now, is the chink army and paramilitary police to beat thousands to death and imprison thousands more. The UN will send a strong letter to Ming the Merciless, who'll laugh into his Chow Mein and tell the west "Go fluck yourselves". 

The Chinese have been the biggest pain in the arse to the planet for past decades.

Sun Yat-Sen was a cunt 

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3 hours ago, White Cunt said:

No matter how much suppression and terror the slopes are subjected to, they usually enthusiastically embrace the rivers of shit,  stock fed to them by their top billionaires politicos out of marble pagodas.

But something is different this time: the robo nation is beginning to grow some bonsai balls and challenge the commands of their betters.



Strange how the MSM are reluctantly and half heartedly reporting what should in normal times be the No.1 story at present. Maybe not so strange when you look back at the way these poisonous cunts have been ignoring ‘anti lockdown’ protests across the rest of the world for close to 3 year years now, and when they couldn’t ignore them labelling them as ‘anti vax/anti science/conspiracy theorists/threat to democracy/far right extremists’. But now the chinks who have finally woken up and thrown their chopsticks out of their prams are ‘heroes’ and ‘role models’ (Ukranians v 2.0), are being promoted as the latest ‘current thing’ that we all have to take the knee, wave a flag for and cover ourselves in whatever armbands and bucket hats that our unelected politicians and unwanted media ‘slebs’ have chosen for the next round of public humiliation and self deprecation we must endure.

Fuck every last one of them. I want them dead.

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11 hours ago, King Billy said:

Strange how the MSM are reluctantly and half heartedly reporting what should in normal times be the No.1 story at present. Maybe not so strange when you look back at the way these poisonous cunts have been ignoring ‘anti lockdown’ protests across the rest of the world for close to 3 year years now, and when they couldn’t ignore them labelling them as ‘anti vax/anti science/conspiracy theorists/threat to democracy/far right extremists’. But now the chinks who have finally woken up and thrown their chopsticks out of their prams are ‘heroes’ and ‘role models’ (Ukranians v 2.0), are being promoted as the latest ‘current thing’ that we all have to take the knee, wave a flag for and cover ourselves in whatever armbands and bucket hats that our unelected politicians and unwanted media ‘slebs’ have chosen for the next round of public humiliation and self deprecation we must endure.

Fuck every last one of them. I want them dead.

You've been played again. Do you actually read or view what you comment on?

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14 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

You've been played again. Do you actually read or view what you comment on?

I suppose you agree with China's Zero Covid policy then Mrs Roops? God forbid if you were in charge, we'd have forced vaccination and we'd all be on our 74th jab. Lol. 

Of course, you're Pfizer shares wouldn't be the motivation at all, would it? Lol

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16 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

I suppose you agree with China's Zero Covid policy then Mrs Roops? God forbid if you were in charge, we'd have forced vaccination and we'd all be on our 74th jab. Lol. 

Of course, you're Pfizer shares wouldn't be the motivation at all, would it? Lol

Where have I said I agree with China's Zero Covid Policy? In fact, I sympathise with the protesters who are kicking off against a three-year lock-down instead of a comprehensive national vaccination programme. Whilst the majority of the population have received two doses, just over half have had any booster shots. Compounding the issue is that less than 20% the most vulnerable segment has not received any booster shots at all. For Billy to assert that the protesters are anti-vax when in fact they are pro-vax is indicative as to his understanding of world events. Furthermore, the bitching about "how strange the MSM are reluctantly and half-heartily reporting what in normal times would be the No.1 story at present" is straight out of the Slackjaw News playbook. By coincidence whilst Billy was posting rubbish the BBC was making the story its opening article on the Ten o'clock bulletin. 

I have previously commented on your fatuous remarks apropos Pfizer shares and motivation but hey, you carry on spouting ill-informed abject nonsense.

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5 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Where have I said I agree with China's Zero Covid Policy? In fact, I sympathise with the protesters who are kicking off against a three-year lock-down instead of a comprehensive national vaccination programme

The 'vaccines' will not create zero Covid 19 Mrs Roops, far from it. The 'vaccines' don't even stop transmission which I think Pfizer admitted recently. Lol. I know you want as many Pfizer jabs in the world's population (for the benefit of your shares) but I really don't get your suggested strategy here, China want Zero Covid, not mass vaccinations and people still getting and transmitting it. Its impossible in my opinion. 


5 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

For Billy to assert that the protesters are anti-vax when in fact they are pro-vax is indicative as to his understanding of world events. Furthermore, the bitching about "how strange the MSM are reluctantly and half-heartily reporting what in normal times would be the No.1 story at present" is straight out of the Slackjaw News playbook. By coincidence whilst Billy was posting rubbish the BBC was making the story its opening article on the Ten o'clock bulletin. 

I don't understand how in responding to me, you go off on a rant about @King Billy Lol. I'm not interested Mrs Roops in joining your well and truly defeated side of the argument. You're like one of those new girlfriends who think all their new boyfriend wants to hear about is their ex boyfriend. Lol. It's one the most unattractive traits in women these days and believe me most proper men won't stand for it. Do you understand?

