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The Inexorable Rise of Foot Fetishism

Last Cunt Standing

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7 minutes ago, ProfB said:

PS you'd not dare say anything if Eric Cuntsman was online.

If there's anyone on here I'm genuinely scared of, it's you. I don't know what sort of sick fucking cunt could keep up the pretence of being a mentally retarded, 12 year old girl for eight years, but I'd wager it's the type of beast who has more bones under their patio than a Blackheath plague pit.

The prostitutes who ply their trade outside disused Little Chef's may disagree, but I much prefer it when you're out on the road in your Stobart, raping and killing and far too busy to post mindless fucking drivel on here.

Please, just fuck off for good.

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31 minutes ago, Decimus said:

If there's anyone on here I'm genuinely scared of, it's you. I don't know what sort of sick fucking cunt could keep up the pretence of being a mentally retarded, 12 year old girl for eight years, but I'd wager it's the type of beast who has more bones under their patio than a Blackheath plague pit.

The prostitutes who ply their trade outside disused Little Chef's may disagree, but I much prefer it when you're out on the road in your Stobart, raping and killing and far too busy to post mindless fucking drivel on here.

Please, just fuck off for good.

I don't have a HGV licence, & if I did I'd choose Wincanton. They are positive with WIN in their name unlike you, Decimal.

Go grow a fart plant, you full time bore.

Love ProfB XXX

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13 hours ago, scotty said:

That probably explains your inability to comprehend foot fetishism, Neil. While I'd stop short of claiming a fetish for them, I have always been fond of shapely shoe-fillers on a bird.

Note to @Last Cunt Standing regarding Roops, I do recall from years ago that she claims to have particularly unattractive hooves due to her penchant for running. Running from what, she didn't say.

Running her fucking gob off probably.

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11 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

I say I'm gonna buy some Qantas shares as I now understand the Aussie national carrier's rationale to reactivate their hitherto mothballed A380 fleet, given every time you login we're regaled with a conversation with yet another "friend/houseguest" flown in to provide content for the puntership's benefit. As for your particular bent, it's not my job to pander to whatever fetish you've discovered during your late midlife crisis exacerbated by the realisation that you're in a place you have no wish to be in.

No need to get tetchy. 🤣

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19 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Pure bollocks, which only serves to remind me once more of the old adage about the dangers of playing chess with pigeons. 

I had best not detain you further, I imagine being the on-call seismologist for Swindon or whatever you are this week is rather an all-consuming affair. 

Two sugars, love. 

Aww, bruised ego? You asked, I replied, brittle boy.

As for your churlish sign off, as a member of the pussy-whipped community you know the drill - no sustenance 'til you take out the rubbish, mown the lawn and oiled the revolving door for the guests, you temperamental dick.

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1 hour ago, Mrs Roops said:

Aww, bruised ego? You asked, I replied, brittle boy.

As for your churlish sign off, as a member of the pussy-whipped community you know the drill - no sustenance 'til you take out the rubbish, mown the lawn and oiled the revolving door for the guests, you temperamental dick.

Truly a loss to dentistry. 

You’ll no doubt rattle the cooler keys in my direction if I continue to interact. There’s no need. Go bother someone else. 

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On 26/11/2022 at 22:27, Last Cunt Standing said:

@Mrs Roops, you seem like you know everything. No doubt you’ve experienced a foot fetishist or two in your years as a lion tamer in Morocco, or underwater juggler in Fiji. What say you?


9 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Truly a loss to dentistry. 

You’ll no doubt rattle the cooler keys in my direction if I continue to interact. There’s no need. Go bother someone else. 

Hmmm... *twiddles moustache*

Your nom intro summoned Roops into your stealthy little penchant for yet another thing Down Under – feet.

Which has clearly resulted in an argument you've lost rather quickly. "Go bother someone else" indeed.


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On 27/11/2022 at 07:58, Neil said:

My 'ol womans trotters make me want to puke, the thought of actually touching a strangers plates of meat repulses me even more. Any cunt with a foot fetish has just given up on life, the dirty cunts.

For someone who's mentioned an appetite for arseholes on more occasions than might be considered healthy by most, the thought of feet from your perspective seems hardly relevant, you hammer-wielding Rohyponl backwoods hick. I bet you've sucked more trotters dry than a Basque goat herder, you filthy fucking cunt.

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10 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Truly a loss to dentistry. 

You’ll no doubt rattle the cooler keys in my direction if I continue to interact. There’s no need. Go bother someone else. 

Step aside Doc. I’ve got my ‘Anti-Vulcan force field’ fully charged up. I feel like the ‘Captain Scarlett’ of the corner.

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38 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

For someone who's mentioned an appetite for arseholes on more occasions than might be considered healthy by most, the thought of feet from your perspetive seems hardly relevant, you hammer-yielding Rohyponl backwoods hick. I bet you've sucked more trotters dry than a Basque goat herder, you filthy fucking cunt.

Indeed. For a man who has plumbed the depths of every sexual deviancy in history involving both man and beast, I find it incredulous that he draws the line at feet.

If only the numerous, dead working Tom's of Norwich had been aware that the Poringland Pouncer had an aversion to toes, they could have flashed their corns at his crawling Rascal and avoided their untimely demises.