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6 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

For Billy to assert that the protesters are anti-vax

Where did I assert this please?

You really need to stop lying if you want to be taken seriously you stupid stupid woman. You’ll never get to have your way with me if you don’t up your game. 😘

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7 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Where have I said I agree with China's Zero Covid Policy? In fact, I sympathise with the protesters who are kicking off against a three-year lock-down instead of a comprehensive national vaccination programme.

But you didn’t sympathise with the hundreds of thousands (including myself) who took to the streets of London in the summer of 2020 to demand their freedom back, were violently attacked by the filth, and vilified by the likes of Piers Morgan etc. across the fake news MSM? This was long before you and the Pfizer sponsored pom pom wavers in the MSM could conveniently label us as ‘anti vaxxers’, as none had been  invented yet. I guess Pfizer were  still trying to catch the 8 mice they planned to use for their clinical trials, before declaring it ‘safe and effective’ for the billions of gullible humans (customers) their puppet governments had successfully terrified and locked down across the globe with their masks on and their sleeves rolled up in eager anticipation. 🐑💉😷

Fuck off. 🤣

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7 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

By coincidence whilst Billy was posting rubbish the BBC was making the story its opening article on the Ten o'clock bulletin. 

A dilemma for you no doubt, having to decide which to give your valuable time to, as both myself and the BBC have previously been accused of having a biased slant on current affairs?

Of course I would say that you should get your news solely from me and I’m sure the BBC would say the same about themselves. But if it helps you solve what must be a really difficult problem, just remember that I’ve never employed a single paedophile, nor covered up their crimes or the crimes of many other vile beasts who they didn’t even employ. Oh and I don’t have a statue of a naked grown man holding a naked child above my front door, sculpted by Eric Gill a self confessed nonce who abused his own daughters and the family dog either.

Glad to be of help.😘

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9 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Where have I said I agree with China's Zero Covid Policy? In fact, I sympathise with the protesters who are kicking off against a three-year lock-down instead of a comprehensive national vaccination programme. Whilst the majority of the population have received two doses, just over half have had any booster shots. Compounding the issue is that less than 20% the most vulnerable segment has not received any booster shots at all. For Billy to assert that the protesters are anti-vax when in fact they are pro-vax is indicative as to his understanding of world events. Furthermore, the bitching about "how strange the MSM are reluctantly and half-heartily reporting what in normal times would be the No.1 story at present" is straight out of the Slackjaw News playbook. By coincidence whilst Billy was posting rubbish the BBC was making the story its opening article on the Ten o'clock bulletin. 

I have previously commented on your fatuous remarks apropos Pfizer shares and motivation but hey, you carry on spouting ill-informed abject nonsense.

It’s my understanding that most of the fried dog, powdered tiger cock and noodle eating cunts haven’t had any ‘shots’ as you call them. This is especially the case with the old and vulnerable chinks.

Letting the whole lot out doors in a oner would overwhelm the health system of the little yellow commie bastards with 74 billion chinky OAPs dropping dead within 48 hours. 

That said, it would sort out their over population.

Personally, I wish the very worst upon this planet destroying brainwashed fuckers and their evil fascist leaders. The world would be better off without them.


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21 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

It’s my understanding that most of the fried dog, powdered tiger cock and noodle eating cunts haven’t had any ‘shots’ as you call them. This is especially the case with the old and vulnerable chinks.

Letting the whole lot out doors in a oner would overwhelm the health system of the little yellow commie bastards with 74 billion chinky OAPs dropping dead within 48 hours. 

That said, it would sort out their over population.

Personally, I wish the very worst upon this planet destroying brainwashed fuckers and their evil fascist leaders. The world would be better off without them.


It’s all very worrying Stubbers, especially when China manufacture almost all the worlds dinghy’s. The Albanians might be our saviours after all if they’re forced into a ‘dinghy war’ with the ping pong mob and it gives us Brits a couple of months to pack up and fuck off to Russia and claim asylum.

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2 minutes ago, King Billy said:

It’s all very worrying Stubbers, especially when China manufacture almost all the worlds dinghy’s. The Albanians might be our saviours after all if they’re forced into a ‘dinghy war’ with the ping pong mob and it gives us Brits a couple of months to pack up and fuck off to Russia and claim asylum.

Fuck this, I just want some mutant killer disease to wipe out 90% of humanity 

Is that too much to ask for?

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1 minute ago, Stubby Pecker said:

Fuck this, I just want some mutant killer disease to wipe out 90% of humanity 

Is that too much to ask for?

I’ll call Bill Gates for a ‘sit-rep’ as he’s the ‘go to’ guy for that sort of thing and get back to you. He’s probably busy partying in Davos with Klaus Schwab or fucking some kids or something (allegedly) but he’ll get back to me when he’s done.

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8 minutes ago, King Billy said:

I’ll call Bill Gates for a ‘sit-rep’ as he’s the ‘go to’ guy for that sort of thing and get back to you. He’s probably busy partying in Davos with Klaus Schwab or fucking some kids or something (allegedly) but he’ll get back to me when he’s done.

You’re a gent 

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