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19 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Indeed. For a man who has plumbed the depths of every sexual deviancy in history involving both man and beast, I find it incredulous that he draws the line at feet.

If only the numerous, dead working Tom's of Norwich had been aware that the Poringland Pouncer had an aversion to toes, they could have flashed their corns at his crawling Rascal and avoided their untimely demises.

It might be a recurring nightmare of Neils where the Norfolk Constabulary are searching the woods in the dead of night, flashlights in hand and discovering an ever growing number of shallow graves. “Over here Sarge. There’s another pair sticking out. Look like size fives to me. Same size as that Olga girl who disappeared on the dual carriageway last week.”

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1 hour ago, Wolfie said:

For someone who's mentioned an appetite for arseholes on more occasions than might be considered healthy by most, the thought of feet from your perspetive seems hardly relevant, you hammer-yielding Rohyponl backwoods hick. I bet you've sucked more trotters dry than a Basque goat herder, you filthy fucking cunt.

That's poetry Wolfie, worthy of the Bard himself. IOU one like.

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1 hour ago, Wolfie said:

Hmmm... *twiddles moustache*

Your nom intro summoned Roops into your stealthy little penchant for yet another thing Down Under – feet.

Which has clearly resulted in an argument you've lost rather quickly. "Go bother someone else" indeed.


Rather like yourself, I rather enjoy a fight, provided it’s fair. You’d no doubt object to one of your much-idolised boxers climbing into the ring with a horseshoe in each glove, and in a similar way I don’t really want to get involved with the crazed Admin who zigzags all over the place deciding one week she’s the Ref and ultimate arbiter of justice, and the next week she’s down with the kids and free to give as good as she gets. Baiting her by including her in the nom was, on reflection, unwise, I admit. I just get irritated by the aggrandisement of her experience and the arbitrary use of her power, like many. What is it they say about the ref having a good game if you don’t know they are there?

Similarly I have no real interest in parrying with you. Little point, it seems to me, in arguing the toss when you’ve proven time and again you would simply dispute the definition of heads or tails, or indeed, “coin”. If you can’t agree on definitions, and certainly never admit you are wrong or have been bested, then no progress will ever be made. Tedious. 

I have though given you a like above, as for the first time I can recall, you made me smile, and I hate myself for it. Pip pip. 

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11 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

I don’t really want to get involved with the crazed Admin who zigzags all over the place deciding one week she’s the Ref and ultimate arbiter of justice, and the next week she’s down with the kids and free to give as good as she gets. Baiting her by including her in the nom was, on reflection, unwise,

Don’t be too harsh on her Doc. Moderators are the new underclass thanks to Elon Musk, and no one should pick on the oppressed no matter how insufferable they’ve been and how self superior they’ve acted previously. Everyone deserves a shot  at redemption imo. Let’s just hope she doesn’t fuck it up like everything else she’s attempted in the past.

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Guest judgetwi
On 26/11/2022 at 22:27, Last Cunt Standing said:

Our latest houseguest/refugee from the old Country is a long-standing friend of Mrs LCS, who works as a relationship counsellor and psychosexual researcher in the SE of England. We had a fascinating discussion over dinner last night about what she’s noticed in her work these past few years. British men, it seems, are becoming increasingly perverted in their bedroom demands, often later in life after 25 years of fairly vanilla existence with their wives. The wives it seems, don’t know what to make of it, and are conflicted between accommodating these requests, which then leads to a loss of respect, and then attraction, or refusing the requests and then becoming anxious these kinks are repressed or acted out with others, including sex workers, who by the sounds of it are plying their trade every few hundred yards.

Among the rising tide of pegging, cross dressing, CosPlay, and BDSM, is a definite spike in foot fetishism among middle aged UK men. Apparently it’s a weekly phenomenon now in her therapy sessions that men, and word of caution, these are obviously not a representative sample of all UK men, given they are largely SE professionals in higher income brackets, are suddenly being discovered to be frequent users of foot porn sites, amassing female shoe collections, and being caught drooling over young women in Birkenstocks. 

It seems porn is getting the blame in the sex therapy community for this phenomenon, but I’m not happy with that explanation, which seems quite superficial. I’ve seen too many diabetic ulcers, corns, and tinea pedis for feet to be remotely appealing to me, but clearly many of my peers feel differently. The psychologist will say it’s all about their mothers and what the male infant sees at eye level, but that seems like Freudian guff to me. My conclusion is these blokes are being deliberate Cunts as a cowardly way to divorce and get a younger model. I wonder what The Corner makes of it. 

@Mrs Roops, you seem like you know everything. No doubt you’ve experienced a foot fetishist or two in your years as a lion tamer in Morocco, or underwater juggler in Fiji. What say you?

Nobody cares, you massive fucking bore.

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On 28/11/2022 at 08:59, Mrs Roops said:

Aww, bruised ego? You asked, I replied, brittle boy.

As for your churlish sign off, as a member of the pussy-whipped community you know the drill - no sustenance 'til you take out the rubbish, mown the lawn and oiled the revolving door for the guests, you temperamental dick.


Inter-member acrimony 

@Eddie, take control 

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